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Hopi Warnings.

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Hopi warnings to the world



Posted: March 29, 2005by: Brenda Norrell / Indian Country TodayClick


EnlargePhoto by Kerry Richardson -- (Top photo) Thomas Banyacya

(left) talks

with Phillip Deere at D-Q University, near Winters, Calif. Hopi

elders Dan

Evehema and Banyacya urged mankind to turn away from greed, and turn

to the

spiritual path, in order to prevent global catastrophies. (Bottom

photo) Brenda

Norrell Indian Country -- Dan Evehema



HOTEVILLA, Ariz. - From Hopiland, a spiritual vortex for Native


spiritual leaders Dan Evehema and Thomas Banyacya became the voice

of the

voiceless: the birds and animals. Warning of the impending

apocalypse, they

urged all people of good hearts to join them.


Even in their last years, Evehema and Banyacya warned that material

greed and

ignoring spiritual truth results in climate change, and, ultimately,


destruction of the world.


Hopi Snake Priest Evehema said the disease in the world today is

greed, and the

final insult for this country's aboriginal people is the loss of




''We are now faced with great problems, not only here but throughout

the land.

Ancient cultures are being annihilated. Our people's lands are being

taken from

them. Why is this happening? It is happening because many have given

up or

manipulated their original spiritual teachings.


''The way of life that the Great Spirit has given to all people of

the world,

whatever your original instructions, are not being honored. It is

because of

this great sickness called greed, which infects every land and


Evehema said, at the age of 105, in a statement to all humanity.


''Now we are at the very end of our trail. Many people no longer

recognize the

true path of the Great Spirit. They have, in fact, no respect for

the Great

Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life.''


Evehema said Hopi long ago were told that someone would go to the

moon and bring

something back. Because of this, nature would show signs of losing

its balance.


''Now we see that coming about. All over the world, there are now

many signs

that nature is no longer in balance. Floods, drought, earthquakes

and great

storms are occurring frequently and causing widespread suffering.


''Now we must look upon each other as brothers and sisters. There is

no more

time for divisions among people.''


Evehema said there is no freedom of the press for traditional Hopi

speaking the

truth because newspapers only publish what the government wants

printed. He said

the leaders in the White House and the Glass House (United Nations)

have been

warned of what is to come, but have not listened.


''So, as our prophecy says, it must be up to the people with good

pure hearts

that will not be afraid to help us to fulfill our destiny in peace

for this



Banyacya was among the Motee Sinom (Hopi for first people) who urged

the United

Nations in 1992 to listen. Banyacya said traditional Hopi follow the


path given by Massau'u (the Great Spirit).


''We made a sacred covenant to follow his life plan at all times,

which includes

the responsibility of taking care of this land and life for his

divine purpose.

We have never made treaties with any foreign nation, including the


States, but for many centuries we have honored this sacred

agreement. Our goals

are not to gain political control, monetary wealth nor military

power, but

rather to pray and to promote the welfare of all living beings and

to preserve

the world in a natural way.''


In 1948, traditional Hopi spiritual leaders chose Banyacya and

others to carry

the message forward. Repeating the wisdom, Banyacya said the Creator

made the

first world in perfect balance, but humans turned away from moral

and spiritual

principles and only a handful survived the earthquakes.


The mistakes were repeated in the second world, and freezing in the

great ice

age destroyed the people. The third world lasted a long time and, as

in the

previous worlds, the people spoke one language. They invented

technologies still

unknown to modern man, but eventually turned away from natural laws

and pursued

material things.


''They gradually turned away from natural laws, pursued only

material things,

and finally only gambled while they ridiculed spiritual principles.

No one

stopped them from this course, and the world was destroyed by the

great flood

that many nations still recall in their ancient history and

religious teachings.



''The elders said again only small groups escaped and came to this

fourth world

where we now live. Our world is in terrible shape again even though

the Great

Spirit gave us different languages and sent us to four corners of

the world and

told us to take care the Earth and all that is in it.''


Banyacya said mankind is in the final days of the prophecy.


''What have you, as individuals, as nations and as the world body,

been doing to

take care of this Earth?'' Banyacya asked the United Nations.


''In the Earth today, humans poison their own food, water and air


pollution. Many of us, including children, are left to starve. Many

wars are

still being fought. Greed and concern for material things is a

common disease.''



Banyacya said Hopi foretold of the ''gourd of ashes'' (atomic bomb)


destroyed thousands in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hopi believe that the


Gulf would have been the third great war if use of the worst weapons

had not

been stopped.


''We do have a choice. If you, the nations of this Earth, create

another great

war, the Hopi believe we humans will burn ourselves to death with



''Nature itself does not speak with a voice that we can easily


Neither can the animals and birds we are threatening with extinction

talk to us.

Who in this world can speak for nature and the spiritual energy that

creates and

flows through all life?''


Banyacya said it is necessary for human beings that have not


themselves from the land and nature to speak out.


Finally, he said, the first people and the spirit of the ancestors

are giving

loud warnings. He pointed out that there are increasing floods,

hurricanes; hail

storms, climate changes and earthquakes.


''Even animals and birds are warning us with strange changes in

their behavior,

such as the beaching of whales. Why do animals act like they know

about the

Earth's problems and most humans act like they know nothing?


''If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great

purification will come

to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed.''


Evehema and Banyacya died within three weeks of one another in early


Evehema died at the age of 108 on Jan. 15, 1999. Banyacya, born in

1910, died on

Feb. 6, 1999.


Their voices live on.



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