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The Language called Advaita

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Advaita is simply a language that tells us that everything is the Self. With this language, Advaita, the Self plays the roles of everything and everybody under different names and forms.

Since all languages need some sort of subjects and objects we have to use these subjects and objects for this language called Advaita. But for Advaita to communicate its eternal message its subjects and objects must be used in such a way that they can always cancel each other into the Nothing that leaves only the Self.


Just a few sentences that allow/make subject and object to be the same:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The mind is what it thinks. Love your neighbor as yourself. A rose is a rose is a rose. When the mind is awake it is asleep to the Self. Some cry to make others laugh. Do to others what you want them to do to you. Laugh and the world laughs with you.….


The game that this Self plays with all its different names and forms is called maya. This maya we call “life.” Maya can also be called the Supreme Comedy because everything that appears different in this maya, life, is the same Self.

Maya thus works exactly like a dream in which the dreamer is the dreaming and also everything inside the dream.

Everything in the universe can and does appear different but only because this Everything is just thoughts. Compared to the Self thoughts are Nothing. Thoughts come out of Nothing to return into Nothing to be the Nothing that leaves only the eternal and changeless Self.

In Advaita one collection of thoughts is called a dream, and another collection of thoughts is called a mind.


Physics tells the same story: everything in the universe that appears different is in fact the same thoughts called neutrons. Waves or particles, energy or mass… physics tells us that they are all the same thoughts called neutrons.

In physics one collection of thoughts (neutrons) is called an atom and another collection of the same thoughts is called molecule.


One might argue that bleeding-bodies and broken-bones cannot be thoughts but in dreams that is exactly what they are.

The Supreme Comedy about this maya: only those minds that lose their separate-ness, their egos, can understand this language of non-separation or not-two called Advaita.

An ego is just a collection of thoughts that separate thoughts from the Self. Because thoughts separate egos from the Self they cannot understand any language in which there is no separation because subjects and objects are the same, Self.

When thoughts DON’T separate thoughts from the Self then the non-separate wholeness is the Joy of the Self.

Non-egos are this Joy that makes thoughts like pleasure, pain, suffering, torture and even death comically cancel each other into the Nothing that leaves this same Joy called Self.

This Joy called Self is -- in its undiluted or thoughtless form -- the dreamless-sleep called Samadhi.

This Joy called Samadhi You are, I am and ALL IS – and only the thoughts that “separate” (there can be no separation) an ego from the Self can think otherwise.


The mind is what it thinks. And so, just like with any other language -- if you learn this language called Advaita then you will think it to be it, the language. And as you become this language called Advaita then all subjects becomes the same Joy of the objects called Self.

If these words do not make sense then there are other words that say the same thing: self-realization is not some divine explosive lightning or magic or even miracles. Self-realization is just another word for this language called Advaita.

If you think that you are a separate doer that has choice then you can make the choice to learn this language called Advaita to be it, self-realized. And since it is just like any other language you do not need an Einstein or Buddha or even a guru to learn it.

And the Supreme Comedy of this language called Advaita: if a Nothing called “me or I” can learn this language then -- just like with Buddha -- the whole universe will have to learn it because this subject called “I” is the object called the universe, plus everything in it.


And for those readers who think they are a separate doer that has a choice, then you can make the choice to learn this language called Advaita by rewriting the above in such a way that the subjects are even more perfectly like the objects .. and the universe will have to do it, and learn it, with you … and the whole world will laugh with you.

- alias gp

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