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the history of the monkeys

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________25-11-45 (concluded)Bhagavan also narrated at length the history of themonkeys associated with his stay in Virupakshi Cave andSkandasramam, explaining in particular how (non-english script) (`The lame boy,' Bhagavan's pet name for him) cameunder Bhagavan's influence. It seems, while Bhagavan was inVirupakshi Cave, a monkey had been bitten and mauled badlyby the then king monkey and left for dead near the cave.Bhagavan took pity on him and tended him and he recovered.Afterwards, he was attached to Bhagavan and was always withhim, getting his daily feed at Bhagavan's Asramam. When theother monkeys came there, the lame one would not allow themto approach Bhagavan and he pointed out to Bhagavan the kingwho had made him lame. But later on, all the monkeys used tocome there and used to show regard and love to their erstwhileenemy, the lame-monkey. In course of time the lame one becamethe monkey-king. One day Bhagavan and his party had leftSkandasramam for giripradakshina, leaving the Asramam incharge of one or two who stayed behind. During Bhagavan'sabsence the lame one and a host of other monkeys came andbroke the twigs and small branches of all the trees atSkandasramam and played havoc with all they found there.Bhagavan was wondering why they did so. The next day themonkeys again came and the lame one got up the highest tree,reached its highest point and shook it and then got down. Thisit seems is a sign of royal precedence among the monkeys.When Bhagavan offered food as usual to the lame one, he wouldnot take it, but led the man offering it to where three othermonkeys were sitting, and there he shared his food with them.The three monkeys were the queens of the deposed king, whowere now the lame one's queens according to their custom andusage. Then Bhagavan knew that the lame one had becomeking, that the previous day they all came to have his coronationin Bhagavan's presence and finding Bhagavan absent expressedtheir disappointment and chagrin by breaking branches, etc.The lame one had afterwards six children by the three queensand all the six would get a morsel each from Bhagavan whenhe took his meal every day. It seems the lame one misbehavedon two occasions and hurt Bhagavan by hitting him. Each timeBhagavan thought of punishing him by denying him admissionto his presence. But finding his pet repentant, and seeing that itwas only his monkeyish nature that was responsible, Bhagavanexcused him. One of the occasions was when Bhagavan tookup a plate of milk intended for the monkey and was about toblow into it to make it cool, as it was too hot for the monkey.The monkey thought that Bhagavan was taking the milk nearhis mouth to drink it himself. Bhagavan said that, atSkandasramam, sometimes a peacock and serpent used to playside by side before him, the one with its tail spread out and theother with its hood raised. Those who played host to all thenumerous devotees on this day were Prof. T.K. DoraiswamiAiyar and Mr. Satakopa Naidu of Bangalore, both great devoteesof Bhagavan. Of Mr. Naidu, the following is worth narrating asan interesting study in psychology.Mr. Naidu has known Bhagavan for about thirty-fiveyears now. After he had known Bhagavan for some years, itseems he once came to Virupakshi Cave and, finding Bhagavanhad gone out, sat down at a certain place. After a little timeBhagavan returned and Mr. Naidu discovered that the placehe had been seated, was the very place that Bhagavan generallyused for his seat. This, it is said, gave Mr. Naidu such a shockthat, though he has become an almost permanent resident ofthe Asramam, and has a permanent room of his own insidethe Asramam, he would not come before Bhagavan at all, muchless sit in the hall or dine with Bhagavan. Even earlier, whenMr. Naidu used to visit the Asramam once or twice a year, hefelt too shy to appear before Bhagavan. He never speaks aboutthe original incident. I have therefore to be content withnarrating what I have heard from others.

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