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alt= " Readings 877 " > READING 877-26

M 46 (Corporation Lawyer, Protestant)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic

Crescent, Virginia, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of May, 1938,

in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [ 877 ], Active

Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

Time and Place: 4:10 to 4:40 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. New York City.

(Earthly existence in Poseidia, Atlantis, during first destructive

influences used by the << sons>> of << Belial>> ; when the influences

of the sun were crystallized through the crystal that then controlled

the motivative forces in the experience.) TEXT


EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now called or known

as [ 877 ]; those experiences in that sojourn in the earth environment

in what is called Poseidia, in Atlantis.

In giving the interpretation of the records as we find them, it is

well that there be given something of the background - or the

variations; that there is not confusion.

For in giving the experience of an entity's sojourn in a period as

remote as the early destructive influences in that land called

Atlantis, or in Poseidia, there is oft a confusion in the

interpretations of the records - as to whether Poseidia was the land

or Atlantis was the land.

There were also other centers that were developing. For in the

projections they began as many, and in creating influences they began

as five - or in those centers where crystallization or projection had

taken on such form as to become what was called man.

Hardly could it be said that they were in the exact form as in the

present. For there were more of the influences that might be used when

necessary; such as arms or limbs or feet or whatnot.

So, in following or interpreting the Poseidian period - or in Atlantis

- let it be understood that this was only ONE of the groups; and the

highest or the greater advancement in the earthly sojourning of

individual entities or souls at that particular period - or the

highest that had been save that which had been a part of the Lemurian age.

Hence we find there had been the separating into groups (as we would

call them) for this or that phase of activity; and those that were

against that MANNER of development.

The << Sons>> of << Belial>> were of one group, or those that sought

more the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for

self, WITHOUT thought or consideration as to the sources of such nor

the hardships in the experiences of others. Or, in other words, as we

would term it today, they were those without a standard of morality.

The other group - those who followed the Law of One - had a standard.

The << Sons>> of << Belial>> had no standard, save of self,


Those entities that were then the producers (as we would term today),

or the laborers, the farmers or the artisans, or those who were in the

positions of what we would call in the present just machines, were

those that were projections of the individual activity of the group.

And it was over these then, and the relationships that they bore to

those that were in authority, that the differences arose.

Then we find the entity, now known as or called [ 877 ], was among the

children of the Law of One; entering through the natural sources that

had been considered in the period as the means of establishing a

family. However, they were rather as a group than as an individual family.

For those who were of the ruling forces were able by choice to create

or bring about, or make the channel for the entrance or the projection

of an entity or soul, as the period of necessity arose.

Then such were not as households or as families, like we have today,

but rather as groups.

Their STANDARD was that the soul was given by the Creator or entered

from outside sources INTO the projection of the MENTAL and spiritual

self at the given periods. THAT was the standard of the Law of One,

but was REJECTED by the << Sons>> of << Belial>> .

But this entity, [ 877 ], is the one whom we are to follow in the

present; as for its application of those innate tenets, that are a

portion of the aroma of the innate being, as it were, or the influence

that is as the rate of vibratory force of the entity in its

relationships to the universal activity or vibratory forces.

These are the abilities to which the entity may attune self, through

all the various phases of its application in those directions in other


But that was among the first entrances, or the second entrance of the

entity FROM the without, into that form which became encased as an

entity, an INDIVIDUAL body, see?

The name then, as we would term in the present, was Deui (pronounced

Dar, or D-R); and the entity was active in the recording of the

messages, the directing of those forces that came with the use of the

light that formed the rays upon which the influence from without was

crystallized into what would become as the sound from the outer realm

to the static or individual realm.

These were not only the rays from the sun, set by the facets of the

stones as crystallized from the heat from within the elements of the

earth itself, but were as the combination of these.

For it was these gases, these influences that were used for what we

call today the conveniences as for light, heat, motivative forces; or

radial activity, electrical combinations; the motivative forces of

steam, gas and the like for the conveniences.

Then this entity, Deui, was among those who attempted to make such

influences a part of the experience of those who were - as indicated -

the producers of that used for food, clothing; for the MACHINES as it

were for the producing of these - as we would call them today; rather

than the machines used for the sources of the correlating or

centralizing or crystallizing of the activity in their very forms.

The use of these influences by the << Sons>> of << Belial>> brought,

then, the first of the upheavals; or the turning of the etheric rays'

influence FROM the Sun - as used by the << Sons>> of the Law of One -

into the facet for the activities of same - produced what we would

call a volcanic upheaval; and the separating of the land into SEVERAL

islands - five in number.

Poseidia, the place or the settlement of that particular sojourning of

the entity - Deui - at the time, then became ONE of these islands.

Hence the confusion that at times is seen by those who would interpret

such records.

As to the application of that the entity experienced, and the urges

received - or that are applicable in the present, we find:

The entity knows innately the RELATIONSHIP of the soul - or the first

cause of self - with infinity; the relationship of infinity to each

entity; and that there is no respecter of persons except as to how and

why each entity, as a spark of infinity, magnifies or uses its

relationship NOT for self-indulgence or gratification but for the

GLORY of that which is the source of light, of all that pertains to

light. For every spark of light, whether in the spiritual, the mental

or the material sense, must have its inception in infinity.

Ready for questions.

(Q) Was there any relationship in that incarnation with my present

wife, [ 920 ]?

(A) Because of the very relationship, and for the characterization of

same, there is the necessity that there be the comparison - rather

than the drawing from the individual.

(Q) With my friend, [ 1301 ]?

(A) The same would be applicable here.

As has just been indicated, ALL who were of the Law of One were

associated, see?

If they were of that group, then they were associated. Draw the

comparisons, you see, from the information given for each.

(Q) With my friend, Edgar Cayce.

(A) Just as indicated. These relationships are NOT to be drawn from

those experiences that were merely two or three thousand years back,

but remember - this sojourn was nearer to fifty or five hundred

thousand years before we even have the beginning of the LAW as the Law

of One manifested!

(Q) What was the fundamental basic principle of metaphysics and religion?

(A) As has been indicated.

We are through for the present. Copy to Self

Copy to Ass'n file



See 877-1 on 4/03/35. Also see 877-10 , 877-11, & 877-12 on hi Gobi


5/13/38 Request for this reading see under 877-1 Reports.


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