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the outside reality can only point to the inside Reality called Self

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Instead of going forward further into the unknown what about taking one step back?

Has anybody studied thoughts long enough to make connections with particles-waves?

like an atom = dream

a molecule = a mind, a collection of molecules = multi-personality, etc

A collection of neutrons is just an atom that is like a collection of thoughts called a dream; a molecule is just a collection-of-atoms that is like a collection of dreams called the awake-mind.

An atom looks and behaves nothing like a molecule but the same holds for a dream and the awake-mind.

Is it a coincidence that the universe is made up of the singularity we call “neutrons” (“matter” collapses into neutron-stars) and the mind is made up of the singularity we call thoughts.

Thoughts can no more exist than can the neutrons that need antineutrons to exist. And also gravity cannot exist because it is a warp in space and time.

Thoughts can be broken down into different thoughts, and so can neutrons be broken down into protons + electrons.... etc.

Is it a coincidence that we cannot turn matter, probability-clouds, into anything “solid” because they are just thoughts? Thus the uncertainty-principle thoughts need to be elusive.

The further or deeper we look into matter and its universe the more we are creating it with more thoughts?

The thoughts we create make no sense, like probability-clouds, because they are based on previous thoughts that made sense but only until they are created (?) and then they cannot add up because they are thoughts -- so we need more and more thoughts to explain all the previous thoughts that cannot add up?

Why is the observer always at the center of the universe? Because the observer is the universe? Why does energy-light have no time and yet we do? If light has no-time then how can it travel? And if light can travel then how can black-holes make energy-time travel backwards?

Where are all the anti-particles? Where is the 9/10 ths of the universe? How can a wave always be a particle but not when it is observed?

Question after question. The further we go out the more absurd the questions – like the universe expanding possibly at beyond the speed of light.

The universe is an expanding sphere with no outside nor inside because time does not exist? (The past is the inside and the future is the outside of the expanding sphere.)

Is it a coincidence that we really cannot have any matter because its anti-matter is missing?

Is it a coincidence that both thoughts and particles-waves come out of and then go back into the same “nothing”?

The REAL MIND-BENDER: the more absurd the questions we have to ask about this universe the more rock-solid the technology it gives us. We have computers that calculate billions of calculations per second – what about the uncertainty-principle?

Doesn’t the uncertainty-principle tell us that the faster we push calculations the more uncertain they should get. Where are the uncertainties in these super-computers?

Do things not add up because thoughts are making things up as they go along? Whatever they create can thus be rock-solid even though nothing adds up.

Is it time to look at what is creating all these questions that basically don’t make sense – any more than thoughts can make sense?

I'm an ex-MD ( diseases = health didn’t add up) with an old passion for physics-science and for me thoughts and particles-waves, energy, are getting to be more and more the same.

Thus the observer determines the observation. The mind is what it thinks. Thus we are always the center of the universe we observe/create to observe.

If neutrons and thoughts are the same then what difference does it make if we are some code in a computer ( Mister Anderson of The Matrix), or if our imaginary brain is just connected to an imaginary computer that gives the brain all its dreams and imaginary outside realities… or if we are just dreaming about one of the above, or if we are convinced that we cannot be dreaming because everything is too-real, surreal, no matter how much things never add-up.

Things can never add up because Reality is Self - everyting else is thoughts -- the mind that just thinks it is looking to an imaginary outside when there is not even an inside because all there is, is Self.



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