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Hi A... To find out what life was all about/ and what life was not all about/for nearly five years I addictively kept reading the books about whatRamana, Papaji, Nisargadatta... etc, what they had to say. Thingswent slowly because – exactly like with physics and calculus decadespreviously -- nothing seemed to make sense even thought I knewotherwise. So I read their major works over and over, underliningeach time. Some of these books -- like I AM THAT and The Truth ISand Nothing Ever Happened – I reread more than five-times. It was theonly addiction worth having because each time I read what theysupposedly had to say things stated to fall together more and more.I finally read Ramesh's Consciousness Speaks and started to realizethat it was all just a language, and with all this re-reading all Iwas doing was simply learning a language, their language, which –like gravity and anti-gravity – their language is just theAntilanguage of duality's language.This rereading is nothing new to me because I did the exact same thingwith Calculus, Physical Chemistry and Quantum Physics andRelativity years ago in College: kept rereading everything until thetests I passed, mostly with A, told me that I understand the subjecteven thought deep inside I somehow knew otherwise.The Supreme Comedy happens when, as Ramesh discovered when he wastranslating for Nisargadatta : If you reread/listen to thisAntilanguage of Nonduality long enough you start to speak it, and withpractice -- like 5 years -- you can sometimes say things far betterthan what these Nonduality gurus were trying to say.It was my background in Physics and Chemistry, however, that madethis Antilanguage of nonduality explode into the significance of utterinsignificance: Because Physics is trying to hit us over the head withthis exact same Antilanguage of Nonduality -- with its Black Holes,Quantum-gap and Unified Field -- but we cannot use the language ofduality to understand it, Now.There is a lot lot more to this Antilanguage because there is nothingto it, IT IS SUPREMELY SIMPLE: anything that appears important inAntilanguage turns it into language.Lovegeza

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