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Dear Raichur ji, In past some KP senior done this( narahari kahkheji and k.Bhaskaran) and result was deffert of each astrologer.so i dont think we have to check again. 1) A perosn come to me for rectifiction never come to you .so this statement derrenet astrologer- deffrence resul have Not mutch value. 2) bcoze each astrologer RP give deffrant result so we dont use it and use Birth Asc sub, sub-sub conection with Birth Moon starlord even which is totaly falcy? 3) I think it's ok what other want to do ,why I waste my time? I never write anything on this subject after this mail. regards Kanak BosmiaRaichur-a-r <raichurar wrote: Dear Kanak RP method is good and reliable, but there is always a possibility of two or three KP astologers getting different RPs, and getting different solutions for the same correction, so a mathametical soltion is preferred. Best way is to run a test. Explain the RP method and ask all members to correct the TOB giving a specific case. Let us see, if we get the same answer, or different answers, then we can come to some conclusion about the method. RP is used in fixing significators, amongst many, for timing of an event. Now, because of this possible short-coming of the RP method, the 4 step method has been evolvled. Of course the KP

principles only are the basis. Let us EXPERIMENT. good luckkanakbosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Raichur ji,I donot understand,if we have to check with RP then why Birth Asc sub-subsub-Moon star? why dont we not do directly with RP?What i understand fron you mail is bcoze this Birth Asc sub-subsub-Moon star method is eassy so we have to use it, right?When we say KP is more perfect(Many are say's KP is alon perfect and accuret)then it is not our duty to be a perfect to use rules? you are a very sineor and experinced m,ember of group and your opinions are very important and many are follow you bcoze it is from Raichur ji.Again i request you please check it and if you found facly then please-please do not recomind any

one.IF I AM WRONG TELL ME I NEVER WRITE ON THIS SUBJECT IN FUTURE.regardsKanak Bosmia , Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:>> Dear Kanak> It is easier to correct with MOON-ASC method, then check with RPs.> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > Ok if we have to select sub and sub sub as per RP then why we look for Birth Asc sub or sub sub conection with birth Moon star? why dont we check with RP only?> > regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Kanak> Select the time which agrees with RPs> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > Atlist on person agree with me that Mathmatically i am

right. No problem, Now i have full confidance that one day we agree that this rules is falsy.> > Why i am talking about all days?> > We are discussing only rules without any exmple, I know this rule is for +15 to -15 mnt of deffernce, but A) we dont know we have to go ahead +15 or back -15. so we have total 30 Mnt time. and during this 30 Mnt how many sub will come? B) during this 30 Mnt how many SS will come?> > For exmple at now it was 15.25 Place: L.G.Hospital-Ahmedabad 23 N 00 ,, 72 E 36) date 15,11,2006> Asc is as under:> > > DATE DD,MM,YYYY e.g. 9,2,1997 ? 15,11,2006> WANT GULBURGA METHOD Y/N ?> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ? 15,25> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 343 43 35 JUP SAT RAHU SAT> MOON/CHANDRA 148 7 24 SUN SUN MOON MERC> RAHU 328 16 17 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 17 SUN SUN MOON VEN>

> Now if time is -15 Mnt:> > TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ? 15,10> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 338 43 18 JUP SAT VEN MOON> MOON/CHANDRA 148 0 2 SUN SUN MOON MERC> RAHU 328 16 19 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 19 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > For if time is + 15 Mnt.> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ? 15,40> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 348 42 9 JUP MERC KETU VEN> MOON/CHANDRA 148 14 45 SUN SUN MOON VEN> RAHU 328 16 15 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 15 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > Now look with this 30 Mnt how may sub will change?> > For time 15,10 : > ASC= 338 43 18 JUP SAT VEN > SUN> MOO> MAR> For time15,25:> > ASC= 343 43 35 JUP SAT RAHU > JUP> MERC MERC > > For time 15,40:> > ASC= 348 42 9 JUP MERC KETU > > Now look during this 30

Mnt we have 8 Planet and all conetced with MOON star and sub. Please answer which sub and subsub we have to fix and why?> > If you say we have to check with past event OK i am also ready for that. give any exmple we will duscuss on it ,No problem I am always ready .> > Waiting agarly for your reply.> > Please note that this is not a game of Maths.you can try contine for someday and after you reply i am not in hurry.> > with best regards> kanak Bosmia> > > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Kanak> Mathmatically you are correct in stating that Moon Star can be connected to ASC sub, a large no of times in the day. This method is> proposed only when one knows the approximate time of Birth, and correction is limited to 10 to 15 min of this app time. > > What is more important is how do you verify the correctness of

this corrected TOB, what ever method you use.> > > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Ramachandran ji,> > Never use Moon star - asc sub conection method. why?> > 1) you can found all days all nine planet conetced with each other. give your rectified chart i will provfe that all nine planets coneted with Moon star. > > 2) For example you have fix VEN sub in VEN Rasi Vrishabha- and star was SUN and in this star last sub is VEN and duration of this sub is aprox. 7 Mnt. If you are intrested in maths please check that you can found may change in other cusp's sub during this VEN sub. Now question is which time( during this 7 mnt.) we have to fix?> > I dont want to creat more confussion so i stop here, now you have to think more on this subject.> > regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Padma Ramachandran

<padma.ramachandran wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > When it comes to rectification of time, I try to do both methods. Many times I am successful in both methods. First I try to match lagna sub with moon star etc., and then I try the Moon RP with Lagna significators. I am successful in many cases this way. > > Regarding the location of Jupiter , it is just 1 deg behind the Pisces rasi and hence has gone into Aquarius. But in my explanation I have considered Jupiter as representing 2 and 11 only. > > If you agree with my thought process in concluding the prediction, I will be encouraged. If you need to give any specific advice, please do not hesitate. As such, the jatak gets the foriegn trip only during the saturn bhukthi, which you also confirm. > > Thanks for the reply.> > V.Ramachandran.> > > On 11/13/06, Kanak Bosmia

<kanakbosmia > wrote: > Dear Ramchanran ji,> > Bcoz you do rectifiction with RP Moon = Borth Asc i accept it.asc sub and moob star conection rectification is not advisble.> > For CA we have to check 9th SBL.> 9th SBL is SUN in the star of MOO and sub of VEN.> > SUn is in 7 and also lord of 7. MOO is in 9 Lord of 6. VEN is in 6 l/o 4,9. also SUN is Aspected by JUP lord of 2,11 so in this case we can found 4,9,11 conection. so higher study is promise. > > For abroad: > 12th SBL is SAT ion the own star and sub of VEN.> SAT is in 5 l/ord of 1,12. VEN is in 6 l/o 4,9.> > so abrod is promise.> JUP is in 2 not in Asc.Please check.> regards> Kanak Bosmia> > > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran@ gmail.com> wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > The longititude and Latitude of mumbai, the

Astrokundali S/W gave as 72 50 E and 18 55 N. The ayanamsha is 23 deg 25' and 10". Sir, I matched the corrected time of birth as follows; > > 1. The lagna sublord is Jupiter and is in Mercury star; Moon is also in Mercury star. > > 2. The lagna sub-sub and Moon sub are Venus.> > 3. I drew a prasna chart for the person and matched all moon significators like sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord with that representing the birth lagna. > > Hence I concluded that 4.39 50 as the corrected birth time. If I had known the issue number of the jatak, like first child, second etc.,I would have compared the same with that given in the KP system. The 9th sub lord is Sun and hence all factors except the issue number has matched. > > Hope you are satisfied with this explanation.> > Now, I wait for your advice.> > > V.Ramachandran.>

> > On 11/13/06, Kanak Bosmia < kanakbosmia wrote: > Dear Ramchandran ji,> > Which lon-lat you have used for Mumbai?> > How you set time as 04.39.50?> > regards> Kanak Bosmia > > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran@ gmail.com> wrote:> > Hi,> > The corrected TOB is 4.39.50 pm. Accordingly, the 12th sub is saturn is showing connection with 12. The 11th sub is Jupiter and is not connected with 12 and hence permanent stay abroad cannot be predicted. Saturn being in teh constellation of saturn can give short period trips abroad, during its bhikti in the Venus Mahadasa. Venus mahadasa is running now with Jupiter bhukti and Mars Anthara. Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11 for Aquarius lagna and is sitting in the 1st house. Jupiter's significator is Mercury occupying 7th and owning 5th and 8th. These numbers are not

signifying travel abroad. > > Regarding the higher education the 4th sublord is Rahu, occupying the 9th house. Hence higher education is promised. Rahu is having Jupiter's drishti and hence will act like Jupiter. Also Rahu is sitting in the house of Venus having ownership of 4 and 9. Also the 9th sublord is Sun owning number 7 and housed in 7. Its significator Moon is in the 9th house. Hence higher education is promised. > > When this will happen is the question.> > Mars is occupying the 4th bhava. In the Constellation of Mars is Mars. Hence Mars is the strongest significator of the 4th. Mars is occupying the house of Venus. No planet in Venus. Hence Venus becomes the last significator of the 4th. > > Rahu is occupying the 9th. along with moon. No planet in the star of Rahu and hence Rahu becomes the strong significator of the 9th.Again Rahu is in the house of Venus and hence

Venus becomes a weak significator of the 9th. > > Moon is occupying the 9th house.Sun and Mercury are in the constellation of the Moon and hence they become strong significators of the 9th. Present period is of Venus-Jupiter-Mars. This will last only till the 11th of december, 2006. Neither Venus, Jupiter and Mars have any connection with teh 12th bhava. Then the Rahu anthara will start and will last till the 1st week of May 2007. If he can finish his CA by then, it is good beacuse the next bukhti and Anthara is of Saturn, and Saturn has no connection with either 4 or 9. This will last till the middle of 2010. During this period, he can go abroad since saturn is the strongest significator of the 12th and saturn is in the sub of Venus giving numbers 6, 4 and 9. > > This is my prediction and I am requesting Kanakji to add more light on this prediction.> > >

V.Ramachandran.> > > > > n 11/12/06, pavan kumar < pavankumargvp wrote: > Hare Krsna > Dear.....> > Namaste . Don't try with Natal. it may or may not give accurate prediction. Just give me separate numbers for CA pass or Chances for abroad. > we will tell you.> > with regards> Pavan Kumar> > Radha Viswanathan <denver_radha@ > wrote:> Dear guruji> > The native's birth details are given below. Is there any chance of passing C.A. final.or will the native go abroad on job permanently.> DOB; 9-10-1975 > Time.... 4.37 p.m.> Place. proper Bombay > > Your comments are highly appreciated.> > with regards> msr> > > Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

> > > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > > Check out the all-new Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful

email and get things done faster. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Sponsored Link> > Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $510,000 Mortgage for $1,698/mo - Calculate new house payment > > > > > > > Good Luck> Raichur A R> Bombay Tel 2506 2609 > > Sponsored Link> > Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $310,000 Mortgage for $999/mo - Calculate new house payment > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Sponsored

Link> > Mortgage rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms > > > > > > > Good Luck> Raichur A R> Bombay Tel 2506 2609 > > Sponsored Link> > Degrees for working adults in as fast as 1 year. Bachelors, Masters, Associates. Top schools > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Sponsored Link> > $200,000 mortgage for $660/mo - 30/15 yr fixed, reduce debt, home equity - Click now for info > > > > > Good Luck> Raichur A R> Bombay Tel 2506 2609> > > Sponsored Link> > $420,000

Mortgage for $1,399/month - Think You Pay Too Much For Your Mortgage? Find Out!>Good LuckRaichur A RBombay Tel 2506 2609 Sponsored LinkDon't quit your job - take classes online and earn your degree in 1 year. Start Today >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

Sponsored Link Mortgage rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms

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Good Afternoon,I am student of KP. Few days back, I meet one senior KP astrologer from Mumbai. That time he mentioned RP theory work well, if KP Astrologer's chart have good planetary positions and current dasha. E.g. Good position of Jupiter in horoscope and Jupiter Dasha. Experts view on this ?Warm RegardsVishram Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Raichur ji, In past some KP senior done this( narahari kahkheji and k.Bhaskaran) and result was

deffert of each astrologer.so i dont think we have to check again. 1) A perosn come to me for rectifiction never come to you .so this statement derrenet astrologer- deffrence resul have Not mutch value. 2) bcoze each astrologer RP give deffrant result so we dont use it and use Birth Asc sub, sub-sub conection with Birth Moon starlord even which is totaly falcy? 3) I think it's ok what other want to do ,why I waste my time? I never write anything on this subject after this mail. regards Kanak BosmiaRaichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Kanak RP method is good and reliable, but there is always a possibility of two or three KP

astologers getting different RPs, and getting different solutions for the same correction, so a mathametical soltion is preferred. Best way is to run a test. Explain the RP method and ask all members to correct the TOB giving a specific case. Let us see, if we get the same answer, or different answers, then we can come to some conclusion about the method. RP is used in fixing significators, amongst many, for timing of an event. Now, because of this possible short-coming of the RP method, the 4 step method has been evolvled. Of course the KP principles only are the basis. Let us EXPERIMENT. good luckkanakbosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Raichur ji,I donot understand,if we have to check with RP then why Birth Asc sub-subsub-Moon

star? why dont we not do directly with RP?What i understand fron you mail is bcoze this Birth Asc sub-subsub-Moon star method is eassy so we have to use it, right?When we say KP is more perfect(Many are say's KP is alon perfect and accuret)then it is not our duty to be a perfect to use rules? you are a very sineor and experinced m,ember of group and your opinions are very important and many are follow you bcoze it is from Raichur ji.Again i request you please check it and if you found facly then please-please do not recomind any one.IF I AM WRONG TELL ME I NEVER WRITE ON THIS SUBJECT IN FUTURE.regardsKanak Bosmia , Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:>> Dear Kanak> It is easier to correct with MOON-ASC method, then check with RPs.> > > Kanak Bosmia

<kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > Ok if we have to select sub and sub sub as per RP then why we look for Birth Asc sub or sub sub conection with birth Moon star? why dont we check with RP only?> > regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Kanak> Select the time which agrees with RPs> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > Atlist on person agree with me that Mathmatically i am right. No problem, Now i have full confidance that one day we agree that this rules is falsy.> > Why i am talking about all days?> > We are discussing only rules without any exmple, I know this rule is for +15 to -15 mnt of deffernce, but A) we dont know we have to go ahead +15 or back -15. so we have total 30 Mnt time. and during this 30 Mnt

how many sub will come? B) during this 30 Mnt how many SS will come?> > For exmple at now it was 15.25 Place: L.G.Hospital-Ahmedabad 23 N 00 ,, 72 E 36) date 15,11,2006> Asc is as under:> > > DATE DD,MM,YYYY e.g. 9,2,1997 ? 15,11,2006> WANT GULBURGA METHOD Y/N ?> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ? 15,25> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 343 43 35 JUP SAT RAHU SAT> MOON/CHANDRA 148 7 24 SUN SUN MOON MERC> RAHU 328 16 17 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 17 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > Now if time is -15 Mnt:> > TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ? 15,10> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 338 43 18 JUP SAT VEN MOON> MOON/CHANDRA 148 0 2 SUN SUN MOON MERC> RAHU 328 16 19 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 19 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > For if time is + 15 Mnt.> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ?

15,40> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 348 42 9 JUP MERC KETU VEN> MOON/CHANDRA 148 14 45 SUN SUN MOON VEN> RAHU 328 16 15 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 15 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > Now look with this 30 Mnt how may sub will change?> > For time 15,10 : > ASC= 338 43 18 JUP SAT VEN > SUN> MOO> MAR> For time15,25:> > ASC= 343 43 35 JUP SAT RAHU > JUP> MERC MERC > > For time 15,40:> > ASC= 348 42 9 JUP MERC KETU > > Now look during this 30 Mnt we have 8 Planet and all conetced with MOON star and sub. Please answer which sub and subsub we have to fix and why?> > If you say we have to check with past event OK i am also ready for that. give any exmple we will duscuss on it ,No problem I am always ready .> > Waiting agarly for your reply.> > Please note that this is not a

game of Maths.you can try contine for someday and after you reply i am not in hurry.> > with best regards> kanak Bosmia> > > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Kanak> Mathmatically you are correct in stating that Moon Star can be connected to ASC sub, a large no of times in the day. This method is> proposed only when one knows the approximate time of Birth, and correction is limited to 10 to 15 min of this app time. > > What is more important is how do you verify the correctness of this corrected TOB, what ever method you use.> > > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Ramachandran ji,> > Never use Moon star - asc sub conection method. why?> > 1) you can found all days all nine planet conetced with each other. give your rectified chart i will provfe that all nine planets

coneted with Moon star. > > 2) For example you have fix VEN sub in VEN Rasi Vrishabha- and star was SUN and in this star last sub is VEN and duration of this sub is aprox. 7 Mnt. If you are intrested in maths please check that you can found may change in other cusp's sub during this VEN sub. Now question is which time( during this 7 mnt.) we have to fix?> > I dont want to creat more confussion so i stop here, now you have to think more on this subject.> > regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > When it comes to rectification of time, I try to do both methods. Many times I am successful in both methods. First I try to match lagna sub with moon star etc., and then I try the Moon RP with Lagna significators. I am successful in many cases this way. > > Regarding the location of

Jupiter , it is just 1 deg behind the Pisces rasi and hence has gone into Aquarius. But in my explanation I have considered Jupiter as representing 2 and 11 only. > > If you agree with my thought process in concluding the prediction, I will be encouraged. If you need to give any specific advice, please do not hesitate. As such, the jatak gets the foriegn trip only during the saturn bhukthi, which you also confirm. > > Thanks for the reply.> > V.Ramachandran.> > > On 11/13/06, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: > Dear Ramchanran ji,> > Bcoz you do rectifiction with RP Moon = Borth Asc i accept it.asc sub and moob star conection rectification is not advisble.> > For CA we have to check 9th SBL.> 9th SBL is SUN in the star of MOO and sub of VEN.> > SUn is in 7 and also lord of 7. MOO is in 9 Lord of 6. VEN is in 6

l/o 4,9. also SUN is Aspected by JUP lord of 2,11 so in this case we can found 4,9,11 conection. so higher study is promise. > > For abroad: > 12th SBL is SAT ion the own star and sub of VEN.> SAT is in 5 l/ord of 1,12. VEN is in 6 l/o 4,9.> > so abrod is promise.> JUP is in 2 not in Asc.Please check.> regards> Kanak Bosmia> > > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran@ gmail.com> wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > The longititude and Latitude of mumbai, the Astrokundali S/W gave as 72 50 E and 18 55 N. The ayanamsha is 23 deg 25' and 10". Sir, I matched the corrected time of birth as follows; > > 1. The lagna sublord is Jupiter and is in Mercury star; Moon is also in Mercury star. > > 2. The lagna sub-sub and Moon sub are Venus.> > 3. I drew a prasna chart for the person and matched all moon significators

like sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord with that representing the birth lagna. > > Hence I concluded that 4.39 50 as the corrected birth time. If I had known the issue number of the jatak, like first child, second etc.,I would have compared the same with that given in the KP system. The 9th sub lord is Sun and hence all factors except the issue number has matched. > > Hope you are satisfied with this explanation.> > Now, I wait for your advice.> > > V.Ramachandran.> > > On 11/13/06, Kanak Bosmia < kanakbosmia wrote: > Dear Ramchandran ji,> > Which lon-lat you have used for Mumbai?> > How you set time as 04.39.50?> > regards> Kanak Bosmia > > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran@ gmail.com> wrote:> > Hi,> > The corrected TOB is

4.39.50 pm. Accordingly, the 12th sub is saturn is showing connection with 12. The 11th sub is Jupiter and is not connected with 12 and hence permanent stay abroad cannot be predicted. Saturn being in teh constellation of saturn can give short period trips abroad, during its bhikti in the Venus Mahadasa. Venus mahadasa is running now with Jupiter bhukti and Mars Anthara. Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11 for Aquarius lagna and is sitting in the 1st house. Jupiter's significator is Mercury occupying 7th and owning 5th and 8th. These numbers are not signifying travel abroad. > > Regarding the higher education the 4th sublord is Rahu, occupying the 9th house. Hence higher education is promised. Rahu is having Jupiter's drishti and hence will act like Jupiter. Also Rahu is sitting in the house of Venus having ownership of 4 and 9. Also the 9th sublord is Sun owning number 7 and housed in 7. Its significator Moon is

in the 9th house. Hence higher education is promised. > > When this will happen is the question.> > Mars is occupying the 4th bhava. In the Constellation of Mars is Mars. Hence Mars is the strongest significator of the 4th. Mars is occupying the house of Venus. No planet in Venus. Hence Venus becomes the last significator of the 4th. > > Rahu is occupying the 9th. along with moon. No planet in the star of Rahu and hence Rahu becomes the strong significator of the 9th.Again Rahu is in the house of Venus and hence Venus becomes a weak significator of the 9th. > > Moon is occupying the 9th house.Sun and Mercury are in the constellation of the Moon and hence they become strong significators of the 9th. Present period is of Venus-Jupiter-Mars. This will last only till the 11th of december, 2006. Neither Venus, Jupiter and Mars have any connection with teh 12th bhava. Then the

Rahu anthara will start and will last till the 1st week of May 2007. If he can finish his CA by then, it is good beacuse the next bukhti and Anthara is of Saturn, and Saturn has no connection with either 4 or 9. This will last till the middle of 2010. During this period, he can go abroad since saturn is the strongest significator of the 12th and saturn is in the sub of Venus giving numbers 6, 4 and 9. > > This is my prediction and I am requesting Kanakji to add more light on this prediction.> > > V.Ramachandran.> > > > > n 11/12/06, pavan kumar < pavankumargvp wrote: > Hare Krsna > Dear.....> > Namaste . Don't try with Natal. it may or may not give accurate prediction. Just give me separate numbers for CA pass or Chances for abroad. > we will tell you.> > with regards> Pavan Kumar> >

Radha Viswanathan <denver_radha@ > wrote:> Dear guruji> > The native's birth details are given below. Is there any chance of passing C.A. final.or will the native go abroad on job permanently.> DOB; 9-10-1975 > Time.... 4.37 p.m.> Place. proper Bombay > > Your comments are highly appreciated.> > with regards> msr> > > Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. > > > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> I

Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > > Check out the all-new Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Sponsored Link> > Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $510,000 Mortgage for $1,698/mo - Calculate new

house payment > > > > > > > Good Luck> Raichur A R> Bombay Tel 2506 2609 > > Sponsored Link> > Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $310,000 Mortgage for $999/mo - Calculate new house payment > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Sponsored Link> > Mortgage rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms > > > > > > > Good Luck> Raichur A R> Bombay Tel 2506 2609 > > Sponsored Link> > Degrees for working adults in as fast as 1 year. Bachelors, Masters, Associates. Top schools >

> > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Sponsored Link> > $200,000 mortgage for $660/mo - 30/15 yr fixed, reduce debt, home equity - Click now for info > > > > > Good Luck> Raichur A R> Bombay Tel 2506 2609> > > Sponsored Link> > $420,000 Mortgage for $1,399/month - Think You Pay Too Much For Your Mortgage? Find Out!>Good LuckRaichur A RBombay Tel 2506 2609 Sponsored LinkDon't quit your job - take classes online and earn your degree in 1 year. Start Today >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Sponsored Link Mortgage

rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms

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Dear Vishram,

Generally it is seen that just like in any person's horoscope,success is achieved during the periods of the significators of beneficial houses...similarly,in an astrologer's BC,the dasa running at the time of offering his prediction should be conducive to achieving success...the chances of his predictions being accurate and correct are increased or assured...

Krishnamurthiji had described "Who can become a successful astrologer" in his Readers...

With best wishes,


Vishram Kunte <dr_vishram_2000 Sent: Saturday, 18 November, 2006 5:16:03 PMRe: Re: (unknown)


Good Afternoon,I am student of KP. Few days back, I meet one senior KP astrologer from Mumbai. That time he mentioned RP theory work well, if KP Astrologer's chart have good planetary positions and current dasha. E.g. Good position of Jupiter in horoscope and Jupiter Dasha. Experts view on this ?Warm RegardsVishram Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ > wrote:




Dear Raichur ji,


In past some KP senior done this( narahari kahkheji and k.Bhaskaran) and result was deffert of each astrologer.so i dont think we have to check again.

1) A perosn come to me for rectifiction never come to you .so this statement derrenet astrologer- deffrence resul have Not mutch value.

2) bcoze each astrologer RP give deffrant result so we dont use it and use Birth Asc sub, sub-sub conection with Birth Moon starlord even which is totaly falcy?

3) I think it's ok what other want to do ,why I waste my time?


I never write anything on this subject after this mail.



Kanak BosmiaRaichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote:




Dear Kanak

RP method is good and reliable, but there is always a possibility of two or three KP astologers getting different RPs, and getting different solutions for the same correction, so a mathametical soltion is preferred. Best way is to run a test. Explain the RP method and ask all members to correct the TOB giving a specific case. Let us see, if we get the same answer, or different answers, then we can come to some conclusion about the method. RP is used in fixing significators, amongst many, for timing of an event. Now, because of this possible short-coming of the RP method, the 4 step method has been evolvled. Of course the KP principles only are the basis.



good luckkanakbosmia <kanakbosmia@ > wrote:



Dear Raichur ji,I donot understand,if we have to check with RP then why Birth Asc sub-subsub-Moon star? why dont we not do directly with RP?What i understand fron you mail is bcoze this Birth Asc sub-subsub-Moon star method is eassy so we have to use it, right?When we say KP is more perfect(Many are say's KP is alon perfect and accuret)then it is not our duty to be a perfect to use rules? you are a very sineor and experinced m,ember of group and your opinions are very important and many are follow you bcoze it is from Raichur ji.Again i request you please check it and if you found facly then please-please do not recomind any one.IF I AM WRONG TELL ME I NEVER WRITE ON THIS SUBJECT IN FUTURE.regardsKanak Bosmia@gro ups.com, Raichur-a-r <raichurar@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Kanak>

It is easier to correct with MOON-ASC method, then check with RPs.> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ ...> wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > Ok if we have to select sub and sub sub as per RP then why we look for Birth Asc sub or sub sub conection with birth Moon star? why dont we check with RP only?> > regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar@. ..> wrote:> Dear Kanak> Select the time which agrees with RPs> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ ...> wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > Atlist on person agree with me that Mathmatically i am right. No problem, Now i have full confidance that one day we agree that this rules is falsy.> > Why i am talking about all days?> > We are discussing only rules without any exmple, I know this rule is for +15 to -15 mnt of deffernce, but A) we dont know we

have to go ahead +15 or back -15. so we have total 30 Mnt time. and during this 30 Mnt how many sub will come? B) during this 30 Mnt how many SS will come?> > For exmple at now it was 15.25 Place: L.G.Hospital- Ahmedabad 23 N 00 ,, 72 E 36) date 15,11,2006> Asc is as under:> > > DATE DD,MM,YYYY e.g. 9,2,1997 ? 15,11,2006> WANT GULBURGA METHOD Y/N ?> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi. Sec ? 15,25> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 343 43 35 JUP SAT RAHU SAT> MOON/CHANDRA 148 7 24 SUN SUN MOON MERC> RAHU 328 16 17 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 17 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > Now if time is -15 Mnt:> > TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi. Sec ? 15,10> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 338 43 18 JUP SAT VEN MOON> MOON/CHANDRA 148 0 2 SUN SUN MOON MERC> RAHU 328 16 19 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 19 SUN SUN MOON VEN> >

For if time is + 15 Mnt.> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi. Sec ? 15,40> DAY LORD IS MERC> ASC= 348 42 9 JUP MERC KETU VEN> MOON/CHANDRA 148 14 45 SUN SUN MOON VEN> RAHU 328 16 15 SAT JUP VEN SAT> KETU 148 16 15 SUN SUN MOON VEN> > Now look with this 30 Mnt how may sub will change?> > For time 15,10 : > ASC= 338 43 18 JUP SAT VEN > SUN> MOO> MAR> For time15,25:> > ASC= 343 43 35 JUP SAT RAHU > JUP> MERC MERC > > For time 15,40:> > ASC= 348 42 9 JUP MERC KETU > > Now look during this 30 Mnt we have 8 Planet and all conetced with MOON star and sub. Please answer which sub and subsub we have to fix and why?> > If you say we have to check with past event OK i am also ready for that. give any exmple we will duscuss on it ,No problem I am always ready .> >

Waiting agarly for your reply.> > Please note that this is not a game of Maths.you can try contine for someday and after you reply i am not in hurry.> > with best regards> kanak Bosmia> > > Raichur-a-r <raichurar@. ..> wrote:> Dear Kanak> Mathmatically you are correct in stating that Moon Star can be connected to ASC sub, a large no of times in the day. This method is> proposed only when one knows the approximate time of Birth, and correction is limited to 10 to 15 min of this app time. > > What is more important is how do you verify the correctness of this corrected TOB, what ever method you use.> > > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ ...> wrote:> Dear Ramachandran ji,> > Never use Moon star - asc sub conection method. why?> > 1) you can found all days all nine planet conetced with each other.

give your rectified chart i will provfe that all nine planets coneted with Moon star. > > 2) For example you have fix VEN sub in VEN Rasi Vrishabha- and star was SUN and in this star last sub is VEN and duration of this sub is aprox. 7 Mnt. If you are intrested in maths please check that you can found may change in other cusp's sub during this VEN sub. Now question is which time( during this 7 mnt.) we have to fix?> > I dont want to creat more confussion so i stop here, now you have to think more on this subject.> > regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > When it comes to rectification of time, I try to do both methods. Many times I am successful in both methods. First I try to match lagna sub with moon star etc., and then I try the Moon RP with Lagna significators. I am successful in many cases

this way. > > Regarding the location of Jupiter , it is just 1 deg behind the Pisces rasi and hence has gone into Aquarius. But in my explanation I have considered Jupiter as representing 2 and 11 only. > > If you agree with my thought process in concluding the prediction, I will be encouraged. If you need to give any specific advice, please do not hesitate. As such, the jatak gets the foriegn trip only during the saturn bhukthi, which you also confirm. > > Thanks for the reply.> > V.Ramachandran.> > > On 11/13/06, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ ... > wrote: > Dear Ramchanran ji,> > Bcoz you do rectifiction with RP Moon = Borth Asc i accept it.asc sub and moob star conection rectification is not advisble.> > For CA we have to check 9th SBL.> 9th SBL is SUN in the star of MOO and sub of VEN.> > SUn is in 7 and also

lord of 7. MOO is in 9 Lord of 6. VEN is in 6 l/o 4,9. also SUN is Aspected by JUP lord of 2,11 so in this case we can found 4,9,11 conection. so higher study is promise. > > For abroad: > 12th SBL is SAT ion the own star and sub of VEN.> SAT is in 5 l/ord of 1,12. VEN is in 6 l/o 4,9.> > so abrod is promise.> JUP is in 2 not in Asc.Please check.> regards> Kanak Bosmia> > > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran @ gmail.com> wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > The longititude and Latitude of mumbai, the Astrokundali S/W gave as 72 50 E and 18 55 N. The ayanamsha is 23 deg 25' and 10". Sir, I matched the corrected time of birth as follows; > > 1. The lagna sublord is Jupiter and is in Mercury star; Moon is also in Mercury star. > > 2. The lagna sub-sub and Moon sub are Venus.> > 3. I drew a prasna chart for the

person and matched all moon significators like sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub-sub lord with that representing the birth lagna. > > Hence I concluded that 4.39 50 as the corrected birth time. If I had known the issue number of the jatak, like first child, second etc.,I would have compared the same with that given in the KP system. The 9th sub lord is Sun and hence all factors except the issue number has matched. > > Hope you are satisfied with this explanation.> > Now, I wait for your advice.> > > V.Ramachandran.> > > On 11/13/06, Kanak Bosmia < kanakbosmia@ ...> wrote: > Dear Ramchandran ji,> > Which lon-lat you have used for Mumbai?> > How you set time as 04.39.50?> > regards> Kanak Bosmia > > Padma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran @ gmail.com> wrote:> >

Hi,> > The corrected TOB is 4.39.50 pm. Accordingly, the 12th sub is saturn is showing connection with 12. The 11th sub is Jupiter and is not connected with 12 and hence permanent stay abroad cannot be predicted. Saturn being in teh constellation of saturn can give short period trips abroad, during its bhikti in the Venus Mahadasa. Venus mahadasa is running now with Jupiter bhukti and Mars Anthara. Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11 for Aquarius lagna and is sitting in the 1st house. Jupiter's significator is Mercury occupying 7th and owning 5th and 8th. These numbers are not signifying travel abroad. > > Regarding the higher education the 4th sublord is Rahu, occupying the 9th house. Hence higher education is promised. Rahu is having Jupiter's drishti and hence will act like Jupiter. Also Rahu is sitting in the house of Venus having ownership of 4 and 9. Also the 9th sublord is Sun owning number 7 and

housed in 7. Its significator Moon is in the 9th house. Hence higher education is promised. > > When this will happen is the question.> > Mars is occupying the 4th bhava. In the Constellation of Mars is Mars. Hence Mars is the strongest significator of the 4th. Mars is occupying the house of Venus. No planet in Venus. Hence Venus becomes the last significator of the 4th. > > Rahu is occupying the 9th. along with moon. No planet in the star of Rahu and hence Rahu becomes the strong significator of the 9th.Again Rahu is in the house of Venus and hence Venus becomes a weak significator of the 9th. > > Moon is occupying the 9th house.Sun and Mercury are in the constellation of the Moon and hence they become strong significators of the 9th. Present period is of Venus-Jupiter- Mars. This will last only till the 11th of december, 2006. Neither Venus, Jupiter and Mars have any

connection with teh 12th bhava. Then the Rahu anthara will start and will last till the 1st week of May 2007. If he can finish his CA by then, it is good beacuse the next bukhti and Anthara is of Saturn, and Saturn has no connection with either 4 or 9. This will last till the middle of 2010. During this period, he can go abroad since saturn is the strongest significator of the 12th and saturn is in the sub of Venus giving numbers 6, 4 and 9. > > This is my prediction and I am requesting Kanakji to add more light on this prediction.> > > V.Ramachandran.> > > > > n 11/12/06, pavan kumar < pavankumargvp@ ...> wrote: > Hare Krsna > Dear.....> > Namaste . Don't try with Natal. it may or may not give accurate prediction. Just give me separate numbers for CA pass or Chances for abroad. > we will tell you.> > with

regards> Pavan Kumar> > Radha Viswanathan <denver_radha@ > wrote:> Dear guruji> > The native's birth details are given below. Is there any chance of passing C.A. final.or will the native go abroad on job permanently.> DOB; 9-10-1975 > Time.... 4.37 p.m.> Place. proper Bombay > > Your comments are highly appreciated.> > with regards> msr> > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Hi Majita,


I never

believed in astrology till a couple of years ago. Then I went to a Nadi reader

in Nagpur and

he told my past details perfectly. Educational background etc etc. But he also

told me the future. The possible list of names of my future life partner and

also the details of her horoscope and her family details. Now the only question

is that when will it happen about which I have no idea but I know the person

and the details match exactly.






Heights by

great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight

They while

their companions slept, Were toiling upwards in the night.







On Behalf Of manjita_m

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

4:04 PM









Hi all


I am highly interested in astrology and heard of nadi astrology only

a few months back.

I have certain querries regarding what i have heard of nadi astrology

(i havent visited a nadi reader as yet)

1) I have heard tht a nadi reader gives out the exact time when you

are destined to get ur

readin. wht if you make consecutive visits.

2) In case of one of my friends the nadi astrologer actually gave out

the name of the person she was supposed to get married(she was

engaged to that guy) can these kind of predictions be made.(She had

gone to the reader with that guy- does this have anything to do with

this prediction) What i have heard is any kind of astrology gives

only the tendencies and not a peep into the future.

3) Does nadi readings have any connection with vedic astrology? Is

their a corelation between the two.


Also if anybody has been to any nadi astrologer in mumbai, please

send me over the details.




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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Sir,

is it true that in 2002/2003 he gave up his job and got another job.?Many planets are in the eigth house.

Mars and Venus are combust.

At the age of two or at eleven the father of the native and his brothers would have divided the properties of their father.?or at twentythree.or at thirtyfive.As Moon is with Saturn this person gets employed at a place which is far away from the place of birth or even in a foreign land.During 1999 some specific thing regarding job ought to have occured.Probably he completed his studies at twenty three.His father may be a teacher or a business man.in 1995 or so it was professionally a good period.Had he been employed he would have given up his job then.After thiry years of age the life of the native would have turned over a new leaf.The native marries either from out side his caste or from a sub caste.Late marriage.etc.

Please validate.



On 1/3/07, DEEPAK MODI <deepakmodi4 wrote:








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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Maruthi ji, Dont worry, i never feel bed when my pridiction went worng, even i discuss in group about my failore too. please give referance me where i pridict about Saddam Hussai.I dont know when i pridct about Saddam Hussain, regards Kanak Bosmia maruthi ravikumar <maruthirk wrote: Respected Kanak Bosmia ji,Happy New Year...DONT MISTAKE ME SIR,I amasking

directquestion....?Experts(?)in kp system like You predicted aboutSADDAM HUSSAIN, went wrong. But there is norectification/verification/CORRECTION.Will you please explain the reason for wronginterpretation? if any mistake in asking like this ...forgive me sir. MARITHI R KUMARHyderabadsoftware Eng.________Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. Try the free Mail Beta.http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/features_spam.html"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first And Honest people are screwed first." Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC 75 BC)

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Dear Kanakbhai,


Birth and death are the two events no astrologer in

the world can predict with certainty ,consistently.This is also true

for the sex of the child.


Despite this we try to improve the score, every

attempt is a fresh one.


Your effort is commendable.







, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia



> Dear Maruthi ji,


> Dont worry, i never feel bed when my pridiction went worng, even

i discuss in group about my failore too.

> please give referance me where i pridict about Saddam Hussai.I

dont know when i pridct about Saddam Hussain,


> regards

> Kanak Bosmia




> maruthi ravikumar <maruthirk wrote:


> Respected Kanak Bosmia ji,


> Happy New Year...DONT MISTAKE ME SIR,I amasking direct

> question....?


> Experts(?)in kp system like You predicted about

> SADDAM HUSSAIN, went wrong. But there is no

> rectification/verification/CORRECTION.


> Will you please explain the reason for wrong

> interpretation? if any mistake in asking like this ...

> forgive me sir.



> Hyderabad

> software Eng.


> ________

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> Try the free Mail Beta.

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> " A person should not be too honest.

> Straight trees are cut first

> And Honest people are screwed first. "

> Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC

75 BC)






> Have a burning question? Go to Answers and get answers from

real people who know.


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  • 3 weeks later...



Though I am not a astrologer however based on my

knowledge let me try to comment on it.


Ketu and Jupiter are responsible for progeny. 5th

house is the SANTAN BHAW. So getting baby is possible

but lot of effort has to be put into. Ketu gets

pacified if jupiter is worshipped. Certain remedies as

per my knowledge are listed below.


1) Offer water to pipal tree continiously for 43 days.


2) Black and white blanket to any temple (Please do

not give to any pandit but place in front of God's



3) Give White dhoti with black border to old pandit

with white beard (If not possible then to any old

pandit)and deliberatly ask him to bless the donor for

a baby.


4) Offering a bed/ cot (Charpai) to any leprosy

centre. Please ensure that the cot is offered to a

desieased person only not to the centre manager.

Morover ask that person to lie down on the bed at for

a minute in front of you.


5) Offer 100 gm of Chana ki Dal to any mandir for 43



6) Offering RUM in flowing water for 43 days


7) He should not construct a house till 48 years,

otherwise his son will suffer. He should live in the

house bought or constructed by his son.


I am sure if wife does this, she will surely get a



Almighty is great.





--- banarasi lal meena <bana_lal wrote:


> lalkitab

> Respected Astrologers,

> Here is aproblem.A

> couple wants a child.Can it be predicted and

> remedies are given? they are trying too hard.The

> husband stays in UK and Wife in India.They cann,t be

> together forever.The husband is to come to India in

> May-June.I know the complete details of the wife.

> DOB-27/10/1973

> Day-Saturday,Time 3:00 ,afternoon.

> Planetary position:

> 1st house-11 th rashi,kumbh lagna.

> 2 nd house-12-meen rashi,no planet

> 3 rd house-1 Maish Rashi-Mangal

> 4 th House-Vrish Rashi

> 5 th House-Mithun Rashi,Shani and Ketu

> 6 th House-Kark rashi,vacant

> 7 th House-Simh Rashi,vacant

> 8 th House-Kanya Rashi,vacant

> 9 th house,Tula Rashi,Sun,Moon and Mercury

> 10 th House-Vrishchik rashi, venus

> 11 th House- dhanu-Rashi,raahu

> 12 th house-makar- rashi,Jupitar/guru

> Husband's horoscope is not available.Only

> DOB-12/11/1962,Time-12:10 am

> can anyone of the respected preacher predict by the

> planetary positions of the wife.

> Remedies are desired.If anyone can help the couple.






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> something new

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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  • 2 weeks later...

please tell about the place of birth of the husband,only then some

interpretation can be given.the prediction is usually made from the husband's




horoscope.rasi lal meena <bana_lal wrote:


Respected Astrologers,

Here is aproblem.A couple wants a child.Can it be predicted and remedies are

given? they are trying too hard.The husband stays in UK and Wife in India.They

cann,t be together forever.The husband is to come to India in May-June.I know

the complete details of the wife.


Day-Saturday,Time 3:00 ,afternoon.

Planetary position:

1st house-11 th rashi,kumbh lagna.

2 nd house-12-meen rashi,no planet

3 rd house-1 Maish Rashi-Mangal

4 th House-Vrish Rashi

5 th House-Mithun Rashi,Shani and Ketu

6 th House-Kark rashi,vacant

7 th House-Simh Rashi,vacant

8 th House-Kanya Rashi,vacant

9 th house,Tula Rashi,Sun,Moon and Mercury

10 th House-Vrishchik rashi, venus

11 th House- dhanu-Rashi,raahu

12 th house-makar- rashi,Jupitar/guru

Husband's horoscope is not available.Only DOB-12/11/1962,Time-12:10 am

can anyone of the respected preacher predict by the planetary positions of the


Remedies are desired.If anyone can help the couple.




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Dear Sir,

Fifth house has its bearing upon child birth.Saturn and ketu are situated in

the fifth house.Both of them are malefics.Mercury is with Venus in the tenth

house.They are aspected by Mars.Rahu aspects the fifth house.

Pitrakaraka Jupiter is debilitated.Retro Saturn and ketu aspect

Mercury.Allsuch dispositions are malefic and not favourable for child



The tenth house is also relevant to the question of child birth.Malefic sun

and Moon aspect Mars.Rahu is retro towards the tenth house at his place of



The place of birth of the wife is not given.


Mercury dasa and Venus Bhukthi are in progress.

" palabhishekam " to Rahu has to be done.A lamp of oil has to be lit to Shani

bhagavan every Saturday.

" Archana " in favour of the name ,Janma Nakshatram and Gothram of the wife

has to be done in a temple of Shani deva.Archana to lord Vigneswara as

stated above has to be done.Similarly Archana to Jupiter Graham in his

temple ought to be done on any Thursday.Pooja to Lord Shiva has to be done.





On 2/16/07, kiranjit kumar <kapatjal wrote:


> please tell about the place of birth of the husband,only then some

> interpretation can be given.the prediction is usually made from the

> husband's horoscope.

> sincerely,

> kiranjeet

> horoscope.rasi lal meena <bana_lal <bana_lal%40.co.in>>

> wrote:

> lalkitab <lalkitab%40>

> Respected Astrologers,

> Here is aproblem.A couple wants a child.Can it be predicted and remedies

> are given? they are trying too hard.The husband stays in UK and Wife in

> India.They cann,t be together forever.The husband is to come to India in

> May-June.I know the complete details of the wife.

> DOB-27/10/1973

> Day-Saturday,Time 3:00 ,afternoon.

> Planetary position:

> 1st house-11 th rashi,kumbh lagna.

> 2 nd house-12-meen rashi,no planet

> 3 rd house-1 Maish Rashi-Mangal

> 4 th House-Vrish Rashi

> 5 th House-Mithun Rashi,Shani and Ketu

> 6 th House-Kark rashi,vacant

> 7 th House-Simh Rashi,vacant

> 8 th House-Kanya Rashi,vacant

> 9 th house,Tula Rashi,Sun,Moon and Mercury

> 10 th House-Vrishchik rashi, venus

> 11 th House- dhanu-Rashi,raahu

> 12 th house-makar- rashi,Jupitar/guru

> Husband's horoscope is not available.Only DOB-12/11/1962,Time-12:10 am

> can anyone of the respected preacher predict by the planetary positions of

> the wife.

> Remedies are desired.If anyone can help the couple.


> ________

> India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new

> http://in.answers./



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Dear Bhaskarji,


Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge of Astrology in this

forum and especially in the form of a class for beginners. I am very

interested in joining the upcoming Astrology course. I would ask that you

kindly add me to your list of students.


Thank you very much.







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Dear Bhaskar Bhai,

I was presuming that since I am a member of Jyotish

Ganga, I would automatically be eligible to partake

the astrology lessons. However, it appears like one

has to register himself for the course by sending you

a requisition. Hence I want to request you to please

enroll me in the course.

Best Regards

Manoj Sharma

--- s g <sg.1000 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskarji,


> Thank you for taking the time to share your

> knowledge of Astrology in this

> forum and especially in the form of a class for

> beginners. I am very

> interested in joining the upcoming Astrology course.

> I would ask that you

> kindly add me to your list of students.


> Thank you very much.


> Regards

> Sandeep



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Dear Manoj Bhai,


Viewing Your post after a long period.Good to know that

You are still there and remember me.


Your presumption that since You are a Member You are

automatically eligible, is absolutely correct.

But since the newcomers do not know this,

they write and want to get themselves enrolled,

though I have mentioned in my previous mails, that

there is no enrolling needed, if You are a Member,

then You are in. And anyway I am not taking a seperate

section or seperate group of students. This Group

also contains many people who are not my supporters,who

are in to create trouble, some are here to sell through

their websites (Just recently one wise man put his

website much below his mail so that I would not notice,

but I allowed it to pass, though I have mentioned clearly,

no websites on My Home Page itself, then another wise Guy

keeps posting a new website on his post every second

message,to disturb the education process

which I have to moderate because too many cooks will

spoil the broth)

Now what to do of such people. I am trying here to do

some hard work and create many astrologers who will in

help thousands in their areas of contact, thus

making a better place to live in, but these wise guys

are looking for short term material gains.

You have come here after a long time, so I am opening

my heart here, Manoj Bhai, thats all. You have been

an old affectionate contact and supporter of mines

thats why.


Sir You are always in as a friend, seeker and lover of

astrology and also a Creditor whom I owe a lot due

to supporting me a few months back on the other Forum,

where I was facing times of distress.











, Manoj Sharma

<manojsharma662000 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar Bhai,

> I was presuming that since I am a member of Jyotish

> Ganga, I would automatically be eligible to partake

> the astrology lessons. However, it appears like one

> has to register himself for the course by sending you

> a requisition. Hence I want to request you to please

> enroll me in the course.

> Best Regards

> Manoj Sharma

> --- s g <sg.1000 wrote:


> > Dear Bhaskarji,

> >

> > Thank you for taking the time to share your

> > knowledge of Astrology in this

> > forum and especially in the form of a class for

> > beginners. I am very

> > interested in joining the upcoming Astrology course.

> > I would ask that you

> > kindly add me to your list of students.

> >

> > Thank you very much.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sandeep

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >


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Dear Bhaskar Bhai,


<You have come here after a long time, so I am opening

my heart here, Manoj Bhai, thats all. You have been an

old affectionate contact and supporter of mines thats


MANOJ: I am just overwhelmed by your kind words. I am

always on this list. It is just that most of the times

I am A silent member (I won't call myself passive

member because I very actively try to assimilate and

absorb whatever I can from the exchanges on the

list)In fact, there was a point when I was subscribing

only to Jyotish Ganga as I had left JR. It was only

after I learnt from you that you had joined the JR

that I followed suit.


<Sir You are always in as a friend, seeker and lover

of astrology and also a Creditor whom I owe a lot due

to supporting me a few months back on the other

Forum, where I was facing times of distress.>

MANOJ: Bhaskar Bhai, you don't owe me anything. If at

all, I owe you a lot because I was given very right

counselling when I was facing excruciating problem in

my career. By the way, the way the things have started

unfolding, I am getting this feeling that your

prediction would be spot on in my case. I will leave

at that at this stage. I will write a detailed email

after three to four months on this issue.


As regards people trying to disrupt the rythym on the

list, I would only say that such people lurk

everywhere--in real life and in virtual life. The best

thing is continue with our work...


Some day I will try to call you just to say hi to you

(I assure you when I call you I won't discuss anything

related to astrology).


May Lord Mahadev bless you and your family.





--- Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Dear Manoj Bhai,


> Viewing Your post after a long period.Good to know

> that

> You are still there and remember me.


> Your presumption that since You are a Member You are


> automatically eligible, is absolutely correct.

> But since the newcomers do not know this,

> they write and want to get themselves enrolled,

> though I have mentioned in my previous mails, that

> there is no enrolling needed, if You are a Member,

> then You are in. And anyway I am not taking a

> seperate

> section or seperate group of students. This Group

> also contains many people who are not my

> supporters,who

> are in to create trouble, some are here to sell

> through

> their websites (Just recently one wise man put his

> website much below his mail so that I would not

> notice,

> but I allowed it to pass, though I have mentioned

> clearly,

> no websites on My Home Page itself, then another

> wise Guy

> keeps posting a new website on his post every second

> message,to disturb the education process

> which I have to moderate because too many cooks will

> spoil the broth)

> Now what to do of such people. I am trying here to

> do

> some hard work and create many astrologers who will

> in

> help thousands in their areas of contact, thus

> making a better place to live in, but these wise

> guys

> are looking for short term material gains.

> You have come here after a long time, so I am

> opening

> my heart here, Manoj Bhai, thats all. You have been

> an old affectionate contact and supporter of mines

> thats why.


> Sir You are always in as a friend, seeker and lover

> of

> astrology and also a Creditor whom I owe a lot due

> to supporting me a few months back on the other

> Forum,

> where I was facing times of distress.


> Yours,

> Bhaskar.


, Manoj Sharma

> <manojsharma662000 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bhaskar Bhai,

> > I was presuming that since I am a member of

> Jyotish

> > Ganga, I would automatically be eligible to

> partake

> > the astrology lessons. However, it appears like

> one

> > has to register himself for the course by sending

> you

> > a requisition. Hence I want to request you to

> please

> > enroll me in the course.

> > Best Regards

> > Manoj Sharma

> > --- s g <sg.1000 wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Bhaskarji,

> > >

> > > Thank you for taking the time to share your

> > > knowledge of Astrology in this

> > > forum and especially in the form of a class for

> > > beginners. I am very

> > > interested in joining the upcoming Astrology

> course.

> > > I would ask that you

> > > kindly add me to your list of students.

> > >

> > > Thank you very much.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Sandeep

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> >




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Respected Kiranji,

Place of birth is Mathura.

Thanks for the consideration.

Bana lal




kiranjit kumar <kapatjal


Friday, 16 February, 2007 4:12:46 PM

Re: [lalkitab] (unknown)


please tell about the place of birth of the husband,only then some

interpretation can be given.the prediction is usually made from the husband's




horoscope.rasi lal meena <bana_lal (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

lalkitab@ s.com

Respected Astrologers,

Here is aproblem.A couple wants a child.Can it be predicted and remedies are

given? they are trying too hard.The husband stays in UK and Wife in India.They

cann,t be together forever.The husband is to come to India in May-June.I know

the complete details of the wife.


Day-Saturday, Time 3:00 ,afternoon.

Planetary position:

1st house-11 th rashi,kumbh lagna.

2 nd house-12-meen rashi,no planet

3 rd house-1 Maish Rashi-Mangal

4 th House-Vrish Rashi

5 th House-Mithun Rashi,Shani and Ketu

6 th House-Kark rashi,vacant

7 th House-Simh Rashi,vacant

8 th House-Kanya Rashi,vacant

9 th house,Tula Rashi,Sun,Moon and Mercury

10 th House-Vrishchik rashi, venus

11 th House- dhanu-Rashi, raahu

12 th house-makar- rashi,Jupitar/ guru

Husband's horoscope is not available.Only DOB-12/11/1962, Time-12:10 am

can anyone of the respected preacher predict by the planetary positions of the


Remedies are desired.If anyone can help the couple.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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Dear Sir,

Place of the birth of wife is Jaipur AND HUSBAND IS MATHURA UP.

Thanks for the consideration.Looking forward for the reply.




Jagannathan Kapisthalam <jagannathankr


Saturday, 17 February, 2007 9:56:31 PM

Re: [lalkitab] (unknown)


Dear Sir,

Fifth house has its bearing upon child birth.Saturn and ketu are situated in

the fifth house.Both of them are malefics.Mercury is with Venus in the tenth

house.They are aspected by Mars.Rahu aspects the fifth house.

Pitrakaraka Jupiter is debilitated. Retro Saturn and ketu aspect

Mercury.Allsuch dispositions are malefic and not favourable for child



The tenth house is also relevant to the question of child birth.Malefic sun

and Moon aspect Mars.Rahu is retro towards the tenth house at his place of



The place of birth of the wife is not given.


Mercury dasa and Venus Bhukthi are in progress.

" palabhishekam " to Rahu has to be done.A lamp of oil has to be lit to Shani

bhagavan every Saturday.

" Archana " in favour of the name ,Janma Nakshatram and Gothram of the wife

has to be done in a temple of Shani deva.Archana to lord Vigneswara as

stated above has to be done.Similarly Archana to Jupiter Graham in his

temple ought to be done on any Thursday.Pooja to Lord Shiva has to be done.




On 2/16/07, kiranjit kumar <kapatjal > wrote:


> please tell about the place of birth of the husband,only then some

> interpretation can be given.the prediction is usually made from the

> husband's horoscope.

> sincerely,

> kiranjeet

> horoscope.rasi lal meena <bana_lal (AT) (DOT) co.in <bana_lal%40. co.in>>

> wrote:

> lalkitab@ s.com <lalkitab%40gr oups.com>

> Respected Astrologers,

> Here is aproblem.A couple wants a child.Can it be predicted and remedies

> are given? they are trying too hard.The husband stays in UK and Wife in

> India.They cann,t be together forever.The husband is to come to India in

> May-June.I know the complete details of the wife.

> DOB-27/10/1973

> Day-Saturday, Time 3:00 ,afternoon.

> Planetary position:

> 1st house-11 th rashi,kumbh lagna.

> 2 nd house-12-meen rashi,no planet

> 3 rd house-1 Maish Rashi-Mangal

> 4 th House-Vrish Rashi

> 5 th House-Mithun Rashi,Shani and Ketu

> 6 th House-Kark rashi,vacant

> 7 th House-Simh Rashi,vacant

> 8 th House-Kanya Rashi,vacant

> 9 th house,Tula Rashi,Sun,Moon and Mercury

> 10 th House-Vrishchik rashi, venus

> 11 th House- dhanu-Rashi, raahu

> 12 th house-makar- rashi,Jupitar/ guru

> Husband's horoscope is not available.Only DOB-12/11/1962, Time-12:10 am

> can anyone of the respected preacher predict by the planetary positions of

> the wife.

> Remedies are desired.If anyone can help the couple.


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new

> http://in.answers. /



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  • 4 weeks later...
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sarma24_madiraju <sarma24_madiraju wrote:

give fullbirth details, wt r u doing specic ailment



lalkitab , Sorabh sharma <mrsorabhsharma



> Hi


> Can anyone please help me....In my third house I have saturn and

mars together and in my twelvth house I have sun and rahu together - am

i right in thinking rahu's position has become very strong in my chart

and I should perform remedies for rahu ? thanks



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Plz check your mail. Your question was responded on

19-Mar-2007.Even then if u didnt get mail, today it will be again sent






jaya balaji <jaya_balaji97 wrote:

Dear All,


Namaskaram. Sometime back (about 20 days) I sent an e-mail requesting to know

about the future (prediction) of my marriage and job - whether there is any

change job/place/and or promotion. I would be grateful for en early reply since

I have not recd

any so far. His details are:


Date of birth 31 aug 1981 Monday

Plqace of birth Madras (Chennai)

Time of birth 10.29pm






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Your peculiar planet combinations really giving a delayed

marriage.Five planets

Moon, Jup, Sat,Mer,Venus are in 6th house 7th lord is in 6th house along with

Sat.Mar is also aspecting 7th houseand 10th house.Marriage shall be performed

after 2008 due to all

malefic aspects.Most probabily, marriage will be performed in between

27Sept2009-10 Oct2009,







jaya balaji <jaya_balaji97 wrote:

Dear All,


Namaskaram. Sometime back (about 20 days) I sent an e-mail requesting to know

about the future (prediction) of my marriage and job - whether there is any

change job/place/and or promotion. I would be grateful for en early reply since

I have not recd

any so far. His details are:


Date of birth 31 aug 1981 Monday

Plqace of birth Madras (Chennai)

Time of birth 10.29pm






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Date of birth 31 aug 1981 Monday

Plqace of birth Madras (Chennai)

Time of birth 10.29pm


dear Miss jaya balaji,

ur running Rahu mahadasa so ur having lots of

difficulties. Prayers to rahu will help u to reduce

the intensity. U can do archanai on tuesdays to Lord

rahu between 3pm-4.30pm.

Ur marriage will take place only by end of 2008.


good luck,









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Dear Harishchnadra


God Bless U


Your problems starts from 10 Nov 2004.


All I can say there is remedy to reduce the ill effect of planets but only if

you are interested.


Prem Chopra



Harishchnadra Urwa <hurwa27 wrote:

Ld Astrologers:


I would be grateful if my problem is analysed keeping in mind sufferings am

undergoing during this Rahu-Rahu Mahadadasa:


On 1st March, 2006 I underwent Cancer operation on my left cheek as a result

surgens removed my left side jaw alongwith 15 teeth, and grafted flesh from left



Now, again on 29th March, 2007, i have been declared cancerous growth under the

tongue and doctors have suggesed for removal of tounge, etc.


All along i have been hale and healthy even though my life was in shambles since

many many years.


my DOB: 25-04-1951

Place of Birth: Mangalore, Karnataka State

Time of Birth: 11.00 A.M.





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ll HARE RAM ll

Dear Sh.Harish ji,

How are you? Extreme poor placement of ascendant lord Mercury placed in 11th

house within the Pap-Madhyatwa of Sun,Mars,Guru and aspected by Ketu more over

Mercury is in Nakshtra of Ketu and acute harming Mahadasa of Mars is the main

cause of such ailment.In fact in Gemini ascendant Mars alone is complete


[1] If possible plz wear Emerald in little finger on wednesday in silver

instantly and garland of jade sameday.

[2] Plz recite " Ram Raksha-Stotram " daily.

[3] Plz chant " OM JUM SAH: " 108 times daily.

[4] Offer water to Shiva Lingam putting Barley and Black Sesame in the same



God bless

Shashie Shekhar






Harishchnadra Urwa <hurwa27 wrote:

Ld Astrologers:


I would be grateful if my problem is analysed keeping in mind sufferings am

undergoing during this Rahu-Rahu Mahadadasa:


On 1st March, 2006 I underwent Cancer operation on my left cheek as a result

surgens removed my left side jaw alongwith 15 teeth, and grafted flesh from left



Now, again on 29th March, 2007, i have been declared cancerous growth under the

tongue and doctors have suggesed for removal of tounge, etc.


All along i have been hale and healthy even though my life was in shambles since

many many years.


my DOB: 25-04-1951

Place of Birth: Mangalore, Karnataka State

Time of Birth: 11.00 A.M.






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Dear Ji Pram Chopra:


Ofcourse i am interested with your courtesy.





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ivnaykay ÷

/*Vinayakaya Hum



Dear Harishcandra Urwa , Namaskar


Your AK is in curse which is in 3 and 8 from AL (giver of disease),

remedy the curse will remedy all potential danger in this disease.


Please do the mantra of Somanatha Jyotirlinga Om Namah Sivaya Namah

Somanathaya 5 malas daily (5*108). Please do the Mrtyunjaya Mantra also.

Dont go to operations when Surya will be in prthvi signs (Taurus, Virgo,

Capricorn). I dont know how much Your chart is accurate but Jupiter is

in forth in D30 so if You can stop with this operations until start of

Guru dasa (september 2007) then it would be more auspicious, but only if

the doctors will allow it.




*Rafal Gendarz,

**Consultations & Articles:*

www.rohinaa.com <http://www.rohinaa.com>

(+48) 503 44 18 18 <http://www.rohinaa.com>



Harishchnadra Urwa napisa?(a):


> Dear Ji Pram Chopra:


> Ofcourse i am interested with your courtesy.



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