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Bhagavan worked the miracle

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Day by Day with Bhagavan________12-12-45 MorningMr. Desai continued his reading about 10 a.m. When heread about one Kuppaiyar who was lame and afterwards gotthe use of his legs, about 40 years ago, and Bhagavan said heknew of the incident and that he had seen Kuppaiyar after hegot better, I said (non-english script) (i.e.,it would appear that it was really done by Bhagavan, thoughhe does not speak to us about it. It is his stealthy way). I saidso because Bhagavan's old classmate Ranga Aiyar and oneother at least who could be trusted to know about it had assuredme that, from what Bhagavan had told them of this incident,they were convinced that it was only Bhagavan who hadworked the miracle. When I made the above remark in thehall to those near me in Bhagavan's presence and hearing, hedid not deny my assumption. Bhagavan related to me oncethe following incident that happened when he was living onthe hill: "A cartman was engaged one night by a lady new tothis town to take her to some street. The cartman purposelytook her to some out-of-the-way place near the hill and wasabout to attack her for her jewels or molest her. Then twoconstables appeared on the scene and threatened the cartmanand escorted the lady to her proper destination. The lady notedthe numbers of the constables and made enquiries afterwardsabout them and it was ascertained that no human policeconstable had ever done such a service on that night." RangaAiyar believes that this was also really Bhagavan's work. Iconcur with him now. For from the way Bhagavan narratedthe incident, even at the time I first heard it from his lips, Ihad the same suspicion, though Bhagavan ascribed the incidentto Arunachala. We cannot tax Bhagavan with falsehood. Hedescribes what he did as having been done by Arunachala,because he and Arunachala are one.

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