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Becoming Pure

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They say that Fate can never bind

Those heaven-bound. What does this mean?

Not an iota of the past can touch

Those who dwell unceasingly

In the firmament of Self-awareness

Vast, boundless, frontierless and full.


Verse 697 - Guruvachaka Kovai

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Hello Mr Tyagarajan,

Thank you.What you say is true. But in this world , we are all actors. We have to act in this world. Bhagvad Gita also says, that we have the right to action, not the friuts.I know that action too, is for the body not for the Self. So, my question to the fellow devotees was how should a spiritual aspirant act in a work day life. Should one devlop interpersonal relationships with the colleagues. My nature is to stay in solitute. However, people more experienced, and who are devotees of Bhagwan, say that I can'y practice the spiritual path in office. I know there is no 2 maanav, world is within us not outside. True.

Practically, in straight words,Is it ok if i have "work related bare minimum interpersonal" relationships with colleagues? Should i Stop reading management books which suggest that you have to "play the game" and "blend in the office culture"? Also, Please suggest some "do's" and "don't" for a spiritual aspirant in a work day life.

Please do Answer these issues.




From: j_thyagarajanDate: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 23:35:13 -0700 Becoming Pure






They say that Fate can never bind

Those heaven-bound. What does this mean?

Not an iota of the past can touch

Those who dwell unceasingly

In the firmament of Self-awareness

Vast, boundless, frontierless and full.


Verse 697 - Guruvachaka Kovai


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I'd similar questions of my own and I havent found all the answers but hope this can be a dialogue - I started with Jiddu Krishnamurti before I came to Bhagavan. I see them as (a friend put it), the father and mother. So I might borrow from a different vocabulary, but please get back if you need clarification. Some of the differences in teaching pertain to manifestation. I had questions about the regular run of the mill stuff, 'descending' from spirituality to roll up your sleeves and pitch in, etc. However when you do a daily activity like reading a book, that can take place within awareness. You maybe aware of the texture of the book, the font etc, even as you are reading the words. Now you cannot force yourself to do these - you cannot do two things at a time - you'd be neurotic that way. However, there is a negative action that is not

borne of will - you just notice that concentration (as work demands) fits within awareness. Awareness is all inclusive, so you cannot avoid stuff/people as part of your religious life. Yes, some of the management books may appear shallow, but forgive the writer, read along and you might see what the point is, in a better light, in a light that comes off the grace of Bhagavan. I don't know if you have been talking to devotees soaked in Bhagavan's teachings. I'm no expert, but Sri Ramana did teach to the effect that if you escape from the office, wherever you escape to becomes your new samsara. So you may find yourself in a position where you can no longer compete with colleagues even as your system demands it. But you are not going to be shot dead :) It's just opportunities to observe the samsaric bindings we have and the more we see nonjudgementally, the more we reduce our vasanas (uncondition ourselves). And like Orva

says, be kind to yourself first. Conflict dissipates energy, clouds the Self and that violence upon yourself manifests outside. You'll make a lot of mistakes, but we all do even as we are sleep walking. David Bohm pointed out awareness is like pulling out the power cord from an electric fan. The fan appears to go nonstop from previous momentum (vasanas), but eventually it does. Sleepwalking myself,BalaP.S: I'm sorry this is long :(, but if you want something longer:here you go.--- On Sat, 9/5/09, amit darira <maanav_d wrote:amit darira <maanav_dRE: Becoming PureTo:

Date: Saturday, September 5, 2009, 12:10 AM




Hello Mr Tyagarajan,

Thank you.What you say is true. But in this world , we are all actors. We have to act in this world. Bhagvad Gita also says, that we have the right to action, not the friuts.I know that action too, is for the body not for the Self. So, my question to the fellow devotees was how should a spiritual aspirant act in a work day life. Should one devlop interpersonal relationships with the colleagues. My nature is to stay in solitute. However, people more experienced, and who are devotees of Bhagwan, say that I can'y practice the spiritual path in office. I know there is no 2 maanav, world is within us not outside. True.

Practically, in straight words,Is it ok if i have "work related bare minimum interpersonal" relationships with colleagues? Should i Stop reading management books which suggest that you have to "play the game" and "blend in the office culture"? Also, Please suggest some "do's" and "don't" for a spiritual aspirant in a work day life.

Please do Answer these issues.




j_thyagarajan@ Fri, 4 Sep 2009 23:35:13 -0700 Becoming Pure






They say that Fate can never bind

Those heaven-bound. What does this mean?

Not an iota of the past can touch

Those who dwell unceasingly

In the firmament of Self-awareness

Vast, boundless, frontierless and full.


Verse 697 - Guruvachaka Kovai

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--- On Sat, 5/9/09, Thyagarajan Jayaraman <j_thyagarajan wrote:

Thyagarajan Jayaraman <j_thyagarajan Becoming Pure"Ramana Maharshi Group" Saturday, 5 September, 2009, 7:35 AM






They say that Fate can never bind

Those heaven-bound. What does this mean?



The tenet of Fate as a belief-system that past actions is a cross to bear in the present, in so far as that the present is a consequence of the past.......is based on the premise that there is an individuated separative entity, a "me-self" which does actions out of it's personal volition and hence has to face the consequential music, whether melodious or a cacaphony.


For the understanding-which-has-no-understander thereof......


.....that there has never been a separative individuated personal self to have ever done any action out of a personal volition....... that any action which ever took place............that is taking place(i.e. the typing of these letters on a PC screen) are nuances of the Totality-of-the-moment......


.....for such an understanding........what past, what past actions, what effects of past actions.


For such an understanding-without-a-understander thereof......what future?


Ergo what past, what future............what even this present moment?


Nothing touches such a understanding..... which is not a durational knowledge in time.






Not an iota of the past can touch

Those who dwell unceasingly

In the firmament of Self-awareness

Vast, boundless, frontierless and full.







That vastness, than boundlessness, that frontierlessness, that fullness....



....which does not have the space to even allow the terms of "vastness", "boundlessness", "frontierlessness", "fullness"......


..... to be applied.





Verse 697 - Guruvachaka Kovai


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Indeed the beauty of the Guru Vachaka Kovai verses and this particular English

translation is beyond any comment ( & commentaries).


ps – Dear Thyagarajan, thank you for your contribution.








, Thyagarajan Jayaraman

<j_thyagarajan wrote:


> They say that Fate can never bind

> Those heaven-bound. What does this mean?

> Not an iota of the past can touch

> Those who dwell unceasingly

> In the firmament of Self-awareness

> Vast, boundless, frontierless and full.


> Verse 697 - Guruvachaka Kovai


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