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> 5: Life cannot be a dream because our bodies bleed and break –


the exact same way they would in a nightmare that cannot be what it


a dream.


A collection of thoughts called " " wrote:


P: Yes, to call life a dream, is a fool's comfort. You cann't get rid

of suffering by labeling unreal, or by saying there is no doer, or

sufferer. Suffering whether in a nightmare or awake is still

suffering. A madman'ssuffering is real even if his hallucinations are

not. And responsability for suffering has to be shouldered.




Over two years ago Kundalini exploded -- the explosion and its

laughter should have killed me. Had I thought of death it would have

only made me laugh harder.

Papaji tells us about this hysterical " I am god " laughter.


I have been thinking about what it was that was so funny. It was an

unfathomable Awareness that everything in my past had been a dream;

the universe was my dream. I cannot explain it. But I will never be

the same.


About all the pain and suffering in the world: the more misery and

pain in my life the harder I would have laughed to realize that it

was all just a dream.


I think back and can now accept – that the worst torture, misery

and pain a person could suffer would not even be a drop in the

proverbial ocean compared to the Samadhi, Kundalini, Nirvana that

will wake us up either before death or with it.



The collection of thoughts called " " also wrote:

P: Could it be { and this is a wild guess :) } that Krishna is just an

imaginary sacred straw dummy and that the high priest of

the day was the ventriloquist who put those words in his mouth

to please the warrior class? After all, religions from time immemorial

have blessed all the wars fought by the ruling class.



There is a major problem when it comes to all scriptures. This is

especially true with the Bible. They start off to give us the simple

facts, like Reality, Silence, but our minds cannot understand

SIMPLICITY, Silence,and so the scriptures have to use noise,

words, thoughts, to explain Silence.

To put it simply: because a mind, person , cannot understand

Silence, Reality, scriptures have to go on all sorts of wild-goose-

chases with the words that can hopefully explain Reality, Silence,

to the seeker – when there is literally nothing but Silence to



Krishna does this in the Gita – he tells Arjuna that there are

are no doers, no previous lives. Arjuna, thoughts, cannot understand

this and so Krishna, the Gita, goes on about all the previous lives,



About reincarnation: Ramesh Balsekar's " Consciousness

Speaks " finally put everything together for me, after three

years of

utter confusion. If there is no Doer in this dream we call life, then

reincarnation (previous Doers) has to be myth, just another dream.

Going back to the scriptures: Advaita means that all there is

Reality, Silence and Silence's Nothing.


Silence's Nothing is thoughts. Thoughts come out of Nothing only to

return to be Nothing. Each one of us can discover this for ourselves

with/in meditation.


To understand Silence with thoughts, a mind, is impossible. Thoughts

are by definition a disturbance of Silence. How can a disturbance of

Silence understand Silence? It cannot. This is the formidable

problem that all the Advaita scriptures face for their verbal wild-



Advaita means not-two. Advaita means that if there is no-two there

cannot be a Doer. The core of every sacred scripture tells us that

there is no Doer. But the collection of thoughts we call " the

mind " is a Doer – and so we have books and books and books of

scriptures that have to tell all of us, minds - doers, about all the

doers, like gods and demons and devils, for us Arjunas.


If there is no Doer then life has to be a dream that is exactly like

a movie that has already been made – the mind and its collection

of thoughts called body are just going through the motions. (Movies

are just another dream inside a dream, that is inside of limitless

numbers of dreams, called TV channels. Why not? )


To put is simply: if there is a Doer then we have to throw Advaita

out the proverbial window. It is that simple, just like Silence



If there is no Doer then the words choice, freedom, pain, pleasure

are just disturbances of Silence we call words. If there is no Doer

then all there is, is Silence = Reality = Samadhi = Kundalini =

Nirvana and Silence's Nothing we call thoughts.


We have at least three collection of thoughts the saints of old, like

Shankara, did not have for their scriptures. These three collection

of thought scream at us that Reality, Silence is all there is; and

Silence's Nothing is called thoughts.


These modern collection of thoughts we call physics, computers,

TV's etc.


If we study physics we will quickly learn that sub-atomic particles

are nothing but thoughts. Like thoughts they come out of Nothing only

to return into Silence's Nothing.


Like thoughts the observer determines the observation. If the

observer wants to see particles then the observer creates the

thoughts called particles; and if the observer wants to see waves the

observer will create particles into waves. (HELL-O: If we see words

we call them truths if we want truths, and if we want lies the same

words will be lies.) It is literally impossible for a wave to be a

particle but physics tells us they are. The only way a wave can be

a particle is if they are both thoughts. Physics is screaming at us

that particles, waves, are nothing but thoughts. It goes far, far



Lets take a collection of thoughts, particles. Physics tells us that

matter cannot exist because it is, at best, a probability-cloud.

Then Einstein's physics tells us that there is no energy because

energy, light, has no time. Then Einstein tells us that mass =

energy. And if mass = energy then it also has to equal everything

else in E=mc2, c=speed = distance, space, and time PHYSICS is

telling us that energy= mass = distance = space = time. Does this add

up to Advaita? It has to.


Then Physics tells us that there is also no gravity because it is

just a warp in space and time….. it goes on until everything ends

up in Advaita's Nothing that physics calls its black-holes.


Lets take physic's thoughts (particles) one step further. When

non-existent gravity collapses the mass of planets and stars, it

ends up in a neutron star, then a black-hole. This means that

everything in the universe is made up of the thoughts that physics

calls neutrons.


A collection of neutrons forms an atom. An atom would be equivalent

to the collection of thoughts we call a sleep-dream. A collection of

thoughts called atoms are called molecules. The molecule is the

equivalent of the collection of thoughts we call a mind. Is this

screaming ADVAITA.


For those of us who insist that the mortal-dream, called life,

cannot be the same as the dreams we have in our sleep – PHYSICS

screams at us that the collection of neutrons in a molecule might not

be anything like the collection of neutrons in atoms but they are

exactly the same. HELL-O


Computers and their binary-language also scream exactly the same

ADVAITA story that physics screams at us, as does hypnosis. But

that will need another Shankara to explain.





semmin @ excite.com

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