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The Silent Truth: Thoughts that can kill

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There is a core to spirituality that does not change from religion to religion, and from one Self-realized person to another.

The core of spirituality is Love.

The original-scriptures tell us over and over that Reality is this Love called Self.

I will limit the original-scriptures to the Hindu Vedas that all other scriptures copy for this/their Love.

Because this Love is the only Reality, these original-scriptures also tell us that everything else but the Self is just thoughts, illusions, maya. Since everything other than the Self is just thoughts, maya, these original-scriptures tell us that there is no “doer.”

There is no doer because all the roles are played by this Love called Self, Consciousness. This Self takes on all the different names and forms for its entertainment called maya. Maya is just another word for thoughts.

There is no doer because there is no-two only the singular Self. The thinking or philosophy that sort of goes with the original-scriptures or Vedas is called Advaita. Advaita means “not-two.” Advaita means that there is only the Self and thus there can be no “two” because everything other than the One, called Self, is illusion, maya.

In the original-scriptures the words not-two, maya, thought, dream, illusion and no-doer are all synonymous.

Any thinking or philosophy that assumes there is a “doer” might be a lot of things, but such thinking has absolutely nothing to do with either the Self or Advaita. To speak of the universe as being in a “reality” other than maya, thoughts, might be necessary for intellects, preachers, lawyers, generals, politicians and pundits but for the Self it is all part of the same maya, illusion, deception, thoughts.


In meditation, when the mind is thoughtless, we can all observe that thoughts come out of Nothing only to return into Nothing to be Nothing. (Actually "comings" and "goings" is like time itself, thoughts, and thus illusions. Thoughts thus cannot come and go, they are either timelessly there, Now, or not. )

Not only do thoughts appear to come and go out of Nothing but without time they do so just like the Uncertainty Principle tells us: with absolutely no control. Because time is just a thought, the thought that needs time to be called “control” also has to be a thought. And the control thoughts have over other thoughts is also a thought or illusion and thus there can be no doer that can control anything. The doer and its controls are all illusion, maya.

Sages around the Indus River, in India, used meditation to wake up to their thoughts over five thousand years ago. A few of them woke up to dreamless-sleep which they would call Samadhi. They discovered that dreamless-sleep was Reality, this Samadhi.

Samadhi is an unfathomable ocean of JOY that is so intense that it makes the universe and everything in it into an imaginary drop.

The only reason this Self or Samadhi can make the universe into an imaginary drop is because the universe and everything in it is just thoughts, the dream called maya. Compared to the Ocean of JOY, called the Self, all thoughts, maya, the universe, is literally Nothing, not even a drop.

We might think that bleeding-bodies and broken-bones cannot be thoughts but then that is exactly what the mind thinks in its sleep-dreams when they have to be thoughts.

Other than Samadhi, thoughts are all there is. These sages of old called thoughts maya. They Realized that there were two levels of the SAME thoughts.

The first level of thoughts were those of sleep-dreams. The second level of the same thoughts came when the mind thinks it wakes up in the morning to start dreaming its maya. These sages thus woke up to the fact that all thoughts were the same, be they in sleep-dreams or in the mind’s awake state.

If the thoughts were the same then the mind’s awake state or maya had to be the same exact illusion as is sleep-dreams.

The entire Advaita and Vedas is based on this fact: that we get the same exact thoughts in our sleep-dreams as we do when we think we are awake. They have to be the same because the mind does not know the difference between sleep-dreams and maya because it, the mind, is the thoughts that it thinks. The mind is always dreaming that it is awake. The mind might sometimes think it is dreaming but this is also just a thought.

Five thousand years later physics is telling us the exact same story.

Physics tells us that particles work just like thoughts. Is this an earth-shattering coincidence? Only if physics was a not part of maya could it give us a story that was different from the not-two of Advaita.

Particles work exactly like thoughts because they have to be thoughts. They cannot be anything else but thoughts. Even a marginal-mind would have to call a particle a thought -- even if he could see one with his own eyes, which he can’t. (Even if the particle is “outside” -- for it to exist it has to be a thought in the mind that we call a brain or head. )

The thought that life is an illusion called maya might be difficult for most of us to swallow. But so were quantums, and probability-clouds, hard for physicists like Einstein to swallow. Einstein died convinced that god was not a gambler. What Einstein never could understand was that the mind is what it thinks, be it gods, gamblers or anything else.

Self-realized souls

Regardless of their religions or backgrounds, all Self-realized minds agree with the original-scriptures when it comes to both this Joy, or Love, and the subject of maya which is synonymous with no-doer. They agree because they all keep telling us that the real Guru is “within.” This inner-guru is this Reality called Self, Love.

Most minds cannot understand how a Guru can be “inside” and so these Self-realized souls also keep telling us that this inner-Guru can always project itself into an imaginary outer-guru. They also tell us with consistency and certainty that we don’t have to actually seek an outer-guru because the inner-Guru will prophetically project this outer-guru when the “time” or maya is ripe or right; usually when it is the most entertaining.

Thus both the original-scriptures and Self-realized minds tell us that there is no doer in this outer-guru, or anyone else. Everything is projected by the inner-guru, the Self, that is playing all the roles of its gurus, names and forms.

For those important-minds that cannot accept the non-understandable simplicity of the Self, these scriptures have to become less and less original as they exercise futility by doing the impossible. This they do when they use stories to explain the unexplainable Self. And if these stories about imaginary doers and their births and deaths are not enough then these scriptures exercise futility even better by giving us even more stories about even more births and deaths that then need reincarnations.

The way scriptures exercise their futility is obvious in the Bhagavad Gita. In the Bhagavad Gita the very incarnation of the Self, the outer-guru called Krishna, tells Arjuna, his devotee, about all the births they have been through: “You and I have passed through many BIRTHS…”

Then, TEN-WORDS LATER, Krishna TOTALLY contradicts himself by saying: “My true being is UNBORN and changeless.” (Krishna is telling us that he is not what he is.)

This is the hopeless problem the scriptures create when they tell their stories. The very attempt to use stories to try and tell us about the unexplainable Self makes this Silence called Self into a deception when in fact the explaining, and explanation, is the deception.


Dreams are the only thing that satisfies this maya’s there-is-no-doer scenario.

In dreams there is no-doer because the dreamer is the subject, verb and object of the dream. In a dream the dreamer, the dreaming and everything that is dreamed is one and the Same.

But this is exactly what the “not-two” of Advaita keeps telling us about the mind’s “awake state” called maya. The original scriptures tell us that the only Reality is the unified-field called Self or Consciousness. This Self plays all the roles using different names and forms exactly like a dream because it is a dream, called maya. This Reality makes all names and forms into a deception, an illusion, maya, fairy-tales, a dream. There thus can be no difference between the mind’s sleep-dreams and its awake-dream, maya, because they are both made up of the same thoughts.

Important-minds would argue with this. An important mind would have to die before it would accept that the thoughts that make up the universe are the same thoughts we have in our sleep-dreams. An important-mind is another word for an ego. If a mind is the collection of thoughts that it thinks, then an ego adds a thought called importance to the thoughts that it is. Importance is just another word for ~karma. Karma is just a thought that maya needs to be


I will call a mind an ego if it cannot accept that all thoughts are the same. An ego thus cannot accept that the “I” and “Me” is the same as a “You” or “It” or even “dirt.”

In its wildest dreams an ego cannot imagine how comically deceptive, entertaining, this thought called importance can be. If a mind can accept that all thoughts are the same it will no longer have to be different from insignificant other thoughts like “you” and that” and then it would be the Self itself. This Self is unfathomably free and untouchable because the universe cannot give it anything because it is the universe.

A Self-realized mind accepts that since everything is the Self there can be no differences. Differences are maya, illusion, a dream, thoughts. And thus the only difference between the thoughts called a beggar or king, or even an ant, or even dirt is just maya. A mind might think about these possibilities. But an ego would have to die before it could realize that all is the Self and thus the only differences between a beggar and a king, or dirt, is thoughts, maya.

And this makes maya, the mind, into the Supreme Comedy because in Reality everything -- be it pauper or king, ant or dirt -- is literally the same Self, and only a mind, thoughts, can think otherwise. And thus we have the mind-blowing and eye-popping saying: from dust to dust and ashes to ashes. The same recycled dirt, dust and ashes makes the king as it does the pauper, and ants, and only the mind can think otherwise.

Maya, thought, is deception, illusion: the deception that there is many when in fact all is one and the same Self that is playing all the roles of names and forms.

Maya is the pure Joy of entertainment. When the observer takes entertainment to be important then this importance is the karma that makes maya entertaining. (There would be no entertainment if there was not some degree of deception, or conflict or disagreement that needs imaginary doers.)

Karma cannot be “what goes around comes around” because in Reality there is no doer that can make things go around to come around. In Reality Nothing is happening because other than the Self everything is just maya, thoughts.

Thoughts create karma when they try to be different when in Reality they are all the same, nothing but thoughts.

Egos today would argue that maya was OK 5000 years ago but today a modern or sophisticated mind knows better. Egos are certain that they know a reality when they find one. And if they can’t find a reality then egos are certain that they have all the thoughts, knowledge, they need to find a real reality, and perhaps more. Some of the better egos of Advaita, for example, can actually use words, like science, to prove that the 5000 year old maya is no longer unreal but real.

Science is in fact pointing us in another direction. Science is not pointing us out into the universe that thoughts keep expanding into more and more chaos and absurdities. Science is pointing us back to the Reality, the Unified Field, the supreme-order from which all thoughts, like the universe, comes. Science is trying to tell us: Return to the first thought, the big-bang, or a black-hole, and you will find Reality, the supreme-order of the Unified Field. Go out with the thoughts and it has to be a story of change, noise, disorder that thoughts create as they

feed off each other to be this chaos, and endless absurdities.

Indeed compared to the supreme-order of the Unified Field called Silence, all thoughts are simply some sort of noise or disorder.

And the more thoughts feed thoughts the more noise or disorder they create. Thermodynamics tells us about this disorder. Thermodynamics tells us that there can be no order in the maya called the universe because change can only make disorder worse, into chaos. For thermodynamics the notion that thoughts must feed thoughts so that they can have some “order” defines an absurdity.

By pointing us back to its Unified Field, or black-hole, science is telling us the same story that Advaita gave the Indus River sages, of India, over five thousand years ago. Not only does science tell us the same story but it goes one step further than Advaita’s not-two. Science’s unified-field is telling us that Reality is not Advaita’s not-two but the not-one of the no-thought Silence, Nothing, called a Black Hole.

Science, however, cannot tell us anything about its Unified Field. It cannot tell us about its Unified Field because it is a Black Hole for thoughts, Nothing. Advaita does. Advaita tells us with absolute consistency and certainty that this Unified Field is nothing but the Reality of dreamless sleep called Self, OM or Samadhi.

Science and absurdity --

Today science is giving us its black-hole -- its Unified Field -- so that it can tell us more certainly than ever that the collection of thoughts called maya, the universe, is far more unreal than it was 5000 years ago. Science is trying to tell us that maya is not only unreal but also absurd, and then some. Not only is maya absurd but it is absurd on top of being absurd that is, in turn, on top of being absurd, and then some. This maya is not only at least three-levels of absurdity but it keeps getting even more and more absurd as egos spend less and less time with

the one-tenth of the universe that they think they have found so that they can spend more an more time looking for the missing nine-tenths -- that they must use their thoughts to importantly find.

And the more thoughts we need to create all of maya’s limitless absurdities the more we create the karma that maya needs to be entertaining.

Just some of the absurdities on top of absurdities that science keeps multiplying the further we expand the big-bang of thoughts called the universe with the thoughts that it is, maya:

Matter exists even though there is no anti-matter that it needs to exist. If there is matter then nine-tenths of it is missing. Protons are attracted to electrons so that they can form neutrons so that they can also be repelled to form atoms. Gravity makes the universe expand. Particles are waves, and probability-clouds, mass is energy, time is space so that gravity can be imaginary because it is just a warp in space and time. Light, energy, has no time and so it cannot travel which it does so that it can keep doing the impossible on top of the impossible by going backwards into this non-existent gravity so that its time and space -- and everything else that is imaginable -- can be unimaginably less than nothing, negative,

inside its black-holes.

A black-hole is just a place where there are no thoughts. A black-hole is Silence, Nothing. This Silence or Nothing is the not-one Unified Field that the not-two sages of old called Reality, the Self.


Maya -

Maya is nothing more than the Joy of entertainment. There can be no “purpose” for maya except for the entertainment that is Joy, the Self. This is the same Joy the Self is/gets when we read novels or fairy-tales, watch movies and have dreams.

This Joy can only be Realized, however, as long as the mind does not take itself and all its imaginary doers seriously. There in no doer because everything is the Self playing all the roles of its different names and forms for the Joy of maya, entertainment.

For the Self all senses and sensations are just thoughts and thus they are all the same. Only the mind can polarize the senses into important thoughts like pains and pleasures that then have to generate karma as all sorts of imaginary perverts, hedonists, masochists and sadists chase each other around all over the place to keep maya entertaining. (If pain was not a thought then we would not have masochists. We also would not have the ”beauty that is in the mind (eye) of the beholder.” And we also would not have the thoughts that sometimes work better and are safer than drugs, placebos. )

The mind is a supreme-deception and/or supreme-entertainment because it is always dreaming that is awake.

If the mind has thoughts, then it is these thoughts. When a mind thinks about the universe it is the universe. If the mind is dreaming that it is awake then obviously it has to be awake otherwise it could not be dreaming.

If a mind thinks an illusion or even absurdity is real then the absurdity has to be real. Thus for some egos the absurdity called the Uncertainty Principle is so absolutely certain that it has to be real – no matter how certainly uncertain it has to be.

The entertainment is supreme because the more a mind thinks the less it can believe that it is the victim, defendant, police, judge, expert witnesses, witnesses, the evidence and also the jury, and the spectators, of literally everything that it thinks. Entertainment cannot get any better than that.

Because entertainment cannot get any better, this maya or mind is the supreme-entertainment, supreme-deception, and supreme-conspiracy that put together can be called this supreme-comedy.

An important-mind, ego, cannot think that it (and its maya) is funny, let alone a supreme-comedy, until it has to either die or lose its importance long enough to Awake and Realize that everything is its dream, maya. And the more serious a mind takes its imaginary-doers the funnier it will be when it has to die or wake-up to Realize that everything was/is just thoughts, a dream, maya. This includes , all the kings and paupers, ants and dirt.

Otherwise, this supreme-comedy tells us that life is just a collection of thoughts called a dream, maya. It is a supreme-comedy because the worst that that can happen in this dream called maya is that the mind will either have to die or lose its importance long enough to wake up. And the best thing that can happen is that the very thought of death will kill it, with laughter.

This lethal-laughter is this Supreme Comedy from yet another direction. Beyond our wildest dreams each one of us is the personification of limitless Joy. So the supreme-comedy is that only the mind, thoughts, can look or seek this Joy that we cannot lose because we eternally are this Joy.

This infinite JOY is the Reality of dreamless-sleep called Samadhi. Samadhi is diluted with thoughts into all sorts of different names like Nirvana and Kundalini.

And the only reason we cannot Realize the infinite JOY, which we are, is because each morning our mind wakes up from the Reality we are, Samadhi, to start its dreaming about pains and pleasures, desires, needs and wants, fears and phobias that are so important that these thoughts overshadow the infinite and eternal Joy we all are.

Kundalini is just a not so rare, but hardly ever recognized, multi-dynamic, outburst of this infinite JOY called Samadhi. Kundalini can rarely make the thought of death so funny that its laughter can kill, all thoughts; like the universe and everything in it.

It is this fathomless JOY called Kundalini/ Samadhi that killed the mind call Siddhartha Gautama thousands of years ago to leave the Self-realized mind called “the awake one,” Buddha.

Siddhartha’s death is telling us that the thought called death is supremely-funny because -- as in the case of Siddhartha -- only thoughts, the mind, can die. The thoughts called Siddhartha are thus dead but the Self, the Love called Buddha, lives eternally.

When the mind is gone, as in dreamless-sleep, it leaves this eternal JOY that we are but cannot Realize because the mind is what it thinks.

If the mind thinks that it is a prince, like Siddhartha did, then it is a prince. And if a mind thinks it is the Self, like Buddha did, then it is the Joy called Self that is totally free and untouchable. And because a Self-realized mind is untouchable it cannot care about the thoughts we call beggars or kings or ants nor even dirt. The universe cannot give the Self, like Buddha, anything because it is the universe and everything in it.

And the funniest part of this Supreme Comedy is that we are all Self-realized because we are eternally Self-realized and cannot be anything else but Self-realized – because we are the Self that is eternally Self-realized; and only thoughts, minds, and especially egos, can think otherwise.

And yet how many of us egos can think that we are the same no-thought Nothing, Self, that dirt is. And should Kundalini kill our minds with the JOY that vanishes all thoughts then it will be the supreme-comedy. The thought of death is the supreme-comedy because it is the Awakening that kings and paupers need to turn into the same worms, dirt and ashes as is the Self.

And the Self says: for the karma that maya needs to be entertaining, each mind will filter these words for the thoughts that it is.

alias geepee




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