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Ancient-Mysteries , " gypsylittledove "

<gypsylittledove@a...> wrote:

Didn't he die at age 33 too? Not sure. ~G










01/09/05 16:31:12




[Ancient-Mysteries] 33 Degrees- Number of the Master








33 Degrees


Number of the Master.


© Olga Morales




Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I


asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching


my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced


it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the


planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological


circle equals 360 degrees – 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each.


The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where


it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and


debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be


the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and


debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered?


In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement


against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees


and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the


Nakshatra called Krittika – which we know as The Pleiades and 3


degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha


which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in


Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360


degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33


degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the


brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33


degrees – the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using


Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into


two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the


number of the Mother Star – 33 degrees.


The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic


objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures.


According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the


Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven


Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring,


Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. `The Pleiades were


known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America,


Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were


described more than 40,000 years ago.' 1


`The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in


astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC,


Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox…. And their


beginning of the year gave rise to the title `The Great Year of the


Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years. " 2


Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested


that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza


commemorate these seven stars. 3 `And here is a wonderful


corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion,


at midnight of the autumnal equinox…the Pleiades were distributed


over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the


line. " 4


What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of


the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and


completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess.


According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid


was `Khuti,' which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious Ones.


Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also


symbolical of the `Great Altar Stairs,' by which men climbed




Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual


Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births


great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the


centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves.


Our current astronomers do not support this idea although in the


1850's it well accepted. `Science has at last discovered that the


Sun is not a dead centre, with planets and comets wheeling around it


but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in


motion, around some other and vastly mightier centre. Astronomers


are not fully agreed as to what or where that centre is. Some


however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the


Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer,


Prof.J.H, Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery.


Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be


the " midnight throne " in which the whole system of gravitation has a


central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe.' 5


An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to


go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the


Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the


Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on


ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. `Wasat, an Arabic name


of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy,


is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the


knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately


removed fact, that in this group is the centre of the revolving,


contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots.


The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of


science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old


Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning,


centre, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of


modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre,


gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the


Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.' 6 Does Cyon not sound like


Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? `Glorious things of Thee are


spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to


be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.


I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient


Astronaut from the Pleiades'7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 – 1953,


the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided


on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this


star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of


Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was


called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it


reads, `And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the


daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the


kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the


Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.


At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and


its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name,


which seems to mean `of Magdala' – with some possible interpretation


as `place of the dove', `place of the tower' and `temple-tower'. 8


In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes


that `tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is


translated into Magdal-edar.9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret


Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of


Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary


Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic


origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans


of Meso-America called the Pleiades `the cranary' for it was the


seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave


her children the codes of light.10 The Merovingians founded and


named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of


Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the


mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to


David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy -


another Pleiadian connection.


In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene


and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most


venerated Egyptian goddess – the creatress from whom all arose. The


sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus.


Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the


Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the


nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote


by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia


Straiton. `Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith,


Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or


woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis…but Isi was Jesse, the father of


David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in


Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish,


man, was Jes-us.' 11


This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian


traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a


manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross


however he travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa.


Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa.12 His tomb


is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the


tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically


in Srinagar – which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found


in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus


was referred to as a naggar13 actually mistranslated into a


carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word


for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar – a serpent of


wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery


schools of Isis in Egypt. `Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful


as doves' Matthew 11:16 `Many Gnostic traditions identified the


Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who


spoke to Eve `from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which


were in the paradise of Adam.'' 14


Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom,


examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu


(Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas,


Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Levites, Lung Dragons and


Quetzlcoatls. There are many traditions, which also state that the


Serpents were Extra-terrestrials. ` Some of the Interstellar


Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades.


[According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these


androgynous Serpents are known as the `sacred seven,' and said to


have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades,


in order to instill within developing humankind the spark of the


individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries


mated with the human population and their progeny spread throughout


Atlantis.' 15 (Could this be the source of the Fallen Angels in The


Book of Enoch?) This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also


mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene and


Alcyone, two of the seven Pleiadian sisters, had mated with


Poseidon, King of Atlantis and their offspring populated Atlantis.


Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke, 16


Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a


high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies


keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the


Egyptian Mysteries. I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-


degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page


54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of


the Pleiades. He explains, `This Masonic emblem, has a direct


allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol


of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry home beyond the


grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons


that, of all the `hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an


emblem by our ancient brethren.' 13 The ladder is also made of seven


step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, that


which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed


over the heart of the candidate for red is sworn to in Masonry. I


believe the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of


the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The


first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at


Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council and it lies


exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree


is 33 degrees – the Grand Master. If you break up the word Mason


into two - Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun. It is interesting to


note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was


the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One. Maya, was the


virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin


mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of


Maia/Maya/Mary when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the


Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades.


In the Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston connects the Hebrew alphabet


with the constellations and Pleiades is said to be associated with


the Hebrew letter Ayin, the pictograph being an eye. Immediately, I


thought of the `All Seeing Eye' used so prolifically in Masonic


imagery, especially above the apex of the Great Pyramid, even on the


American dollar bill. Remember, Seiss' belief that the Pyramid was


built as the midnight throne celebrating the midnight culmination of


the Pleiades – could this be symbolised by the Pyramid and the Eye?


I went a little further and located the letter Ayin on the Kabala


tree. It is found on the 26th pathway and connected with the sign of


Capricorn and the Tarot card of the Devil. In the Aleister Crowley


Thoth Tarot Deck, the Devil is represented in the traditional form


of the Goat, however there is some unusual imagery that I found very


intriguing. The goat has a third eye and his head is adorned with a


bunch of grapes. (Wine had a mystical relation to the Dove (the


Pleiades) which is the Holy Spirit or the Shekinah in Hebrew.)


Below him, is a winged caduceus (Hermes) and under its hoofs are two


balls with humans inside going through what I assume to be symbolic


creation. You can see the DNA chromosomes and mitosis occurring.


Behind this, is a shaft piercing a cosmic ring in the heavens. Most


horned creatures like Pan represented fertility and creation and the


May Time celebrations of Beltane incorporated this celebration. The


Maypole had seven ribbons, I believe representing the seven sisters


of the Pleiades. `Pan was an important model for medieval pagans'


Horned God, whom the church called Satan. The devil always displayed


Pan's attributes of goat-hoofs, horns, and unremitting lust;


sometimes also a goat head and an attendant throng of satyrs.'14


When the Knights Templer were accused of heresy in the 14th century,


it was based on their worship of Baphomet – a bisexual idol pictured


with hoofs, a goat's face, with both male and female features, and


thus they were called `devil worshippers'. Could it simply have


been another Pleiadian connection?


`With November, the Pleid-month, many primitive people began their


year; and on the day of the midnight culmination of the Pleiades,


November 17, no petition was presented in vain to the ancient Kings


of Persia; the same event gave the signal at Busiris for the


commencement of the feast of Isis, and regulated less immediately


the celebrations connected with the 52 year cycle of the Mexicans.


Australian tribes to this day dance in honour of the `Seven


Sisters'. 15 The months of May and November and their numerous


festivals and celebrations are all associated with the Seven


Sisters. Their rising in November marked the time for worship of


deceased family and friends. `Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades'


archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them


also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Hathors. The dead had


to speak the names of these Goddesses to pass their `critical'


examination and enter paradise.' 16


I believe this is the source of the Judgement of the Dead linked


with the month of November, when the Pleiades are high in the night


sky. In the Halls of Judgement, the goddess Maat weighed the souls


of the dead against her ostrich- feather of truth as the ibis-headed


scribe Thoth stood to record the judgement. In Christian


iconography, Archangel Michael holds a pair of scales on the Day of


Judgement recognised as All Soul's Day on the 2nd November. The


ancient Celtic civilisation gathered to celebrate the festival of


death `Samhain' during the dark night of October 31st and at


midnight, a time of death to the old year and birth to the new, it


was the Celtic New Year. November is the month of the dead and


Scorpio and ruling planet Pluto are all connected with death and


rebirth. The Persians called November Mordad, or `Angel of Death.'


I often wonder how the zodiac signs acquired their symbolism, for


example why Scorpio and its eight house and ruler Pluto are all


linked to death and rebirth? What I have found through my research


into The Pleiades, might be the answer. It has been recorded in the


Babylonian Talmud that the flood of Biblical Noah was the result of


two stars falling from Khima (the Pleiades) towards Earth. Could


this correspond with the legend of the lost pleid? Was this the


sinking of Mu/Atlantis and the end of the Golden Age and thus we


still mourn the dead in November? I discovered some very confirming


evidence in the book When the Earth Nearly Died by Allen and Delair.


They argue that the world experienced total catastrophe in 9500 BC


when a Vela supernova exploded and the Earth's axis subsequently


tilted to 23 and a half degrees and the Age of Darkness took hold.


What I found in the book was this. `Chinese traditions similarly


tell how, during the time of the legendary emperor Ya-hou: `a


brilliant star issued from the constellation of Yin' prior to a


tremendous global upheaval.' 17 I searched my Chinese Astrology book


and found the Yin Star to correspond with Beta Scorpionis (Graffias,


a triple star situated in the head of the Scorpion) and connected


with plenty of water (flood). The symbol of Yin and Yang thus


represents Scorpio (Yin) and its opposite sign Taurus (Yang).


Remember in November, the Sun is in Scorpio but at night The


Pleiades are high in the sky, in Taurus. The Maya/Aztec called the


Pleiades the tzab rattle – that of a snake and every 52 years, in


the middle of November, when the Pleiades were directly at the


zenith at midnight at Mexican latitude, it was believed that the


world would end; it had already been destroyed and re-created four


times in the past. The New Fire Ceremony was held once they knew


that they were safe for another 52 years. Thus, the specific


symbolism of the constellations, zodiac signs and planets seem to


reflect actual historical events, similarly recounted in many Myths.


What I have presented above is just the tip of the iceberg of what I


have discovered. It is obvious from legends and myths that the


Pleiadian Star System was the locus of our cosmic inheritance and


the source of the mystical wisdom known by the High Initiates of the


Mystery Schools of Isis.








1. Hand Clow, Barbara. Catastrophobia, Vermont: Bear and Co., 2001.


pg 101


2. Allen, Richard Hinckley. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning. NY:


Dover Pub. 1963. pg 392.


3. Ibid., pg 399


4. Seiss, Joseph A. Miracle in Stone: or the Great Pyramid of Egypt


(1877). Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, USA.


5. Ibid, pg


6. Rolleston, Frances. Mazzaroth Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing,


pg 28.


7. www.premier1.net/~raines/jehovah.html


8. Picknett, L & Prince, C. The Templar Revelation, NY: Touchstone


1997, 248.


9. Starbird, Margaret, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Santa Fe:


Bear and co, 1993 pg 50.


10. Polich Bluestone. Judith. Return of the Children of Light.


Vermont: Bear and Co, 2001. Pg. 12.


11. Straiton Valentia, E, Celestial Ship of the North, Kessinger


Publishing, 1927, pg. 101.


12. Hatcher Childress, David, Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and


India, USA; Adventures Unlimited, 1985, pg. 271.


13. See note 8, pg. 235.


14. Walker, Barbara G. Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.


NY: HarperCollins 1983, pg. 803.


15. Pinkham, Mark Amaru. The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom. USA:


Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997, pg. 231.


16. Icke, David. Children of the Matrix. USA: Bridge of Love


Publications, 2001, pg. 328.


17. Brown, Robert Hewitt, 32 degrees. Stellar Theology and Masonic


Astronomy. Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, pg. 51.


18. See note 14, pg. 765.


19. See note 2, pg. 401


20. See note 14, pg. 803


21. Allan, D.S and Delair, J.B. When the Earth nearly died. Bath:


Gateway Books, 1995. Pg. 212.








Olga Morales is an Australian astrologer and author of Eclipse of


the Soul, a novel inspired by much of the information contained in


the article above. For more information, visit www.booksurge.com.


Olga can be contacted by email at olgam@n...








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