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Arunachala Grace News - September, 2007




















Arunachala Tidbits


Sri Nannagaru Sri Nannagaru left Arunachala on August 15th after a short stay at his ashram, located at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Tiruvannamalai. While at Arunachala, Sri Nannagaru gave darshan twice a day, performed girivalam, visited the homes of various devotees and also spent time at Ramana Ashram. Sri Nannagaru is next expected at Arunachala around November 20th, in time for Bharani Deepam (lighting of the Deepam flame) on November 24th. He will stay for approximately 10 days. Mother Meera Mother Meera (of Thalheim) visited Arunachala on August 16th. A meeting with an open invitation to all was conducted at Meenakshi Kalyana Mandapam, in Tiruvannamalai, on that same evening. Pavala Kunru Ashram Pavala Kunru is a famous Shakti Temple on the southeast slope of Arunachala, overlooking Tiruvannamalai. Near the Temple is a rock, at which Swami Nithyananda reports to have achieved realisation. Recently, according to locals, "huge earth movers had suddenly appeared from nowhere and started removing boulders on the hill slopes for the construction of an ashram for Nithyanandha Swamigal". All work has been halted at the site of the intended 3-acre Ashram, pending resolution of this dispute. Ganesh Chaturthi This year Ganesh Chaturthi is on September 15th. Already officials have requested that Ganesha idols for immersioon in Municipal Tanks be made from mud. Terracotta idols (commonly on sale) have a large chemical constituent and must not be immersed in water bodies (including wells).


Eco Sensitive Ganesha Chaturthi










Nakshatra Dhyaan Temple

[banyan Tree - Magam Nakshatra]

The new 'Sri Arunachala Dhyanapeetam' at Tiruvannamalai now offers a 'Nakshatra Dhyaan Temple'. This facility is located at Tiruvannamalai-Manaloorpettai road about 8 kms from the Big Temple, Tiruvannamalai. During Vedic times, sages and saints identified 9 planets, 12 rasis (rasi refers to the sign in which the moon is placed at the time of a person's birth) and 27 stars. The positions of these planets, rasis and stars at the time of a person's birth, is believed to affect the whole course of their life. Based on the birth date, astrologers fix the birth star of a person; and based on the birth star, the traditional system of astrology assigns a specific tree mentioned in the Vedas to it. These specific trees are named Nakshatra Shanthi. Each zodiac tree is said to have medicinal, social and aesthetic values that correspond to the characteristics and ethos of the particular star. Sri Arunachala Dhyanapeetam offers the opportunity to access one's particular nakshatra tree. Whenever necessary, the Nakshatra Dhyaan Temple will also help calculate a person's birth star and identify the relevant star tree.


Full Information








Dasa Mahavidyas

Part 2

The beautiful Rajarajeshwari Temple, which is located on the Hillround at Parvati Hill about a kilometre before Adi Annamalai Village is unique because of the peculiar facts of the Temple's location, the presence of a Sri Meru Yantra in the Temple's Sanctum Sanctorum and also the presence of statue representations of the Dasa Mahavidyas (the Ten Wisdom Goddesses) which are worshipped independently of the Goddess in the Temple's Shrineroom. “The first reference to the Ten Wisdom Goddesses occurs in the Shiva Purana (V.50). According to this story a demon named Durgama, took control of the four Vedas, by a boon of the Creator, Lord Brahma, and through them gained power over the entire Universe. This caused a tremendous drought on earth for many years in which all creatures suffered greatly. Hence the Gods called upon the Goddess to save the world. The Goddess, who always responds to the wishes of her devotees, first eliminated the drought and filled all the waters of the earth. Then the Gods asked an additional boon to destroy the great demon and reclaim the Vedas. In her battle with the demon, the Goddess brought ten great forms out of her body - the Dasa Mahavidyas – and then took the forms of innumerable Goddesses. She defeated the demon and returned the Vedas to the Gods. As the conqueror of Durgama, the Goddess was named Durga." [David Frawley] Dasa Mahavidyas means the “Ten Great Knowledges.” They reveal the inner workings of both the universe and the psyche, once the veil of appearance is pulled down. They represent the deeper truths of life hidden behind our attachment to the outer forms of things. Their messages are sometimes inspiring and sometimes frightening because they represent life itself, but they are always instructive to those who are looking for something beyond the ordinary realm. Mayalaudrai, a sculptor from Kumbakonam District, who is now in his 80s and the sculptor of the statue of the current Rajarajeshwari statue in the shrine room, also crafted all of the Dasa Mahavidyas. The statues were carved out of green stone and took over six months to craft.


Dasa Maha Vidyas








Overcoming Addiction


Why are we addicted? We are addicted because we are not living from our source; we have lost our connection to our soul. The use of food, alcohol or drugs is essentially a material response to a need that is not really physical at its foundation. Drunkenness, for example, is really a forgetting of personal memory so we can experience the joy of the non-personal, the universal. What we are looking for is pure joy rather than mere sensation, or even oblivion of sensation. Self-destructive behavior is unrecognized spiritual craving. All addictions are really a search for the exultation of spirit, and this search has to do with the expansion of consciousness, the intoxication of love, which is pure consciousness . . . When the ego or the image of the self overshadows the unbounded Self, we feel cut off or disconnected from infinite consciousness, our source. This is the beginning of fear, the onset of suffering, and all of the problems of humanity, from our minor insecurities to our major catastrophes, such as war. Start today to transcend your addictive behaviors by observing them without judgment. Wake every day with a prayer: “Thank you, God, for making me just as I am,” and then observe yourself. Be a witness to your thoughts, your moods, your reactions, your behaviors. They represent your memories of the past, and by witnessing them in the present, you liberate yourself of the past. By observing your addictive behaviors, you observe your conditioning. And when you observe your conditioning, you are free of it, because you are not your conditioning; you are the observer of your conditioning. Observe the silence between your thoughts, your actions, your reactions, and you will feel the presence of spirit in the stillness of those spaces. In the mere observation of your-self, you begin the process of healing and transformation. And if you keep practicing ever-present awareness of your own self, then insight, intuition and imagination will begin to blossom . . . Once you find your true self, once you become whole, the only intoxication you have is the intoxication of pure consciousness, pure Being. [Deepak Chopra]


Full Article










Garlic, Allium Sativum, which is abundantly cultivated throughout Tiruvannamalai District, is a species of the onion family Alliaceae. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, and leek. Garlic has been used throughout history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Allium sativum grows in the wild in areas where it has become naturalised and is probably descended from the species Allium longicuspis, which grows wild in south-western Asia. Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavour, as a seasoning or condiment. Garlic is claimed to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis, protect arteries from cholesterol, regulates high blood pressure, improves the immune system and protects against cancer. One reason for garlic's beneficial effects may be its ability to lessen the amount of free radicals present in the bloodstream. The compounds in garlic responsible for its pungency also excite a neuron pathway providing cardiovascular benefits. Garlic is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels. People taking insulin should not consume medicinal amounts of garlic without consulting a physician. In such applications, garlic must be fresh and uncooked, or the helpful component allicin will be lost. Decocted garlic extract left to set overnight is effective in healing wounds and has been used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene and infections. Garlic cloves are used as a remedy for infections (especially chest problems), digestive disorders, fungal infections such as thrush and also has been shown to boost testosterone levels. Garlic also helps protect against severe attacks in some cases of asthma and reduce pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Garlic is a potent antibiotic, even against strains that have become resistant to many drugs. Because garlic passes into the bloodstream, it can be a useful mosquito repellent. This is most likely the cause of the myth that vampires hate garlic. The association of garlic to evil spirits may be based on the antibacterial, antiparasitic value of garlic, which could prevent infections that lead to delusions, and other related mental illness symptoms. Known adverse effects of garlic include halitosis (non-bacterial), indigestion, nausea, emesis and diarrhea. Garlic should not be taken with warfarin, antiplatelets, saquinavir, antihypertensives, or hypoglycemic drugs. Cases of botulism have been caused by consuming garlic-in-oil preparations. It is important to add acid when creating these mixtures and to keep them refrigerated to retard bacterial growth. Extremely large quantities of garlic and garlic supplements have been linked with a raised risk of bleeding. Pregnant women should use garlic with caution. Some breastfeeding mothers have found their babies slow to feed and have noticed a garlic odour coming from their baby when they have consumed garlic. It is to be noted that serious burns have resulted from garlic being applied topically for various purposes, including naturopathic uses and acne treatment. Topical use of raw garlic, as well as insertion of raw garlic into body cavities could lead to injury. Topical application of raw garlic to young children is risky.


Garlic Information








White Breasted Waterhen


Currently several members of this interesting looking bird, regularly visit my garden for some nice eatables. These charming birds, with their curious colouring, remind me of a nun in her habit. This species is known as the White-breasted Waterhen which is a large (33 cm) rail with dark slaty-gray upperparts, white face, breast and belly, and rufous rear flanks, vent and undertail coverts. The bill is greenish yellow with a red frontal shield, the legs are dark yellow and the iris is red. The sexes look alike. The White Breasted Waterhen is distributed throughout South Asia. The White Breasted Waterhen prefers moist ground overgrown with tangles of bushes on the margins of ponds and it wanders considerably afield during the monsoon when low-lying tracts become water-logged. The stumpy tail, carried erect as the bird stalks or skulks along, is constantly jerked up flashing the chestnut colour underneath into prominence. This bird is ordinarily shy and silent, but exceedingly noisey during the rainy season when it breeds. At this time it clambers up (for calling) onto the top of a bush whence it can command a good view of its surroundings, without exposing itself. Its call begins with loud, hoarse grunts, croaks and chuckles and then settles down to a monotonous metallic krr-kwak-kwak, krr-kwak-kwak or just kook-kook-kook. Heard chiefly on cloudy overcast days and often all through the night. The bird is omnivorous, eating worms, molluscs, insects, spiders and small fish in addition to grass seeds, shoots and roots of marsh plants. Its nesting season occurs from June to October (during the SW monsoon). The White Breasted Waterhen’s nest is comprised of a shallow cup of twigs, creeper stems and flags of bulrushes, up in in a bush near water. It lays up to 6 or 7 cream or pinkish white, eggs which are streaked and blotched with reddish brown. The chick, which is born black, leaves the nest soon after hatching and is cared for by both parents.










Arunachala Land


Arunachala Grace Network will often post news of land for sale, in the hope that the land will be acquired by independent owners who intends using the land for his/her own purpose, and thereby prevent it from being cut up and sold as individual housing plots which will eventually become densely packed urban areas. Our belief is land at Arunachala is Sacred and we need to revere and protect it. This month we are posting information about land located south and within 3 kms of the Hill. The land offered is approximately 8 acres and is currently privately owned – the land can be sold to several individuals. This area is silent, secluded and perfect for a Retreat Centre or Ashram. LAND SPECULATORS AND/OR DEVELOPERS ARE NOT INVITED TO REPLY If you wish to find out more about this land please get in touch with: arunachalameenakshi Over the last several months we have been visiting land within a 12 kilometre radius of Arunachala and have discovered serene, pristine countryside land 'far from the madding crowd' and the urban sprawl of Tiruvannamalai. We will be posting regular updates of both urban and countryside land in our Blog, however if you have specific questions please feel free to get in touch. To all those that have already made enquiries about land as and when suitable land comes up in line with your specified requirements we will get in touch. YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FORGOTTEN.


Blog for Updates











In This Issue:


Arunachala Tidbits


Nakshatra Dhyaan Temple


Dasa Mahavidyas


Overcoming Addiction




White Breasted Waterhen


Arunachala Land


Arunachala Grace Network


Stories and Poems


The Garlic Plant


The Universe













Arunachala Grace Network


Aum! Let us listen with our ears to that which is auspicious, adorable one. Let us perceive with our eyes what is holy and auspicious. With strong, stable body and limbs, may we seek the Divine Grace and accept the noble order of all our life.*************************


All subscriptions to Arunachala Grace News are completely free. However we now have a PayPal and credit card function on this newsletter. In this respect we invite support for the continual development of Arunachala Grace Network and its plans for the improved welfare of animal life in this area.Arunachala Grace Newsletter www.arunachalasamudra.org www.arunachalagrace.blogspot.com contact: arunachalana

We are including a facility on this newsletter for readers who do not yet have their own subscription. [Please remember to adjust your 'spam' recognition to facilitate acceptance of the Newsletter]: Click Here to Subscribe














Stories and Poems

Birth of Ganesha

There is a curious tale about the birth of Ganesha. It is believed that once while Parvati was bathing, she created a human figure from some unguent and balm, gave the figure life and then asked him to guard her door while she bathed. After a long period of meditation on Mountain Kailash, Shiva chose to visit his wife Parvati, but was abruptly stopped by the man-god the Goddess, his wife, had posted at her door. Outraged by the impudence of this stranger, Shiva cut off his head only to discover that he had killed Parvati’s son! To prevent enraging his wife, Shiva immediately dispatched his ganas (attendants) to bring back the head of the first living creature they could find. Well, the first living creature happened to be an elephant. As instructed, the head was chopped off and brought back to Shiva, who placed it on Parvati’s son’s body, bringing him back to life. This elephant-headed god was welcomed into the first family of the Hindu heavens and named Ganesha or Ganapati, which literally means the chief of the ganas, or the attendants of Shiva. Ganesha is the foremost god of the Hindu pantheon. This brave guardian of the door to Parvati’s bath is beheld today as the most auspicious God of new beginnings. He is worshipped during every festival and before people undertake a journey or embark upon a new venture. You will also see him carefully guarding entrances to temples and homes, peeping out of calendars and happily gracing marriages and other such occasions. ************************* The Three Ants Three ants met on the nose of a man who was lying asleep in the sun. And after they had saluted one another, each according to the custom of his tribe, they stood there conversing. The first ant said, “These hills and plains are the most barren I have known. I have searched all day for a grain of some sort, and there is none to be found.” Said the second ant, “I too have found nothing, though I have visited every nook and glade. This is, I believe, what my people call the soft, moving land where nothing grows.” Then the third ant raised his head and said, “My friends, we are standing now on the nose of the Supreme Ant, the mighty and infinite Ant, whose body is so great that we cannot see it, whose shadow is so vast that we cannot trace it, whose voice is so loud that we cannot hear it; and He is omnipresent.” When the third ant spoke thus the other ants looked at each other and laughed. At that moment the man moved and in his sleep raised his hand and scratched his nose, and the three ants were crushed.[Kahlil Gibran]************************* Surrender Surrender, is to surrender your concept of separateness, your ego. Surrender is to discharge your river of separateness into the Ocean of Being, losing your limitations, and allowing to happen what happens. Surrender the addiction to your senses. You don't need to stop them, but you need to have perfect control over them. Ego is a poor driver of these five horses, but the Atman charioteer will not make a mistake. Surrender the reigns of your senses to the Atman. As the river surrenders to the Ocean, surrender yourself to the Self, the Source. And if you find you are still swimming on the surface of the Ocean, stop swimming and you will sink into Depths of Love. [HWL Poonja]














The Garlic Plant


One time while reading a monthly journal, Ramana Maharshi laughed and handed it to a devotee, saying of an article, “The greatness of garlic is described in this.” Later he remarked, “People say garlic is very good for health. Really it is so. It removes rheumatism and gives strength to the body. To children it acts as an Amrit (nectar). Garlic is also known as Amrit and there is a curious story about it.” “When the gods and demons churned the ocean, Amrit came out of it. When the demons were running away with the vessel containing the nectar, the gods appealed to Vishnu. Vishnu came on to the scene in the shape of enchantress, Mohini, and offered to resolve their quarrel by serving Amrit to them all. While serving it to the gods first, it appeared that there might not be enough to go round for the demons. One of the latter got into the line of the gods, unobserved by Mohini, and was swallowing the Amrit, when the Sun and moon noticed it and gave her the hint. She threw the ladle, with which the Amrit was being served, at the demon in a such a way as to cut off his head. The ladle became the Chakra of Vishnu. But as the Amrit had already gone down the throat of the demon, the decapitated head became a planet and has since taken vengeance on the Sun and Moon at the time of eclipse. When the head of the demon was severed, the trunk fell down on the ground, and a few drops of Amrit fell on the earth. It is said that those drops became the garlic plant. That is why the garlic plant is said to have the properties of Amrit. It is very good for the body and health. But since it had the touch of a demon, the plant is also tainted with tamasic (dark negativity) qualities, which when eaten affects the mind." [sri Ramana Maharshi]














The Universe


“The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore we’ve learned most of what we know. Recently, we’ve waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can’t, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re "made" of star stuff. We are a way that the cosmos can know itself. The journey for each of us begins here.” [Carl Sagan] "A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." [Albert Einstein]













Arunachala NewsWebsiteNewsletter ArchivesAdvaitic MasterGarlic InformationOvercoming AddictionNakshatra Dhyaan TempleEco sensitive Ganesha ChaturthiGanesha Home PageDasa Maha Vidyas

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