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Awakening: physics is the study of thoughts

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The Immaculate Assumption: physics is not a study of thoughts.

This Immaculate Assumption is the mother and father of all sorts of additional assumptions, and their absurdities.

When a thought cannot be a thought it defines an absolute absurdity. It does this because a thought cannot be anything else but a thought.

The law of absurdities: an absurdity needs all sorts of additional and bigger absurdities to make the original absurdity appear less absurd, and hopefully even reasonable.

Assumption #2: even though all thoughts, by definition, have to be “inside,” what we call a mind, brain, head, all sorts of absurdities keep most of these thoughts somehow in an imaginary “outside.” This imaginary outside we call the universe. This outside is imaginary because it is just a thought that has to be “inside” the mind.

Assumption #3: the thoughts of our sleep-dreams must be different from those the mind gets when it thinks it is awake, like Now.

Assumption #4: the mind only dreams during sleep.


Over five thousand years ago some sages around the Indus River, in India, realized that the universe was nothing but thoughts.

They realized that everything the mind, and its senses, got was just thoughts. This Realization made every field of knowledge into a study of thoughts. This study of thoughts these Indus River sages called their Supreme Science.

Once they Realized that the universe was nothing but thoughts everything instantly added up so that there was no more chaos or conflicts. Indeed everything added up so well that there were no more questions. Without chaos, conflicts and questions life was a Joy that was synonymous with dreaming. This Joy they called maya.

Life was this Joy called maya because these Awake sages realized that life was a dream in which the universe could not give them anything because they were the universe, and everything in it.

Until this Realization, or Awakening, all the information their senses, mind, gave these sages of old was just a limitless number of absurdities that always needed more and more absurdities so that the original absurdities could appear less absurd. These absurdities they called karma.

When thoughts cannot be thoughts then they turn into these absurdities that can never add up so they keep creating chaos and disorder called karma.

Karma makes maya entertaining. Just like in a dream, or reading a novel, or watching a movie, there can be no entertainment without some degree of karma that is otherwise conflict, disorder or chaos. The bigger the conflict the better the entertainment.

Five-thousand years later physics and thermodynamics are giving us the same exact absurdities that need more and more absurdities to make previous absurdities appear less absurd.

Is it a coincidence that the same absurdities physics has uncovered the last century are the exact same absurdities that these Indus River sages called karma, over five thousand years ago?

The thought called Nothing

These Indus River sages of old used meditation to study their thoughts.

In the Silence of thoughtless meditation they observed that thoughts were disconnected. There was a timeless-void between thoughts. Secondly; they observed that thoughts appeared out of this void or Nothing, only to disappear into this void or Nothing to be Nothing. Thirdly; these sages of old also observed that these apparent comings and goings of disconnected thoughts was totally unpredictable. They realized that there was absolutely no control of thoughts. Control was just a thought, as was its time.

Coincidence #1 to 3: Timeless and elusive and out of Nothing

Modern physics tells us that all particles are inherently elusive. The particles themselves, experts say, are not necessarily timeless and elusive but their ~quantums are. These quantums are timeless-voids that a particle can somehow never enter. Quantums are a timeless void that somehow separate a particle not from other particles but from itself. Particles need these quantums so that they can be both timeless and elusive, exactly like thoughts. #2 Just like thoughts, particles also appear out of Nothing and can disappear into Nothing. #3 This appearance and

disappearances is totally unpredictably. For this timeless, elusive and totally unpredictable behavior that all particles need to be exactly like thoughts scientists have an “Uncertainty Principle.”

Even though particles work exactly like thoughts physicists live by their Immaculate Assumption: that absurdities, like quantums, and going-and-coming-out-of-Nothing, cannot be thoughts. Particles cannot be thoughts, experts argue, because there are too many other even more absurd thoughts that make particles and their quantums less absurd.

Coincidence #4 The observer

After these sages of old studied their thoughts, in meditation, they realized that all thoughts were the same, Nothing but thoughts. What made thoughts different was maya, illusion. Thoughts are the same in exactly same ways all dreams are the same. The mind makes one dream different to another but it is just the mind. No matter how much one dream appears to be different from another they are all the same: dreams.

Not only are thoughts the same but these sages also observed that the thoughts they got in their sleep-dreams were the same thoughts a mind “gets” when it thinks it wakes up in the morning. This was especially obvious when they also realized that their mind never did know what it was doing. The mind never knows that it is dreaming because that is what it is/does. It is always dreaming that it is awake. If the mind is not awake then it cannot be dreaming.

These Indus River sages of old needed no further observations. When they realized that their mind was just a collection of uncontrollable thoughts they needed nothing else to be Awake. They knew they were Awake because life was a dream that was pure Joy. This Joy was the same Joy we get from dreaming, reading novels or watching movies. They called this Joy maya.

Because thoughts are timeless and uncontrollable, these Awake sages realized that trying to understand thoughts, dreaming, was a complete exercise in futility called karma. Thus once they were Awake, to be Joy, these sages had no questions. Questions could only dilute or corrupt the Joy these Awake sages were.

Once they were Awake they were this Joy called maya because the universe could not give them anything because they were the universe, and literally everything in it.

These Awake sages were aware that the mind is what it thinks. They also were Aware that the mind makes up what it thinks as it goes along finding more and more absurdities to make its absurdities appear less absurd. This is the entertainment or Joy of maya.

These awake sages also discovered that regardless of what the mind thinks it has no control over what it is, thinks. To question this control is the exercise in futility. Thus they had no questions.

Physics tells us the exact same story. Physics does not tell us that the mind is what it thinks because this would be incompatible with its Immaculate Assumption. Physics uses different words to tell us the same story: The observer determines the observations.

Not only does physics tell us that the “observer determines the observations” but it goes one step further. It tells us that at all levels, and from all angles, the observer always determines its observations. (Because it is the observations.)

At the smallest-level: If the observer wants to observe sub-atomic particles to be waves then particles will be waves. And if the observer wants particles then waves have to be particles. But then the uncertainty: if the observer tries to resolve this absurd duplicity that particles need to always be waves, then the best the observer can do is find not waves, nor particles, but probability-clouds.

Somehow these probability-clouds keep particles-waves just as timelessly elusive as are thoughts. Is this just a coincidence?

The more we want to pin a particle down in time and its space the more the particle turns into a cloud. If this is not enough then particles also jump around with their quantums so that they can be just as elusive as the thoughts they are.

And since energy is mass the observer can determine if it wants energy or mass for its observations. And time is also space and so the observer can also determine if it wants time or space for its observation. And since gravity is just a warp in space and time the observer must observe these warps if it wants to find the gravity that time and space need to be warped.

At the observer’s-level: If an observer is in an accelerating elevator in space or just stationary on a planet there is no difference because the observer determines the forces and not the acceleration or the gravity of the planet.

If the observer notices things moving then only the observer can determine what is moving. And no matter how much movement makes mass increases to infinity, and space shrink to nothing, and time slow to nothing, to the traveling observer; and his ruler, scale and watch; nothing changes because the observer has to determine the observations.

At the biggest-level: Experts tells us that when it comes to the universe the observer still determines the observations because he is always at the center of its universe. A center the universe cannot have.

The universe is an expanding-sphere with no outside nor inside. It is expanding just as fast as it can with the thoughts that keep it expanding. Some experts even tell us that thoughts like the red-shift make the universe expand even beyond the speed of light. This expanding-sphere has no inside because the inside is the past, that obviously cannot exist. The expanding universe also has no outside because this outside is the future, that also cannot exist.

And thus no matter where the observer is in/on this expanding universe he must always be at its center which it cannot have because it has no inside that the center needs to exist. No matter how absurd it has to be, the observer has to be at the center of the universe because he and not the universe determines the observations. Because, just like in a dream, the observer is the universe it is dreaming to observe.


Thoughts are the same singularity. They are all the same and anything that makes a thought different is the mind, maya. Maya can turn the same thoughts and create anything the mind can imagine, just like in a dream.

Coincidence #5

The Supreme Science tells us that the thoughts of our sleep-dreams are the same as those the mind gets when it thinks it wakes up.

Physics tells us that the same exact particles that make up atoms also make up molecules, and everything else we can imagine. Is this yet another mere coincidence?

Coincidence #6 Physics also has a singularity that masquerades as literally everything the mind can imagine in the universe. Their Immaculate Assumptions prevent physicists from calling this singularity a thought so they call this thought a neutron.

When a star swallows enough stars or planets only to burn out, then it collapses into a neutron star. According to experts, neutrons are the singularity of all the matter, and everything else, that makes up the universe. If this neutron is just a thought then it has no absurdities. If this neutron is something other than just a thought then its absurdities multiply as it needs more and more absurdities so that it can appear less absurd. With enough absurdities the absurdity called a neutron can pretend to explain how it can masquerade as everything that is different in the universe.

The neutron can split into an electron and a proton. This isn’t much of an absurdity until we find that electrons and protons are both attracted and repelled from each other. They are attracted to each other to form neutrons, and then they are also both attracted and repelled from each other so they can form atoms.

Atoms are thus just a collection of neutrons that the Indus River sages called the thoughts that are sleep-dreams. And a collection of atoms called a molecule are exactly like the thoughts these Indus River sages called their maya.

To say that the thoughts of our dreams are nothing like the thoughts we have when we think we are awake is like saying that molecules are nothing like atoms and thus they cannot be atoms; when in fact that is exactly what they are.

And if we want to go one step further, we might want to argue that bleeding-bodies and broken-bones cannot thoughts make; and this is exactly what the mind tell us in our sleep-dreams when bodies, blood and bones have to be nothing but thoughts.


coincidence #7 TIME IS just a thought

The gap or void between thoughts is timeless. A thought can only be observed to be either active, Now, or not. There are no such things as “time-thoughts” that herald the arrival and departure of thoughts. If there were time-thoughts then thoughts could be predictable and thus controlled. If there were time-thoughts then physics would not need its quantums nor its Uncertainty Principle. Time, however, is just a thought, as is its control, so there cannot be time-thoughts, only thoughts.

For coincidence #8 Physics tell us that light, energy is exactly like a thought because it also has no time, and so it cannot travel. And yet even thought it cannot travel it is just like a thought because it also cannot be caught. Is this yet another coincidence?

Light has no time because it can travel for billions of years and never lose any time, not even a millisecond. This is the first of Light’s at least three absurdities. Even though it has no time Light does the impossible, or absurd, and travels, and then some. For its next absurdity, Light not only travels but it travels faster than anything that has the time to travel. For its next absurdity, not only does Light travel faster than anything but literally nothing that has the time to travel can come even close to catching it.

Nothing can come even close to catching Light because there are at least three more absurdities: the best a chaser can do to catch Light is to increase its mass, shrink its space and slow its time. These three absurdities prevent anything that has time to travel from even trying to catch this timeless-light that cannot travel because it has no time and yet nothing that has the time to travel can even come close to catching it.

The Supreme Science: The observer cannot even try to catch Light because it is a thought. A thought would need more and more thoughts to catch a thought. All these thoughts cannot catch a thought because all they would be doing is just increasing the thoughts that think they will catch the thought called Light that cannot be caught because it is Nothing but a thought.

(And since all thoughts are the same only a thought can think that it can catch the same thought that it is.)


coincidence # 8 Change .. disorder to chaos.

Thoughts are all the same. When they appear to be different then it is just imagination, maya. The more different thoughts appear to be the more they create the karma that we call change and time.

Thermodynamics calls this karma “change.” Thermodynamics tells us that the very meaning of change is disorder. It tells us that there can be no order in the universe because change can only increase the change already present and this can never lead to order.

Thermodynamics is trying to tell us that the universe is our mind. It is trying to tell us that there can be no order in the universe because the order and its universe is in our mind. Thermodynamics is just the Law of Absurdities: an absurdity needs all sorts of additional and bigger absurdities to make the original absurdity appear less absurd, and hopefully even reasonable.

Both Thermodynamics and the Law of Absurdities tells us that change is an absurdity that can only go from disorder to chaos... so that the first absurdity called a neutron can masquerade as everything that is different in the universe. It does this so that the universe can keep expanding faster and faster with all the thoughts, neutrons, it needs to keep expanding. This it does at, or even beyond, the impossible speed of light even though at least nine-tenths of these thoughts, called neutrons, are missing.


The Indus River sages of old realized that there was a limit to absurdities. It is called Awakening. The universe cannot give the Awake mind anything because it is the universe, and everything in it.

It was this Awakening that killed a prince called Siddhartha Gautama to leave the Awakened or Self-realized mind called Buddha.

The universe could not give Buddha anything because he was the Universe, and literally everything in it.

-- each mind will filter these words for the thoughts that it is.

alias geepee


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