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no thoughts except God or Self

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________6-12-45 AfternoonMr. G. Subba Rao spoke to Bhagavan about the late MaunaSwami of Courtallam. He was with Bhagavan originally in 1906.He was called Sivayya then. Today Bhagavan recalled that itwas Sivayya who first gave him a kamandalam. It seems Sivayyastayed with Bhagavan for about a year or so, then went toCourtallam, and when he again came to Bhagavan about 1909or 1910, he brought a coconut kamandalam, the first Bhagavanever used. Bhagavan took out the picture in the book (non-english script) (Ramana Vijayam) in which there is a picture ofBhagavan sitting on a rock, holding this particular kamandalamin his right hand and resting his left hand on his left thigh.Bhagavan is at the peak of health and strength in this picture.NightReferring to the stanza (n-e script) (3rd stanzaof Sri Arunachala Mahatmya in Collected Works of RamanaMaharshi) I asked Bhagavan, whether the cave mentioned in itis inside God or inside the mountain (which of course is alsosaid to be God). Bhagavan replied, "Of course, in the context,it means the cave is inside the hill and that there, in the cave,are all enjoyments." Bhagavan added, "The stanza says youare to believe that inside this hill there is a cave, which isbrilliance itself or which is glorious with light, and that allenjoyments are to be found there." I also asked Bhagavan, "Ihave read somewhere that this place is called bhoga kshetra. Iwonder what is meant thereby." Bhagavan replied, "Yes, it issaid so. But what does it mean? If thinking of this kshetra canitself give mukti, what wonder if this place can give all otherenjoyments one may desire?" Dr. Srinivasa Rao asked whetherafter putting oneself the question "Who am I?" one shouldremain quiet or whether one should go on to give the answer,such as "I am not this body, senses, etc." or whether one shouldgo on repeating the question "Who am I?"Bhagavan: "Why should you go on repeating `Who amI?' as if it is a mantra. If other thoughts arise, then the questions,`To whom do these thoughts arise?', `Whence does the `I' towhich these thoughts come arise?' have to be asked, i.e., tokeep away other thoughts. Even in mantra japam, when theman fails to repeat the mantra, i.e., when other thoughts beginto occupy his mind, he reminds himself `I have left off themantra' and begins repeating it. The object in all paths is tokeep off all other thoughts except the thought of God or Self."In this connection Bhagavan again said "The Name isGod," and quoted the Bible, `In the beginning was the word,and the word was with God, and the word was God'." SwamiRamdas often preaches the importance of Nama smarana,the Name he uses being Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram. In thelatest issue of Vision Swami Ramdas has written about `Thatthou art', and Bhagavan referred me to it.

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