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Discourse mentions Lord Krishna, Ramakrishna and Great Acharyas


Ashankah <narenpm




Sanskrit word `Dvaita' means Dualism [You and I are



`Visisht-advaita' means Qualified Non-dualism [You and

I are separate but connected to each other]


`Advaita' means Non-dualism [You and I are not

separate but one]


Madhwacharya, Ramanujacharya and Shankaracharya were

the three great acharyas (Gurus) who interpreted to

advocate their stands of Dualism, Qualified

Non-dualism and Non-dualism respectively.


Definitions may be simple but understanding the

concept of `Non-dualism' in truest meaning is as

difficult as contemplating the concept of `infinity'.

Even the great avatar Sri Ramakrishna had to pass

through every bit of spiritual practices to fully

dissolve in the ultimate concept of non-dualism.


A person in general a `human being' falls in the

category of dualism. After acquiring spiritual wisdom

and practicing it he/ she becomes part of qualified

non-dualism a `supernatural being'. After reaching

the end of spiritual journey a supernatural being

becomes a `supreme being' and gets into the category

of non-dualism.


Sri Ramakrishna's life in physical body started as a

dualist. Believing Goddess Kali to be different than

himself he kept praying and meditating on her with the

only desire of getting the Goddess's vision.


With intense devotion he acquired spiritual powers and

got to be known as a supernatural being, who knew a

lot. One day when the landlady of Kali temple (Rani

Rasmati) was attending a worship Sri Ramakrishna

slapped her face because he knew that she was not

paying attention to the worship, in stead was thinking

of a law suit. She accepted that Sri Ramakrishna had

read her mind and knew what was going on in people's

mind. By that time Sri Ramakrishna had learnt all

about qualified non-dualism and experienced strong

connection between him and other, including God. He

could read anybody's mind as his own because that

strong connection was established between him and

others. [This was just one of hundreds of

illustrations from his life].


Finally the great avatar entered into the wisdom house

of non-dualism when Goddess Kali revealed to him that

he is none other than the same God/ Goddess that he

worshiped and meditated lifelong. Illustration –

during his last days when his body was suffering from

throat cancer and he couldn't swallow even a morsel of

food, his devotees requested him to ask Goddess Kali

to cure him a little so that he could eat a bit.

Obeying his devotees he went to Goddess Kali and put

forth his request as taught by his devotees. On that

Goddess Kali scolded him saying, " Shame on you. You

are eating through millions of mouths and yet you want

to eat through that one mouth of your physical body! "

This was a great learning of non-dualism that Sri

Ramakrishna was not separate than millions of other

beings in this world. There is no `two' in the

universe; there is just `The one'. [in today's world

of dualism we may be 7 billion in population. But

from non-dualism standpoint we are not 7 billion but

just one. Even if one person sleeps hungry then know

that God has not eaten today]


But there's supreme joy in tasting sugar than being

sugar. The highest joy a person can experience is in

surrendering completely to someone higher than him/

her. Now that could be one's guru or any other person

or the almighty God. One wouldn't experience that joy

if one starts thinking oneself to be God but the joy

lies in considering oneself at least a little lower

than God and enjoy the bliss in worshiping and

meditating upon Him.


Lord Krishna was God and everyone knew that. His

divine power of lifting huge mountain by little finger

to shelter all villagers from thunderstorm and his

dancing on the hoods of deadly pythons were small

proofs for everyone to believe in him being God. But

still, except for the times when he had to use his

divine powers he preferred to live a simple human life

just to get motherly love of Yashodha, friendship of

Arjuna and so on. Like any other ordinary kid he

stole curd from neighbors and got punished by his

mother. These great avatars could easily toggle

between divine life and human life. Most time they

spent as human being because `Tasting sugar is better

than being sugar'. Even Gods (Sugar), when they get

chance prefer to live human life so that they can

enjoy (taste) this beautiful creation.


Sri Ramakrishna, even after understanding the great

concept of non-dualism preferred to go back to dualism

and till the end kept chanting Kali mantra, `Om Kali,

Om Kali, Om Kali,…………'


That's the greatness of spirituality, where people

after reaching the infinity come back a few steps into

finite so that they can enjoy the bliss of worshiping

something higher than the self.


Om Krim Kali,




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