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a flood of atmic power

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________31-10-45 MorningChella Battar (Daivasikamani Battar), temple priest ofTiruchuzhi, has come. Bhagavan pointed him out to me andsaid, "Whenever I see him I am reminded of the cut I receivedon my left finger and the scar it has left. I was about eight yearsold and he about three. His house was third from ours. Beforehis birth and when I was a child I used to be frequently taken totheir house and petted as almost their child. It was Pongal timeand this child came to our house with one hand holding a new(non-english script) (blade fastened to a piece of wood for slicingvegetables), and the other hand dragging a long stout sugarcane. I hastened to cut the sugar cane for the child andaccidentally got a cut between my thumb and left forefinger. Iquietly asked the child to go back to his house and ran to thehospital and got my wound treated. It is this gentleman's sonthat was here sometime back, called Karpurasundaram, who isnow doing puja in `Sundara Mandiram' at Tiruchuzhi."AfternoonGanapati Sastri brought a letter received by him fromGrant Duff, who was here some years ago and is a greatdevotee of Bhagavan. In that letter Grant Duff says he is inCalifornia with the permission of the U.S.A. Government,that the country is pleasant, that he is nearing eighty, that heis anxious to make the best use of the very little time he mayyet have in the world and that he hopes by Bhagavan's graceto visit the Asramam again, travelling by air.Bhagavan drew my attention to Colombo Ramachandra'sspeech delivered at Colombo on the occasion of the GoldenJubilee of Vivekananda's speech at the Chicago Conference andprinted in the Ramakrishna Vijayam of the Tamil month Aippasi.In it, Ramachandra says, "Vivekananda on his return fromAmerica said in his speeches that South India was going to takea leading part in the spiritual regeneration of the world, that inthe 20th century there was going to rise in South India a flood ofatmic power which would inundate not only the whole of Indiabut the entire world. That force is what is now being generatedand radiated by Aurobindo and Bhagavan in South India."Bhagavan was reading an English translation of a Frenchletter received from one Zikovsky and family, ofCzechoslovakia, to this effect: "I and my family are gratefulto Bhagavan for all his blessings so far. I hope to go and seeBhagavan, God willing. Meanwhile I pray Bhagavan may sendsuch instructions or directions as he may deem fit." Bhagavanis not able to recognise the writer, but says he must be one ofthose who wrote from Europe (about the time Brunton firstwrote about Bhagavan), that they knew long ago, i.e., longbefore Brunton's writing about Bhagavan and his teachingand that they had been practising what Bhagavan taught.Bhagavan thinks the writer of the letter must be one of thosewho read about him and his teachings from what appearedfrom the pen of Humphreys (who became a devotee ofBhagavan about 1910-11) in some journals at that time.

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