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film and articles about Bhagavan

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________12-12-45 NightFor the benefit of those who could not see Bhagavan'sfilm on the 11th night, it was again shown today at about 6-30p.m. in the dining hall. Before we went there Bhagavan saidthat Yogananda and also one Shukla who was a Guru of theAmerican lady (Mrs. Noye) had taken cine pictures of Bhagavanand that the latter's pictures might have eventually reachedHollywood and come to the notice of Grant Duff or others whowrote to the Asramam.16-12-45In the Sunday Times of 16-12-45 an article entitled "Insilent adoration of Sri Maharshi", by V.F. Gunaratna, of Ceylonhad appeared. I perused it in the hall. Bhagavan remarked, "Dr.Syed has read it and thinks it insipid." Thereupon I said, "Thereis nothing to complain of in it. In fact, I read it long ago, probablyabout last Jayanti time, when Mr. Ramachandra of Colomboshowed me the manuscript." The article states Bhagavan'steaching, correctly if briefly, though it has nothing new to tellus who are already well acquainted with him and his teaching.17-12-45 MorningAn article in the Sunday Herald of 16-12-45 entitled `TheMaharshi who transforms man's life' by Dr. Syed was readout in the hall. Dr. Syed said the title he gave was differentbut the editor had changed it. Bhagavan also perused anotherarticle by Dr. Syed on the significance of Mohurrum whichappeared in Free India of 16-12-45.EveningDr. Syed said that the title he gave was `RamanaMaharshi's invisible work'.

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