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RE: Negating-Some doubts

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Who Am I

'Who am I?' I am not this physical body, nor am I the five organs of sense perception; I am not the five organs of external activity, nor am I the five vital forces, nor am I even the thinking mind. Neither am I that unconscious state of nescience which retains merely the subtle vasanas (latencies of the mind), while being free from the functional activity of the sense-organs and of the mind, and being unaware of the existence of the objects of sense-perception.

Therefore, summarily rejecting all the above-mentioned physical adjuncts and their functions, saying 'I am not this; no, nor am I this, nor this' -- that which then remains separate and alone by itself, that pure Awareness is what I am. This Awareness is by its very nature Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). michael bindel <michael_bindel wrote:





Dear Srinvas


let michael tell you how glad he is to read your answer to Dijo


of course never "negate" anything - it gets "stronger"....

but except that we are NOT this and that we are "only"

the SELF LOVE GD how "we" want to name the "unname-able"


a wonderful association michael found


everything is "just" a reflection in the mirror of the "consciousness" radiated by the SELF

- so everything is "just" a reflection not really REAL






the association everything we experience is like a film on the SCREEN

and our real NATURE is the SCREEN SELF GD LOVE


and something which helped michael very much indeed


LOVE is not understandable for normal human beings till the start the journey inside and discover their real nature


being GD


so everything - from the dust to michael and so on - is GD fulfilling itself till again back home.....



hoping not to disturb you with my comments



let us all be grateful for being with RAMANA


and for the work the endless and unvaluable work by his devotess like David Godman




in love in GD

in GD michael trusts



michael bindel"R, Srinivas (KeyChain-PaloAlto)" <srinivas.r wrote:

Hello DijoI have tried to answer your questions, but words will have their basiclimitations.1. First of all the path shown by Bhagavan is not "Neti Neti" orNegation. It is only for intellectual understanding that they are askingus to Negate body, thoughts etc. The more you negate them, the more youwill get attached to the object being negated. It is like this, whereverour attention falls, knowledge of that objects grows. Attention isAttachment! So when you negate your body, you get more attached to thebody. So the path of Self-enquiry shown by Bhagavan is Self-Attention.The more you put your attention on the "I Am", the knowledge of ourexistence alone grows and finally leads to it mergence in the Heart orSelf.In the Bus example shown by you, Bus is an inert object, while you arepure Awareness or Consciousness.

You can negate your body, thoughts orfeelings, but can you negate yourself. "That which cannot be negated isthe TRUTH". The seer is the truth and the seen is false.2. Yes, everything is Predetermined. Instead of debating on this, whynot take the Guru's words and put them in to practice and get rid of themisery. If you are hit on the road, will we worry about, how we got hit,or who was responsible, etc etc instead of calling 911. We are in thatstate, we are in a state of emergency, there is no time, Enquire "WHO AMI" and end the ego, go to everlasting peace and bliss. Finally all these questions are raised by the ego, the objective is totranscend it, and no explanation will satisfy the ego.RegardsSrinivasdijo xavier [dijo_xavier] Friday, March 18, 2005 6:54 AM Subject: Some

doubtsDear All,I have some doubts could some one please clarify1)Guru Says : By negation that I am not the body, I am not feeling,I am not thought etc.. You will come to know who youare.Now consider a BUSBus is not it's body, Bus is not the driver, Bus isnot passengers on the bus and so on Going like this Ican say there cannot be any BUS2)Guru Says : Every thing is predetermined If So what ever they (Guru) said also predeterminedirrespective of their enlightenment. Then how can Isay what they are saying rightRegardsDijo Send instant messages to your online friendshttp://uk.messenger.

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