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ASHANKAH YOGI and GURURASA discuss gurus and devotees

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ASHANKAH YOGI and GURURASA discuss gurus and devotees










Dear Ashankah Yogi,




These are indeed words to the wise. I was trying to tell my friend Sidha

that because Swami worked for him, she did not for me. Because she was

right for him did not mean she was so for me. Consider relationships - is

the same person right for everyone or just some? Does your neighbor's

spouse harbor the same for you as for him or her? Does everyone want the

same boyfriend or girlfriend? And does everyone need the same religion, or

are there many? When people discover one way that is good for them, they

think it is automatically good for everyone - if only the blind could see!

It is like being in love, and you think EVERYONE would be in love with this

person if only they weren't so blind.




On another note, the inner voice is paramount. I do recall in 1971 when I

was practicing yoga all day, every day, fasting (starving) meditating and

mantras like twelve hours a day (I took a year off from work to do this,

lived in poverty.) And suddenly, I heard a voice. I asked who this Person

was, and it said,




And I said,


'You cannot be ME, because I AM ME.'


It took me a while to figure out this voice was the Atman, the Highest, or

God within me. It told me all sorts of mysteries, secrets and psychic

revelations. It would tell me to walk down a certain street, and moments

later I found a friend whose car at that instant broke down, and he needed

me to watch it while he went for help. It told me the mysteries of what

people were thinking and feeling about me and some of this surprised and

shocked me, as those I thought loved me did not, and others who I thought

did not like me, actually cared about me a lot. It told me about the Guru I

had then, Rev. Verna Talbot,




And then I learned, that when I RELINQUISHED AUTHORITY to Rev. Verna Talbot

over me, the voice disappeared partially, but not totally. I had to make a

decision between total authority of one or the other. It was a rocky road

and dangerous one, as Rev. Verna Talbot, when I tried to leave her TWICE

SENT MEN TO KILL ME. Not physically, but by her spiritual power, (actually

physical men who stalked me and were going to rape and kill me, the law was

involved two separate times.it was her curse) she wanted to PUNISH ME

because I was ending my large donations to her. Yes, she was an abusive

exploiter and demanded $350. a month from me (in 1971 to 1977 that was worth

about $900. today) and for that, I did get the benefit of her Anointing for

ONE HOUR A MONTH, and this was so important to me, that I met her demands

FOR SIX YEARS. When I made decent money she got the $350. but later, when I

became a Community Organizer and was paid $9,000. a year she got only $100.

monthly which would today be about $300. a month or more. The only time

she was kind tome was WHEN IT WAS TIME TO HAND OVER MONEY, while at other

times she downgraded and insulted me. I also had to pay for her 'psychic

gambling' trips to Las Vegas, her Church newspaper, the dinners we had, and

even her TICKETS when she parked in the wrong place as we had dinner. Then

I had to buy her an expensive crown (because she was THE QUEEN) when she got

jealous that I had bought myself a fancy pair of earrings for work - insane

stuff like that.


NO ONE but myself could put up with her, probably because I have a high

tolerance for abuse having been so mistreated by family. At the end, I did

benefit, because on the day she died, the only person worthy of the

Anointing she had, which she passed on in the hour of death, was me. Yes, I

got her Anointing, and many others from Saints and Avatars - that is

partially why I have so much Power to give my devotees. I paid a high price

for what I have in terms of not MONEY - because you cannot buy God with

money - but in terms of the effort and suffering I was willing to undertake

in order to get closer to God.




Ashankah, if I could find ONE devotee to serve me the way I served that

woman, I could get more things done - but it is impossible. In fact, I

thought many times, if I was to die soon, who could I leave my legacy and my

Church to, my property and my Anointing? I thought and thought and

scratched my head and the truth is I HAVE NO ONE. It is as difficult to

find one good devotee as it is to find one good Guru, who is suitable for

you. To be honest, most of my devotees are so weak and needy, so scattered,

so involved in their day to day life, their human needs, that they cannot

serve me at all. They give me tidbits of love, but each and every one whom

I have asked for committed service has run away and I am not even mean, as

Verna was to me. I ask for little like give me $50. a month if you can

afford it (to those who earn at least $40,000. a year I ask this) and help

me promote the Church. Not a single taker has come forward. I do have ONE

POOR man who is giving what he can and he has bought seven of my books and

given them away, and others do help, but they are not really devotees.

Friends are doing nice things, like Thomas, Mike, Beata, William, for the

Mission, and I do appreciate it. But this is not the service I am speaking

of, the devotee/Guru situation.




Shall I give the secret of why I gave (and still give) so much and others

will not? Here it is:




God is SO IMPORTANT TO ME that I will do ANYTHING to receive what God has to

give, even death. Death is manifested in the grace called Divine Stigmata,

which is martyrdom. I have a book on it on my site, and plan to create a

much bigger better book on in the future.




What is the problem with most devotees? They want SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.

They know I have power, and they want it, and it is free. They receive it,

and they like it, but they live off it's glow for a while, and when it is

time to get stronger and give a little back, they don't want to do that.

They want PLEASURE and no PAIN or no sacrifice. This is immaturity, as for

all that I gave, it seems so little now, so puny, for what I got!




The next question is WHAT IS WRONG WITH MANY GURUS? I shall let you,

Beloved Ashankah Yogi, answer that. I think you have a handle on what goes

wrong in that vicinity.




Infinite love,






Rasa's new book:









Dear Rasa Yogi,


I think my last note on 'Guru-disciple' conveyed a little different message

on " One

should trust one's guru " than it was intended for.


There was a time, thousands of years back, when 'Guru' was blindly

considered to be above

God. It was then when people knew, " One should blindly trust one's guru " .

But it's

different now. One should trust one's guru but also listen to one's inner



Different students can have different experience from the same guru. Arjuna

became the

best archer under the guidance of his guru (Dronacharya) while Eklavya had

to cut his

thumb to pay fees (guru-dakshina) to the same guru.


Five thousand years down the line things have worsened. There are many gurus

who exploit

their students. There are hundreds and thousands of such stories and you

have plenty of

those out of your own experience with such a guru.


Some amount of trust is required in all matters. It's also said that a

patient has to

have trust more in his doctor than medicine. But then, the final say is of

our inner

voice. We can clearly hear that voice from within during our meditation. In


meditation we can get the most correct answers to any question, why not

'Would I benefit

from my present guru?' or any other question in life.


This is too simple to explain - We all strongly believe that 'God knows

everything'. As

we progress on spiritual path we realize that out true nature is divine and

our essence

is the same Consciousness, which is God. In meditation our Will becomes one

with God's

Will and our thoughts become one with His thoughts. That's the right time to

get the

answers to our queries and doubts.


And hence I would frame the sentence as, " Trust in your guru but not

blindly " . Of

course, a time comes when the trust becomes immortal and then one can

blindly trust his

or her guru. (A perfect example is Sri Daya Mata's trust in her guru Sri






Well, I am glad to hear about the progress on your forthcoming book. The

titles of your

future books also sound very interesting. Yes, it's good that you have

stepped up your

meditation again. It's through regular meditation one meets with the real



Om peace,



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