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the original-path to Awakening

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According to the language of universal LOVE called Advaita, nobody can change your mind because in Reality there is no doer that can change your mind because there is no doer called “you” that has a mind. This is because the only Reality is LOVE, Atman, Brahman – the Samadhi of dreamless-sleep -- and everything else is just thoughts.

We might want to argue that it is absurd that the only reality is that of dreamless-sleep. But if we do then literally everything has to go from disorder to chaos – just like thermodynamics tells us. If, on the other hand, dreamless-sleep is the only Reality then – FAR, FAR BEYOND OUR WILDEST DREAMS – EVERYTHING ADDS UP.

Everything adds up so well, in fact, that when it does add up the thought of death can kill with laughter.

And so to try and change your mind without a doer is an exercise in futility.

But if you think “you” are a doer that can change “your” mind then there is a tool that can do it.

Over five-thousand years ago sages around the Indus River in India used this tool to wake up to Reality.

The original path to awakening had nothing to do with the four classic Hindu paths of devotion, meditation, knowledge and action.

The originally path to awakening had to do with studying a language. This language came from the study of thoughts. This study of thoughts has been called the Supreme Science. The Supreme Science – the study of thoughts – was the tool these Indus River sages used to wake up to Reality. This Reality is nothing but dreamless-sleep, Samadhi.

These sages used meditation to study their thoughts and dreams and in the process they woke up to the way their mind worked.

When they realized how their mind compartmentalized its thoughts into dreams and then brains/bodies they became Self-realized. Self-realization can be a universe-shattering “experience” of unfathomable JOY. This Joy can literally kill with laughter.

This study of thoughts these sages handed down to us as the universal language of LOVE that we today call Advaita.

Advaita is the language that tells us that everything is LOVE and only thoughts can think otherwise.

Those of these sages that learned this language of LOVE became this LOVE that we today call self-realization. Self-realization is just an Awareness that the mind can only obfuscate the unfathomable JOY or LOVE of this Reality, with its thoughts that are locked into dreams and brains/bodies.

Self-realization is an awareness that the mind is what it thinks. If the mind has no thoughts then it “leaves” the Silence of unfathomable LOVE that is this Reality of dreamless-sleep called Samadhi.

Self-realization is, otherwise, the Awareness that the mind is always dreaming that is awake. The mind is always dreaming as its thoughts are locked into one or more of its compartments, like a dream or the brain/body.

When “we” realize that thoughts are compartmentalized into dreams and then brains/bodies in the same exact way they are compartmentalized into atoms and molecules then, very obviously, the only thing other than the Reality of LOVE is thoughts.

These thoughts are locked into their compartments of dreams and brains, and OBE’s and into journeys of astral-travels, and the dreams we call previous-lives, etc.

For those who want to explore this five-thousand year old universe-shattering tool that gave us Advaita and the four classic Hindu paths to awakening:


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