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Fwd: universal clean energy..Is this what Tesla meant?

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GuruRatings , " Tony OClery " <aoclery wrote:


The later version of the tuaoi differed both in form and function.

Reading 877-26 given on May 23, 1938 speaks of " rays from the sun,

amplified by crystals " . Reading 813-1 given on February 5th of 1935

speaks " of the storage of the motivative forces from the great

crystals that so condensed the lights " while reading 440-5 speaks

of " the concentration through the prisms or glass " and " the

concentration of rays from the stone " . Three words are especially

significant in the preceding passages and they

are " amplified " , " condensed " , and " 'concentration " , all of which

relate to the function of the crystal (or crystals) with regard

to " rays " or " the lights " . Though a magnifying glass may be able to

bring the suns rays to a focus, the only device that actually

amplifies light rays using other energies is the laser, whose name

means llight aamplification by the sstimulated emission of

rradiation. Laser light is highly concentrated, packing far more

power in a smaller area than ordinary light. The word condensed might

refer to " condensing " the lights frequency and is also a good

alternative for the word coherence, the unique property of laser

light that allows for holography. If we take all three of the words

just mentioned together with respect to light we come up with only

one thing: laser. If there is any doubt that the laser is what was

described let's look to reading 262-39 which describes the " Death

Ray, or the super cosmic ray, that will be found in the next 25

years " . From the general gist of the reading this seems to be a

variant of the firestone. In 1958, 25 years after Cayce's

reading, 'Prof. Charles H. Townes and Arthur C. Schawlow published a

paper entitled " Infrared and Optical Masers " which laid the ground

work for the development of the laser. In 1959, the operating

frequency of maser type devices had been thrust up to the optical

region creating the laser (see Arthur H. Klein, 1963, Masers and



If the tuaoi, or firestone, was a laser, what type was it? Cayce said

that the force which emanated from it " arose in the form of rays that

were invisible to the eye " . What form of light rays are " invisible to

the eye " ? Two candidates present themselves: infrared and

ultraviolet. Infrared rays are basically heat rays and have a number

of unique uses. Ultraviolet rays can cause chemical reactions,

produce sunburn, and cause ionization. They also have more energy or

power than infrared rays or visible light. This wider range of

application for the more energetic ultraviolet rays and its ability

to produce ionization seems more in line with some of the properties

and applications of the " fire stones " rays. Cayce speaks of " the

raising of the powers from the sun itself to a ray that makes for the

disintegration of the atom " . Ionization is the process whereby atoms

gain or lose electrons and the latter such process could certainly be

said to be a " disintegration " especially if it is complete

ionization, which could result in a plasma state where only positive

and negative charges would be present without matter.


The tuaoi, or firestone, was of a particular construction whose

materials and design elements seem to imply a highly advanced scaled

up version of an ultraviolet laser. Cayce constantly refers to the

device as a " crystal " which Webster defines as " transparent quartz " .

Quartz is one of the few transparent substances that will transmit

both infrared and ultraviolet rays. Ordinary glass will not transmit

ultraviolet rays but quartz crystal glass will. Quartz is optically

clear, and is both piezoelectric and pyroelectric. It is physically

stronger than glass and can be heated to the glowing point and

quenched in ice water without shattering. Quartz tubes are currently

used in some gaseous lasers precisely because of these properties.

Irradiated quartz has even been used in a two-level maser (see J.S.

Thorp, Masers and Lasers - Physics and Design p. 79). The body of the

firestone is described as " a large cylindrical glass " . If the

word " glass " is used to imply something resembling a drinking glass,

then the cylinder was hollow. The process going on within the crystal

had to do with the " breaking apart of atomic forces " , and mention is

made of " gaseous forces " . These terms seem to support the idea of a

hollow cylinder with gas or gases inside. Presumably the capstone of

the crystal was of the same substance as the cylindrical body. The

capstone itself was cut with facets in such a way that they would

make for " centralizing the power or force that concentrated between

the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself " (440-5). If it was

cut in this manner for a process going on inside the crystal then it

must have been focusing external energies for an internal effect.


It is now that we come to the process going on in the crystal itself.

Reading 877-26 states: " These were not only rays from the sun,

amplified by crystals, but were the combinations of these. " " For it

was these gases, that were used for what we call today the

conveniences as for light, heat, the motivative forces: or radial

activity, electrical combinations: the motivative forces of steam,

gas and the like - for the conveniences " . Here we have a direct

connection between the crystals and gases. What was going on?

According to Cayce the crystal made use of " the concentration of

energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves, along

with elements that are found and not found in the earth's

atmosphere " . Reading 263-4 mentions " crystals into the pits that made

for the connections with the internal influences of the earth " . What

force do these two readings have in common that is being used by the

firestone? Heat! The sun's rays (and other stars) and geothermal

energy are apparently being used to power the device. Photo-

ionization, particle collision, and thermal ionization can all serve

as " pumping " elements in a laser. When we put the preceding readings

information all together we come up with the following scenario. We

have a quartz housing for a gaseous ultraviolet laser that receives

its activity, or pumping action, from the sun's heat (and light). The

facets on the capstone bring the sun's rays to an intensely sharp

focus in the center of the tube (cylinder). The gaseous mixture

ionizes with oppositely charged particles collecting at the top (base

of the capstone) of the cylinder and at its base. This ionization

brings up the energy level of the gaseous mixture. As in all lasers

the energy can be released with an incident signal from the

equivalent of a " trigger: electrode " , something that gives it just

the " extra kick " that it needs. Electrical connections at the bottom

of the cylinder can act as the trigger electrode. Upon a " signal " the

energy is released as the atoms return to a lower energy state

(ground level) until the process is repeated.


What elements might the gaseous mixture have contained? Dr. John H.

Sutton who wrote " The Tuaoi Stone -An Enigma " in The A.R.E. Journal

(Yol. IX, Jan. 1974, No 1. p. 29) suggests that " deuterium and/or

hydrogen " may have been used, but his interpretation of the

functioning of the tuaoi differs considerably. In reading 440-5 Cayce

states that " the activity of the stone was received from the sun's

rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of energies that emanate

from bodies that are on fire themselves -with the elements that are

found and not found in the earth's atmosphere " . In other words, the

thermal energy reacted with elements within the crystal itself, the

suggestion being that two or more elements were used, and since the

term " atmosphere " is employed, at least one was a gas. Helium, for

example, was first discovered in the sun's spectrum and then in wells

in Texas. It is also used in several gas lasers, usually as a sort of

carrier of the energy in combination with other gases (such as neon

in the helium neon laser). The substances that will lase are quite

numerous, even oxygen will lase. One might wonder whether ozone would

also lase since it is a more " energetic " form of oxygen and absorbs

strongly in the ultraviolet. Both hydrogen (found in the stars) and

argon lase in the ultraviolet region. Krypton fluoride lases in the

extreme ultraviolet. Metallic vapors have even been made to lase.

Whatever gases (or other substances) were used, the " active elements "

will have to be determined through experimentation as the Cayce

material gives too few clues on this particular aspect of the tuaoi.


The housing of the firestone seems to suggest a device that generates

a considerable amount of heat in its operation (just as laser's do).

The center of the building was said to be " lined with non-conductive

stone -something akin to asbestos, with the combined forces of

bakerite " or other non-conductors " that are now (1933) being

manufactured in England under a name that is well known to many of

those who deal in such things " . Serpentine is a form of asbestos

(chrysotile), is a thermal non-conductor, and is used as an

ornamental (or building) stone. Bakerite is a form of boracite

obtained from boax deposits (consult Edward S. Dana, Dana's Textbook

on Mineralogy, 1966, pp. 674,742). Perhaps tungsten was one of the

non-conductive metals. The crystal was in the center of the building

over which there was a large " oval " dome that could be rolled back

for it to receive the full " activity of the sun and stars " . A very

straight forward way to stop, or modify, the amplification process

would be to simply close the dome.


The uses of the crystals were myriad. " Q " -switching, which would take

advantage of the piezoelectric qualities of the quartz, might even

have been used to enhance the output. " Induction methods " were used

so that the rays from the stone acted directly " upon the motivating

forces " in the various modes of travel. To put it more simply, power

was beamed to the vehicles. An ultraviolet laser ionizes the air

directly in front of the beam, forming an electrically conducting

pathway through the air so that electricity can literally be sent

through the air from one point to another, which seems to be implied

by the passage " in the radius of the visioning of the one-eye " as

laser light, travels in straight lines (line of sight). The wireless

transmission of power has been the dream of scientists for a long

time and the laser has opened the door to this very thing.

The " motivating forces in the crafts themselves " may imply smaller

crystals set in the vehicles themselves which would re-amplify or

moderate the energy, as when laser light passes through another laser

crystal it is amplified. Such systems would require far

less " hardware " than conventional systems. Receiving systems might

also employ special prisms, lenses, or mirrors to alter the energy

for use. Doubtless some devices might use solely the electrical

component of the beam and others the coherent light property ranging

from specialized applications to utilitarian functions like lighting,

heating, and communication. Needless to say the laser finds

applications in all of these areas. Cayce also stated that

individuals bodies " were regenerated, by the burning -through

application of the rays from the stone, the influences that brought

destructive forces to an animal organism " (440-5). Perhaps we are on

the right track with the new process whereby laser light is used in

conjunction with fiber optic tubes to " burn " away the excess plaque

lining the arteries. Reading 813-1 mentions that these " condensed "

lights were used " to guide ships at sea and in the air and in

conveniences of the body as television and recording voice. " Laser

guidance systems are in common usage in the space program and in the

military. Television programs have been transmitted over laser beams.

Recording on compact disks uses a laser system. Cayce also

mentioned " transmission of the body " as one of the device's

application. Some may think that this refers to teleportation, but

may not the word " body " also mean simply the form of something? One

of Webster's definitions of " body " is " anything existing in three

dimensional space " . If such is the case then Cayce may have been

referring to that unique use of coherent laser light, holography, the

transmission of three dimensional images. The readings also contain

information that may suggest a geothermal connection with the crystal

(or crystals, as Cayce said in several readings). Cayce stated that

the rays " were turned on crystals in the pits that made connections

with the internal influences of the earth " . Perhaps they were being

used to regulate the temperature of magma pools or of heating

underground water sources (or both). At any rate, when the sons of

Belial turned these rays on the crystals in the pits " a volcanic

upheaval " ensued. Apparently they overloaded the system, which also

seems to be implied as to what happened when the crystals were

unintentionally " tuned too high " (human error?) which brought about

the second period of destruction. Lasers are also " tuned " . If ones

primary energy source is connected to other subsidiary systems a

problem at the source will be felt all the way down the line.

Doubtless overloads and explosions resulted from tuning the crystals

too high.


According to the readings, the firestone, or tuaoi, was used for

thousands of years. If it was so effective, our own civilization

would obviously benefit from its re-creation. If Cayce was right

there are clues in ancient records as to how to construct

a " firestone " and as to what it looked like.


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