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I pray Maharshi may do something by his influence

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________21-12-45This is Bhagavan's Jayanti (65th birthday). The crowdof devotees is greater than usual, many of them having comefrom distant parts. There were the usual decorations, music,feast and feeding of the poor. In the afternoon a number ofprayers and verses in honour of Bhagavan specially composedfor the occasion were read out. A message sent by SwamiSivananda (of Rishikesh) was also read out.23-12-45 AfternoonMons. Georges Le Bot, Private Secretary to the Governorof Pondicherry, and Chief of Cabinet of the French Governmentthere, came to Bhagavan. He could not easily squat down onthe floor and so Bhagavan asked us to give him a seat. Weplaced for him a chair opposite to Bhagavan. He had broughtwith him his request written in French. After expressing hisgreetings to Bhagavan through some interpreters who camewith him and who spoke Tamil, he produced his French writing.Our Balaram Reddi tried to interpret the same to Bhagavan.But he found it rather difficult, as the French was rather highflown.So we sent for Mr. Osborne (whose wife and threechildren have been living for nearly five years here and whohimself returned from Siam about a month back) and he cameand explained the gist as follows: "I know little. I am even less.But I know what I am speaking about. I am not asking for words,explanations or arguments, but for active help by Maharshi'sspiritual influence. I did some sadhana and attained to a stagewhere the ego was near being annihilated. I wanted the ego tobe annihilated. But at the same time I wanted to be there to see itbeing killed. This looked like having contradictory desires. I prayMaharshi may do something by his influence, in which I fullybelieve, to enable me to reach the final stage and kill the ego. I donot want mere arguments or explanations addressed to the mind,but real help. Will Maharshi please do this for me?"He had also written out another question: "I have beenhaving for my motto `Liberate yourself'. Is that all right orwould Maharshi suggest any other motto or ideal for me?"Bhagavan kept silent for a few minutes, all the whilehowever steadily looking at the visitor. After a few minutes thevisitor said, "I feel that I am not now in a state in which I canreadily receive any influence which Maharshi may be pleasedto send. After some time, I shall come again when I am in thatstate of exaltation in which I may be able to assimilate hisinfluence or spiritual help." He added, "May I have a littleconversation with this interpreter (Mr. Osborne) and come heresome other time?" Bhagavan said, "Yes, you can certainly goand have some talk." They both went out. The Sarvadhikarigave the visitor some fruits and coffee and he took leaveexpressing his desire to come here some other time. After thevisitor left the hall, Bhagavan said, "He seems to have readabout all this and to have done some sadhana. He is certainlyno novice." Someone suggested that the books in French, inour library, on Bhagavan's teachings might be shown to thevisitor. They were accordingly taken out and shown to him whilehe was still with the Sarvadhikari, having coffee. He looked atthem and said he had read them all.Mr. Subramania Iyer (Assistant Director of PublicHealth Madras, who has been coming to Bhagavan for someyears now) brought an album, containing 41 photos (takenby Dr. T.N. Krishnaswami on 25-11-45) of Bhagavan atSkandasramam and presented it to the Asramam. Bhagavanlooked at the pictures, which were all good, except one ortwo spoiled slightly by the sunlight.

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