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something is shining or sounding as I I in the heart

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________24-3-45 AfternoonI was reading Vichara Sangraha (Self Enquiry). I cameacross the statement that something in the heart (non-english script), i.e., something is shiningor sounding as `I-I' in the heart. I have always had doubt whatexactly the word sphurana means. So I asked Bhagavan andhe said, "It means (n-e script) i.e., whichshines or illuminates." I asked, "Is it not a sound we hear?"Bhagavan said, "Yes, we may say it is a sound we feel orbecome aware of". He also referred to the dictionary and said,"The word means `throbbing', `springing on the memory',`flashing across the mind'. Thus both sound and light may beimplied in the word sphurana. Everything has come from lightand sound."I asked Bhagavan what it is that `shines', whether it isthe ego or the Self. He said it was neither the one, nor theother, but something in between the two, that it is somethingwhich is a combination of the `I' (Self) and the `I-thought'(ego), and that the Self is without even this sphurana.Explaining how the Self is mere light and how it is boththe word or sound and also that out of which word or soundoriginally came, Bhagavan said, "Man has three bodies, thegross one made of the five elements, the sukshma or subtleone made of manas and prana, and the jiva. Similarly evenIswara has three bodies. All the manifested universe is Hisgross body, light and sound are His sukshma body, and theSelf His jiva."

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