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Death Valley to Ram Empire.

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Ancient City In Death Valley. Nov. 7, 2007.


As most of you know I love to go to Death Valley in

Calif. and have spent quite a bit of time there. Here

is something about the remains of a city that is

supposed to be there.





Evidence for Ancient A-omic W-rfare: Vitrified Ruins in

California's Death Valley.


In Se-rets of the Lost R-ces, Rene Noorbergen discusses

the evidence for a cataclysmic wa- in the remote past that

included the use of airships and weapons that vitrified

stone cities. The most numerous vitrified remains in the

New World are located in the western United States. In 1850

the American explorer Captain Ives William Walker was the

first to view some of these ruins, situated in Death


He discovered a city about a mile long, with the lines of

the streets and the positions of the buildings still

visible. At the center he found a huge rock, between 20 to

30 feet high, with the remains of an enormous structure

atop it. The southern side of both the rock and the

building was melted and vitrified. Walker assumed that a

volcano had been responsible for this phenomenon, but there

is no volcano in the area. In addition, tectonic heat could

not have caused such a liquefication of the rock surface.

An associate of Captain Walker who followed up his initial

exploration commented: " The whole region between the rivers

Gila and San Juan is covered with remains. The ruins of

cities are to be found there which must be most extensive,

and they are burnt out and vitrified in part, full of fused

stones and craters caused by fires which were hot enough to

liquefy rock or metal.

There are paving stones and houses torn with monstrous

cracks. [as though they had] been attacked by a giant's

fire-plough. " clip..-- -- -- --The Evidence for Ancient

Ato-ic W-rfare Part 2 excerpt on Dead Sea:


Researcher L. M. Lewis, in his book Footprints on the

Sands of Time, 19 maintains that both Sodom and Gomorrah

were destroyed by ato-ic weapons and that the salt pillars

and high salt content around the Dead Sea are evidence of a

nuc-ear blast. Says Lewis: When Hroshima was being rebuilt,

stretches of sandy soil were found to have been atomically

changed into a substance resembling a glazed silicon

permeated by a saline crystalloid. Little blocks of this

were cut from the mass and sold to tourists as souvenirs of

the town--and of atom-c action. Lewis maintains that if

the pillars of salt at the end of the Dead Sea were

ordinary salt, they would have disappeared with the

periodic rains. Instead, these pillars are of a special,

harder salt, only created in a nucl-ar reaction such as an

ato-ic explosion....

At the southern end of the Dead Sea today is a modern

chemical plant. This huge chemical plant is said to have an

endless supply of valuable minerals, including radioactive

salts. Are some of these chemicals the result of an ancient

atomi- blast?....-tomic -ar in Ancient India These verses

are from the Mahabharata (written in ancient Dravidian,

then later in Sanskrit) and describe horrific w-rs fought

long before the recorder's lifetime. Various omens appeared

among the g-ds: winds blew, meteors fell in thousands,

thunder rolled through a cloudless sky.

There he saw a wheel with a rim as sharp as a razor

whirling around the soma... Then taking the soma, he broke

the whirling machine... Drona called Arjuna and said:

" Accept from me this irresistible weapon called Brahmasira.

But you must promise never to use it against a human foe,

for if you did it might destroy the world. If any foe who

is not a human attacks you, you may use it against him in

battle. None but you deserves the celestial weapon that I

gave you... " Several historical records claim that Indian

culture has been around for literally tens of thousands of

years. Several great cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

(Mound of the Dead), Kot Diji, Kalibanga and Lothal were

discovered and excavated. The cities were highly developed,

laid out in regular blocks, with streets crossing each

other at right angles. Sewers were covered, and most homes

had private toilets and running water. The Rama Empire,

described in the Mahabharata and Ramayana , was supposedly

contemporaneous with the great cultures of Atlantis and

Osiris in the West. Atlantis, well known from Plato's

writings and ancient Egyptian records, apparently existed

in the mid-Atlantic and was a highly technological and

patriarchal civilisation. The Osirian civilisation existed

in the Mediterranean basin and northern Africa, according

to e-oteric do-trine and archaeological evidence, and is

generally known as pre-dynastic Egypt. It was flooded when

Atlantis sank and the Mediterranean began to fill up with


The Rama Empire, (in India), flourished during the same

period, according to esoteric tradition, fading out in the

millennium after the destruction of the Atlantean

continent. The ancient Indian epics describe a series of

horrific wa-s - w-rs which could have been fought between

ancient India and Atlantis, or perhaps a third party in the

Gobi region of western China. The Mahabharata and the

Drona Parva speak of the w-r and of the weapons used: great

fireballs that could destroy a whole city; " Kapila's

Glance " , which could burn 50,000 men to ashes in seconds;

and flying spears that could ruin whole " cities full of

forts " . The Rama Empire was started by the Nagas (Naacals)

(reptilian?), who had come into India from Burma and

ultimately from " the Motherland to the east " (land of

Mu/Lumeria?)--or so Colonel James Churchward was told.

After settling in the Deccan Plateau in northern India,

they made their capital in the ancient city of Deccan,

where the modern city of Nagpur stands today. The empire

of the Nagas apparently began to extend all over northern

India to include the cities of Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro and

Kot Diji (now in Pakistan), as well as Lothal, Kalibanga,

Mathura and possibly other cities such as Benares, Ayodha

and Pataliputra. These cities were led by " Great Teachers "

or " Masters " who were the benevolent aristocracy of the

Rama civilization. Today they are generally called

" Priest-Kings " of the Indus Valley civilization, and a

number of statues of these so-called g-ds have been

discovered. In reality, these were apparently men whose

mental and p-ychic powers were of a degree that seems

incredible to most people of today. It was at the height of

power for both the Rama Empire and Atlantis that the wa-

allegedly broke out, seemingly because of Atlantis's

attempt to subjugate Rama. According to the Lemurian

Fellowship lesson materials, the populace surrounding Mu

(Lemuria, which predated the other civilizations)

eventually split into two opposing factions: those who

prized practicality and those who prized sp-rituality.

Those who prized practicality emigrated to the Poseid

Island group (Atlantis), and those who prized spi-ituality

eventually ended up in India. The Atlanteans, a patriarchal

civilization with an extremely materialistic, eventually

sent a well-equipped army to India in order to subjugate

the Rama Empire. The Rama Empire Priest-Kings defeated the

Atlanteans, through psy-hic powers. When excavations of

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they

discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many

holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some

instant, horrible doom had taken place. People were just

lying, unburied, in the streets of the city. And these

skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional

archaeological standards. These skeletons are among the

most radioactive ever found, on par with those at Nagasaki

and Hiroshima. At one site, Soviet scholars found a

skeleton which had a radioactive level 50 times greater

than normal.

Furthermore, thousands of fused lumps, christened " black

stones " , have been found at Mohenjo-Daro. These appear to

be fragments of clay vessels that melted together in

extreme heat. Other cities have been found in northern

India that show indications of explosions of great

magnitude. One such city, found between the Ganges and the

mountains of Rajmahal, seems to have been subjected to

intense heat. Huge masses of walls and foundations of the

ancient city are fused together, literally vitrified! And

since there is no indication of a volcanic eruption at

Mohenjo-Daro or at the other cities, the intense heat to

melt clay vessels can only be explained by an atomic blast.

Kasmir is also connected with the fantastic -ar that

destroyed the Rama Empire in ancient times. The massive

ruins of a temple called Parshaspur can be found just

outside Srinagar. It is a scene of total destruction. Huge

blocks of stone are scattered about a wide area, giving the

impression of explosive annihilation. A giant crater near

Bombay, nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater,

located 400 kilometres northeast of Bombay and aged at less

than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuc-ear wa-fare

of antiquity. No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has

been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the

world's only known " impact " crater in basalt. Indications

of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000

atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt

glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site...


Part 1.


John Winston. johnfw



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