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she was in samadhi

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________8-12-45 MorningDr. Srinivasa Rao took this notebook and read outyesterday's entry. Thereupon Bhagavan asked Krishnaswamito take out the notebook in which Muruganar and others hadnoted down the dates on which various stanzas werecomposed. We found it was only in 1928 that the Reality inForty Verses was composed.Bhagavan showed me the Tamil paper Hindustan whichcontained an article by Tilak Sastri on Bhagavan's visit toSkandasramam on 25-11-45, explaining the origin of the name,among other things.AfternoonWhen I went to the Pathasala to bring some Sanskrit booksat Bhagavan's instance, an incident occurred in the hall whichis recorded below. Miss Kamdin (now Mrs. McIver) was sittingnext to a lady who went into a trance and purported to havereceived sugar candy from Narayana i.e., God. She thinks thatthere was no trickery at all in it and that the candy camemysteriously into the lady's hands. I also was given a bit of thecandy.The incident is thus recorded by Mr. K.A. Mahatani:On 8th December 1945 at about 3-45 p.m., I saw a Gujaratiwidow aged about 50 years sitting in the hall with two girls ofabout eight and ten years in the front row on the side reservedfor ladies. I could see that she was in samadhi.After a few minutes she fell on her back quietly in samadhiposture without stretching her legs. People in the hall thoughtthat she was in a hysterical fit, but those two girls said that shewas in samadhi and that it often happened to her. Then thosetwo girls started singing a Gujarati bhajan song in a nice tune.(The song begins `Haji mare gher thaya lila ler').Bhagavan was all the time attentively looking at thelady and enjoying the tune, keeping time by beating his kneewith his hand. I had never before noticed Bhagavan sointerested in any song.After a few minutes the lady got up without anybody'shelp and sat in samadhi in the same posture, and began tomutter something in Gujarati. I asked her whether she sawany vision. She said in Hindustani "Yes," and added that SriNarayan gave a message for all in the hall. "Let them closetheir eyes, be still, without any pravritti (i.e., without anythought or action) and I will give darshan to one and all."I translated to Bhagavan what she said. For two or threeminutes she was bowing her head with hands clasped towardsBhagavan. Then we noticed that she handed over a piece ofsugar candy to one of the two girls sitting near her.Before that we had seen her open hands quite empty. Iasked the girl what was that sugar candy and how it came intoher hands.The girl replied, "This is prasad given to the lady byBhagavan Narayan; and whenever she goes into samadhi shegets different things (such as fruit, flowers, garlands, sandal,kumkum and sweets) on different occasions."Then the lady said that she used to get such moods sinceshe was six years old. The girl presented the piece of sugarcandy to Bhagavan. He partook a little of it and the rest wasdistributed among the others who were present in the hall.I remarked that this was very miraculous. Bhagavanindicated, `Yes', with only a gesture of his hand, but saidnothing. After a few minutes, the lady left the hall with the twogirls. Before leaving she bowed low to Bhagavan and asked forhis blessings and his permission to go back to Bombay.I learnt that she had come that morning and left the sameevening. She gave her name in the office as Mataji ManibenSamadhiwallah, C/o. R.G. Raval, Purshottam Building,opposite Opera House, Bombay.

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