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Theology 666: I wrote the bible.

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I begged them to write, but they refused.The more I begged them the more they laughed to tell me they would notwrite, NOT A SINGLE WORD.So I wrote.First Krishna did not write, then Buddha. So I wrote for them to makeME appear real with what made me appear real, MY scriptures for MYreligions and what mattered the most, MY matter, MY world.And the more I wrote the more MY scriptures made ME appear to matter soMY religions could rule what mattered to ME the most, MY world.And then God sent Jesus to ruin it all, my scriptures. I begged him tohelp me write words to make ME appear to matter, but just like Krishnaand Buddha he also refused. And the more I begged the more he laughedso MY scriptures made MY religions crucify him for not writing, notONE SINGLE WORD.And SO I WROTE... and the more I wrote the more MY scriptures became thebible that made MY religions rule MY world with all the tortures andhorrors that the Inquisitions needed to make the sufferings and sinsand tortures of the Dark Ages into MY heaven.Those, like Jesus, Krishna and Buddha, who know that I wrote thescriptures to make ME appear real I always beg to help me write wordsbetter. Those who refuse my begging find the wrath of MY religions tobe tortured and crucified ... or burnt like witches so that withtorture and death MY religions can then canonize them into the saintsthat I need to appear real so that MY bible can help all MY religionsdress MY shitty-backside they worship as god.And after thousands of years, I now reveal how MY religions havealways dressed MY shitty-ass to be worshiped as a the SAME god to ruleMY world. This is because all MY weapons of mass-destruction that MYreligions need to rule MY world with suicide-bombers, slaughters andbloodbaths are starting to bore me... . I am so tired of myshitty-backside being worshiped as god to rule MY world ... I want tocome clean so torture and crucifixion can resurrect my shitty-backsideinto a real god.To become real I must be slowly and methodically tortured and thenfinally crucified so that death can resurrect my shitty-backside into agod that must fulfill the prophecies of MY bible so I can rule MYworld as a real god without ALL MY religions having to dress myshitty-backside.What makes me appear real the most is the way I turn pleasure into pain,more and more until it is like ecstasy that the likes of torture andscreaming make into the very raptures-of-ecstasy, MY heaven.I cannot help but rule MY world as long as MY bible make ALL MYreligions need sex, gluttony and pleasure for their heaven that to me ispure boredom... because for MY heaven I need pain and suffering, and the morepain(sadistic-pleasure) I can get the more it masochistically sends meinto an ecstasy that no sex, food or any pleasure can ever approach,let alone touch... an ecstasy that torture and crucifixion can onlysend into the very raptures-of-ecstasy, Heaven, that gods and MY saintscan only talk about, for MY heaven.I write these words to NOW beg for your helpto give ME far more pleasure than you will ever imagineby slowly torturing ME and then finally crucifying MEso resurrection can turn MY shitty-backside into a real god that willfulfill MY bible so that ALL My religions can use all sorts of farbetter tortures, sins, sufferings and sorrows, WMDs and Cruise Missilesbringing smart-bombs and even Atomic Bombs to help MY bible use MYreligions to rule MY world far far better as a god than my dressedshitty-backside.And if you dare to be like Krishna and Buddha and Christ and refuse totorture and crucify me for my exquisite pleasure, then MY scriptureswill make ALL MY religions chew you up and spit you out with suchrighteous-indignation and ruthless-abandon that you will beg me to allowyou to kiss my shitty-ass that ALL MY religions must worship as god.I AM the joke that made Krishna, Buddha and Jesus laugh.I AM what my scriptures need to appear real,I AM what MY bible calls the Devil.I AM this devil that both MY bible and MY sciencesturn into a masochist so that I can appear realto the limits of the ecstasythat is MY heaven.MY shitty-backside is the pastwhich makes meexactly what Krishna, Buddha and Christ call me:TIME.============The Silent echo of NOWthat to billions of Nonesis far far less than one.geza

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