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all is Self

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________11-10-45 MorningMr. G.V. Subbaramayya arrived. Just then Bhagavan wasreading a Telugu translation of his preface to DakshinamurtiStotra in Tamil. A few days ago Mr. P.C. Desai brought toBhagavan's notice a Gujarati book on Dakshinamurti Stotra,written by himself. And in connection with it Bhagavan askedme to make for Mr. P.C. Desai's benefit an English translationof Bhagavan's Tamil preface to the Stotra. This led Smt.Nagamma to make a Telugu translation. Reading and explainingthe above Telugu translation, Bhagavan told Mr. G.V.Subbaramayya practically all that he had told Mr. P.C. Desaibefore. The gist of it is this: "Dakshinamurti, i.e., the great Sivahimself could not express the truth of the one Reality except bysilence. But that silence could not be understood except by thevery advanced. The others have to be told. And yet how is oneto say in words that which God himself could not express?Sankara therefore advises the method of praising Dakshinamurtiand with that as the ostensible object really seeks to explainthat all is Brahman. In the first four stanzas he explains thenature of the world, since what prevents our knowing the realityis the world and if its (i.e., world's) nature is understood, theobstacle in the way of realising truth will be removed. In thenext four stanzas he explains the nature of the jiva. Then heexplains the connection between the two and teaches that all isSelf. Trying to explain the scheme and gist of Sankara'sDakshinamurti Stotra, I wrote the above brief preface."

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