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fwd: Can words pop the Balloon called fiction?

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RE: Two things:

1) You don't seem to be presenting these as 'just thoughts.' You seem

to be presenting them as obvious gospel truth that the scientific

world is idiotic for not acknowledging.

2) What is a thought if there is no such thing as thinking? Who or

what creates the thought and how do they create thought without

thinking (given that one definition of thinking would seem to be

simply the creation of thoughts)?



No matter how much experts and intellects think they think

otherwise: ALL FICTION WORKS THE SAME. It has to because it is all

the same Nothing, fiction, thoughts, words.


The fiction called language works exactly like thoughts; and the

fiction of moving-pictures works exactly the same; TV works the same;

and the fiction of binary-language in computers work the same. And

the fiction of physics SCREAMS the loudest that it works exactly the



All fiction works the same to give us the SAME universe-vanishing

message: The fiction, " the message, " is ALWAYS Nothing and

the Silence inside and outside the fiction is EVERYTHING.

This EVERYTHING is Joy of ENTERTAINMENT, where the Entertainment is

fiction, Nothing.


This JOY is timeless and so it is also the thoughtless-silence

before, inside and after fiction. Without this Silence all

fiction would be impossible. And for fiction to be Silence is also


Inside fiction there is no doer. There is nothing going on in

fiction. In the Nothing called fiction action and doing in fiction

is imaginary – just thoughts.


Over 5000 years ago sages around the Indus River in India studied

how the fiction called language worked and they got the universe-

vanishing message. This universe-vanishing message told them that

language was the Nothing called fiction and the Silence (that was

before and after and between words) was the EVERYTHING without

which there could be no fiction.


These sages of old got help before they got this universe-vanishing

message. This help came in the form of lethal-laughter. This lethal-

laughter came from another fiction we call thoughts. This lethal-

laughter convinced these sages that without a doubt thoughts were

fiction. This lethal-laughter was so potent that when doubt surfaced

then it came with/was/is this lethal-laughter.


These sages meditated. In meditation the mind slows down and thoughts

can be studied – they cannot be observed but they can be studied.

When these sages studied their thoughts they observed that thoughts

worked exactly like the fiction called language. They realized that

thoughts were the same Nothing called fiction, and the gap or

Silence – between thoughts -- was EVERYTHING.


Some of these sages observed that some thoughts somehow arrived with

or was/is a bolus of JOY. Thoughts were the JOY of Entertainment.

This JOY that was Entertainment they called maya, illusion, dream,


When this bolus of JOY exploded out of the GAP-between thoughts it

was this lethal-Laughter that these Hindus called Kundalini. In its

undiluted or thoughtless form this Kundalini – lethal-laughter

they called Samadhi which is just another name for physics'

Unified Field.


The Unified Field of physics is just the Reality of dreamless-sleep.

These sages of old observed that the fiction called thoughts worked

exactly like the fiction of language – there was no doer. There

was no thinking in thoughts – thoughts just were; like words in

novels just are. They observed that the void or gap between thoughts

prevented thoughts from being connected in the same way words are not

connected in language. The connection is pure illusion – the

illusion that creates action, and the action creates doers. But in

fiction there is no doer. These sages would give us the cliché:

the mind is what it thinks it thinks. Physics would give us their own

version of this cliché: the observer determines the observations.

Physics however stops short of Realizing fiction because it does not

tell us: the observer determines the observations because it is the

observations; i.e. :the mind is what it thinks.


5000 years later we have at least four more types of fiction that

works exactly the same: moving pictures, TV computers and Physics.

THEY ALL WORK THE SAME because all fiction has to be the same

Nothing in which the message, fiction, is Nothing and the Joy

called Silence is EVERYTHING.

Turn the TV off and you have EVERYTHING that the TV will never be:

Silence. Without this Silence there would be no fiction called TV.

Turn the TV on and you have fiction – there is no doer. There is

no Johnny Carson inside the TV or Big Bird, nor anything else – it

is all thoughts, imagination. Not only is there no doer in the TV but

it would be impossible for anything to get inside a TV set to be a



IN a movie there is nothing going on – there is no doer on the

movie-screen. The action and doing is pure illusion, thoughts. The

EVERYTHING that the movie can never be is the Silence before and

after and between the picture-frames of the movie. IN the case of the

movie the SILENCE is personified by the movie-screen. Without the

movie-screen there would be no fiction, movie; and ALSO – no

matter what goes on in the movie, be it fire, flood or nuclear

holocaust, the movie-screen is untouched.


COMPUTERS give us the exact same story of fiction. Before the

COMPUTER is turned on there is the EVERYTHING, the Silence, without

which there can be no computer. Turn the computer on and you have

fiction in the form of binary-language of plus-minus. When the

computer slows down we find the same gap or silence between each

plus/minus of the binary language.


Again the computer can " create " moving pictures of anything

but what it creates is pure fiction – there are no doers inside

computers – all is binary-code that works like words, thoughts.

AND the computer tells us a lot more about its fiction. A computer

can be hooked up to a brain for virtual-reality .. the mind/brain

cannot tell the difference because thoughts are the same whether they

come from a brain, a computer, hypnosis or drugs.. this is because

they are all the same Nothing called fiction, thoughts. The mind,

brain, after all, is just a thought that cannot tell the difference

between its memories and thoughts because they are also the same. And

because memories are thoughts the thought called the brain can

limitlessly " exchange " one for the other. The

" brain-mind " routinely exchanges memories and thoughts in

its sleep-dreams, and there is nothing real in life that is not just

as real and certain in the sleep-dreams when everything in the dream

has to be the Nothings called thoughts.


The next fiction is physics and it SCREAMS at us the loudest –

FROM ALL ITS DIRECTIONS -- that it has to be fiction because

everything about physics is not only impossible but impossible on top

of limitless levels of impossibilities. These impossibilities all

SCREAM: only thoughts are possible but only because they are fiction,



Physics SCREAMS at us that it is fiction because the particles that

make up the universe are impossible. Particles work exactly like the

binary-language of computers. IN computers you cannot have a plus

with a minus somewhere. Physics tells us the exact same story with

its particles. You cannot have particles without an antiparticle. And

the universe cannot exist because there are no anti-particles. And if

this impossibility is not enough then physics SCREAMS even louder

with yet another impossibility on top of its impossibility: if by

some change particles did find their antiparticles then they would

both vanish to not exist even better.


Physics also tells us that particles have to be thoughts because

they come and go out of thoughtless-Silence to return into the

Silence to be EVERYTHING. This apparent coming and going is totally

random -- order is illusion, fiction, Nothing.

Thus we have Physics Uncertainty Principle. The closer the observer

gets to these particles the more certainly they turn into, at best,

probability clouds. In other words, particles are just like

thoughts: you can no more catch and define a particle than you can

catch to examine a though. But PHYSICS does not stop its

impossibilities here – it tells us that the observer determines

the observations: This is an Impossibility #?? but only if the

observer is " real " and its observations are fiction and thus

just thoughts. Impossibility # ?? you, the observer cannot catch a

particle and you certainly cannot catch light, energy. The more the

observer tries to catch light the more obvious it gets that the

observer is stationary. IMPOSSIBILITY #?? light has no time so it

cannot travel and yet it travels so fast that it makes everything

else, with time, stationary and thus timeless. IMPOSSIBILITY #?? When

mass, which is the same as energy, light = particles and waves,

tries to catch what it is energy, light, it cannot do it because all

it can do is increase its mass and shrink its space and slow time

… as it stays stationary.


PHYSICS SCREAMS at us that particles, waves, mass, energy, time,

space are all impossible because they are all the same: thoughts,



Then Physics/ Science SCREAMS even louder with is expanding-universe

that has no center because it is an expanding sphere with an

imaginary past for an inside and an imaginary future for the



PHYSICS SCREAMS its universe-vanishing message ( " the message is

Nothing and the Silence is EVERYTHING " ) perhaps the loudest

with its quantum-gaps. Physics SCREAMS at us that particles can

routinely go from one quantum-level to another but in such a way that

they can NEVER EVER enter these quantum-gaps. Physics is thus

SCREAMING: the quantum-gaps is the Silence that is EVERYTHING and the

particles are the Nothings, fiction, thoughts that can never be

in/the Silence called quantum-gaps.


AND if the SCREAMING of physics is not loud enough then along comes

Thermodynamics to summarize all of physics' impossibilities.

Thermodynamics tells us that the observer can only create disorder

and chaos when the observer tries to find order in fiction. The

Hindus called this " looking for order creates/is disorder "

karma, chaos.

Fiction is limitless numbers of impossibilities – seeking order

in one impossibility would make the seeking futile.


This Thermodynamics multiplies all of Physics' SCREAMS when it

gives us the SUPREME COMEDY : take one thought, fiction, Nothing,

seriously – like " the universe exists " – and others

will follow to expand the universe just as fast as the thoughts that

feed it to create it.


This Supreme Comedy is " life " in which most of us are just

imaginary egos Entertaining the Dreamer that is the JOY and its

laughter that is eternally the Now.


This Now I AM and YOU ARE and ALL IS and only imaginary egos, like

Physicists, who keep this JOY entertaining because they are deaf to

the SCREAMING and so they keep fighting the futility of creating

chaos by looking for order in the fiction they create as fast as they

make the universe expand for the JOY called Entertainment,

fiction maya.


-- just thoughts

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advaitajnana , " Gene Polotas " <gpalotas>



can words pop MY Balloon?

The answer is: NO, because three strikes and you are out.




Advanced Physics Forums -- You are banned. You may not view the

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you have been banned from this site.

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If you feel that there has been an error, you may wish to contact the

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re: Why doesn't anyone study thoughts today like physicists study

their particles?

This thread is on thin ice. genep, you are not doing a very good job

of making clear what you are trying to say, the logic behind your

arguments is dubious and at times apparently self-contradictory, and

some of your claims are even blatantly false. For starters: What is

the relevant methodology that has been applied to the study of

particles but not thoughts? In what ways are the thoughts of dreams

similar to the thoughts of waking life, and how is this relevant to

your argument?


Fiction's REPLY: You might want to read the thread: " can words

pop an imaginary balloon? " Its the best these thoughts can do.






First the non-duality groups and now the reality of science and



THREE STRIKES -- not bad for the free speech called fiction.

I don't think Osama himself could have been silenced any faster.


Socrates and Jesus, MY Balloon still does not pop.

-- fiction's words

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