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To see the Self, the mind has simply to be turned inside

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________21-11-45

Night (concluded)The following remarks were also made by Bhagavanthis night:"The jnani sees he is the Self and it is on that Self as thescreen that the various cinema-pictures of what is called theworld pass. He remains unaffected by the shadows which playon the surface of that screen."See with the (non-english script) (the physical eye), and yousee the world. See with the (n-e script) (the eye ofrealisation), everything appears (n-e s.) (as the Self)."To see an object that is in the dark, both the eye and thelight of a lamp are required. To see the light only, the eye isenough. But to see the sun, there is no need of any other light.Even if you take the lamp with you, its light will be drownedin the light of the sun. Our intellect or buddhi is of no use torealise the Self. To see the world or external objects, the mindand the reflected light (or chidabhasa) which always ariseswith it are necessary. To see the Self, the mind has simply tobe turned inside and there is no need of the reflected light."If we concentrate on any thought and go to sleep in thatstate, immediately on waking the same thought will continue inour mind. People who are given chloroform are asked to countone, two, etc. A man who goes under after saying six for instancewill, when he again comes to, start saying seven, eight, etc."In some books, the ego is compared to a leech; beforeleaving one body it takes hold of another."

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