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The BEING of Living LOVE

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The story of Living Love dead mothers tell so we can live/Love far more than they could. There is only one limit to love and that is the word. We cannot preach love because we can only Be/live it. And to BE this Love is a Joy of Living Laughter. We can only BE/live this Love, so preaching it can only do one thing: breed the HATE the Bible needs to crucify Christ. For over 2000 years priests, preachers, pundits and popes have been using this word love to preach the exact same HATE the bible needs to crucify Christ. For 2000 years since the bible found this HATE it needed to crucify Christ it breeds this HATE into our children, each generation more than the last ... First this HATE focused on the synthetic devil and then his witches and then the barbarians and then heathens and then Indians and Aborigines, savages and slaves ... and then Nazis and then communists and then gooks and now the even more synthetic terrorists who this HATE leaves nothing to live for, and so they die for it taking as many as they can with it, this HATE. .. . and to help breed all this HATE the Bible needs to keep crucifying Christ... for over 2000 years this HATE has been building monuments, churches and synagogues and mosques, cathedrals and now MUSEUMS this HATE needs to sooner or later explode to help condition our children to HATE even more than WE can, for the exact same HATE the bible needs to crucify Christ. And the torah, talmud, bible and koran has worked so well to breed this HATE that Crucified Christ that science could do little but provide all this HATE with the weapons of mass-destruction this HATE needs to be RABID. So rabid that there there is no suicide-bomber infected with this Rabid-hate that can save us from it no matter how much Rabid Hate we have infected him with to kill as many of us as he/she possibly can for infected him with this rabid-hate the Bible needs to crucify Christ. And there are no children rabid enough with this HATE that can also save us from this rabid-hate not even if they come home and blow our fuKKing heads off ... And there is no Jesus, not even if he returns with God himself, that can save us from this rabid-hate ... not even if they return with the blazing AK 47s they need to slaughter all the preachers who use the word love to spread this Hate that the bible keeps needing to crucify Christ. No Jesus nor God can save us from this HATE ... but there is a sleeping-saint who can save mankind from this rabid-hate. He can only save mankind however if God makes him cold enough to realize that the cold does not make burning-bibles funny.The only person who can hope to save mankind from all this Rabid Hate is the derelict indigent, the outcast, the dreg , the Mast or so called scum of society, who this rabid-hate feeds just enough to plague our cities like San Francisco and Washington D.C. What no god nor Jesus can do -- not even with blazing AK 47s -- one of these sleeping-saints could easily do, NOT by slaughtering anyone, not even by lifting a finger, but with the Laughter of Living LOVE. One of these sleeping-saints can do what no god can do but only if God kindly makes him cold enough to have to burn a bible that will make him laugh with the Realization that the cold does not make burning bibles funny. This Laughter that makes burning-bibles funny is the Laughter of Living LOVE that is the AWAKENING, the Realization, that the Bible is this HATE of the Crucifixion...and the burning of the bible is the burning of this HATE that prevents us from realizing that Christ could never be crucified because he has eternally been this Living Love INSIDE each one of us ... what Christ calls himself, "Heaven is Inside." This "Heaven is INSIDE," which is this LIVING/BEING LOVE, has never been in some fukking crucifixion – because it is INSIDE each one of us, the Living LOVE that Jesus calls Himself: Heaven is INSIDE. This Laughter of Living LOVE is so infectious that anyone around this Laughter will have no choice but to Laugh with the exact same Realization that the cold cannot make burning-bibles funny .. this Laughter of Living Love is so funny that it will be a chain-reaction of Laughter that will first infect the sleeping-saints, the so-called scum of society, and then everyone else by burning-bibles and then talmuds and torahs and korans even in the summer heat to keep us all Laughing with this Living Love that makes it not only obvious but SELF-EVIDENT that Christ could never have been crucified because he has eternally been this Laughter of LIVING Love inside each one of us. And this Laughter of LIVING/BEING LOVE is so infectious that it can have only two-words for its Laugher. The only two words that this Living Love leaves for its laughter is the "fuKK-you" we need to kindly teach all our children to kindly call preachers. And the only lethal weapons this Laughter of Living Love can possibly need is the ones we use to kindly kill rabid dogs, and to kindly kill those preachers who dare use the word love to spread the HATE the bible needs to keep Christ crucified when in fact he is this Laughter of Living Love, the Unfathomable Light of infinite-Bliss, Samadhi. The story dead mothers tell for the Living Love we need to live far more than they could. geza

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