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Fwd: [GuruRatings] When I was Realized / Jan

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GuruRatings , ecirada <ecirada> wrote:

Era wrote:


>Era: there is an expression: " to Realize the Self " by Ramana



Ramana spoke in the terminology best suited to a visitor.

At some occasions, " there is only Self " .


>*Jan: As imitation is such a basic trait of all animals that is

crosses the

>boundary of species,

>surely the most clever apes (humans) on the planet are best at

that. Just ask the question

> " WHO realizes the Self? "


>It's quite funny that despite the " death " experience, Ramana didn't

refer to the Kathopanishad. Yama bestows the boon

> of Self-realization.


>*Era: please tell me about this [below is a

>page describing Ramana's realization

>maybe its there..]



Book knowledge isn't a substitute for deconditioning (dissolving


as the answers add to it.


>*Jan: .... give the proper answer to the question, " WHO realizes

the Self? "


>*Era: I can only answer this question according my

>understanding and very much

>would like to read your and

>others answer to it also


>*the Self itself realizes itself:

> the Self;



That is a description of a property whereas the Self has none.

Attributing properties marks the start of institutionalized



>that timeless, motionless part:

>the Self of Ramana, synonymous

>with Atman, or as Lewis pointed

> out its called Purusha in the Vedas and Consciousness, or

Awareness by Nisargadatta. I'm

> new at Jnana, my belivesystem

>is slowly forming from the Bhakta

> Yoga one



What is overlooked is that during the decline of the mind-body the

acquired knowledge

goes overboard: it's useless. What matters is that the structures


to cause turmoil

(the basic animal traits like fear, panic) are dissolved before that

happens. That insight

is the 'secret' boon bestowed by Yama and in line with what the the

Buddha taught and

Raja yogis' of yore' knew well too: when the root of afflictions is

gone, nothing can touch



>It was helpful for me to

>distinguish between

> the small self [individum,

>ego] and the one with capital

> " S " the Self a term of Ramana

> in reference to his unique realization and imo the

>experession " Self " shouldn't be used only in referce of that.



As Ramana also said, " there is only Self " that might be interpreted

as a


to discard the non-essential.


>[thats why when Devi talks

>about the " Self " referring

>to her realization, I feel that

> my teachers were insulted]



What Devi posted regarding the issue, directed to you, was on topic.


>J: No dimwitted " solutions " like transient structures / entities



> hehe is this a kind insult ?



Ramana assumed that those taking up enquiry would be mature - in the

21st century in the West

that might have a different meaning when Ramana mentioned it.


> love, Era


> Jan



> " the Brahman is manifest as the Self

>in the form of 'I-I' in the Heart.


>--the specific knowledge is called vijnana. when it pertains to the

Self it is called true knowledge, knowledge in the form of that

mental mode whose object is the Self or knowledge which has for

>its content the impartite [self], The state of this vijnana


>-when it pertains to the Self

>and is manifest in the form of

>the Self is said to be the

>aham sphurana


>--and when it relates to

>the not-Self it is called ignorance. "


>page on Ramana's realization:







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