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The Laughter of Realization

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A tragedy is just a Comedy without the Laughter. Life is the Supreme ComedyRealization is its Laughter.This Supreme Comedy is aCatch22. Much of the mechanics that make a Catch22 into the Supreme Comedy is, however, hidden inside the Catch22. The mechanics of a Catch22 is the Supreme Comedy because each and every Effort inside a Catch22creates another Catch22 in such a way that each and every Effort/Catch22 is locked securely inside each and every otherCatch22 for a total of a Catch88. There is a story about theCatch88 mechanics that is hidden inside a Catch22 that is simply synonymous with a Black Hole. CATCH88 One night I went to sleep only to wake up in another universe. The only difference between this universe and this dream-universe is that except for a very rare Sucker, everyone in this dream-universe was brain-dead. In this dream I was on a planet in a parallel universe. This planet was inhabited by a civilization of Braindeads. Braindeads were brain-dead because they were conditioned not to think. They were conditioned exactly the same way Pavlov conditioned his dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell. These Braindeads thus no more needed a brain not-to-think than Pavlov's dogs needed a brain to salivate to the sound of a bell. There were three different types of Braindeads: The masses of billions of ordinary Braindeads,and then there were Jaywhydees and Peehaytchdees. Ordinary Braindeads were conditioned so that they Pavlovly got the good-feelings of pride, righteousness, patriotism, if they echoed back all the things they were specifically conditioned to feel good about, like being brain-dead. And they were conditioned to get the bad-feelings of anxiety, shame, guilt ... even fear and terror if they were not brain-dead, when started to think about the things that everyone was specifically conditioned not to think about. ( Pavlovly: with no more need for a brain that Pavlov's dogs needed to salivate to the sound of a bell)Jaywhydees were not only conditioned like ordinary Braindeads to get bad-feelings from thinking but they were super-conditioned to be like JYDs, junk-yard-dogs. They were super-conditioned to literally SHRED –verbally but mostly mortally – any Sucker that, very simply,started to think about things everyone was specifically conditioned not to think about. This Civilization personified a Catch22 because: Braindeads were Conditioned not to thinkAnd anyone that was not brain-dead these Jaywhydees shredded to be also body-dead.In another Catch22, the most vicious if not bloodthirsty Jaywhydees were fed, paid, praised and promoted to become Peehaytchdees if they could twist words and torture text, and also torture the numbers of formulas, to, very simply, get fed, paid, praised and promoted. Conditioning and this super-conditioning was thus organized so that all these Braindeads no more needed a brain to (not-to) think than a dog needs to salivate to the sound of a bell... no more brains than a junkyard-dog needs to shred strangers. A Braindead no more needed a brain not-to-think than a parrot needs a brain to parrot the words "truth" and "justice"to get fed. In this dream I was just one of these Braindeads in this other world -- in a parallel universe –that was made up of billions and billions of Braindeads. I was atrusty and even zealous Braindead until I graduated from college. After I graduated from college I set off to graduate school to get a PhD in Political Science. The research I did for my thesis slowly changed me from being a trusty and devoted Braindead into a Sucker, specifically, a Superlative Sucker. My thesis was about "whistleblowers."As I was researching the subject of whistleblowers I quickly discovered the first Catch22, which would lead me to all sorts of additional Catch22s each locked securely inside each and every other. Each Catch22 guaranteed that Braindeads would not think and thus be brain-dead... and Catch22ly, if they started to think then they would also be body-dead. For some strange reason, in this dream,when my professors asked me about my thesis I never told them about the Catch22s, I only told them about the "whistleblowers." This allowed me to keep dreaming until I handed in my "Catch88"thesis. When my professors asked me for details about my thesis on "whistleblowers" I just told them that itwould be a Surprise. At the time I thought that it would be THEIR surprise never realizing that all these Catch22s could only make it,Catch88ly, MY Surprise. The Surprise: when I handed in my thesis called "Catch88" I instantly turned into a Superlative Sucker that had no choice but to wake up in Hysterical Laughter. The instant I handed in this thesis ofCatch88 I became a Sucker who committed suicide by driving a huge truck over myself ... and also poisoned myself, and shot myself,several times, and stabbed myself with all sorts of different daggers, knives and swords, and then strangled myself, and then beheaded myself, and then threw both my head and body over a huge cliff... and then shredded what was left into little pieces that was then fed to pigs that were then shredded to pieces that were then fed to cattle that were in turn slaughtered and then shredded into pieces and fed to dogs that ... were then shot and cast in concrete that wasthen dropped into an active volcano so that no Braindead could ever even hope to think about a Catch22, least of all a Catch88.When I was doing research about whistleblowers I discovered that they simply did not exists. This was the first Catch22. I would later discover that when someone opened their mouth to be a whistleblower they were instantly shredded, anyway or another, or they vanished, sometimes with their family,friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Thus there were no "real whistleblowers" because they all vanished, Catch22ly. I discovered that the whistleblowers who got there names in the Press were never "real" whistleblowers because they were always covertly programmed or paid. These paid-whistleblowers were covertly paid to fortify at least two separate Catch22s: ONE: They worked as bait to attract any Braindeads that were not very brain-dead and thus were starting to think about anything that everyone was specifically conditioned not to think. When these Braindeads that were not very brain-dead took the bait they Catch22ly vanished, any way or another. TWO: The second Catch22 ... conditioning was so organized that these paid-whistleblowers were used to super-condition ordinary Braindeads to be Jaywhydees. Those Braindeads that reacted to these paid-whistleblowers with the most intense feelings of anger and hate were, as a rule, promoted to be Jaywhydees, of the Press. CATCH88: The List of Catch22s that not only prevented Braindeads from thinking,but they Catch88ly guaranteed to vanish anyone that was not totally brain-dead. Catch22 #1: Anyone that started to think about the things that EVERYONE was specifically conditioned not to think about vanished, any way or another, sometimes including relatives, friends neighbors and acquaintances.Catch22 #2, #3, #4: All whistleblowers were covertly-paid to fortify two separate Catch22s. One: they were bait that attracted any Braindead that was starting to think about things EVERYONE was specifically conditioned not to think about. TWO.These paid-whistleblowers were needed to help Super-condition Braindeads to be Jaywhydees.Catch22 #5 There were no terrorists nor tyrants,they were also all covertly-paid to fortify the EXACT same twoCatch22s that paid whistleblowers. When I started to see where the money was coming from I stumbled on the Mother and Father of all Catch22s:Covert Clubs and their Overt Cults.Long ago the conditioning these Braindeads needed to Catch88ly stay brain-dead was organized in Covert Clubs ... and the origins of this conditioning was quickly forgotten, long ago, but not the conditioning that covertly came with the Clubs. Those Braindeads with psychopathic tendencies are as a rule invited to join a Covert Club, but only if they can keep their mouth shut, Secrets. Catch22 #6.... #20 Conditioning is organized so that anyone in these Clubs who shared their secrets are shredded, any way or another, verbally but mostly mortally.Conditioning is also organized so Braindeads who are not in the Covert Club have to belong to one of the Covert Cult's "Overt Cults," where they are super-conditioned not-to-think about the Covert Club's secrets... so if anyone starts to think about these secrets they vanish, any way or another, for thinking about these secrets that they were specifically conditioned not to think. Inside these Covert Clubs the psychopaths are conditioned to get good-feelings from a god that the masses of the Cults outside are conditioned to get the Jaywhydee's bad-feelings of anger and hate, the devil. Thus the only difference between the Club's god and the Cult's devil is the exact same conditioning Pavlov used to make his dogs salivate to the sound of a bell. Thus the ONLY difference between the Covert Club's "god" and the Overt Cults devil was this Pavlovian conditioning in which (not the sound of a bell but) the sound of a word"god" Pavlovly triggered good-feelings of pride and righteousness, and the sound of a different word "devil" just as Pavlovly triggered bad-feelings of anger, fear and hate. Those psychopaths who could come up with better and better ways to Pavlovly keep the Cults' devil opposite to the Club's god ... were promoted until they became Super Psychopaths. These Super Psychopaths were paid to deliberately find newer and better designer-poisons and toxins that could be added to foods and drugs ... and the more diseases,organ-failures, auto-immune, allergies, degenerative disorders,mental-disorders, birth-defects, heart-disorders ... cancers, obesity... these toxins caused the more hundreds of billions these super-psychopaths could pack into their glutted banks as the billions of Braindead masses are mostly riddled with these poisons, toxins into the abject miseries of diseases, addictions, poverty and starvation. All these toxins and poisons were"deliberately designed" because not only did they have to cause any and every type of health disorder imaginable, like nicotine, but,like nicotine, these poisons and toxins also had to be "designed"to be addictive. Catch22 #21... #30Because these deliberately-designed poisons and toxins were addictive they made hundreds of billions these Super Psychopaths needed to laugh all the way to glut their banks. These toxins and poisons were deliberately designed to be so addictive that if Braindeads stopped taking these toxins and poisons the Withdrawal (from these designer-poisons) would kill them far faster than any and all the diseases... these designer-poisons and toxins were deliberately designed to cause, addictively, Catch22ly.Catch22 # ?... #40 Each one of these toxins and poisons that was overtly for health, and covertly for diseases were added to food, medicine and drinks ... each had symptoms, like hangovers, that needed more and more poisons and toxins in the form of drugs and additives ... each making hundreds of billions from taxes, and interest and "Poisons Insurance" (our "Health Insurance")that made these Super-Psychopaths laugh all the way to glut their banks with hundreds of billions, while the billions of Braindeadmasses are poisoned addictively in the miseries of mostly abject poverty, disease and starvation. Catch22 #?..... #50 Any Sucker that finds a simply antidote or herb or remedy for any of these poisons and toxins Catch88lyvanishes, any way or another. Catch22 #?... #100 Any such cure, antidote, herb or remedy for any of these diseases, allergies... and cancers these addictive poisons and toxins were deliberately-designed to cause are banned as poisons. This is because Peehaytchdees are praised, paid and promoted depending how well they twist words and torture text and formulas and numbers that Catch88ly prove that all these simple cures, antidotes and remedies for these diseases these addictive poisons, toxins are deliberately-designed to cause.. all these simple cures Catch88lymust be poisons that for the safely of Braindeads must be Catch88lybanned as poisons.This dream I had about this Braindead civilization was this Catch88 whose Awakening was Hysterical Laughter of a Super Supreme comedy. If waking up from a Catch22 is a Supreme Comedy then Awakening from a Catch88 is a Super Supreme Comedy: that Braindeads worshiped Super Psychopaths as if they were gods even though these Super Psychopaths made ordinary mass-murderers and bloodthirsty tyrants and terrorists look innocent and holy as saints, by comparison. (The relative few victims of a mass murderer makes him look like a saint compared to the billions aSuper-Psychopath poisons and kills so he can laugh all the way to glut his banks with his billions.)But there is a lot lot more. Not only did these Braindeads worship their Super Psychopaths as gods but they would slaughter masses, even plunder a country, even annihilate a whole civilization that would dare suggest that Super Psychopaths --that make blood-thirsty tyrants look like saints -- do not themselves make saints, not even if they are worshiped as gods. But what was so hysterically funny about the Awakening from this Catch88 dreams was the sudden realization that of all the dozens of Catch22s in my thesis I had left out BY FAR the most EXPLOSIVE Catch22 of them all: this Hysterical Laughter, that literally woke me up.This most-explosive Catch22: Anyone caught laughing hysterically, in this Braindead civilization had to Vanish the quickest – any way or another -- because this Laughter is so contagious, and so lethal, that in a chain-reaction that feeds off itself it can instantly annihilate any Civilization, indeed a whole universe, simply by Awakening in Hysterical Laughter. Otherwise this Laughter of Awakening is the realization that when Super Psychopaths are worshiped as gods then this worshiping takes misery, pain and suffering of billions so far beyond the limits of a tragedy that, even without laughter, this far-beyond-tragedy has to be not only a Comedy, and not only the Supreme Comedy of a Catch22, but the Super Supreme Comedy of a Catch88.PS: These Super Psychopaths would be like the CEO's of our multi-national corporations that keep laughing at all the ways they have to pack their tens of billions into their glutted banks.-- geza LAUGHTER and NOW Each and every Effort inside a Catch22 only makes the Catch22 work better... so much so that the Supreme Comedy is that this EFFORT is the Catch22. The unique way in which each and every Catch22 works inside each and every other Catch22 makes a Catch22 synonymous with a Black Hole. What makes a Black Hole into a Supreme Comedy is the one-word without which there can be no words. This one-word is the Mother and Father of all words to be the Supreme Comedy because of all the words in the Universe it is this one-word that is by far the most important word (because without it there would be no words) and yet it has to be the most ignored. This one-word HAS TO BE the most ignored word because the only way the Universe can appear to exist is if it ignores this most-important one-word ... or, the instant this one-word is NOT ignored is the instant the Universe vanishes in the laughter of Realization, the Supreme Comedy.Thus the Supreme Comedy: only as long as this most-important one-word is ALSO the most-ignored can the universe appear to exist.The Supreme Comedy: While each and every effort inside a Black Hole Catch22ly makes it blacker and deeper, Laughter makes it vanish. AND/OR the universe also vanishes the instant this mother and father of all words that is the most-ignored one-word is no longer ignored. When all Effort can do is make Black Holes deeper and darker,this Laughter that makes Black Holes vanish is the Laughter of Realization, the Supreme Comedy.This one-word that is the mother and father of all words the Universe has to ignore so that it can appear to exist... this one-word that leaves no room for another is the Supreme Comedy called NOW... and the Black Hole is the EFFORT that tries to avoid the Now when there is no other but this Eternal and Changeless NOW. And the Realization of this Now is the Laughter which makes everything that is not Now vanish in the Laughter of Realization, that there is no other, not even life or death, only Now.geza

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