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find the source of the doubter, doubts will cease

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________18-10-45 MorningA visitor from the Punjab asked Bhagavan, "When Imeditate I feel a certain bliss at times. On such occasions,should I ask myself `Who is it that experiences this bliss'?"Bhagavan: If it is the real bliss of the Self that isexperienced, i.e., if the mind has merged really in the Self,such a doubt will not arise at all. The question itself showsreal bliss was not reached.All doubts will cease only when the doubter and his sourcehave been found. There is no use removing doubts. If we clearone doubt, another doubt will arise and there will be no end ofdoubts. But if the doubter is found to be really non-existent, byseeking for the source of the doubter, then all doubts will cease.Visitor: Sometimes I hear internal sounds. What shouldI do when such things happen?Bhagavan: Whatever may happen, keep up the enquiryinto the Self, asking `Who hears these sounds?' till the realityis reached.A second edition of Sri Ramana, the Sage of Arunagiri byAksharajna has recently come out. Sampling it here and there, Icame across the passage that Bhagavan blesses his disciples invarious ways, the mild by sight, the middling by thought and theadvanced by touch. Once when I was reading Kaivalyam in TamilI asked Bhagavan, "Many books speak of Gurus blessing disciplesor giving diksha by touching the head of the disciple with theirhands or feet. How is it then Bhagavan never does any suchthing?" Bhagavan then told me, "It is true the books mention thethree ways of diksha, viz., by sight, touch and thought. But dikshaby thought is really the best." So I asked Bhagavan today aboutthe above passage in Aksharajna's book, saying, "He also knewBhagavan well. He must have had some reason for saying so."Bhagavan said, "I don't know," and added, "I might have touchedsome by accident or for other reasons, not with the intention ofgiving diksha." In this connection, I may record on the authorityof Mr. G.V. Subbaramayya (who was present when the incidentoccurred) that some years ago, an old, venerable anddistinguished-looking ascetic from North India was staying inthe Asramam for about a month, that he used to repeat the entireBhagavad Gita and that on the day of his departure Bhagavantouched him in the following circumstances:Bhagavan returned to the hall after his morning stroll andsat on the couch. While his feet were still touching the ground,the above ascetic fell at Bhagavan's feet, his head almost touchingBhagavan's feet and prayed that Bhagavan should bless him withdiksha by touch, adding he would not get up till Bhagavan didso. Bhagavan thereupon was pleased to put one of his hands onthe old man's head and lifted him with the other hand.While all this talk was going on, Dr. Srinivasa Rao wasmassaging Bhagavan's feet which had some rheumatic trouble.Bhagavan humorously remarked, "Doctor is now giving dikshato me by touch." About 15 days ago, when the Doctor wasmassaging Bhagavan's feet, Bhagavan asked him to stop,saying, "What you have done is enough. You may go and sitdown. I shall do some massaging myself and get some punya.Why should you alone have all the punya?" and beganmassaging himself. (punya is spiritual merit earned, forexample, by service to a Master).

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