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Bhagavan relates stories

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________25-11-45Bhagavan related how, while he was living inSkandasramam, cheetahs used to visit him. He mentioned twosuch instances. "In one, the cheetah made a terrific roar whichclearly appeared aggressive, but it did nothing to us and wentchasing monkeys. On the other occasion, the cheetah walkedup slowly and majestically and on nearing the Asramam gave aloud roar, but one in which only peace and no aggression couldbe detected, just as if it wanted to announce its arrival and nomore. It came very near, where the hill stream is now flowingin Skandasramam, and after a time, slowly walked away, givinganother roar, as it were to announce its leave-taking."After breakfast Bhagavan went to Skandasramamattended by only one attendant as usual. Skandasramam hasbeen completely repaired and put into perfect conditionrecently and the path to it on the hill behind Ramanasramamhas also been improved. To celebrate the occasion and to giveBhagavan a chance of spending some time in his old Asramam,which we knew he thoroughly enjoys, it had been arrangedthat Bhagavan and all his devotees should spend the day thereand return here only in the evening. There were some twohundred people crowded into Skandasramam by about 9-30a.m., and we all returned only in the afternoon. Bhagavan leftat about 4-15 and reached Ramanasramam about 5-30 p.m.At Skandasramam Bhagavan was in a happy and cheerfulmood. The weather however was a bit too cloudy and chill,with biting cold winds blowing most of the time. Bhagavanrelated at great length and in minute detail various incidentsthat occurred during his life at Skandasramam and VirupakshiCave. He explained that the name Skandasramam was givenbecause the Asramam was originally planned and built byone Kandaswami, an old disciple, at great self-sacrifice andby his unaided physical efforts. He remarked, "It is a miraclehow, on this hill, when need arises water springs up wherethere was none before and where none could have beensuspected. After the need passes, the water also disappears."He traced the history of the hill stream now flowing inSkandasramam, how he first discovered its source further upand worked with his then disciples to lead it down. There wasa terrific storm and rain one night and it appeared to thetownsmen in the morning, from that distance, as if a big roadhad been made overnight. It seems during this occurrence atank called Pada Thirtham (non-english script) was completelyfilled up and there was mud and rock heaped up to a height ofabout fifteen feet where the tank originally stood. (I learntlater, on 12-12-45, from Bhagavan that half or three-quartersof this tank was again restored by a devotee).(to be concluded)

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