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That which is, always is

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________12-11-45 MorningA visitor from the Punjab asked Bhagavan, "When themind or ahankar is killed, is that stage an inert stage?"Bhagavan: Why do you bother about the jnani's state?You understand your present state.Visitor: The mumukshu naturally wants to know aboutthe mukti state which is his goal.Bhagavan kept quiet for a little while and then said, "Youadmit mind has to be killed. Why don't you do it first and seefor yourself then whether that stage is inert or withoutconsciousness?"Visitor: When ahankar goes, will aham vritti exist?Bhagavan: That which is, always is. If the ahankar dies,It, the Reality, exists as It has always existed. You may speakof It as having aham vritti or simply aham. It is all the same.That which exists is `I am' or `aham'.18.11.45This morning about 6 a.m. Vaikunta Vasar, an attendant,was massaging Bhagavan's legs. After he had been massagingfor about half an hour, Bhagavan expressed (non-english script) (I vaguely feel that something isbeing massaged). This is perhaps a glimpse into the inner lifeof Bhagavan. He was not in any trance or special samadhithen, but in his usual state.

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