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Guru Ramana - Memories & Notes, S.S. Cohen, #1

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Guru Ramana -








This book, as its sub-title indicates, contains some of

my reminiscences as well as the notes which I took down atodd times during my long residence in Ramanashram.

The memories of a close association with its celebrated


Master Sri Ramana Maharshi, lasting for more than fourteen

years, are vast, indeed, but the majority, being of spiritualnature, must needs remain unexpressed.


Part I contains these reminiscences - my first impressions

of the Master, his spiritual influence on his disciples, theconditions prevailing then in the Ashram, someautobiographical reflections and episodes, etc.


Part II consists of extracts from my notebooks, where

from time to time I jotted down the English translation ofthe Master's answers to questions almost as soon as they weregiven. They cover practically all the questions which abeginner on this path asks himself and which were actuallyput to him by me or in my presence.


Part III is the diary which I kept of the last two years of

the Master's life. It describes, in particular, the closing scenesof his earthly career as an illustrious member of that divinerace of Rishis, who for thousands of years have sanctified thisland by their presence and by their sublime teaching of theAbsolute. Seekers of whatever cast or creed, race or colour,have found in him their ideal of a perfect Master. With thecrystal clear reason of Gaudapada and Shankara, and thepeaceful, unwavering devotion (Parabhakti) to the supremeQuest, peculiar to the Vedantic Teachers and the path ofJnana, he satisfies both head and heart. Above all, the purityand love which radiate from him ceaselessly shed their beatific

influence on all around him, justifying the appellation of"Bhagavan" given to him by his very early devotees when hewas still in his teens, in consideration of his rigorous tapasand the original knowledge of the Absolute which he exhibitedat that tender age.



S. S. C.


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