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Namaste, A Person born with the Capricorn Ascendent and the

Tenth,Fifth lord Venus is placed in 3H.It is the exalted sign of

the venus.Rahu is placed in 11H and aspecting the venus.Based on

this i understood the venus gives the good results regarding

profesion, Happiness through family and the native will get good

support from the brothers.Because it is the lord of the 10H,5H and

placed in 3H.


What are the significations can we expect during the Mahadasa

and Antardasa of Venus while it aspecting the rahu?


While providing significations by the venus, will it prioritize

the fist 10H , next 5H? or both equal status?


Please clarify.....


Thanking you...




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Namaste GSN Murthy,


You've asked a very loaded question. Your premise is technically

correct. But there are other facets of analysis that need to be

considered. Specifically, the signification of Venus should be

considered from the following angles:


1. Venus, as the temporary lagna.


2. The ashtakavarga of Venus. If Venus has a high number of bindus,

then the results of the dasha would be auspicious.


3. Arudha lagna, to consider the reflective nature of the grahas.


4. The navamsha chart.


5. The other varga charts to determine the subtle nature of the

grahas in the various areas of life, i.e. dasamsha chart for

additional information relating to jobs and careers.


6. Moon as the lagna.


7. Sun as the lagna.


8. Transits.


9. Varshaphala techniques.


In short, the technique of analysis should be holistic to make a fair

assessment of anyone's chart.




John R.










, " murthygsnm " <murthygsnm



> Dear

> All,


> Namaste, A Person born with the Capricorn Ascendent and the

> Tenth,Fifth lord Venus is placed in 3H.It is the exalted sign of

> the venus.Rahu is placed in 11H and aspecting the venus.Based on

> this i understood the venus gives the good results regarding

> profesion, Happiness through family and the native will get good

> support from the brothers.Because it is the lord of the 10H,5H and

> placed in 3H.


> What are the significations can we expect during the Mahadasa

> and Antardasa of Venus while it aspecting the rahu?


> While providing significations by the venus, will it prioritize

> the fist 10H , next 5H? or both equal status?


> Please clarify.....


> Thanking you...



> 9247225278


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  • 1 year later...

Thanks Neelam,Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology, (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be

friends with me, went out to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing, partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in 9th, making me philosophical.As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both mercury and venus.I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars makes them good singers.Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad path in sexual life. Regards,Vijay.neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained. In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with LL mercury who is in 12H.Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good speech also? Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing, Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu, Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self control, etc. So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are... Most of the significations may tally in your case as other

influences on these two planets are minimum. loveNeelam On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog > wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> Regarding women, I like to be with them Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=) ==>> Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse > that mentions this). <== I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results; just natural. :) There is a quote with reads - "Lagne nasti budha

sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam" Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what use is with that horoscope?" :) Or in other words, the quote states that - * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native; and gives much beneficial results. * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and gives much beneficial results. * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much beneficial results. So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)Love and regards,Sreenadh , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:>> Hi

all,> > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects

ranging from astrology to > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study. > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we

study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. > > Regards,> Vijay.> > Sreenadh sreesog wrote: Dear All,> Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)- > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have many good quolities like good education and wealth. > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be

fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.>

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Thanks Shreenadhji,Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that you mentioned are perfectly true.1. I have almost all material luxuries.2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply philosophical.3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression, mental worries, etc.4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am trying very hard to control my ego.6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I have had to work hard for it.7. I

have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot in life to come up.Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly classified into two main streams:1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures, women, attractive, etc.2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet, romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech, likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.Now, a person with

venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by different planets.Regards,Vijay.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear Vijay ji, You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the exact reference I don’t remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :) Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are - * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to 2000 period. * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th

- good for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success. * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even though through hurdles. Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough suffering and enough happiness - enjoy! An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home) seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)Love and regards,Sreenadh , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:>> Hi all,> > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned,

sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to> computer science to economics and history, I also write poems.

Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study.> > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. >

> Regards,> Vijay.> > Sreenadh sreesog wrote: Dear All,> Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have many good quolities like good education and wealth.> * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a

four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.>

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Dear Vijay ji,


It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider

it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy

would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly



Anyway I cannot agree with the following:


" I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad

path in sexual life. "


I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted

to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.


Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see

what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all

of us can learn from that. Thanks.









, Vijayanarasimha H

Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Thanks Neelam,


> Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained

because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into

mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology,

(previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting

9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good

voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I

like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have

been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to

read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I

also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-

control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very

attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy

their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is

aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme

self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me,

went out

> to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having

physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they

run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing,

partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly

because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in

jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in

9th, making me philosophical.


> As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other

planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both

mercury and venus.


> I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars

makes them good singers.

> Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes

bad path in sexual life.


> Regards,

> Vijay.


> neelam gupta <neelamgupta07

wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is

praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained.

> In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with

LL mercury who is in 12H.

> Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good

results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good

speech also?

> Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing,

Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu,

Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self

control, etc.

> So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are...

> Most of the significations may tally in your case as other

influences on these two planets are minimum.

> love

> Neelam





> On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog


> Dear Vijay ji,

> > Regarding women, I like to be with them

> Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=)

> ==>

> > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone

help me in locating the verse

> > that mentions this).

> <==

> I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy

to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th

lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is

especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many

things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in

12th, Mihira tells us the result " Sadhanontye " (If Venus in 12th he

would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here

Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in

12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both

5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the

placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for

Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with

lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results;

just natural. :)

> There is a quote with reads -

> " Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati

> Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam "

> Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if

Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what

use is with that horoscope? " :)

> Or in other words, the quote states that -

> * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native;

and gives much beneficial results.

> * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and

gives much beneficial results.

> * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much

beneficial results.

> So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh


> , Vijayanarasimha

H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very

learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to

also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For

example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes

them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in

lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas

Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's

company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna.

And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone

help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe

Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many

areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my

case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or

jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the

universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to

> > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems.

Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I

like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe

because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any

physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really

like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my

case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run

behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of

vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards

them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts

(because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go

thru my chart if you want a case study.

> >

> > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.

> >

> > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters

(representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we

study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any

aspects on venus.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Vijay.

> >

> > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,

> > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The

lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji.

They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to

produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue

against him or in support of them - validate the results with your

own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth

minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-

> > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in

make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc.

Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long

life and will have many good quolities like good education and


> > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or

may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a

benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy


> > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he

would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have

diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.

> > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the

thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with


> >









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Dear renu-ji,


You had ask for venus-saturn aspecting & still never cross limits, here is example of it

he also had not cross limits, infact as you talking this one has parivartan yoga, sun also uchha in aries , & also venus/saturn aspects so,birth data as follow may /12/ 57,=04;25am=/ gmt-3hrs east,

lat/long=12n45,45e12, tell me if need any more search on him,



renunw <renunw@yah oo.co.uk> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:02:29 PM Re: Venus


Dear Vijay ji,It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy would wish for that..nowadays! !! Yet your self control is highly appreciated. Anyway I cannot agree with the following:"I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad path in sexual life. "I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all of us can learn from that. Thanks.blessingsRenuancient_indian_ astrology,

Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Neelam,> > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology, (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy their company, but as

my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me, went out> to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing, partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in 9th, making me philosophical.> > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both mercury and venus.> > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars makes them good singers.> Also, I have noticed that venus

aspected by saturn makes one takes bad path in sexual life. > > Regards,> Vijay.> > neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained. > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with LL mercury who is in 12H.> Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good speech also? > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing, Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu, Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self control, etc. > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are... > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other influences on these two planets are minimum. > love>

Neelam> > > > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog > wrote: > Dear Vijay ji,> > Regarding women, I like to be with them > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=) > ==>> > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse > > that mentions this). > <==> I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th

house is like 'Venus in 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results; just natural. :) > There is a quote with reads -> "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam" > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what use is with that horoscope?" :) > Or in other words, the quote states that -> * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native; and gives much beneficial results.> * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and gives

much beneficial results. > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much beneficial results.> So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > ancient_indian_ astrology, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@ > wrote:> >> > Hi all,> > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different

arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now

(surprisingly) , even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study. > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. > > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > Let us start discussing the

effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread- owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)- > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy? ). Will have long life and will have many good quolities like good education and wealth. > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > >

* If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- --- > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.>


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Dear Kiran, Probably, one thing that is true about Jup in 3rd is, I do have some stomach related problems. I don't think I have experienced the others. This could be due to the placement of Jupiter's dispositor Venus in Lagna, in close conjunction with Mercury and placement of Venus in its own house in Navamsha. As far as Mars is concerned, please note that Mars is a yogakaraka for my chart. Regards, Krishna"kiran.rama" <kiran.rama wrote: Dear Krishnaji,That is very surprising:Mars in 10th: You have a very successful careerMercury and Venus in lagna: Goodbut Jupiter in 3rd house is not so good:Saravali says:"If Jupiter occupies the 3rd, the native will be greatly humiliated,be vile, ever successful, will have digestive deficiencies, bedefeated by women and be sinful in acts. "Of course, these must be cancelled I guess in your horoscope by otherplacementsregardskiran , "Sreenadh"<sreesog wrote:>> Dear Krishna ji,> Lol... Good to here that. :) But for sure being well active inshares> etc even though not in Kendra your Jupiter would be well placed. ;)> Note: Also from your enthusiasm today it seems that, evenyesterday's > share

market crash didn't affect you - and Jupiter is well. :=) All the> best. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , Krishnamurthy> Seetharama <krishna_1998@> wrote:> Re: Re: Venus (Thread owners - Renu ji and> Vinita ji)> Dear Sreenadh ji, You wrote: There is a quote with reads -> "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam"> Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if Jupitor is> not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what use is with> that horoscope?" :)> That is very reassuring to me as my chart satisfies all the conditions,> except for Jup. I have Venus and Mercury in Lagna and Mars in the 10th! > Jupiter is in

the 3rd. Thanks for sharing this quote. Regards, Krishna> > Sreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > Regarding women, I like to be with them> Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=)> ==>> > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me> in locating the verse> > that mentions this).> <==> I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy to> understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th lordship> is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is especially good for> Venus because Venus is the significator or many things such as bed> pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in 12th, Mihira tells us the> result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he would be wealthy). When we are> considering the sign alone (here Gemini) Venus having the lordship of>

12th house is like 'Venus in 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini> lagna the lordship of both 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so> naturally the placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in> stock for Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated> with lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results;> just natural. :)> There is a quote with reads -> "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam"> Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if Jupitor is> not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what use is with> that horoscope?" :)> Or in other words, the quote states that -> * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native; and> gives much beneficial results.> * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and

gives> much beneficial results.> * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much beneficial> results.> So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> >> > , Vijayanarasimha H> Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > >> > > Hi all,> > >> > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to> also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For> example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them> good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna.> Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra>

makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company,> ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is> especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating> the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person> extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most> importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all> interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in> knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging> from astrology to> > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to> be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because> mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical> relationship till now

(surprisingly), even though I really like to be in> love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me> to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things.> Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but> I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in> almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is> almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study.> > >> > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > >> > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only> in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > >> > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > >> > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear

All,> > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They> have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce> identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or> in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the> charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro> Bhrigu sutra)-> > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will> be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and> will have many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a

benefic> in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases> caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.>


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Dear Vijay ji and Renu ji,==>> "I have noticed that Venus aspected by Saturn makes one takes bad > path in sexual life. "<====>> I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.<== As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta" Meaning, He will be short sighted (i.e. He can not look far into the future; he takes decisions without much thinking); Dependents on ladies (let it be wife or others) gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :) Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)Love and regards,Sreenadh , "renunw" <renunw wrote:>> Dear Vijay ji,> > It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider > it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy > would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly > appreciated. > > Anyway I cannot agree with the following:> > "I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad > path in sexual life. "> > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see > what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all > of us can learn from that. Thanks.> > blessings> > Renu> > > > > , Vijayanarasimha H > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Thanks Neelam,> > > > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained > because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into > mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology, > (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting > 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good > voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I > like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have > been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to > read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I > also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-> control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very > attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy > their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is > aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme > self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me, > went out> > to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having > physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they > run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing, > partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly > because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in > jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in > 9th, making me philosophical.> > > > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other > planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both > mercury and venus.> > > > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars > makes them good singers.> > Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes > bad path in sexual life. > > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > neelam gupta neelamgupta07@ > wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is > praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained. > > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with > LL mercury who is in 12H.> > Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good > results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good > speech also? > > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing, > Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu, > Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self > control, etc. > > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are... > > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other > influences on these two planets are minimum. > > love> > Neelam> > > > > > > > > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog@ > wrote: > > Dear Vijay ji,> > > Regarding women, I like to be with them > > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=) > > ==>> > > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone > help me in locating the verse > > > that mentions this). > > <==> > I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy > to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th > lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is > especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many > things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in > 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he > would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here > Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in > 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both > 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the > placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for > Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with > lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results; > just natural. :) > > There is a quote with reads -> > "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> > Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam" > > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if > Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what > use is with that horoscope?" :) > > Or in other words, the quote states that -> > * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native; > and gives much beneficial results.> > * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and > gives much beneficial results. > > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much > beneficial results.> > So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > , Vijayanarasimha > H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:> > >> > > Hi all,> > > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to > also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For > example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes > them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in > lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas > Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's > company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. > And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone > help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe > Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my > case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or > jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the > universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. > Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I > like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe > because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any > physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really > like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my > case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run > behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of > vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards > them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts > (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go > thru my chart if you want a case study. > > > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters > (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we > study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any > aspects on venus. > > > > > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. > They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to > produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue > against him or in support of them - validate the results with your > own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth > minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)- > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. > Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long > life and will have many good quolities like good education and > wealth. > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or > may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a > benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy > vehicles. > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have > diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the > thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> >>

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Dear Vijay ji, That is all very interesting! :) By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because - * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with Veena) * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands, indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both hands - like drum or guitar. * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound) * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house. "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate. Love and regards,Sreenadh , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:>> Thanks Shreenadhji,> > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that you mentioned are perfectly true.> 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply philosophical.> 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression, mental worries, etc.> 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am trying very hard to control my ego.> 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I have had to work hard for it.> 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot in life to come up.> > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly classified into two main streams:> 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures, women, attractive, etc.> 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet, romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech, likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by different planets.> > Regards,> Vijay.> > Sreenadh sreesog wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the exact reference I don’t remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to 2000 period. > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even though through hurdles. > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough suffering and enough happiness - enjoy! > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home) seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Hi all,> > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to> > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study.> > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. > > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.> >> > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,

"As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta" Meaning, He will be short sighted .........

(i.e. He can not look far into the future;

On the contrary, people whom i know with Saturn -Venus combination i.e. mutual aspect & /or conjunction DO look far into the future.........

he takes decisions without much thinking);

..........take wise decisions and plan accordingly.

Dependents on ladies (let it be wife or others)

cannot give a clear cut answer to this.

gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :)


Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)Yes...the truth is somewhere in the middle - invisible to us - unless and until the path to 'moksha' is visible to us.


Renu , "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Vijay ji and Renu ji,> ==>> > "I have noticed that Venus aspected by Saturn makes one takes bad> > path in sexual life. "> <==> ==>> > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted> > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> <==> As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there> is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita> sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta" Meaning, > He will be short sighted (i.e. He can not look far into the future; he> takes decisions without much thinking); Dependents on ladies (let it be> wife or others) gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :)> Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth> somewhere in the middle. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , "renunw" renunw@> wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> >> > It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider> > it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy> > would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly> > appreciated.> >> > Anyway I cannot agree with the following:> >> > "I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad> > path in sexual life. "> >> > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted> > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> >> > Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see> > what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all> > of us can learn from that. Thanks.> >> > blessings> >> > Renu> >> >> >> >> > , Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > >> > > Thanks Neelam,> > >> > > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained> > because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into> > mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology,> > (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting> > 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good> > voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I> > like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have> > been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to> > read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I> > also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-> > control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very> > attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy> > their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is> > aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme> > self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me,> > went out> > > to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having> > physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they> > run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing,> > partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly> > because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in> > jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in> > 9th, making me philosophical.> > >> > > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other> > planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both> > mercury and venus.> > >> > > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars> > makes them good singers.> > > Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes> > bad path in sexual life.> > >> > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > >> > > neelam gupta neelamgupta07@> > wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is> > praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained.> > > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with> > LL mercury who is in 12H.> > > Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good> > results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good> > speech also?> > > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing,> > Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu,> > Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self> > control, etc.> > > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are...> > > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other> > influences on these two planets are minimum.> > > love> > > Neelam> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog@> > wrote:> > > Dear Vijay ji,> > > > Regarding women, I like to be with them> > > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=)> > > ==>> > > > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone> > help me in locating the verse> > > > that mentions this).> > > <==> > > I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy> > to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th> > lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is> > especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many> > things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in> > 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he> > would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here> > Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in> > 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both> > 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the> > placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for> > Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with> > lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results;> > just natural. :)> > > There is a quote with reads -> > > "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> > > Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam"> > > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if> > Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what> > use is with that horoscope?" :)> > > Or in other words, the quote states that -> > > * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native;> > and gives much beneficial results.> > > * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and> > gives much beneficial results.> > > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much> > beneficial results.> > > So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > > , Vijayanarasimha> > H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Hi all,> > > >> > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to> > also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For> > example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes> > them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in> > lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas> > Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's> > company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna.> > And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone> > help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe> > Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my> > case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or> > jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the> > universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to> > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems.> > Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I> > like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe> > because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any> > physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really> > like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my> > case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run> > behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of> > vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards> > them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts> > (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go> > thru my chart if you want a case study.> > > >> > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > >> > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters> > (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we> > study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any> > aspects on venus.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji.> > They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to> > produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue> > against him or in support of them - validate the results with your> > own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth> > minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc.> > Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long> > life and will have many good quolities like good education and> > wealth.> > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or> > may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a> > benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy> > vehicles.> > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have> > diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the> > thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with> > Search.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with> > Search.> > >> >>

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Dear Renu ji,> Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)> Yes...the truth is somewhere in the middle - invisible to us - unless and until the path to > 'moksha' is visible to us. True! Love and regards,Sreenadh , "renunw" <renunw wrote:

Re: Venus


Dear Sreenadh ji,

"As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta" Meaning, He will be short sighted .........

(i.e. He can not look far into the future;

On the contrary, people whom i know with Saturn -Venus combination i.e. mutual aspect & /or conjunction DO look far into the future.........

he takes decisions without much thinking);

..........take wise decisions and plan accordingly.

Dependents on ladies (let it be wife or others)

cannot give a clear cut answer to this.

gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :)


Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)Yes...the truth is somewhere in the middle - invisible to us - unless and until the path to 'moksha' is visible to us.


Renu > , "Sreenadh"> sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji and Renu ji,> > ==>> > > "I have noticed that Venus aspected by Saturn makes one takes bad> > > path in sexual life. "> > <==> > ==>> > > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted> > > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > <==> > As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there> > is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita> > sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta"> Meaning,> > He will be short sighted (i.e. He can not look far into the future; he> > takes decisions without much thinking); Dependents on ladies (let it> be> > wife or others) gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :)> > Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth> > somewhere in the middle. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> > , "renunw" renunw@> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Vijay ji,> > >> > > It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider> > > it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy> > > would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly> > > appreciated.> > >> > > Anyway I cannot agree with the following:> > >> > > "I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad> > > path in sexual life. "> > >> > > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted> > > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > >> > > Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see> > > what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all> > > of us can learn from that. Thanks.> > >> > > blessings> > >> > > Renu> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > , Vijayanarasimha H> > > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Neelam,> > > >> > > > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained> > > because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into> > > mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology,> > > (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting> > > 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good> > > voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I> > > like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have> > > been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to> > > read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I> > > also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-> > > control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very> > > attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy> > > their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is> > > aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme> > > self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me,> > > went out> > > > to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having> > > physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they> > > run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing,> > > partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly> > > because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in> > > jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in> > > 9th, making me philosophical.> > > >> > > > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other> > > planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both> > > mercury and venus.> > > >> > > > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars> > > makes them good singers.> > > > Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes> > > bad path in sexual life.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >> > > > neelam gupta neelamgupta07@> > > wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is> > > praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained.> > > > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with> > > LL mercury who is in 12H.> > > > Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good> > > results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good> > > speech also?> > > > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing,> > > Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu,> > > Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self> > > control, etc.> > > > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are...> > > > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other> > > influences on these two planets are minimum.> > > > love> > > > Neelam> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog@> > > wrote:> > > > Dear Vijay ji,> > > > > Regarding women, I like to be with them> > > > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=)> > > > ==>> > > > > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone> > > help me in locating the verse> > > > > that mentions this).> > > > <==> > > > I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy> > > to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th> > > lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is> > > especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many> > > things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in> > > 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he> > > would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here> > > Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in> > > 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both> > > 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the> > > placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for> > > Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with> > > lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results;> > > just natural. :)> > > > There is a quote with reads -> > > > "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> > > > Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam"> > > > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if> > > Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what> > > use is with that horoscope?" :)> > > > Or in other words, the quote states that -> > > > * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native;> > > and gives much beneficial results.> > > > * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and> > > gives much beneficial results.> > > > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much> > > beneficial results.> > > > So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , Vijayanarasimha> > > H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> > > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to> > > also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For> > > example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes> > > them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in> > > lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas> > > Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's> > > company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna.> > > And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone> > > help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe> > > Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many> > > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my> > > case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or> > > jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the> > > universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems.> > > Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I> > > like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe> > > because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any> > > physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really> > > like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my> > > case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run> > > behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of> > > vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards> > > them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts> > > (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go> > > thru my chart if you want a case study.> > > > >> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters> > > (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we> > > study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any> > > aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji.> > > They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to> > > produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue> > > against him or in support of them - validate the results with your> > > own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth> > > minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc.> > > Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long> > > life and will have many good quolities like good education and> > > wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or> > > may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a> > > benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy> > > vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have> > > diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the> > > thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with> > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with> > > Search.> > > >> > >> >>

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Hello Shreenadhji,Thanks for mentioning the verse. You are probably right, that the truth is indeed inbetween. I am here presenting a case of a girl whom I know very well ;) who had many illicit relations, which I have seen with my own eyes. She is very sensual, flirts with handsome guys and excellent in dancing (venus in libra), but has numerous sexual relations (saturn aspecting venus, no other aspect).05-Dec-1978, 9.15pm, Ranchi.Interestingly she has kataka lagna and jupiter in it, which should make her highly pious, and chaste. But she is completely opposite. Only thing positive from jupiter in lagna is that she behaves very well in public (like a saint), and has excellent speech (mesmerizes everyone with very good speech), respects learned people and visits temples. But, I believe due to venus aspected by saturn she is into illicit relations.Regards,Vijay.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear Vijay ji and Renu ji,==>> "I have noticed that Venus aspected by Saturn makes one takes bad > path in sexual life. "<====>> I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.<== As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta" Meaning, He will be short sighted

(i.e. He can not look far into the future; he takes decisions without much thinking); Dependents on ladies (let it be wife or others) gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :) Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)Love and regards,Sreenadh , "renunw" <renunw wrote:>> Dear Vijay ji,> > It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider > it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy > would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly > appreciated. > > Anyway I cannot agree with the following:> > "I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad > path in sexual life. "> > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted >

to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see > what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all > of us can learn from that. Thanks.> > blessings> > Renu> > > > > , Vijayanarasimha H > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Thanks Neelam,> > > > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained > because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into > mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology, > (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting > 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good > voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I > like

arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have > been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to > read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I > also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-> control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very > attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy > their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is > aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme > self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me, > went out> > to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having > physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they > run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing, > partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly > because

venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in > jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in > 9th, making me philosophical.> > > > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other > planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both > mercury and venus.> > > > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars > makes them good singers.> > Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes > bad path in sexual life. > > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > neelam gupta neelamgupta07@ > wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is > praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained. > > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with > LL mercury who is in 12H.> > Two kendra lords, both benefics, in

exchange will give you good > results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good > speech also? > > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing, > Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu, > Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self > control, etc. > > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are... > > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other > influences on these two planets are minimum. > > love> > Neelam> > > > > > > > > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog@ > wrote: > > Dear Vijay ji,> > > Regarding women, I like to be with them > > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=) > > ==>> > > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can

anyone > help me in locating the verse > > > that mentions this). > > <==> > I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy > to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th > lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is > especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many > things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in > 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he > would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here > Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in > 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both > 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the > placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for > Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets

associated with > lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results; > just natural. :) > > There is a quote with reads -> > "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> > Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam" > > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if > Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what > use is with that horoscope?" :) > > Or in other words, the quote states that -> > * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native; > and gives much beneficial results.> > * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and > gives much beneficial results. > > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much > beneficial results.> > So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> > Love and regards,> >

Sreenadh> > > > , Vijayanarasimha > H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:> > >> > > Hi all,> > > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to > also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For > example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes > them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in > lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas > Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's > company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. > And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone > help me in locating the verse that mentions this).

Here, I believe > Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my > case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or > jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the > universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. > Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I > like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe > because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any > physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really > like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my > case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run > behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number

of > vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards > them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts > (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go > thru my chart if you want a case study. > > > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters > (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we > study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any > aspects on venus. > > > > > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. > They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its

power to > produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue > against him or in support of them - validate the results with your > own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth > minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)- > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. > Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long > life and will have many good quolities like good education and > wealth. > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or > may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a > benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy > vehicles. > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he > would lie, could be a thief, and

will cheat others. He may have > diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the > thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> >>

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Hello Shreenadhji,Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally after 2 weeks, I had to leave.2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards. 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest. Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any guru and start singing. I am just contended

to sing film songs at occasions.5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th) and lost a golden oppurtunity. 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani, western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything. Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child cant sleep without its mother singing to it).I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined towards

academics.Regards,Vijay.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear Vijay ji, That is all very interesting! :) By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because - * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with Veena) * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also significator of

sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands, indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both hands - like drum or guitar. * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound) * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house. "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate. Love and regards,Sreenadh , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:>> Thanks Shreenadhji,> > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that you mentioned are perfectly true.> 1. I have almost all material luxuries.>

2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply philosophical.> 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression, mental worries, etc.> 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am trying very hard to control my ego.> 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I have had to work hard for it.> 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached to my mother

and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot in life to come up.> > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly classified into two main streams:> 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures, women, attractive, etc.> 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet, romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech, likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus,

pisces lagnas may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by different planets.> > Regards,> Vijay.> > Sreenadh sreesog wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the exact reference I don’t remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk

in 2nd - could cause problems with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to 2000 period. > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even though through hurdles. > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough suffering and enough happiness - enjoy! > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home) seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Hi all,> > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in

knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to> > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study.> > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > I am more than happy to reveal my

innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. > > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have many good

quolities like good education and wealth.> > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.> >> > > > > > > Be a better friend,

newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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Dear Vijay ji,You've provided an interesting case for Jupiter in lagna.Jupiter's significations have suffered in this case as:-- Though in kark rashi, Jup is retrograde (is not what it appears to be)

.... LL and dispositor of Jupiter, moon in this has gone to 8H bringing in secrecy and illicit affairs. Moon , being the significator of mind and emotions himself and being LL will definitely add 8H affairs to lagna.-- LL moon is also with ketu in 8H, planet of deception -- Jupiter-moon in 6/8 axis forms shakat yog, that too with 8H. -- if I may add here, Jup is in saturn's nakshatra who is again 8L. -- there is aspect of mars from 6H who is posited in Jupiter's sign. This mars is also aspecting the 9H and pisces. Here we do not see Jupiter in a happy situation at all.-- lagna is in papkatri yog also, rahu, sat on one side and gulika on the other.Whenever a planet is afflicted, the significations will suffer deficiency.

regardsNeelamOn 23/01/2008, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha

> wrote:





Hello Shreenadhji,Thanks for mentioning the verse. You are probably right, that the truth is indeed inbetween. I am here presenting a case of a girl whom I know very well ;) who had many illicit relations, which I have seen with my own eyes. She is very sensual, flirts with handsome guys and excellent in dancing (venus in libra), but has numerous sexual relations (saturn aspecting venus, no other aspect).

05-Dec-1978, 9.15pm, Ranchi.Interestingly she has kataka lagna and jupiter in it, which should make her highly pious, and chaste. But she is completely opposite. Only thing positive from jupiter in lagna is that she behaves very well in public (like a saint), and has excellent speech (mesmerizes everyone with very good speech), respects learned people and visits temples. But, I believe due to venus aspected by saturn she is into illicit relations.

Regards,Vijay.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:

Dear Vijay ji and Renu ji,

==>> " I have noticed that Venus aspected by Saturn makes one takes bad > path in sexual life. " <====>> I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted

> to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.<== As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, " Asita sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta " Meaning, He will be short sighted

(i.e. He can not look far into the future; he takes decisions without much thinking); Dependents on ladies (let it be wife or others) gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :) Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)

Love and regards,Sreenadh

, " renunw " <renunw wrote:>> Dear Vijay ji,> > It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider > it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy > would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly > appreciated. > > Anyway I cannot agree with the following:> > " I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad > path in sexual life. " > > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted >

to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see > what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all > of us can learn from that. Thanks.> > blessings> > Renu> > > > >

, Vijayanarasimha H > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Thanks Neelam,> > > > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained > because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into > mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology, > (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting > 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good > voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I > like

arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have > been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to > read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I > also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-

> control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very > attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy > their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is

> aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme > self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me, > went out> > to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having > physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they > run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing, > partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly

> because

venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in > jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in > 9th, making me philosophical.> > > > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other > planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both > mercury and venus.> > > > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars > makes them good singers.

> > Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes > bad path in sexual life. > > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > neelam gupta neelamgupta07@ > wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is > praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained. > > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with > LL mercury who is in 12H.

> > Two kendra lords, both benefics, in

exchange will give you good > results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good > speech also? > > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing, > Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu, > Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self > control, etc. > > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are... > > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other > influences on these two planets are minimum. > > love> > Neelam> > > > > > > > > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog@ > wrote: > > Dear Vijay ji,

> > > Regarding women, I like to be with them > > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=) > > ==>> > > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can

anyone > help me in locating the verse > > > that mentions this). > > <==> > I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy > to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th > lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is > especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many > things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in

> 12th, Mihira tells us the result " Sadhanontye " (If Venus in 12th he > would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here > Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in > 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both > 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the > placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for > Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets

associated with > lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results; > just natural. :) > > There is a quote with reads -> > " Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati

> > Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam " > > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if > Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what > use is with that horoscope? " :) > > Or in other words, the quote states that -> > * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native; > and gives much beneficial results.> > * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and > gives much beneficial results. > > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much > beneficial results.> > So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> > Love and regards,

> >

Sreenadh> > > > , Vijayanarasimha > H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:> > >> > > Hi all,> > > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to > also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For > example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes > them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in > lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas > Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's > company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. > And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone > help me in locating the verse that mentions this).

Here, I believe > Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my > case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or > jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the > universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. > Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I > like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe > because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any > physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really > like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my > case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run > behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number

of > vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards > them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts > (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go > thru my chart if you want a case study. > > > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters > (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we > study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any > aspects on venus. > > > > > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,

> > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. > They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its

power to > produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue > against him or in support of them - validate the results with your > own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth > minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)- > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. > Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long > life and will have many good quolities like good education and > wealth. > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or > may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a > benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy > vehicles. > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he > would lie, could be a thief, and

will cheat others. He may have > diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the > thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)

> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Search.> >>

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Dear Members,


I know of two persons (females) with Ve in lagna


1st one - 02 Feb, 1972, 07:07 hrs. Dibrugarh


Lagna - Aqua with Ve, 3H-Mars, 4H -Sat (in parivartan with

Ve in lagna), 6H-Ketu, 7H-Mo, 11H-Jup, 12H-Me+Su+Rahu


Was very good looking and well dressed up upto 26 yrs. Slightly

on plumb side, fair, good hair. Changed after marriage (Apr'98).

Now gained weight, doesn't care for dresses, was alcoholic betn 29-32 yrs.

Well educated, employed since 1991, brilliant but became too lazy

and daughter-centric. Likes chatting.


2nd one - 20 Jun, 1975, approx 6:30 hrs, Dibrugarh


Lagna - Cancer with Ve, 4H-Mo (in Parivartan with Ve in lagna),

5H - Rahu, 9H-Mars+Jup, 11H - Ketu + Me (Retro), 12H-Sat+Sun.


Good looking, fair, good hair, like to dress & shopping, figure/look has

not changed so far, extravagant, likes to eat well, talkative, changing moods.

Eye-brows are joined (probably Rahu aspect). Likes to dance and chat.


As both have parivartana of Ve with 4H Sat or Mo, probably they do not

represent the Ve in Lagna alone.






Sreenadh [sreesog]Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:39 PM Subject: Re: Venus


Dear Renu ji,> Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)> Yes...the truth is somewhere in the middle - invisible to us - unless and until the path to > 'moksha' is visible to us. True! Love and regards,Sreenadh , "renunw" <renunw wrote:

Re: Venus


Dear Sreenadh ji,

"As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta" Meaning, He will be short sighted ..........

(i.e. He can not look far into the future;

On the contrary, people whom i know with Saturn -Venus combination i.e. mutual aspect & /or conjunction DO look far into the future.........

he takes decisions without much thinking);

..........take wise decisions and plan accordingly.

Dependents on ladies (let it be wife or others)

cannot give a clear cut answer to this.

gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :)


Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth somewhere in the middle. :)Yes...the truth is somewhere in the middle - invisible to us - unless and until the path to 'moksha' is visible to us.


Renu> , "Sreenadh"> sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji and Renu ji,> > ==>> > > "I have noticed that Venus aspected by Saturn makes one takes bad> > > path in sexual life. "> > <==> > ==>> > > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted> > > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > <==> > As per Brihat Jataka - If Saturn and Venus are together (or if there> > is mutual interaction like the 1-7 aspect between them)then, "Asita> > sitaagame alpa chakshur, Yuvatijanastraya somepravridha vitta"> Meaning,> > He will be short sighted (i.e. He can not look far into the future; he> > takes decisions without much thinking); Dependents on ladies (let it> be> > wife or others) gives him prosperity in life and wealth. :)> > Any way it seems that both of you have a point - and the truth> > somewhere in the middle. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> > , "renunw" renunw@> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Vijay ji,> > >> > > It is nice to learn about a person with good qualities. I consider> > > it a privilege to have girls come after you in your age. Many a boy> > > would wish for that..nowadays!!! Yet your self control is highly> > > appreciated.> > >> > > Anyway I cannot agree with the following:> > >> > > "I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes bad> > > path in sexual life. "> > >> > > I have seen this combination in 1/7 axis, yet the native is devoted> > > to wife and family; never crossed the 'dharma line'.> > >> > > Kindly provide birth data of such known persons. Then we will see> > > what afflictions cause the condition you have mentioned so that all> > > of us can learn from that. Thanks.> > >> > > blessings> > >> > > Renu> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > , Vijayanarasimha H> > > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Neelam,> > > >> > > > Yes, you are absolutely true. I believe my horoscope is sustained> > > because of this parivartana yoga. You are right, I am into> > > mathematics, currently doing PhD in computational Biology,> > > (previously studied electrical engineeering, because mars aspecting> > > 9th house, mars and sun also have parivartana yoga). I have a good> > > voice and speak very calmly and my speech is very good and decent. I> > > like arguments and almost study any book. I write poems, and have> > > been fascinated by astronomy and astrology from childhood. I love to> > > read epics, and have read Ramayana and Mahabharatha many times. I> > > also love my maternal uncle very much and finally I have good self-> > > control. As I said before, with venus in my lagna, I am very> > > attracted towards women, I like to spend time with girls and enjoy> > > their company, but as my sun (atmakaraka) is very strong and is> > > aspected by jupiter and also as moon is with sun, I have extreme> > > self-control. Hence many girls have tried to be friends with me,> > > went out> > > > to party with me, etc, but after realising that I avoid having> > > physical contact with them and just like them to be friends, they> > > run away from me. Venus in Lagna, also makes me good at dancing,> > > partying, nice attractive speech, etc. Also, more importantly> > > because venus is in gemini, I am more interested in books than in> > > jewellery, clothes, etc. Maybe this is also because I have ketu in> > > 9th, making me philosophical.> > > >> > > > As you said, because mercury and venus are not aspected by other> > > planets, my traits are derived from the characteristics of both> > > mercury and venus.> > > >> > > > I have noticed in some horoscopes that venus aspected by mars> > > makes them good singers.> > > > Also, I have noticed that venus aspected by saturn makes one takes> > > bad path in sexual life.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >> > > > neelam gupta neelamgupta07@> > > wrote: Venus in Gemini in lagna is> > > praiseworthy, as Sreenadhji has already explained.> > > > In your case it is even better placed as it is in parivartan with> > > LL mercury who is in 12H.> > > > Two kendra lords, both benefics, in exchange will give you good> > > results regarding these houses. Do you have a good voice and good> > > speech also?> > > > Mercury is for Education, Mathematics, Knowledge, Speech, writing,> > > Green color, astrology and astronomy, Commerce, Skin, Vishnu,> > > Puranas or major epics, Grammar, maternal uncle, yantras, self> > > control, etc.> > > > So go ahead and mix venus and mercury and there you are...> > > > Most of the significations may tally in your case as other> > > influences on these two planets are minimum.> > > > love> > > > Neelam> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > On 22/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog@> > > wrote:> > > > Dear Vijay ji,> > > > > Regarding women, I like to be with them> > > > Sure! Renu ji and Vinita ji would be happy to hear that!! ;=)> > > > ==>> > > > > Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone> > > help me in locating the verse> > > > > that mentions this).> > > > <==> > > > I will search for the quote, but without that itself, it is easy> > > to understand. Venus is 5th and 12th lord for Gemini lagna. 5th> > > lordship is positive since it is Trikona; 12th lordship is> > > especially good for Venus because Venus is the significator or many> > > things such as bed pleasure and things like that. :) For Venus in> > > 12th, Mihira tells us the result "Sadhanontye" (If Venus in 12th he> > > would be wealthy). When we are considering the sign alone (here> > > Gemini) Venus having the lordship of 12th house is like 'Venus in> > > 12th'. Thus it turns out that for Gemini lagna the lordship of both> > > 5th and 12th is beneficial for Venus - and so naturally the> > > placement of such a Venus (who has positive results in stock for> > > Gemini lagna) when placed in lagna and thus gets associated with> > > lagna (native) - definitely starts giving those beneficial results;> > > just natural. :)> > > > There is a quote with reads -> > > > "Lagne nasti budha sukro, kendre nasti brihaspati> > > > Dasame angarako nasti, Jataka kim prayojanam"> > > > Meaning, if Mercury and Venus are not present in lagna; if> > > Jupitor is not in Kendara; if Mars is not present in 10th; then what> > > use is with that horoscope?" :)> > > > Or in other words, the quote states that -> > > > * Mercury or Venus present in lagna is very good for the native;> > > and gives much beneficial results.> > > > * Jupiter in Kenda (1-4-7-10) is very good for the native; and> > > gives much beneficial results.> > > > * Mars in 10th is very good for the native; and gives much> > > beneficial results.> > > > So good to know that you have Venus in Lagna. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , Vijayanarasimha> > > H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> > > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to> > > also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For> > > example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes> > > them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in> > > lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas> > > Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's> > > company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna.> > > And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone> > > help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe> > > Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many> > > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my> > > case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or> > > jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the> > > universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems.> > > Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I> > > like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe> > > because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any> > > physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really> > > like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my> > > case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run> > > behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of> > > vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards> > > them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts> > > (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go> > > thru my chart if you want a case study.> > > > >> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters> > > (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we> > > study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any> > > aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji.> > > They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to> > > produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue> > > against him or in support of them - validate the results with your> > > own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth> > > minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc.> > > Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long> > > life and will have many good quolities like good education and> > > wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or> > > may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a> > > benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy> > > vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have> > > diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the> > > thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with> > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with> > > Search.> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Vijay ji, Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. You see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions even from fragments' (i.e. without considering the whole chart). Love and regards,Sreenadh , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:

Re: Re: Venus

Hello Shreenadhji,Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally after 2 weeks, I had to leave.2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards. 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest. Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th) and lost a golden oppurtunity. 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani, western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything. Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child cant sleep without its mother singing to it).I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined towards academics.Regards,Vijay.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:


Dear Vijay ji, That is all very interesting! :) By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because - * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with Veena) * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands, indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both hands - like drum or guitar. * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound) * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house. "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate. Love and regards,Sreenadh > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that you mentioned are perfectly true.> > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply philosophical.> > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression, mental worries, etc.> > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am trying very hard to control my ego.> > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I have had to work hard for it.> > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot in life to come up.> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly classified into two main streams:> > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures, women, attractive, etc.> > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet, romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech, likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by different planets.> > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the exact reference I don’t remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to 2000 period. > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even though through hurdles. > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough suffering and enough happiness - enjoy! > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home) seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > >> > > Hi all,> > > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology> to> > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study.> > > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. > > > > > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-> > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.> >> > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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Dear Friends,This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan: According to Bhrigu Sutra:If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments. If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases. If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from hydrocele. If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic, the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity. If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga (great name, fame and wealth). If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted.

The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga. For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet, being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth, conveyances and all worldly comforts. If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance, fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent, eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort. Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will come at the age of 100.

Other Views on venus in the ascendant are: Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love affairs) and will be happy. Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy and long lived.

Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived. He will be liked by women. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of beautiful

women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts. Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the effects in

more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of Venus and the first house in view.regardsneelam


On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:





Dear Vijay ji, Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. You see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions even from fragments' (

i.e. without considering the whole chart). Love and regards,Sreenadh

, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:

Re: Re: Venus

Hello Shreenadhji,Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally after 2 weeks, I had to leave.

2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards. 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.

4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest. Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.

5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th) and lost a golden oppurtunity. 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani, western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything. Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child cant sleep without its mother singing to it).

I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined towards academics.

Regards,Vijay.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:


Dear Vijay ji, That is all very interesting! :) By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -

* Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with Veena) * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands, indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both hands - like drum or guitar. * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound) * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house. " Dwi tri samvada bhaval " (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.

Love and regards,Sreenadh >

, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> >> > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that you mentioned are perfectly true.

> > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply philosophical.> > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression, mental worries, etc.

> > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am trying very hard to control my ego.

> > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I have had to work hard for it.> > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot in life to come up.

> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly classified into two main streams:

> > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures, women, attractive, etc.> > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet, romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech, likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.

> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by different planets.

> > > > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)

> > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -

> > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to 2000 period. > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.

> > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even though through hurdles. > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough suffering and enough happiness - enjoy! > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home) seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)

> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > >

, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > >> > > Hi all,> > > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous, and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here, I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects ranging from astrology

> to> > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge, rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a case study.

> > > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus. > > > > > > Regards,> > > Vijay.> > > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu sutra)-

> > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have many good quolities like good education and wealth.

> > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles. > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha. > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)

> > > Love and regards,> > > Sreenadh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> >> > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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Dear Neelam ji, In your mail the following section ONLY is the transilation of quotes given by Sage Bhrigu in Bhrigu sutra -==>If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments. If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases. If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from hydrocele. If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic, the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity. If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga (great name, fame and wealth). If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted. <== Hope this helps.Love and regards,Sreenadh , "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Friends,> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:> > According to Bhrigu Sutra:> If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics> and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and> learned.> > If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.> > If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of> debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.> > If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from> hydrocele.> > If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic,> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity.> > If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja> yoga (great name, fame and wealth).> > If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard> hearted.> > The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house,> the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be> noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his> own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or> Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.> > For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet,> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of> 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,> conveyances and all worldly comforts.> > If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of> exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance,> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling> teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent,> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort.> Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will> come at the age of 100.> > Other Views on venus in the ascendant are:> > Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love> affairs) and will be happy.> > Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will> be happy and long lived.> > Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived.> He will be liked by women.> > Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like> the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of> beautiful> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first> house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the> effects in> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of> Venus and the first house in view.> > regards> neelam> > > > On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. [image: :)] You> > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions> > even from fragments' (i.e. without considering the whole chart). [image:> > :)]> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > Re: Re: Venus> >> > Hello Shreenadhji,> >> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:> > 1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally> > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.> >> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest.> > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning> > classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is> > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match> > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th)> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani,> > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything.> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without> > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).> >> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to> > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined> > towards academics.> >> >> > Regards,> > Vijay.> >> > *Sreenadh sreesog* wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > That is all very interesting! :)> > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with> > Veena)> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music> > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands,> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both> > hands - like drum or guitar.> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.> >> > "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the> > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > >> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that> > you mentioned are perfectly true.> > > > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply> > philosophical.> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but> > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression,> > mental worries, etc.> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much> > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various> > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am> > trying very hard to control my ego.> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I> > have had to work hard for it.> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached> > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot> > in life to come up.> > > >> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > > >> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly> > classified into two main streams:> > > > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures,> > women, attractive, etc.> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet,> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech,> > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > >> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas> > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that> > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by> > different planets.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the> > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special> > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems> > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to> > 2000 period.> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in> > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even> > though through hurdles.> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough> > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home)> > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers> > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous,> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I> > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna> > persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here,> > I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects> > ranging from astrology> > > to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be> > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere> > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge,> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I> > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a> > case study.> > > > >> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in> > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce> > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu> > sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have> > many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> > even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in> > 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases> > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > >> >> > > >>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,You're right!!That was an add on. Thanks for keeping tract.Will be careful in futurethanksneelamOn 24/01/2008, Sreenadh

<sreesog wrote:





Dear Neelam ji, In your mail the following section ONLY is the transilation of quotes given by Sage Bhrigu in Bhrigu sutra

-==>If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments. If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases. If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from hydrocele. If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic, the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity. If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga (great name, fame and wealth). If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted.

<== Hope this helps.Love and regards,Sreenadh

, " neelam gupta " <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Friends,> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:> > According to Bhrigu Sutra:

> If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics> and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and

> learned.> > If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.> > If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of

> debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.> > If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from

> hydrocele.> > If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic,> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity.> > If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja

> yoga (great name, fame and wealth).> > If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard> hearted.

> > The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house,> the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be

> noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his

> own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or

> Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.> > For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet,> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of

> 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,> conveyances and all worldly comforts.> > If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of

> exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance,> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling

> teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent,> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort.

> Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will> come at the age of 100.> > Other Views on venus in the ascendant are:

> > Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love> affairs) and will be happy.> > Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will

> be happy and long lived.> > Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived.> He will be liked by women.> > Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like

> the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of> beautiful> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first

> house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the> effects in> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of> Venus and the first house in view.

> > regards> neelam> > > > On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. [image: :)] You

> > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions> > even from fragments' (

i.e. without considering the whole chart). [image:> > :)]> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> >

, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > Re: Re: Venus> >> > Hello Shreenadhji,> >

> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:> > 1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally

> > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and

> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.> >> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest.

> > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning> > classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is

> > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match

> > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th)> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani,

> > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything.> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without

> > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).> >> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to

> > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined> > towards academics.> >

> >> > Regards,> > Vijay.> >> > *Sreenadh sreesog* wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > That is all very interesting! :)

> > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with> > Veena)> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music

> > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands,> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both

> > hands - like drum or guitar.> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.> >> > " Dwi tri samvada bhaval " (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the

> > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:

> > > >> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > >> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that> > you mentioned are perfectly true.

> > > > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply> > philosophical.> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but

> > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression,> > mental worries, etc.> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much

> > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various

> > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am> > trying very hard to control my ego.> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I

> > have had to work hard for it.> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached

> > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot> > in life to come up.> > > >

> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).

> > > >> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly> > classified into two main streams:

> > > > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures,> > women, attractive, etc.> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet,> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech,

> > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > >> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas

> > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that

> > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by> > different planets.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >

> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the

> > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special

> > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems

> > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to> > 2000 period.> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in

> > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even> > though through hurdles.> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough

> > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home)

> > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh

> > > >> > > >

, Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very

> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers

> > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous,> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I

> > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna> > persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here,> > I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many

> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects

> > ranging from astrology> > > to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be

> > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere

> > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge,> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I

> > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a> > case study.> > > > >

> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in

> > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,

> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce

> > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu

> > sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have

> > many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> > even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in

> > 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases

> > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >

> > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >

> > > >> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try

> > it now.> > >> >> > > >>

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dear all, sorry to interrupt your thread on venus in lagna, i have seen charts with venus in lagna aspected by benefics but not so good looking,totally dumn in music taste or any arts. i think a single planet cant determine these effects, lagna lord,arudha lagna, navamsa lord, ll navamsa dispositor all have to be associated with venus other wise its wont work that well, i like to quote here my guru's advice no single planet works alone. regards, Kumarneelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote: Dear Sreenadh ji,You're right!!That was an add on. Thanks for keeping tract.Will be careful in futurethanksneelam On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog > wrote: Dear Neelam ji, In your mail the following section ONLY is the transilation of quotes given by Sage Bhrigu in Bhrigu sutra -==>If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of

ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments. If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases. If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from hydrocele. If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic, the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity. If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga (great name, fame and wealth). If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will

be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted. <== Hope this helps.Love and regards,Sreenadh , "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Friends,> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:> > According to Bhrigu Sutra: > If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics> and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and > learned.> > If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.> > If Venus is associated with of

aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of > debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.> > If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from > hydrocele.> > If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic,> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity.> > If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja > yoga (great name, fame and wealth).> > If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard> hearted. > > The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house,> the native will

suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be > noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his > own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or > Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.> > For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet,> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of > 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,> conveyances and all worldly

comforts.> > If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of > exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance,> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling > teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent,> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort. > Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will> come at the age of 100.> > Other Views on venus in the ascendant are: > > Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love> affairs) and will be happy.>

> Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will> be happy and long lived.> > Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived.> He will be liked by women.> > Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like > the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of> beautiful> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first > house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the> effects in> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of> Venus and the first house in view. > > regards> neelam> > > > On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog

wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. [image: :)] You > > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions> > even from fragments' ( i.e. without considering the whole chart). [image:> > :)] > > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > Re: Re: Venus> >> > Hello Shreenadhji,> >> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:> > 1. I

went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally > > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.> >> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest. > > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning> > classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is > > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from

any> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match > > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th)> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani, > > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything.> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without > > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).> >> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I

was lazy to > > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined> > towards academics.> > > >> > Regards,> > Vijay.> > > > *Sreenadh sreesog* wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > That is all very interesting! :) > > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with> > Veena)> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music > > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands,> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by

both > > hands - like drum or guitar.> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.> >> > "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the > > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote: > > > >> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > >> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that> > you mentioned are perfectly true. > > > > 1. I have almost

all material luxuries.> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply> > philosophical.> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but > > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression,> > mental worries, etc.> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much > > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various > > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am> > trying very hard to control my ego.> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained

a lot, still I > > have had to work hard for it.> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached > > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot> > in life to come up.> > > > > > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > > >> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly> > classified into two main streams: > > > > 1. Luxuries, clothes,

jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures,> > women, attractive, etc.> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet,> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech, > > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > >> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas > > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that > > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by> > different planets.> > > >> > > > Regards,> >

> > Vijay.> > > > > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the > > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special > > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems > > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to> > 2000 period.> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with

Ra; Ke in 9th - good> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in > > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even> > though through hurdles.> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough > > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home) > > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh > > > >> > > > , Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very > > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers > > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous,> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I > > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna> > persons (can anyone help me in

locating the verse that mentions this). Here,> > I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many > > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects > > ranging from astrology> > > to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be > > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere > > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots

of knowledge,> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I > > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a> > case study.> > > > > > > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in > > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All, > > >

> > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce > > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu > > sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have > > many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> > even have

golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in > > 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases > > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards, > > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > > > >> > >

>> > > >> > > >> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try > > it now.> > >> >> > > >>

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Dear Neelam ji,


" When he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first

house, in his own sign Libra or Taurus ...... "


Let me add to this that if Venus is lord of the 8th house, not only

Libra but Pisces also can be the ascendant. Since it is exalted

there..rest of your notes are valid here too :}










, " neelam gupta "

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Friends,

> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:


> According to Bhrigu Sutra:

> If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in


> and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments,


> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and

> learned.


> If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a


> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.


> If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his

sign of

> debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and

will suffer

> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.


> If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will

suffer from

> hydrocele.


> If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a


> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high



> If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will

enjoy Maharaja

> yoga (great name, fame and wealth).


> If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the

native will

> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard

> hearted.


> The effects given above are logical and relevant to the

significations of

> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or

12th house,

> the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is

to be

> noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the

ascendant is lord

> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or

6th. When

> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first

house, in his

> own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own

sign will

> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already

accepted in the

> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign

(Taurus or

> Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.


> For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga

karaka planet,

> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and

lord of

> 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will


> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame,


> conveyances and all worldly comforts.


> If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in

his sign of

> exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be

formed, the

> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful


> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice,


> teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are


> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The

person is

> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own


> Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys


> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships.

Death will

> come at the age of 100.


> Other Views on venus in the ascendant are:


> Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous

sports (love

> affairs) and will be happy.


> Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes

and will

> be happy and long lived.


> Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and


> He will be liked by women.


> Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and

will like

> the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company


> beautiful

> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class


> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in

the first

> house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have

dealt with the

> effects in

> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the

significations of

> Venus and the first house in view.


> regards

> neelam




> On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vijay ji,

> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK.

[image: :)] You

> > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous


> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable


> > even from fragments' (i.e. without considering the whole chart).


> > :)]

> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > , Vijayanarasimha

H Pakka

> > <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:

> > Re: Re: Venus

> >

> > Hello Shreenadhji,

> >

> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and

me is:

> > 1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru


> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and


> > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.

> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced

me), but

> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not

satisfied and

> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.

> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic


> >

> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my

college fest.

> > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru,

I was able

> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without

even learning

> > classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that

my voice is

> > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs

from any

> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs

at occasions.

> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very

well to match

> > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called

me to

> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury

in 12th)

> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.

> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic,


> > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost


> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to

songs. I have

> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of

cassettes. Without

> > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like

asthough a child

> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).

> >

> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was

lazy to

> > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical

instruments that

> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was

more inclined

> > towards academics.

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> > Vijay.

> >

> > *Sreenadh <sreesog* wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vijay ji,

> > That is all very interesting! :)

> > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too?

Because -

> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and

female with

> > Veena)

> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music

> > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is


> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also


> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments

used by both

> > hands - like drum or guitar.

> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)

> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.

> >

> > " Dwi tri samvada bhaval " (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points

indicate the

> > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is


> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or


> > Love and regards,

> > Sreenadh

> > > ,

Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the

things that

> > you mentioned are perfectly true.

> > > > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.

> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply

> > philosophical.

> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very

stable, but

> > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is


> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under


> > mental worries, etc.

> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very


> > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not

rich on my own

> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.

> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through


> > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole

world. I am

> > trying very hard to control my ego.

> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot,

still I

> > have had to work hard for it.

> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big

surgery and

> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very

deeply attached

> > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards

my father

> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has

struggled a lot

> > in life to come up.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that

my mother

> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury

exalted in

> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I


> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be


> > classified into two main streams:

> > > > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed


> > women, attractive, etc.

> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people,


> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments,

sweet speech,

> > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.

> > > >

> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both

these traits

> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus,

pisces lagnas

> > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the

second. Also the

> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of


> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any

verse that

> > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus

aspected by

> > different planets.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > Vijay.

> > > >

> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,

> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between

12th lord

> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja

yoga (the

> > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the

5th lord

> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is

Rajayoga. :)

> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th

giving special

> > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi

birth gives

> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -

> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause


> > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already

in 1990 to

> > 2000 period.

> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in

9th - good

> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly

success in

> > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap


> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga -


> > though through hurdles.

> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life

with enough

> > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!

> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must


> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal


> > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway,

all the best

> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)

> > > > Love and regards,

> > > > Sreenadh

> > > >

> > > > ,

Vijayanarasimha H

> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi all,

> > > > >

> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic,


> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very

important to also

> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For

example I

> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them

good singers

> > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in


> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes

one sensuous,

> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good

clothes, etc. I

> > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for

Gemini lagna

> > persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions

this). Here,

> > I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and

learned in many

> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my

case, as I

> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I

am very

> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying

many subjects

> > ranging from astrology

> > > to

> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write

poems. Also

> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I

like to be

> > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because

mercury is

> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship

till now

> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with

someone sincere

> > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of


> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me

good number

> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted

towards them. I

> > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because

the degree

> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if

you want a

> > case study.

> > > > >

> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters


> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus

not only in

> > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > Vijay.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,

> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The

> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji.

They have

> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to


> > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against

him or in

> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the


> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs

(fro Bhrigu

> > sutra)-

> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be

interested in

> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women

etc. Will be

> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life

and will have

> > many good quolities like good education and wealth.

> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in

color; or may

> > even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a

benefic in

> > 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.

> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or

combust he

> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have


> > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.

> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the

thread of

> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)

> > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast


> > Search.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try

> > it now.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try

> > it now.

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Kumar ji,

Please state with solid charts and examples and please no wage

statements such as " I have seen many charts with..... " x and y etc

and so on.

Love and regards,



, hit man

<hit_man334 wrote:


> dear all,

> sorry to interrupt your thread on venus in lagna,

i have seen charts with venus in lagna aspected by benefics but not

so good looking,totally dumn in music taste or any arts. i think a

single planet cant determine these effects, lagna lord,arudha lagna,

navamsa lord, ll navamsa dispositor all have to be associated with

venus other wise its wont work that well, i like to quote here my

guru's advice no single planet works alone.


> regards,

> Kumar


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Dear Neelam ji,

"This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:According to Bhrigu Sutra:If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics .

A boy born in 1984, has Venus in the ascendant- Saggitarius. He is highly proficient in maths.

He will be loved by his wife,

Not yet married....but I am sure one day he will be loved by his wife...due to his fine qualities.

fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned.

Yes...to above....

If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.

Jupiter is conjunct in lagna with Venus. He is tall and handsome. I don't know whether he owns any ornaments.If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic...............the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.

Venus is aspected by Saturn. But he is far from a thief or a cheat. Saturn is exalted...may be that is the reason which negates above. No complains of such diseases..so far.If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted.

Venus is the lord of the 6th house. But he is not hard hearted. On the contrary a very compassionate boy. Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love affairs) and will be happy.

He is happy but no love affairs so far..though he would not mind having one :)

Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy and long lived.

Yes to - 'attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy '- I DO wish him long life. He is such a nice boy.Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived. He will be liked by women.

You know the answer to this.Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of beautiful women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.

He fits into all the above.

As I mentioned earlier he has Jupiter in lagna too. So all the good things attributable to Jupiter in lagna is applicable to this young fellow. Also he is a very good singer...Ju+Ve in lagna?



, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Friends,> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:> > According to Bhrigu Sutra:> If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics> and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and> learned.> > If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.> > If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of> debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.> > If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from> hydrocele.> > If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic,> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity.> > If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja> yoga (great name, fame and wealth).> > If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard> hearted.> > The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house,> the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be> noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his> own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or> Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.> > For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet,> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of> 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,> conveyances and all worldly comforts.> > If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of> exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance,> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling> teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent,> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort.> Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will> come at the age of 100.> > Other Views on venus in the ascendant are:> > Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love> affairs) and will be happy.> > Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will> be happy and long lived.> > Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived.> He will be liked by women.> > Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like> the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of> beautiful> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first> house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the> effects in> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of> Venus and the first house in view.> > regards> neelam> > > > On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. [image: :)] You> > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions> > even from fragments' (i.e. without considering the whole chart). [image:> > :)]> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > Re: Re: Venus> >> > Hello Shreenadhji,> >> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:> > 1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally> > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.> >> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest.> > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning> > classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is> > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match> > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th)> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani,> > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything.> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without> > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).> >> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to> > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined> > towards academics.> >> >> > Regards,> > Vijay.> >> > *Sreenadh sreesog* wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > That is all very interesting! :)> > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with> > Veena)> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music> > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands,> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both> > hands - like drum or guitar.> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.> >> > "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the> > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > >> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that> > you mentioned are perfectly true.> > > > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply> > philosophical.> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but> > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression,> > mental worries, etc.> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much> > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various> > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am> > trying very hard to control my ego.> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I> > have had to work hard for it.> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached> > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot> > in life to come up.> > > >> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > > >> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly> > classified into two main streams:> > > > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures,> > women, attractive, etc.> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet,> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech,> > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > >> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas> > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that> > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by> > different planets.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the> > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special> > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems> > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to> > 2000 period.> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in> > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even> > though through hurdles.> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough> > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home)> > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers> > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous,> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I> > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna> > persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here,> > I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects> > ranging from astrology> > > to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be> > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere> > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge,> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I> > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a> > case study.> > > > >> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in> > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce> > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu> > sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have> > many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> > even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in> > 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases> > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > >> >> > > >>

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Dear Neelam ji, I would like to add on with my own example: This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:According to Bhrigu Sutra:If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics . I always enjoyed maths exercises. I used to be the first one to complete the class exercises. Many times I have scored 100/100 in maths at school level. Even in my B.E. final semister, in one computation dominant subject I scored 100/100 He will be loved by his wife, Well, I think so :-) fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. I am fond of good dresses, not so much on the ornament side. I don't if women like me much. No one has revealed it to me (except for my wife ;-)) I appreciate well crafted ornaments for their elegance and beauty, but I don't wear much. It is all my wife's property. If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments. I have Venus closely conjunct Mercury. But, I only have fair complexion and not wear many ornaments, excpet for a ring and a chain. If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic...............the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic

diseases. Venus is aspected by both Saturn and Mars. But, Mars is a yogakaraka from lagna and Saturn is yogakaraka from Moon. I have not experienced these negative attitudes, but frequently catch cough/cold. If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted. No, Venus is lord of 3rd and 10th. Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love affairs) and will be happy. Happy, but not even a single love affair. Even my marriage was arranged

one. Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy and long lived. Nothing very striking. I consider myself to be an average kind of personality. I no doubt feel happy/content at most times. I feel that I fall in 'purnayu' category.Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived. He will be liked by women. I have already answered this Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like the company of noble

persons. He will be suitable for the company of beautiful women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts. Always in good company - yes. I am very choosy and make friends only when I feel comfortable with their attitude and mindset. As a result have very few friends. Hope this helps. Regards, Krishnarenunw <renunw wrote: Dear Neelam ji, "This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:According to Bhrigu Sutra:If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics . A boy born in 1984, has Venus in the ascendant- Saggitarius. He is highly proficient in maths. He will be loved by his wife, Not yet married....but I am sure one day he will be loved by his wife...due to his fine qualities. fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. Yes...to above.... If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body

shining like gold and will own many ornaments. Jupiter is conjunct in lagna with Venus. He is tall and handsome. I don't know whether he owns any ornaments.If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic...............the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases. Venus is aspected by Saturn. But he is far from a thief or a cheat. Saturn is exalted...may be that is the reason which negates above. No complains of such diseases..so far.If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted. Venus is the lord of the 6th house. But he is not hard hearted. On the contrary a very

compassionate boy. Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love affairs) and will be happy. He is happy but no love affairs so far..though he would not mind having one :) Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy and long lived. Yes to - 'attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy '- I DO wish him long life. He is such a nice boy.Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived. He will be liked by women. You know the answer to this.Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of

beautiful women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts. He fits into all the above. As I mentioned earlier he has Jupiter in lagna too. So all the good things attributable to Jupiter in lagna is applicable to this young fellow. Also he is a very good singer...Ju+Ve in lagna? blessings Renu , "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Friends,> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:> > According to Bhrigu Sutra:> If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics> and

long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and> learned.> > If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.> > If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of> debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.> > If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from> hydrocele.> > If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic,> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity.> > If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja> yoga (great name, fame and wealth).> > If Venus is

lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard> hearted.> > The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house,> the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be> noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his> own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or> Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.> > For

Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet,> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of> 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,> conveyances and all worldly comforts.> > If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of> exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance,> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling> teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent,> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort.> Having power, blessed with a spouse

and progeny, the person enjoys all> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will> come at the age of 100.> > Other Views on venus in the ascendant are:> > Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love> affairs) and will be happy.> > Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will> be happy and long lived.> > Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived.> He will be liked by women.> > Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like> the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of> beautiful> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first> house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving

at the same conclusion have dealt with the> effects in> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of> Venus and the first house in view.> > regards> neelam> > > > On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. [image: :)] You> > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions> > even from fragments' (i.e. without considering the whole chart). [image:> > :)]> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > Re: Re: Venus>

>> > Hello Shreenadhji,> >> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:> > 1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally> > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.> >> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest.> > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning> > classical songs.

My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is> > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match> > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th)> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani,> > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything.> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without> > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a

child> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).> >> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to> > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined> > towards academics.> >> >> > Regards,> > Vijay.> >> > *Sreenadh sreesog* wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > That is all very interesting! :)> > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with> > Veena)> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music> > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also

hands,> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both> > hands - like drum or guitar.> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.> >> > "Dwi tri samvada bhaval" (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the> > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > >> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that> > you mentioned are perfectly true.> > > > 1. I

have almost all material luxuries.> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply> > philosophical.> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but> > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression,> > mental worries, etc.> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much> > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various> > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am> > trying very hard to control my ego.> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I

have gained a lot, still I> > have had to work hard for it.> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached> > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot> > in life to come up.> > > >> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).> > > >> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly> > classified into two main streams:> > > > 1. Luxuries,

clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures,> > women, attractive, etc.> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet,> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech,> > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > >> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas> > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that> > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by> > different planets.> > > >> > > > Regards,>

> > > Vijay.> > > >> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the> > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special> > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems> > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to> > 2000 period.> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with

Ra; Ke in 9th - good> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in> > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even> > though through hurdles.> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough> > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home)> > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > ,

Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers> > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous,> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I> > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna> > persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here,> > I believe Venus makes the

person extremely philosophical and learned in many> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects> > ranging from astrology> > > to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be> > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere> > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge,> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given

me good number> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I> > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a> > case study.> > > > >> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in> > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> >

lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce> > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu> > sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have> > many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> > even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in> > 4th the

native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases> > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > >

>> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > >> >> > > >>

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Dear Renu ji, Sreenadh ji and other friends,I have read somewhere, i can't recall (maybe Sreenadh ji can help in this matter), that Venus in lagna makes one easy-going.I have also seen this happening in some cases.

Although it is said that shani is lazy, but we all know that shani is also a hard taskmaster.Does Venus, since it gives too many goodies, makes the person easy going.I would appreciate if others can test this parameters on the charts known to them and verify.

Thanks and regardsneelam On 24/01/2008, renunw <renunw wrote:





Dear Neelam ji,

" This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:According to Bhrigu Sutra:If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics .

A boy born in 1984, has Venus in the ascendant- Saggitarius. He is highly proficient in maths.

He will be loved by his wife,

Not yet married....but I am sure one day he will be loved by his wife...due to his fine qualities.

fond of ornaments, good dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned.

Yes...to above....

If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.

Jupiter is conjunct in lagna with Venus. He is tall and handsome. I don't know whether he owns any ornaments.If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic...............the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.

Venus is aspected by Saturn. But he is far from a thief or a cheat. Saturn is exalted...may be that is the reason which negates above. No complains of such diseases..so far.

If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted.

Venus is the lord of the 6th house. But he is not hard hearted. On the contrary a very compassionate boy. Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love affairs) and will be happy.


He is happy but no love affairs so far..though he would not mind having one :)

Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy and long lived.

Yes to - 'attractive body, charming eyes and will be happy '- I DO wish him long life. He is such a nice boy.Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived. He will be liked by women.


You know the answer to this.Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of beautiful women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.

He fits into all the above.

As I mentioned earlier he has Jupiter in lagna too. So all the good things attributable to Jupiter in lagna is applicable to this young fellow. Also he is a very good singer...Ju+Ve in lagna?





, " neelam gupta " <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Friends,> This is what shukracharya will do when in lagan:> > According to Bhrigu Sutra:> If Venus is in the ascendant the native will be proficient in mathematics

> and long-lived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good> dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and> learned.> > If Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous

> body shining like gold and will own many ornaments.> > If Venus is associated with of aspected by a malefic or is in his sign of> debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a cheat and will suffer

> from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.> > If the lord of the first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from> hydrocele.> > If Venus is in the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic,

> the native will own elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity.> > If Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja> yoga (great name, fame and wealth).

> > If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or 12th.house or is weak, the native will> have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard> hearted.> > The effects given above are logical and relevant to the significations of

> Venus and the first house. If Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house,> the native will suffer from evil effects mentioned therein. It is to be> noted that such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant is lord

> of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When> he is the lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his> own sign Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will

> prevail over the effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted in the> Bhrigu Sutra where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or> Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga.

> > For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga karaka planet,> being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th houses, and lord of> 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant will prove

> immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,> conveyances and all worldly comforts.> > If Venus in the ascendant is in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of

> exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the> effects of which have been given as: The person has a graceful appearance,> fine and beautiful lips, slim waist, handsome body, deep voice, sparkling

> teeth and bright complexion like the full Moon. The cheeks are prominent,> eyes bright, and a long upper limbs approaching the knees. The person is> learned, versed in the scriptures, has wealth, earns through own effort.

> Having power, blessed with a spouse and progeny, the person enjoys all> comforts but is inclined towards extramaritial relationships. Death will> come at the age of 100.> > Other Views on venus in the ascendant are:

> > Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love> affairs) and will be happy.> > Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will

> be happy and long lived.> > Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived.> He will be liked by women.> > Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like

> the company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of> beautiful> women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.> Again, all the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first

> house but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the> effects in> more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of> Venus and the first house in view.

> > regards> neelam> > > > On 24/01/2008, Sreenadh sreesog wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > Thanks for the input. It means that the derivation is OK. [image: :)] You

> > see ancient astrology with out all those sidhanmsas and numerous higher> > vargas itself is dependable enough; and 'we can make dependable predictions> > even from fragments' (

i.e. without considering the whole chart). [image:> > :)]> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> >> >

, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > Re: Re: Venus> >> > Hello Shreenadhji,> >

> > Thanks for the interest. The truth about musical instruments and me is:> > 1. I went to learn tabla when I was about 10 years old, the guru scolded> > me because I was very bad. My fingers were not at all nimble and finally

> > after 2 weeks, I had to leave.> > 2. I than went to learn violin from a guru (my parents forced me), but> > again I was so bad that even after 4 sittings the guru was not satisfied and

> > said that I should not learn any instrument from now onwards.> > 3. Even now I try to play casio, but I cant even play basic notes.> >> > 4. But, I am quite good at singing, I sang songs during my college fest.

> > Even though I have never learnt anything from any sangeet guru, I was able> > to sing quite well, and many commended me for singing without even learning> > classical songs. My sisters, and friends regularly tell me that my voice is

> > very good, but now I think its too late to learn classical songs from any> > guru and start singing. I am just contended to sing film songs at occasions.> > 5. I am very good rock song singer, I can vary my voice very well to match

> > hard rock, metal, pop songs. The rock band in my college called me to> > practice with them, but I was too lazy (maybe because of mercury in 12th)> > and lost a golden oppurtunity.> > 6. I am very much interested in all kinds of music (carnatic, hindustani,

> > western, rock, metal, pop, film songs, intrument music), almost everything.> > Infact I cant concentrate in my studies without listening to songs. I have> > almost thousands of songs on my computer and hundreds of cassettes. Without

> > a headphone in my ear, I cant get proper sleep :) (its like asthough a child> > cant sleep without its mother singing to it).> >> > I couldnt persue singing as a profession, maybe because I was lazy to

> > learn, or because I was so irritated with learning musical instruments that> > I didnt want to go to a guru to learn singing, or maybe I was more inclined> > towards academics.> >

> >> > Regards,> > Vijay.> >> > *Sreenadh sreesog* wrote:> >> > Dear Vijay ji,> > That is all very interesting! :)

> > By the way - are you a musician (singer or instrument) too? Because -> > * Gemini - Instrument music (Sign shape: Male with drum and female with> > Veena)> > * Mercury Venus exchange - interest in music

> > * 3rd lord Sun exalted - 3rd house signify throat and sun is also> > significator of sound (Sabda brahma); 3rd and 11th are also hands,> > indicating that you may use or master some musical instruments used by both

> > hands - like drum or guitar.> > * Jupiter (significator of sound) in 3rd house (throat/sound)> > * 2nd (mouth) lord with Sun in 11th house.> >> > " Dwi tri samvada bhaval " (meaning, Since 2-3 or more points indicate the

> > same) - speak out the same with confidence - it is said. That is why> > I thought of presenting this derivation. Please confirm or negate.> > Love and regards,> > Sreenadh> > > , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka> > hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:

> > > >> > > > Thanks Shreenadhji,> > > >> > > > Thanks for the excellent analysis of my chart. Most of the things that> > you mentioned are perfectly true.

> > > > 1. I have almost all material luxuries.> > > > 2. I have extreme interest in occult sciences and am deeply> > philosophical.> > > > 3. Amavasya birth has also caused me to be mentally very stable, but

> > since its drishti to lagan is 45 degrees and also since moon is debilitated> > in 12th in navamsha, I feel that most of the time I am under depression,> > mental worries, etc.> > > > 4. Mandi and Gulika in 2nd house has indeed caused my very much

> > financial problems. I am unable to find good jobs and am not rich on my own> > but am financially supported by my parents and my sisters.> > > > 5. Sun (atmakaraka) exalted has made my ego shatter through various

> > life experiences and I always try to wish good for the whole world. I am> > trying very hard to control my ego.> > > > 6. Presently due to Rahu dasa, though I have gained a lot, still I

> > have had to work hard for it.> > > > 7. I have two elder sisters and my mother underwent a big surgery and> > had brainhaemorrage 6 years ago. She is fine now. I am very deeply attached

> > to my mother and father. I have immense respect and love towards my father> > (sun is exalted in my horoscope) and always obey him. He has struggled a lot> > in life to come up.> > > >

> > > > Thanks once again Shreenadh ji, and also may I mention that my mother> > is an astrologer and a mathematician (kataka lagna and mercury exalted in> > 3rd, and jupiter in 9th).

> > > >> > > > Thanks for mentioning the verses about venus in lagna, I shall> > remember that for life. My personal view is that, venus can be broadly> > classified into two main streams:

> > > > 1. Luxuries, clothes, jewellery, arts, dance, songs, bed pleasures,> > women, attractive, etc.> > > > 2. Excellent worldly knowledge, ability to judge people, poet,> > romantic writer, knower of all shastras, excellent arguments, sweet speech,

> > likes the company of learned people, studies all subjects.> > > >> > > > Now, a person with venus in lagna has a mixture of both these traits> > depending on which lagna it is. For example, libra, taurus, pisces lagnas

> > may exhibit the first stream of characters rather than the second. Also the> > influence of the type of planet also determines which stream of characters> > are more exhibited. Also Shreenadji, can you please state any verse that

> > mentions the effects of venus in different lagnas, also venus aspected by> > different planets.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > Vijay.> > > >

> > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear Vijay ji,> > > > You got an excellent Rajayoga - the mutual exchange between 12th lord> > Venus and lagna lord Mercury for Gemini lagna produces a raja yoga (the

> > exact reference I don't remember). Any way considering Ve as the 5th lord> > and lagna as a Kendra also an exchange between them is Rajayoga. :)> > > > Sun exalted; 4 planets (including Ra) in 4th; Ke in 9th giving special

> > interest in spirituality - overall a good horoscope; Amavasi birth gives> > interest in the occult as well. Any way the weak points are -> > > > * 2nd lord Moon weak due to Amavasi; Gk in 2nd - could cause problems

> > with economy, mother's health and so on. Suffered enough already in 1990 to> > 2000 period.> > > > * 9th lord Saturn in the sign of Sun along with Ra; Ke in 9th - good> > for spirituality but could cause problems in getting worldly success in

> > silver spoon; you will have to fight to win the merit and reap success.> > > > * Now Rahu dasa running - Rahu in 3rd will give raja yoga - even> > though through hurdles.> > > > Any way, excellent horoscope pointing to an eventful life with enough

> > suffering and enough happiness - enjoy!> > > > An individual with much responsibility and co-borns; Must have> > suffered due to 9th house ( luck/father/punya). 4th (maternal home/home)

> > seems to have under went a change - a turbulent period. Anyway, all the best> > - with you all success - as a writer as well. :)> > > > Love and regards,> > > > Sreenadh

> > > >> > > >

, Vijayanarasimha H> > Pakka hpvijaynarasimha@ wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Hi all,> > > > >> > > > > Venus in Lagna does indeed make a person artistic, poetic, very

> > learned, sensuous, luxury oriented, etc. But it is very important to also> > see which is the lagna and are there any aspects on Venus. For example I> > have noticed that Venus having some aspect of Mars makes them good singers

> > (mars signifies throat), even if venus is not in lagna. Venus in Taurus> > makes one good at different arts, whereas Venus in Libra makes one sensuous,> > and one who loves to have women's company, ornaments, good clothes, etc. I

> > have Venus in Gemini Lagna. And Venus is especially good for Gemini lagna> > persons (can anyone help me in locating the verse that mentions this). Here,> > I believe Venus makes the person extremely philosophical and learned in many

> > areas of study, and most importantly poetic. This is true in my case, as I> > am not at all interested in facial make-ups, or jewellery. But I am very> > interested in knowing the truth about the universe, studying many subjects

> > ranging from astrology> > > to> > > > > computer science to economics and history, I also write poems. Also> > I have curly hair and am quite good looking. Regarding women, I like to be

> > with them, but have my senses under good control (maybe because mercury is> > in taurus in 12th house). I havent had any physical relationship till now> > (surprisingly), even though I really like to be in love with someone sincere

> > and beautiful. Venus in my case has pushed me to acquire lots of knowledge,> > rather than run behind luxurious things. Venus has also given me good number> > of vehicles and other luxuries, but I am not quite attracted towards them. I

> > have venus in my lagna in almost all divisional charts (because the degree> > of venus and lagna is almost same). Please go thru my chart if you want a> > case study.> > > > >

> > > > > 14-May-1980, 08.35 am, Bangalore.> > > > >> > > > > I am more than happy to reveal my innermost characters (representing> > lagna) for study. Hence I would recommend that we study venus not only in

> > lagna but also the sign of the lagna and any aspects on venus.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > Vijay.> > > > >> > > > > Sreenadh sreesog@ wrote: Dear All,

> > > > > Let us start discussing the effects of Venus in Lagna. The> > lawyers/thread-owners for this thread are Vinita ji and Renu ji. They have> > the full right to argue in favor of Venus and its power to produce

> > identifiable results when placed in Lagna. Try to argue against him or in> > support of them - validate the results with your own or with the charts> > known to you. I will start the discussion wth minimum inputs (fro Bhrigu

> > sutra)-> > > > > * If Venus is present in lagna the native would be interested in> > make-up, cosmetics, new and wonderful cloths, ornaments, women etc. Will be> > interested in mathamatics (accountancy?). Will have long life and will have

> > many good quolities like good education and wealth.> > > > > * If Venus is in Lagna - the native would be fair in color; or may> > even have golden color like the wheat. If Venus in lagna and a benefic in

> > 4th the native will have a four wheeler, even heavy vehicles.> > > > > * If Venus in Lagna is aspected by malefic planets or combust he> > would lie, could be a thief, and will cheat others. He may have diseases

> > caused by the imbalance of Vata and Kapha.> > > > > So, here goes our group - Venus Centric.. ;) Hurah, to the thread of> > Renus ji and Vinita ji. :)> > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > Sreenadh> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >

> > > > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > > Search.> > > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > >

> > > >> > > > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try> > it now.> > > >

> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try

> > it now.> > >> >> > > >>

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