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enquire ‘Who am I?

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________14-9-45Three or four days ago Mr. Desai, Retired Sub-Judge,asked Bhagavan (with reference to what is said in RamanaGita), "How to direct the prana or life-current into thesushumna nadi, so that as stated in Ramana Gita we couldachieve the severance of the chit-jada granthi?" Bhagavansaid, "By enquiring `Who am I?'""The yogi may be definitely aiming at rousing the kundaliniand sending it up the sushumna. The jnani may not be havingthis as his object. But both achieve the same result, that of sendingthe Life-force up the sushumna and severing the chit-jada granthi.Kundalini is only another name for atma or Self or sakti. We talkof it as being inside the body, because we conceive ourselves aslimited by this body. But it is in reality both inside and outside,being no other than Self or the sakti of Self."Desai: How to churn up the nadis, so that the kundalinimay go up the sushumna?Bhagavan: Though the yogi may have his methods ofbreath-control, pranayama, mudras, etc., for this object, thejnani's method is only that of enquiry. When by this methodthe mind is merged in the Self, the Self, its sakti or kundalini,rises automatically.The next day a visitor asked Bhagavan, with referenceto the words dhimahi in the gayatri, "What is the idea meant?I am not able rightly to grasp it."B: The words only mean fixing the aham in the Self,though literally they mean, "We meditate".Visitor: I am not able to form a conception of the `Tat' orthe Self. Then, how am I to fix the aham in the Tat.B: Why should you bother to conceive the Tat whichyou don't know? Try to find out the `I' that you know, what itis and whence it arises. That is enough.

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