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Mind and minds and kosas

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GuruRatings , " durga " <durgaji108 wrote:




> GuruRatings , " aoclery " <aoclery@> wrote:

> snip

> >

> > What I am saying is there is a part of the human mind or psyche that is

connected and part of a bigger construct....Once you move from the personal

ordinary mind or manomayakosa...you move into different levels, including

species mind, higher mind etc....the vijnanamayakosa is the level of awareness

mind and once purified is not different from the over all universal mind.....all

memories and vibrations exist in the mind whether the body is there or



> Hi Tony,


> Do you have a reference which you can cite for

> these definitions? Just this past Saturday, in our

> Sanskrit class, during the vocabulary portion

> of the class, we discussed and defined these terms.


> There are considered to be five 'koshas,'

> (which word literally translate as 'sheaths')

> on which the individual's mind can make the

> mistake of taking that to be who I am.


> They are respectively,


> 1.annamayakosha (the physical body, which is made of

> 'food,'in Sanskrit 'anna.')


> 2. pranamayakosha (the functions of the physical body,

> breathing, the circulatory system, digestion, organs

> of action and sense perception)


> 3. manomayakosha (the indecisive, fluctuating thoughts which

> the mind has, this includes emotions and memories)


> 4. vijnanamayakosha (decisive thoughts, also called the buddhi,

> like " I know I locked the door when I went out. " The ahankara,

> the 'I am the doer' thought also belongs to this type of

> decisive thinking, until it is recognized to be an incorrect

> thought)


> 5. anandamayakosha (when the mind is saturated or suffused

> with happiness. This includes the deep sleep state, and nirvikalpa

> samadhi state, or any type of highly peaceful state. A lot

> of people mistake such a state for the 'experience' of

> enlightenment, which they then seek to repeat.)


> These 'koshas,' sheaths or coverings, do not actually 'cover'

> the self, brahman, the source of the 'I am' thought, but

> rather they are points of possible misindentification

> of 'I'/atma/brahman with a quality of the body or mind.


> So that's how they are traditionally defined in Vedanta.


> Once the individual mind recognizes 'I am that brahman

> unchanging, and so too in the final analysis is everything

> else,' then what? Then what is 'functioning' in duality?


> This is where Vedanta brings in the total order which

> governs the whole. Thus the mind of the individual,

> gives over taking myself (as the body/mind) to be separate

> from the functioning of the total order, and recognizes that

> the body/mind/sense organs function as part of the whole.


> So that may be somewhat along the lines of what you

> are saying.


> Where does this recognition take place? In the buddhi,

> which is also called the vijnanamayakosha. It is a 'decisive' recognition,

because it is a recognition of what is actually true.


> Or as my first guru Neem Karoli Baba once said,

> " I [brahman] do nothing.

> God [the functioning of the total order] does everything. "


> But as long as the individual body/mind/sense organs

> remain, the jnani's particular knowledge of the whole

> will always be limited by their mind. What I mean by that

> is that the jnani's mind will not have the total knowledge

> of everything. If you don't know Chinese when you gained knowledge,

> you still won't know Chinese. You can't see what's

> happening in Russia when you are in Alaska. You can't

> know another's thoughts, unless you ask, and they tell

> you, and so on.


> (This leaves aside the discussion of siddhis, which is

> best left aside, IMO, because the cultivation of

> siddhis is discouraged as a side line, an obstacle,

> a distraction, in the gain of self-knowledge)


> Durga


Namaste Durga,


I have nobody to cite but myself and the studies I have done...I avoid

categorisation really. They are all just one mind really and fade into each

other...Most humans don't use much of the vijnanamayakosa and operate mainly on

the lower mind...NirVikalpa is beyond bliss by the way...by definition....


Vedanta as far as I know doesn't get into species common mind..or all the levels

up to Mahat.....as they are no doubt covered by the kosa concept.....However in

my opinion species mind is the repository of common instinct and

behaviour....Cheers Tony

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