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Fwd: Ramana Maharshi says aim of all jivas is to return to Brahman

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, Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth



The nature of the water is to run down.The water of the ocean stands there

itself as a vast mass. The ocean is the lowest place on earth. Therefore,

the water in the ocean has no place to run down. But, when water is

evaporated by the sun and transformed into clouds, it never stands still in

the sky. Driven away by the winds to mountain tops, cooled and transformed

into pure water, it runs. As per the nature of water it again starts flowing

down seeking for its source in waterfalls,gathers into many streams, runs

down to lower places as river and finally merges again into its source, the

ocean. In no way it can be stopped till it reaches its source, the ocean.

Though it may flow into many channels and irrigate fields or be collected in

lakes and tanks or be stopped by springs and wells, it will not remain there

for long; for, it evaporates again, is transformed into clouds and tries to

reach its source as before! The efforts that we observe as in the life of

jeevas, individual souls, are exactly like this!


The source of all jeevas, not only humans but of all creatures is the

Supreme Thing (Brahman). The innumerable souls living in innumerable globes

which,because of an indefinable wondrous power appear to be separated from

their source, are ever hurrying back to the Supreme, their source. Just as

running down towards the lowest place is the nature of water, the effort

observed in jeevas in the form of thoughts,

speech and actions to return to their source, the Supreme, is verily the

nature of jeevas. Hence the aim of all jeevas is to return to their source,



But the rain water while coursing down from the hill-tops, does not run

straight towards the ocean. It fills any pool or pit it meets, overflows it

and runs down in any direction to the next lower one, according to the

characteristics of the land. It does not even know that it is going to the

ocean. In the same way, jeevas engage themselves according to their tastes

into one activity after another with no clear understanding of the final aim

of their efforts. The rain water cannot help but be engaged in the only

activity it can perform according to its nature, i.e., running down to lower

places. Whether it knows the way or not it will certainly reach the ocean

soon or later; for, it cannot stop permanently anywhere on its way. So also,

jeevas cannot help but long for happiness, because such is their nature.

Therefore they engage themselves into the only activity they can perform,

i.e., the fulfilment of their immediate desires. Whether they are aware or

not that the result of all their efforts is attaining their source, Brahman.

They certainly will attain even if it is only after many crores of cycles of

creations (Re-birth).


As we have described above, the water in the clouds evaporated from the

ocean, after once raining on the hill-tops, does not run immediately back

into the ocean in one run as a river. On its way it is again evaporated, and

again floats in the form of clouds and when cooled down it again takes the

form of water.This is its rebirth. Is it not? So also, before it reaches its

source, Brahman, the jeeva takes different bodies again and again. Each time

it makes efforts in many directions and every time when the body once taken

wears out and dies, the jeeva takes another body. This is its rebirth.


Source: The Path of Sri Ramana PART TWO By Sri Sadhu Om



Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram


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Taste of water when it is a river is sweet, when it joins the ocean it is salty and when it is a cloud it is bland, the change in properties does not change the essence. water remains as water whether it is called a river or ocean or cloud. the jiva is called a human or animal or bird or insect or plant and based on the properties the name is given.

The properties keep on changing & it gets called by different names, for every change it is called birth or death.. the water has not come from anywhere & nor does it go anywhere, it is always there, similarly the jiva has not come from anywhere & nor does it go anywhere, it is always there.

jiva is the supreme reality, the sadguru, brahman.





Tony OClery <aocleryadvaitajnana Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:59:27 AM Fwd: Ramana Maharshi says aim of all jivas is to return to Brahman


, Prasanth Jalasutram <jvrsprasanth@ ...> wrote:The nature of the water is to run down.The water of the ocean stands thereitself as a vast mass. The ocean is the lowest place on earth. Therefore,the water in the ocean has no place to run down. But, when water isevaporated by the sun and transformed into clouds, it never stands still inthe sky. Driven away by the winds to mountain tops, cooled and transformedinto pure water, it runs. As per the nature of water it again starts flowingdown seeking for its source in waterfalls,gathers into many streams, runsdown to lower places as river and finally merges again into its source, theocean. In no way it can be stopped till it reaches its source, the ocean.Though it may flow into many channels

and irrigate fields or be collected inlakes and tanks or be stopped by springs and wells, it will not remain therefor long; for, it evaporates again, is transformed into clouds and tries toreach its source as before! The efforts that we observe as in the life ofjeevas, individual souls, are exactly like this!The source of all jeevas, not only humans but of all creatures is theSupreme Thing (Brahman). The innumerable souls living in innumerable globeswhich,because of an indefinable wondrous power appear to be separated fromtheir source, are ever hurrying back to the Supreme, their source. Just asrunning down towards the lowest place is the nature of water, the effortobserved in jeevas in the form of thoughts,speech and actions to return to their source, the Supreme, is verily thenature of jeevas. Hence the aim of all jeevas is to return to their source,Brahman.But the rain water while

coursing down from the hill-tops, does not runstraight towards the ocean. It fills any pool or pit it meets, overflows itand runs down in any direction to the next lower one, according to thecharacteristics of the land. It does not even know that it is going to theocean. In the same way, jeevas engage themselves according to their tastesinto one activity after another with no clear understanding of the final aimof their efforts. The rain water cannot help but be engaged in the onlyactivity it can perform according to its nature, i.e., running down to lowerplaces. Whether it knows the way or not it will certainly reach the oceansoon or later; for, it cannot stop permanently anywhere on its way. So also,jeevas cannot help but long for happiness, because such is their nature.Therefore they engage themselves into the only activity they can perform,i.e., the fulfilment of their immediate desires. Whether they

are aware ornot that the result of all their efforts is attaining their source, Brahman.They certainly will attain even if it is only after many crores of cycles ofcreations (Re-birth).As we have described above, the water in the clouds evaporated from theocean, after once raining on the hill-tops, does not run immediately backinto the ocean in one run as a river. On its way it is again evaporated, andagain floats in the form of clouds and when cooled down it again takes theform of water.This is its rebirth. Is it not? So also, before it reaches itssource, Brahman, the jeeva takes different bodies again and again. Each timeit makes efforts in many directions and every time when the body once takenwears out and dies, the jeeva takes another body. This is its rebirth.Source: The Path of Sri Ramana PART TWO By Sri Sadhu Om-- Om namo Bhagavate Sri RamanayaPrasanth Jalasutram---

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