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Samadhi is another name for ourselves

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________1-12-45 (concluded)An old gentleman, Mr. Swaminatha Aiyar, a vakil fromDindigul, had come. With him was a male child about threeyears old, called Ramana. Apparently the child had not untilthen seen Bhagavan, though he had heard a good deal aboutBhagavan. So the boy said in the hall (non-english script) (i.e., I have now discovered Ramana). Thisnaturally caused laughter amongst us all and Bhagavan joinedin the laugh.The old gentleman asked Bhagavan whether one shouldnot first go through nirvikalpa samadhi before attaining sahajasamadhi. Bhagavan replied, "When we have vikalpas and aretrying to give them up, i.e., when we are still not perfected, buthave to make conscious effort to keep the mind one-pointed orfree from thought it is nirvikalpa samadhi. When throughpractice we are always in that state, not going into samadhi andcoming out again, that is the sahaja state. In sahaja one seesalways oneself. He sees the jagat as swarupa or brahmakara.What is once the means becomes itself the goal, eventually,whatever method one follows, dhyana, jnana or bhakti. Samadhiis another name for ourselves, for our real state."In the evening, after parayana, Bhagavan was lookinginto a book. Bhagavan turned to me and said it was Glimpsesof Sai Baba by Mr. B.V. Narasimha Aiyar and that Mr. Shroffhad bought it for Bhagavan's perusal. I said, "Yes, I saw itin Shroff's house this morning. I wonder if it containsanything new, not contained in his previous works on SaiBaba." Bhagavan read out the introduction to the book byJustice Kuppuswami Aiyar. Dr. Syed, who was in the hall,said he had read the book and that it contained nothing new.He also said that Mr. Narasimha Aiyar, when questioned onthe subject, could not say whether Sai Baba taught Self-realisationto anybody. Almost immediately as if to contradictDr. Syed, Bhagavan read out from the introduction to thebook a sentence which says that Sai Baba not only grantedboons for material relief to his devotees, but also gave thema push towards their ultimate goal of Self-realisation.

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