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Oh, one of pure life!

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________24-3-45 AfternoonOne P. Sri Krishniah of Peddapalayam, near Tenali,came to the Asramam on the 22nd and started reading withBhagavan's permission a small work on the life ofDhanurdasa (non-english script),composed by him in Telugu verse and dedicated toBhagavan. The dedication is both humorous and touching,the poem being regarded as a virgin offered to Bhagavanfor marriage, as kanyadana is considered the best gift. Heseems to have written the dedication first and latercomposed the work. Thus he chose his son-in-law beforehe begot his daughter and in the end of his dedication hesays, "You have already wedded mukti. Please take thisgirl of mine also and treat her kindly and well, correctingher faults and ignoring her weaknesses. I cannot ask youto go over to our house, though you have become my sonin-law, as so many Rajahs and others are always coming toyou here for your darshan." He also says, "By this marriageof my vaishnava daughter to Bhagavan, advaita andvisishtadvaita have become wedded."He read the dedication once again on the 25th afternoonand also read out his parting or farewell song of which thefollowing is a free translation: "For men like us, various desiresoften occur. Some get fulfilled, others not. Here all my desiresgot their satisfaction. One of my desires was to compose a lifeof Dhanurdasa in verse, another was to come here in companywith my friends and relations and to offer the hand of my girl(the poem) to you, a third was to eat to my satisfaction in yourcompany at the above marriage feast, a fourth was to stay herea few days and feast my eyes on a sight of you. All these togetherI got, by virtue of your grace. Please give me leave to depart.Oh, one of pure life! What magic have you stored in this formof yours, that those who have seen it become entranced? Whatpower have you instilled in this air, that it is able to ward off alldistress? What drug have you mixed in the water of this placethat it is able to subdue all ailments? What powder ofenchantment have you spread over these premises that thosewho come here feel reluctant to depart? You alone can knowyour greatness. However long we may remain, the feet will notmove to depart from here. What can I do? Please grant meleave to depart, purushottama (best among men)."

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AUM NAMO BHAGAVATE SRI RAMANAYA!No one can exhaust the glory of the glorified BhagavanHe out of mercy,love and affection to us came to our level and taught the lofty ideals and pours HIS GRACE at all times to come on all of us.He cann't be othewise .Even GODS cann't describe Bhagavan fuly.with best wishes,tgranganathan.--- On Sun, 1/24/10, Grant <g-ssummerville wrote:Grant <g-ssummerville Oh, one of pure life! Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 9:53 AM



Day by Day with Bhagavan________24-3-45 AfternoonOne P. Sri Krishniah of Peddapalayam, near Tenali,came to the Asramam on the 22nd and started reading withBhagavan's permission a small work on the life ofDhanurdasa (non-english script),composed by him in Telugu verse and dedicated toBhagavan. The dedication is both humorous and touching,the poem being regarded as a virgin offered to Bhagavanfor marriage, as kanyadana is considered the best gift. Heseems to have written the dedication first and latercomposed the work. Thus he chose his son-in-law beforehe begot his daughter and in the end of his dedication hesays, "You have already wedded mukti. Please take thisgirl of mine also and treat her kindly and well, correctingher faults and ignoring her weaknesses. I cannot ask youto go over to

our house, though you have become my sonin-law, as so many Rajahs and others are always coming toyou here for your darshan." He also says, "By this marriageof my vaishnava daughter to Bhagavan, advaita andvisishtadvaita have become wedded."He read the dedication once again on the 25th afternoonand also read out his parting or farewell song of which thefollowing is a free translation: "For men like us, various desiresoften occur. Some get fulfilled, others not. Here all my desiresgot their satisfaction. One of my desires was to compose a lifeof Dhanurdasa in verse, another was to come here in companywith my friends and relations and to offer the hand of my girl(the poem) to you, a third was to eat to my satisfaction in yourcompany at the above marriage feast, a fourth was to stay herea few days and feast my eyes on a sight of you. All these togetherI got, by virtue of your grace. Please give

me leave to depart.Oh, one of pure life! What magic have you stored in this formof yours, that those who have seen it become entranced? Whatpower have you instilled in this air, that it is able to ward off alldistress? What drug have you mixed in the water of this placethat it is able to subdue all ailments? What powder ofenchantment have you spread over these premises that thosewho come here feel reluctant to depart? You alone can knowyour greatness. However long we may remain, the feet will notmove to depart from here. What can I do? Please grant meleave to depart, purushottama (best among men)."

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