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the A+B+C of Advaita

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What did the Indus River sages of old discover over five thousand years ago? What did they discover about their thoughts that made them come up with the not-two of Advaita?

Forget about their gods, forget about meditation … forget about everything connected with philosophy and religions and beliefs. What we are talking about here is very simple logic. Logic that is so simple that it makes the multiplication of mathematics complicated.

With this very simple logic of A+B+C even a relative-fool, like me, can understand how these sages of old came up with their not-two of Advaita. Not only can a relative-fool understand this Advaita but he will not need one single god or scripture, not even a mantra, to do so.


The Indus River sages of 5000 years ago came up with a word that has been handed down to us as “maya.” They used this word for the words we use as “living” or ‘life.”

These Indus River sages of 5000 years ago used meditation to study their thoughts. They studied not the content of their thoughts but they studied how thoughts were put together. Specifically, they studied how their thoughts were compartmentalized.

But for those who feel that the use of meditation to study thoughts is humbug there is something far more simple. It is the Hercules-heal of all illusions.

A: The Hercules-heal of all illusions -- memory.

These sages observed that they all exchanged memories with thoughts. They observed that they would exchange memories with thoughts depending on what the mind wanted at any particular time.

This is a lot easier to observe in others than ourselves. And if we compare shared experiences, with those we shared the experiences with, then we will discover that often one observer has such different memories about the same experience that the experience could not have been the same – when, obviously, it has to be. The observations are different because one or the other, or both observers have inserted thoughts for memories. The more emotions in an experience the more likely

these emotions will force the observers to insert thoughts for memories and thus differ with their observations about the shared experience.

The Hercules-heal of maya tells us that the only reason the mind can routinely exchange thoughts with memories is because they are one and the same. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

If thoughts are memories, and thus the same, then time is imaginary, an illusion. And if time is an illusion then everything that goes with time is also an illusion, like the universe. It has to be an illusion because memories are nothing but thoughts. There is no difference. If thoughts were different from memories then hypnosis and brain-washing would and could never work.

With nothing else but this A: The Hercules-heal of all illusions, memory (memories are thoughts); we can break through the mortal-dream we call “reality” to discover exactly what these sages of old discovered: that life was, in fact, an illusion, maya.

Now to think otherwise we would have to exercise futility and prove that a memory cannot be a thought. It would have to be an exercise in futility because the proof would also have to be valid in our sleep-dreams in which/where all memories are just thoughts. In dreams memories have to be thoughts because they have to go forward and backwards in time – and a memory cannot go forward in time.

B: Thoughts cannot be controlled.

In the thoughtless silence of meditation even a relative-fool, like me, can observe that thoughts come out of Nothing only to return into Nothing to be Nothing. Not only do they come out of nothing but there is absolutely no control of these thoughts. Physics echoes this observation with its Uncertainty Principle, and thermodynamics gives us a similar story.

If there is no control of thoughts then the assumption that we can control our thoughts is pure illusion. This control of thoughts is the same illusion we need to think that thoughts are different from memories. Thus, no matter what the mind thinks, thoughts cannot be controlled. IT IS, again, THAT SIMPLE.

C: Compartments

In Meditation these sages of old observed their thoughts, that put together formed their sleep-dreams. We don’t even have to do that. We don’t have to meditate to study our dreams. All we have to do is remember them and observe how thoughts are compartmentalized inside of dreams.

Thoughts are compartmentalized inside of sleep-dreams in the exact same way (the thoughts we call ) neutrons are compartmentalized inside of atoms.

The mind is locked into a sleep-dream with its thoughts that are disconnected from all outside thoughts that the mind needs to realize that it is dreaming. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

If we observe our sleep-dreams then we will realize that we can have a dream about our parents when they were younger than we are. But the thoughts inside the dream are confined to the sleep-dream and thus there are no thoughts from outside for the dreamer to realize that his parents cannot be younger than he is.

In our sleep-dreams the mind is locked into its dreams and thus cannot use thoughts from outside the dream to realize it is dreaming.

(For those of us that think we can wake up in/from our dreams – this is just an illusion that is part of the dream. This becomes apparent when we have dreams in which we are sure we are dreaming but then we look around and think – “things are far too real to be a dream” ; and believe it, only to wake up later to realize that, in the dream, we talked ourselves out of the dream. )

Again, in sleep-dreams we are locked into our dreams so that we cannot use thoughts from outside the dream to realize that we are dreaming – unless it is a part of the dream. In the mortal-dream called life, maya, we are locked inside another compartment that we call our body.

In physics the sleep-dream would be the compartment called an atom whose molecules would have to be the compartment called a body. The Body, with its mind, is thus nothing but a compartment for thoughts. IT IS, yet again, THAT SIMPLE.

In maya our thoughts are compartmentalized into a body so we cannot use thoughts from outside the body to realize that the body, its mind, thoughts, are no different from the thoughts from outside the (imaginary) body.

Put the A: Hercules-heal of maya, and then B: the illusion-of-control, and then the C: compartmenting-of-thoughts together and you have everything the Sages of old needed to come up with Advaita and its maya. And if you have any doubts about the unreality or surreality of maya then go to Physics and it will tell you the exact same story with its Uncertainty Principle, its waves that are particles, and its compartments of atoms and molecules.

Thus these Indus River sages of old discovered that the thoughts of our sleep-dreams are the exact same thoughts maya needs, to appear real. Thus in a sleep-dream the subject, verb and object – the dreamer the dreaming and everything that is dreamed – are all one and the same. Advaita tells us exactly the same story about maya.

The not-two of Advaita tells us that in life, maya, the subject, verb and object are also the same because the Dreamer, the Self, plays all the roles of everything and everyone in its dream called maya; EXACTLY LIKE A DREAM, because it is a dream. Maya is just as certainly a dream as a molecule is certainly made up of atoms. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

And yet we might want to argue that bleeding-bodies and broken-bones do not thoughts make, but then that is exactly what we would say in our dreams when they have to be thoughts.

But then we might insist that only a fool would think that fire is just is a thought. And this fool would then need a miracle in his sleep-dream to explain why fire did not burn his hand.

Now if a “he” or “she” or “they” and even a relative-fool, like me, had a study group that could care less about gods and their religions, scriptures and mantras, and was only interested in the study of thoughts, then such a group could do what the sages of old did. They could use their study of thoughts to add up A + B + C and Realize the not-two of Advaita… and thus be self-realized.

And if such a relative-fool, like me, could put A + B + C together then I/he/you would understand Advaita so well that I / he / you, must be not only Arjuna but also Krishna, and literally everyone and everything else the mind can imagine in its mortal-dream called maya.


-- Krishna, alias Christ

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