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Reality, Flirting with Fiction.

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Flirting with Fiction.

"In the Beginning was the word." To appear prophetic the

bible has to leave out what follows. This word was "Self" that

soon found all sorts of other words to play with. Until this playing

became intense, violent. And then these words twisted each other and

tortured each other until some words, like Self, were thoroughly

raped to parent all sorts of bastard offspring .. that were in turn

raped, generation after raped bastard generation and then after hundreds

and thousands of bastard-generations of thoroughly raped words .."

.. the bible then continues with its second phrase about this

multi-generation, multi-raped, multi-bastard word that was obviously

no longer "Self" because the second phrase goes: "... the Word was God."

The "word" that is fed, praised, payed and promoted to

professionally twist words and torture text until some words are

throughly raped to parent bastard words that twisted words and

tortured text make appear far more real than the thoroughly raped

mother word... this well fed, well paid and much praised and

non-bastard "word" is the word Peehaytchdee.

Science has never changed anything. Science simply switched words

into numbers and formulas.

Physics is the Supreme Comedy in which Peehaytchdees have always

been fed, paid, praised and promoted to twist numbers and torture

formulas until some numbers have been so thoroughly raped that they

parent all sorts of bastard numbers that appear far more real than

their thoroughly raped mother.

Physics has only one possibility, and that is its rock-solid and

thus certain Uncertainty Principle. Everything that appears rock

solid and thus certain in Physics is based on the only thing Physics

has that is really certain, this Uncertainty Principle. This

Uncertainty Principle makes everything in Physics an impossibility

stacked on limitless others to keep the Universe expanding at or even

beyond the impossible speed of light.

The Realization of just one of these Impossibilities vanishes them

all to vanish the universe into the Unified field, Self.

The Saga of Scripture.

The ancient scriptures are a prophetic script written for


The ancient scriptures were thus not simply written for its

"chosen-egos" to inherit the puny flat Earth of religions.

They were written for a lot-lot more. The scriptures were written for

these same chosen-egos to inherit the Mecca that prophetically

controls the reality of all worlds: Hollywood.

Until Hollywood came along the Scriptures were not very prophetic

because they had to sort of buy a lot of time, tread-water, with

religions. Until their prophetic Hollywood came along the scriptures

had to make-do with their religions and their myths and legends of

hells and devils until Hollywood could come along to fulfill its

prophecy and correct all the impossible myths and legends that

religions needed to buy-time, tread-water, with their myths of devils

and hells until Hollywood came along.

Every Hollywood-tuned and tattooed self-mutilating teenager is

aware that the hell of religions has to be a myth because not only

does practice turn pain into masochistic pleasure, but with enough

practice and tattoos pain becomes a far more intoxicating pleasure

than any non-masochist can image, not even with his most intense

pleasures. Similarly, every Hollywood-tuned starving teenager

(anorexia) knows that starvation is a far more intoxicating high than

any pathetic high a person can get from stuffing his face with food,

obesity. This adaptation to pain/starvation has to make religion's

hell a myth that Hollywood makes certain with all its never ending

sadistic bloodbaths...blood and guts, that a hell needs to be very

entertaining compared to all the soap-operas that keep heaven utterly


So Hollywood prophetically makes hell a complete myth because,

just like Hollywood, if hell has enough tattoos pain and starvation

long enough it will have to turn into just a sadist's and masochist's

dream, heaven.

Hollywood came along to be the true prophecy of the Scriptures

because it corrected all the errors that religions had to

pathetically fabricate, without technology, until Hollywood came

along to set religions straight with the true prophetic reality that

technology makes appear far more real than anything religions could

fabricate for their Dark Ages, with its devil and his masochistic

hell, heaven.

The Scriptures had to be Hollywood's prophecy because religions

could never fulfill the scriptures, only Hollywood could. Only

Hollywood could prophetically fulfill the scriptures because it could

do something that religions could not even fathom.


Religions simply twisted-words and tortured text to create

history, they were the "first history." Thus they never had any

history to erase. They simply used each other to make their myths,

like the devil and his hell, appear more real. To religions the

thought of erasing history has always been unimaginable. Hollywood

would prophetically correct this deficiency.

Science can not only create any reality Hollywood prophetically

needs to fulfill all its prophecies, but to fulfill these prophecies

it can erase even the most obvious history and turn it into a stupid

and flagrant myth. It has to be able to do this so it can then, in

turn, turn even flagrant impossibilities into not only History but

"Museums." Museums make even flagrant impossibilities appear so

real and rock-solid and certain that, if necessary, mankind will

righteously and patriotically go out and slaughter each other --

sometimes in ecstasy -- just to keep these museums rock-solid and

thus museum-certain.

In fulfilling its prophecy Hollywood erased the masochist's dream,

which is religion's stupid fear of hell, and replaced it with a fear

that science/Medicine makes far more real than any hell religions

needed for their Dark Ages.

Hollywood's prophetic fear, which its technology makes real, is so

potent that it makes returning in a next-life as a snail, frog, worm

or snake appear to be like heaven. Hollywood's prophetic fear is so

profound that it makes religion's old stupid fear of going to hell

look like a trip to paradise.

This potent fear Hollywood makes far more real than anything

religions could make matter, materialize, for the Dark Ages, a fear

that overshadows any fear of the devil or hellis the fear of

being nothing.

Reincarnation is Hollywood's prophetic fear of being nothing.

And to make this fear of being nothing real Hollywood has helped

all its religions correct their mythological errors so that they can

also start singing Hollywood's prophetic songs about always being

Something with some sort of reincarnation, or being preserved in a

deep-freeze until technology improves Hollywood ... any type of

return-to-Hollywood just so Hollywood's egos have some hope of

always being some sort of Hollywood's Something, an ego... at least

in a next-life and hopefully on a planet with a better Hollywood...

or even return as a slug, worm or snake – anything -- rather than

to have to face Hollywood's real horror of being without a Hollywood

and thus being nothing.

The Scriptures that now sing the prophetic songs of their

prophetic Hollywood make it Catch88ly even more impossible than ever

before for any God to become man to save mankind from ANYTHING, least

of all from Hollywood. This is because the Peehaytchdees of religions

are today fed, praised, paid and prompted far better than they were

in the past to twist words and torture text -- and with science

torture formulas -- until some words like "virgin" and "Mary"

are so thoroughly raped that they parent bastards that work far far

better than God can for Hollywood, especially with museums.

Today the fear of death has nothing to do with the fear of going

to heaven to end up in a place that not even god knows has to be a

Catch88 hell... because today the fear of death is all about this

fear of being nothing, not even a thought: SELF-realization, Atman,

Nirvana, Physics' Unified Field, Samadhi.

The fear of being nothing is called ego.The

no-fear of nothing is being the Self,that the SurrealBliss of

kundalini makes: Being-stoned Being the SelfSELF-realization.


Reality, or, The no-fear of being all-shit geza

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