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Hello Naman,


Your message was earlier replied. However,

I add my replies/comments to your questions in your message appended below.


Best wishes.





" Naman Goyal " <naman2121


Monday, December 24, 2007 4:44 PM




Respected guruji


It would be really kind of you if u could answer my following queries.


1)PLEASE Tell the planets connected to FIROZA and OPAL




2)BEST STONE FOR VENUS among( OPAL ,ZARKIN (a sbstitute for diamond),WHITE

sapphire )




3)PLEASE also tell whether wearing a stone of the planet which is in lagna

is beneficial or for the planet which is the lord of the lagna ,if both are





Sorry for multiple questions


Thanks for your kind attention.



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Dear Vasudhakar 3 deg 20 min == 3.33333333 degress, shortened to 3.33 deg. This is used for computer progs, to find out the aspects. Unfortunately the comp prog. use only decimals, and fractions are coverted to decimals for calculations. I hope this is clear.vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami wrote: learned members,in 4 step theory astrologers have been mentioning 3.33as the orbit of aspect-conj. it is 3.20 equallant toone charan of 13.20.where from 3.33 has come.

suneeljihas written 3.20 only in his book.he however tellsthat thi orbit of 3.20 can be extrended to 5 in casaof slow moving planets..tinwinji or raichoor ji maylike to clarify the position.please also clarify--if rahu and ketu are in the constellation of aplanet,shall we take their constellation as asignificator at 2 and4 steps (in,adition to houseoccupied by them and the lords of the sign occupiedand empty houses owned by that lord.may pl guide.onboth issues-goswamiExplore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos./groupsraichur anant www.jaxtr.com\anantachar

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ask anything about astrology -09868990044


gold medalist in shri lal bahadur shastri sanskrit university,(D.U.) new


in year 2007 specially in astrology



chaity biswas <chaitybiswas wrote:


i would like to receive a copy at chaitybiswas.


thank you




Keep Smiling...


R-230, Sector-21






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Dear Vasudhakar


Yes if Rahu and Ketu come as starlord of planet at 2nd and 4th step, we have to take star lord of Rahu and Ketu in addition to the House occupied by nodes and sign lord signification of nodes too.




Dr Sheetal

On 12/30/07, vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami

> wrote:





learned members,in 4 step theory astrologers have been mentioning 3.33as the orbit of aspect-conj. it is 3.20 equallant toone charan of 13.20.where from 3.33 has come. suneeljihas written 3.20 only in his book.he however tellsthat thi orbit of 3.20 can be extrended to 5 in casaof slow moving planets..tinwinji or raichoor ji maylike to clarify the position.please also clarify--if rahu and ketu are in the constellation of a planet,shall we take their constellation as asignificator at 2 and4 steps (in,adition to houseoccupied by them and the lords of the sign occupiedand empty houses owned by that lord.may pl guide.onboth issues-goswami Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos./groups

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thanks for ur reply to my query.You r right when they separated they live

well,also peace in home.Actually problem started from my sister side first.She

is also egoistic now a days.She also left the house quaraling with my parents &

now doing job in distant place.


Can u pl suggest about her marriage,proposals are coming but not able to

proceed further due to her ill mood.Will she go for arrange marriage or love ?




Prashant <praspandey wrote:

Dear Jharna ji, Namaskar,

I know this subject very well because same thing is also with me.My alot time

goes only in solving problems between my brother and sister.


There is problem in 1983 birth details.I am letting you know some points by my



1) Ma is 5'th to Mo and also with Me.


2) Ra is placed in second house and also of Ard nks.


3) Argala of Mo is being obstructed by evil forces Ma,Ve and Me on La and La is

giving air.


4) Sa is 2'nd to Mo.


5) Sa is in 6'th house to La.


There is no problem with 1985 only one problem Sa is second to La.


Remedy:- Keep them seperate and problem would be solved.


Love Marriage:- 200% chance for 1985 to have marriage.And spouse will be from

distant place,other caste,other culture.Might be from other country.But please

be aware as it cud lead some problems in marital life.



Prashant Pandey



Jharana Dash <jharanadash wrote:

Dear Gurujans,Namaskar.


I want to ask about my younger brother & sister.


1.They are not at all co-operative with each other.Always fighting and for them

tension always remains in home.What is the reason & remedy ?


2. When will they get married ? Is there any symptoms of love marriage in their

chart,specially of my brother ?


My brother's data- My sister's data-


1.Nmae-Sourav Dash 1.Name-Niharika Dash

2.DOB-22th OCT 1985 2.DOB-5th JAN 1983

3.TOB- 07.40 AM ( TUESDAY) 3.TOB-03.15 PM




jharana dash



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Sorry for the typing errors.Her birth details is -


DOB-5th January 1983


TOB-03.15 PM





Prashant <praspandey wrote:

Dear Jharna Das ji, Namaskar,


Could you pl let me know which one is her birth dstails.





Jharana Dash <jharanadash wrote:



Thanks for ur reply to my query.You r right when they separated they live

well,also peace in home.Actually problem started from my sister side first.She

is also egoistic now a days.She also left the house quaraling with my parents &

now doing job in distant place.


Can u pl suggest about her marriage,proposals are coming but not able to proceed

further due to her ill mood.Will she go for arrange marriage or love ?




Prashant <praspandey wrote:

Dear Jharna ji, Namaskar,

I know this subject very well because same thing is also with me.My alot time

goes only in solving problems between my brother and sister.


There is problem in 1983 birth details.I am letting you know some points by my



1) Ma is 5'th to Mo and also with Me.


2) Ra is placed in second house and also of Ard nks.


3) Argala of Mo is being obstructed by evil forces Ma,Ve and Me on La and La is

giving air.


4) Sa is 2'nd to Mo.


5) Sa is in 6'th house to La.


There is no problem with 1985 only one problem Sa is second to La.


Remedy:- Keep them seperate and problem would be solved.


Love Marriage:- 200% chance for 1985 to have marriage.And spouse will be from

distant place,other caste,other culture.Might be from other country.But please

be aware as it cud lead some problems in marital life.



Prashant Pandey


Jharana Dash <jharanadash wrote:

Dear Gurujans,Namaskar.


I want to ask about my younger brother & sister.


1.They are not at all co-operative with each other.Always fighting and for them

tension always remains in home.What is the reason & remedy ?


2. When will they get married ? Is there any symptoms of love marriage in their

chart,specially of my brother ?


My brother's data- My sister's data-


1.Nmae-Sourav Dash 1.Name-Niharika Dash

2.DOB-22th OCT 1985 2.DOB-5th JAN 1983

3.TOB- 07.40 AM ( TUESDAY) 3.TOB-03.15 PM




jharana dash



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Thank u pandeyji for ur reply.





Prashant <praspandey wrote:

Dear Jharna Ji, Namaskar,


Major chance to have love marriage,everything supporting....


But i will recommend one thing dont take any decision rapidly means in any

fluke....if affair takes a lot of time and proper understanding is there then go

for marriage...as infetuation might rise many times Mo is taking part in my

analysis....Spouse would not from distant place and he might be very nearby to

her....might have studied with him or might be near to workplace....




Jharana Dash <jharanadash wrote:



Sorry for the typing errors.Her birth details is -


DOB-5th January 1983


TOB-03.15 PM





Prashant <praspandey wrote:

Dear Jharna Das ji, Namaskar,


Could you pl let me know which one is her birth dstails.





Jharana Dash <jharanadash wrote:



Thanks for ur reply to my query.You r right when they separated they live

well,also peace in home.Actually problem started from my sister side first.She

is also egoistic now a days.She also left the house quaraling with my parents &

now doing job in distant place.


Can u pl suggest about her marriage,proposals are coming but not able to proceed

further due to her ill mood.Will she go for arrange marriage or love ?




Prashant <praspandey wrote:

Dear Jharna ji, Namaskar,

I know this subject very well because same thing is also with me.My alot time

goes only in solving problems between my brother and sister.


There is problem in 1983 birth details.I am letting you know some points by my



1) Ma is 5'th to Mo and also with Me.


2) Ra is placed in second house and also of Ard nks.


3) Argala of Mo is being obstructed by evil forces Ma,Ve and Me on La and La is

giving air.


4) Sa is 2'nd to Mo.


5) Sa is in 6'th house to La.


There is no problem with 1985 only one problem Sa is second to La.


Remedy:- Keep them seperate and problem would be solved.


Love Marriage:- 200% chance for 1985 to have marriage.And spouse will be from

distant place,other caste,other culture.Might be from other country.But please

be aware as it cud lead some problems in marital life.



Prashant Pandey


Jharana Dash <jharanadash wrote:

Dear Gurujans,Namaskar.


I want to ask about my younger brother & sister.


1.They are not at all co-operative with each other.Always fighting and for them

tension always remains in home.What is the reason & remedy ?


2. When will they get married ? Is there any symptoms of love marriage in their

chart,specially of my brother ?


My brother's data- My sister's data-


1.Nmae-Sourav Dash 1.Name-Niharika Dash

2.DOB-22th OCT 1985 2.DOB-5th JAN 1983

3.TOB- 07.40 AM ( TUESDAY) 3.TOB-03.15 PM




jharana dash



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  • 2 weeks later...

Stop spam


" Haresh(Harry)Nathani " <hareshgnathani wrote: for

astrological solutions/guidance & ur weekly prediction click on the site below.




Thank You

With Warm Regard

Haresh Nathani

Vedic Astrologer, Vaastu Consultant


Cell +91 98672 14103



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Dear Mr.Maheswari,

Pl. purchase the 6 Readers of Krishnamurthi Padhdhati...you will get all details...of K.P.

You may get them from Hariman Booksellers,804,Anna Salai,Chennai-600 002

With best wishes,


kumar raj maheswari <academy_raaj Sent: Friday, 1 February, 2008 2:16:12 PM (unknown)


hi;friends, i will be grateful to u ,plz send or let me know , where shall i get all the cusp. rulings of rev gurujee. with thanks..raaj.



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*hare rama krsna*


Dear SNA (what that mean?) , Namaskar


Ninth lord from Surya is in vyaayabhava, therefore bad relationship or

living at distance.


He has quite good planetary positions. Nice Gajakesari yoga, giving very

clear and pure mind. Budha and Shukra

are also in fifth bhava ensuring inteligent person, very skilled. He

will be known from His skills, responsible character and charming

person. He will care for the people and love spouse a lot, altough

spouse will be nagging ;)....but coming to question..


My advise is to worship Jyotirlinga form of Shiva...particularly

Malikarjuna..! That will help in studies...he should have quite good

time now.altough quite stressful and sometimes He losses faith..also

..some romances etc. The worst was 2003 and 2006.





Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

SkypeID: jyotraff1

Consultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com



Sn Ap napisa?(a):


> Respected Rafal ji,


> Namaste.


> I would highly appreciate if you can take a look at this person's

> educational prospects. He is suffering a lot and working hard to

> succeed in education. His relationship with his father is strained and

> is currently living away from parents. Could you suggest any remedial

> measure to improve his education and relationship with father?


> DoB: 11-June-1988

> ToB: 9:24PM

> Longitude: 80deg, 38min, 35sec East

> Latitude: 16deg, 14min, 12sec North


> Regards,



> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him marriage, this can be a

love marriage. He may have an unstable career but i see major issues in that.

Pls. ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday. wear a cats eye in left hand

middle finger.


Pankaj Upadhyay,





meenugudiya <meenugudiya wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

meenu is again here.

sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of birth is 28 january

1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime is 6.40a.m. sir i

want to know when he get married. we r very tension about his life.

his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is there any

possiblities to settle down out of india.

thanks we r waiting ur reply









Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit






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pankaj ji


jai sai ram

really i m very suprised to think that my brother in law get love marrige.

he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any person. his talking behaviour

unlogic so any person dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband also.

so how it is possible. i m also fedup with live my brother in law.





Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

Re: (unknown)





I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him marriage, this can be a love

marriage. He may have an unstable career but i see major issues in that. Pls.

ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday. wear a cats eye in left hand

middle finger.


Pankaj Upadhyay,





meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

meenu is again here.

sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of birth is 28 january

1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime is 6.40a.m. sir i

want to know when he get married. we r very tension about his life.

his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is there any

possiblities to settle down out of india.

thanks we r waiting ur reply




Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit

http://www.pankajup adhyay.com.



------------ --------- --------- ---

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As per the birth data provided u he has two major melafics in 2nd and 12

house, sun is placed in lagna , this may give him some abnormal nature , like

angerfull nature, use of hrash words in conversation , which might be one of the

reason, but if data is correct then I dont see any major dificulty in marriage

and profession, for more detailed analysis of chart u can provided further

details of the native, i.e. education, family details and some past events.





meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

really i m very suprised to think that my brother in law get love marrige.

he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any person. his talking behaviour

unlogic so any person dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband also. so

how it is possible. i m also fedup with live my brother in law.




Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

Re: (unknown)




I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him marriage, this can be a love

marriage. He may have an unstable career but i see major issues in that. Pls.

ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday. wear a cats eye in left hand

middle finger.


Pankaj Upadhyay,



meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

meenu is again here.

sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of birth is 28 january

1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime is 6.40a.m. sir i

want to know when he get married. we r very tension about his life.

his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is there any

possiblities to settle down out of india.

thanks we r waiting ur reply




Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit

http://www.pankajup adhyay.com.


------------ --------- --------- ---

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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dear pankaj ji

jai sai ram


thanks for well co operation to all of us. sir my brother-in law education is

B.com. he has one elder brother and one elder married sister. my motherin law n

my one sister in law was died in acciedent in 1998 june. on that time he was

also with that trip (death in car acciedent ). my marrige is after 2 year that

evvent. we r well qualified husband is B. E. n mu self also Mcom, C.S..

his mental situation not normal. he dont know how to talk with group. his b.com

is 55%

some time his activities just like a littele Child.

my father in law was retired SBI Branch manager. this is my family. i have also

2 kids girln boy.


he have already wear Cats eye in left hand middle fingure just before 1year.


waiting ur reply






Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


Wednesday, 13 February, 2008 7:25:23 PM

Re: (unknown)




As per the birth data provided u he has two major melafics in 2nd and 12 house,

sun is placed in lagna , this may give him some abnormal nature , like angerfull

nature, use of hrash words in conversation , which might be one of the reason,

but if data is correct then I dont see any major dificulty in marriage and

profession, for more detailed analysis of chart u can provided further details

of the native, i.e. education, family details and some past events.





meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

really i m very suprised to think that my brother in law get love marrige.

he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any person. his talking behaviour

unlogic so any person dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband also. so

how it is possible. i m also fedup with live my brother in law.




Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish@ >

Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore

Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

Re: [Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore] (unknown)




I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him marriage, this can be a love

marriage. He may have an unstable career but i see major issues in that. Pls.

ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday. wear a cats eye in left hand

middle finger.


Pankaj Upadhyay,



meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

meenu is again here.

sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of birth is 28 january

1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime is 6.40a.m. sir i

want to know when he get married. we r very tension about his life.

his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is there any

possiblities to settle down out of india.

thanks we r waiting ur reply




Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit

http://www.pankajup adhyay.com.


------------ --------- --------- ---

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Chart is correct , Presently he is passing dasha of AK (Atmakaraka) mercury,

who is conjoined with the ketu in 12th house, AK gives punishments during their

dasha, weakness in mental strength during the dasha of AK might be one of the

reason , but i am sure he will come out from all the worries, Pls. ask him 2

recite hanuman chalisa 2 times a day and visit to the hanuman mandir every

tuesday, His ishta devata is lord hanumanji as 12th house from AK in navmansa

is aspacted by the mars. This will surely give him immediate relief. Also try to

update me on time.


Pankaj Upadhyay,




meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya wrote:

dear pankaj ji

jai sai ram


thanks for well co operation to all of us. sir my brother-in law education is

B.com. he has one elder brother and one elder married sister. my motherin law n

my one sister in law was died in acciedent in 1998 june. on that time he was

also with that trip (death in car acciedent ). my marrige is after 2 year that

evvent. we r well qualified husband is B. E. n mu self also Mcom, C.S..

his mental situation not normal. he dont know how to talk with group. his b.com

is 55%

some time his activities just like a littele Child.

my father in law was retired SBI Branch manager. this is my family. i have also

2 kids girln boy.


he have already wear Cats eye in left hand middle fingure just before 1year.


waiting ur reply





Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


Wednesday, 13 February, 2008 7:25:23 PM

Re: (unknown)




As per the birth data provided u he has two major melafics in 2nd and 12 house,

sun is placed in lagna , this may give him some abnormal nature , like angerfull

nature, use of hrash words in conversation , which might be one of the reason,

but if data is correct then I dont see any major dificulty in marriage and

profession, for more detailed analysis of chart u can provided further details

of the native, i.e. education, family details and some past events.




meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

really i m very suprised to think that my brother in law get love marrige.

he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any person. his talking behaviour

unlogic so any person dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband also. so

how it is possible. i m also fedup with live my brother in law.




Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish@ >

Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore

Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

Re: [Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore] (unknown)




I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him marriage, this can be a love

marriage. He may have an unstable career but i see major issues in that. Pls.

ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday. wear a cats eye in left hand

middle finger.


Pankaj Upadhyay,



meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

meenu is again here.

sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of birth is 28 january

1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime is 6.40a.m. sir i

want to know when he get married. we r very tension about his life.

his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is there any

possiblities to settle down out of india.

thanks we r waiting ur reply




Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit

http://www.pankajup adhyay.com.


------------ --------- --------- ---

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Pankaj ji ,

jai sai ram

thanks for ur co-operaton and time.

My brother in law already going to hanuman temple from last 3 years reguarly on

saturday. at present he fasting on saturday for Ketu , going to Shani temple

also on saturday. his mental status not up to the mark by birth. what type of

major issue have u nseen in his carrer.he wants to go Australia also. is it

possible? can we left him alone.

I mentioned my husband Mohit Maheshwari detail

DOB 5th April 1972, 6.50AM

..PLace - Shivpuri (M.P.) ,

he started his business just before 4years. nd quite satisfied with it.Planning

to invest in some other matter also. is it a time to start a new business?or go

some property dealing or some thing else, or consecrtate on only his business. ?




Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


Sunday, 17 February, 2008 8:07:44 PM

Re: (unknown)




Chart is correct , Presently he is passing dasha of AK (Atmakaraka) mercury, who

is conjoined with the ketu in 12th house, AK gives punishments during their

dasha, weakness in mental strength during the dasha of AK might be one of the

reason , but i am sure he will come out from all the worries, Pls. ask him 2

recite hanuman chalisa 2 times a day and visit to the hanuman mandir every

tuesday, His ishta devata is lord hanumanji as 12th house from AK in navmansa is

aspacted by the mars. This will surely give him immediate relief. Also try to

update me on time.


Pankaj Upadhyay,




meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

dear pankaj ji

jai sai ram


thanks for well co operation to all of us. sir my brother-in law education is

B.com. he has one elder brother and one elder married sister. my motherin law n

my one sister in law was died in acciedent in 1998 june. on that time he was

also with that trip (death in car acciedent ). my marrige is after 2 year that

evvent. we r well qualified husband is B. E. n mu self also Mcom, C.S..

his mental situation not normal. he dont know how to talk with group. his b.com

is 55%

some time his activities just like a littele Child.

my father in law was retired SBI Branch manager. this is my family. i have also

2 kids girln boy.


he have already wear Cats eye in left hand middle fingure just before 1year.


waiting ur reply





Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish@ >

Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore

Wednesday, 13 February, 2008 7:25:23 PM

Re: [Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore] (unknown)




As per the birth data provided u he has two major melafics in 2nd and 12 house,

sun is placed in lagna , this may give him some abnormal nature , like angerfull

nature, use of hrash words in conversation , which might be one of the reason,

but if data is correct then I dont see any major dificulty in marriage and

profession, for more detailed analysis of chart u can provided further details

of the native, i.e. education, family details and some past events.




meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

really i m very suprised to think that my brother in law get love marrige.

he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any person. his talking behaviour

unlogic so any person dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband also. so

how it is possible. i m also fedup with live my brother in law.




Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish@ >

Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore

Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

Re: [Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore] (unknown)




I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him marriage, this can be a love

marriage. He may have an unstable career but i see major issues in that. Pls.

ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday. wear a cats eye in left hand

middle finger.


Pankaj Upadhyay,



meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram

meenu is again here.

sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of birth is 28 january

1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime is 6.40a.m. sir i

want to know when he get married. we r very tension about his life.

his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is there any

possiblities to settle down out of india.

thanks we r waiting ur reply




Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit

http://www.pankajup adhyay.com.


------------ --------- --------- ---

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Dear pankaj ji


i m waiting ur reply.



--- Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish wrote:


> Meenuji

> Chart is correct , Presently he is passing dasha

> of AK (Atmakaraka) mercury, who is conjoined with

> the ketu in 12th house, AK gives punishments during

> their dasha, weakness in mental strength during the

> dasha of AK might be one of the reason , but i am

> sure he will come out from all the worries, Pls. ask

> him 2 recite hanuman chalisa 2 times a day and visit

> to the hanuman mandir every tuesday, His ishta

> devata is lord hanumanji as 12th house from AK in

> navmansa is aspacted by the mars. This will surely

> give him immediate relief. Also try to update me on

> time.


> Pankaj Upadhyay,

> Indore



> meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya wrote:

> dear pankaj ji

> jai sai ram


> thanks for well co operation to all of us. sir my

> brother-in law education is B.com. he has one elder

> brother and one elder married sister. my motherin

> law n my one sister in law was died in acciedent in

> 1998 june. on that time he was also with that trip

> (death in car acciedent ). my marrige is after 2

> year that evvent. we r well qualified husband is B.

> E. n mu self also Mcom, C.S..

> his mental situation not normal. he dont know how to

> talk with group. his b.com is 55%

> some time his activities just like a littele Child.

> my father in law was retired SBI Branch manager.

> this is my family. i have also 2 kids girln boy.


> he have already wear Cats eye in left hand middle

> fingure just before 1year.


> waiting ur reply


> meenu



> Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


> Wednesday, 13 February, 2008 7:25:23 PM

> Re: (unknown)


> Meenuji


> As per the birth data provided u he has two major

> melafics in 2nd and 12 house, sun is placed in lagna

> , this may give him some abnormal nature , like

> angerfull nature, use of hrash words in conversation

> , which might be one of the reason, but if data is

> correct then I dont see any major dificulty in

> marriage and profession, for more detailed analysis

> of chart u can provided further details of the

> native, i.e. education, family details and some past

> events.


> Pankaj


> meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

> pankaj ji


> jai sai ram

> really i m very suprised to think that my brother in

> law get love marrige.

> he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any

> person. his talking behaviour unlogic so any person

> dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband

> also. so how it is possible. i m also fedup with

> live my brother in law.

> meenu



> Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish@ >

> Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore

> Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

> Re: [Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore] (unknown)


> Meenuji


> I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him

> marriage, this can be a love marriage. He may have

> an unstable career but i see major issues in that.

> Pls. ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday.

> wear a cats eye in left hand middle finger.


> Pankaj Upadhyay,

> Indore


> meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

> pankaj ji


> jai sai ram

> meenu is again here.

> sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of

> birth is 28 january

> 1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime

> is 6.40a.m. sir i

> want to know when he get married. we r very tension

> about his life.

> his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is

> there any

> possiblities to settle down out of india.

> thanks we r waiting ur reply


> meenu


> Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo

> group, For private consultency on any matter would

> enable me to seek donations for further Research on

> Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor

> Children. For Details visit http://www.pankajup

> adhyay.com.


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish.

> To know how, go to http://help. /

> l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo

> group, For private consultency on any matter would

> enable me to seek donations for further Research on

> Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor

> Children. For Details visit http://www.pankajup

> adhyay.com.


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your

> inbox. Go to




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo

> group, For private consultency on any matter would

> enable me to seek donations for further Research on

> Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor

> Children. For Details visit

> http://www.pankajupadhyay.com.





> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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Money matters and careers is ok and I dont see any negetive indication in

particular area, offcourse due to placement of moon in 8th house (marankaraka

sthana for moon) I see a lot of tensions /lake of happiness due to family

atmosphare / surroundings. This might have givem him introvert kind of nature

and could be harmfull in future for health issue. Japa and prayer to his

personal jyotirlings shri kedarnath will give gr8 relief and increase in



Om Namah shivay namah kedarnathay.




Pankaj Upadhyay,




meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya wrote:

Dear pankaj ji


i m waiting ur reply.



--- Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish wrote:


> Meenuji

> Chart is correct , Presently he is passing dasha

> of AK (Atmakaraka) mercury, who is conjoined with

> the ketu in 12th house, AK gives punishments during

> their dasha, weakness in mental strength during the

> dasha of AK might be one of the reason , but i am

> sure he will come out from all the worries, Pls. ask

> him 2 recite hanuman chalisa 2 times a day and visit

> to the hanuman mandir every tuesday, His ishta

> devata is lord hanumanji as 12th house from AK in

> navmansa is aspacted by the mars. This will surely

> give him immediate relief. Also try to update me on

> time.


> Pankaj Upadhyay,

> Indore



> meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya wrote:

> dear pankaj ji

> jai sai ram


> thanks for well co operation to all of us. sir my

> brother-in law education is B.com. he has one elder

> brother and one elder married sister. my motherin

> law n my one sister in law was died in acciedent in

> 1998 june. on that time he was also with that trip

> (death in car acciedent ). my marrige is after 2

> year that evvent. we r well qualified husband is B.

> E. n mu self also Mcom, C.S..

> his mental situation not normal. he dont know how to

> talk with group. his b.com is 55%

> some time his activities just like a littele Child.

> my father in law was retired SBI Branch manager.

> this is my family. i have also 2 kids girln boy.


> he have already wear Cats eye in left hand middle

> fingure just before 1year.


> waiting ur reply


> meenu



> Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish


> Wednesday, 13 February, 2008 7:25:23 PM

> Re: (unknown)


> Meenuji


> As per the birth data provided u he has two major

> melafics in 2nd and 12 house, sun is placed in lagna

> , this may give him some abnormal nature , like

> angerfull nature, use of hrash words in conversation

> , which might be one of the reason, but if data is

> correct then I dont see any major dificulty in

> marriage and profession, for more detailed analysis

> of chart u can provided further details of the

> native, i.e. education, family details and some past

> events.


> Pankaj


> meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

> pankaj ji


> jai sai ram

> really i m very suprised to think that my brother in

> law get love marrige.

> he has no friends . neither he talk proper to any

> person. his talking behaviour unlogic so any person

> dont like to talk him. even myself and my husband

> also. so how it is possible. i m also fedup with

> live my brother in law.

> meenu



> Pankaj Upadhyay <sai_jyotish@ >

> Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore

> Tuesday, 12 February, 2008 7:41:07 PM

> Re: [Jyotish_Seva_ Kendra_Indore] (unknown)


> Meenuji


> I feel year 2009 would be the best year to give him

> marriage, this can be a love marriage. He may have

> an unstable career but i see major issues in that.

> Pls. ask him to visit ganesh mandir every wedneday.

> wear a cats eye in left hand middle finger.


> Pankaj Upadhyay,

> Indore


> meenugudiya <meenugudiya@ > wrote:

> pankaj ji


> jai sai ram

> meenu is again here.

> sir my bother-in-law name is rohitand his date of

> birth is 28 january

> 1983 and place of birth is Allahabad. and birth rime

> is 6.40a.m. sir i

> want to know when he get married. we r very tension

> about his life.

> his behaviour is not normal. when he married and is

> there any

> possiblities to settle down out of india.

> thanks we r waiting ur reply


> meenu


> Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo

> group, For private consultency on any matter would

> enable me to seek donations for further Research on

> Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor

> Children. For Details visit http://www.pankajup

> adhyay.com.


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish.

> To know how, go to http://help. /

> l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo

> group, For private consultency on any matter would

> enable me to seek donations for further Research on

> Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor

> Children. For Details visit http://www.pankajup

> adhyay.com.


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your

> inbox. Go to




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo

> group, For private consultency on any matter would

> enable me to seek donations for further Research on

> Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor

> Children. For Details visit

> http://www.pankajupadhyay.com.





> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Astrological Guidence is free of charge in our yohoo group, For private

consultency on any matter would enable me to seek donations for further Research

on Jyotish and help on Education and care of Poor Children. For Details visit






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Pankaj ji ,

jai sai ram

thanks for ur co-operaton and time.


I mentioned my husband Mohit Maheshwari detail

DOB 5th April 1972, 6.50AM

..PLace - Shivpuri (M.P.) ,

He is engg & do service for 7 years & now he started his business just before

4years. nd quite satisfied with it.Planning to invest in some other matter also.

is it a time to start a new business?or go some property purchasing or some

thing else, or consecrtate on only his business only. ?






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Guest guest

pankaj ji


jai sai ram


we r waiing ur reply







meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya


Wednesday, 27 February, 2008 8:42:53 PM

Re: (unknown)


Pankaj ji ,

jai sai ram

thanks for ur co-operaton and time.


I mentioned my husband Mohit Maheshwari detail

DOB 5th April 1972, 6.50AM

..PLace - Shivpuri (M.P.) ,

He is engg & do service for 7 years & now he started his business just before

4years. nd quite satisfied with it.Planning to invest in some other matter also.

is it a time to start a new business?or go some property purchasing or some

thing else, or consecrtate on only his business only. ?





Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos. / groups



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Guest guest

Dear Meenuji


Current business prospacts are very good for him, he will enjoy a very good

growth. Area of Property dealings, building construction will give him good

money. Period till April-08 is difficult and may give some setback in business

dealings, Otherwise also matters of money transactions and public dealings may

give him loss of reputation, he shud deal extra carefully. Business Decesions/

Actions shud be taken timely inspite of confusing.


Pankaj Upadhyay,





meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya wrote:

pankaj ji


jai sai ram


we r waiing ur reply





meenu maheshwari <meenugudiya


Wednesday, 27 February, 2008 8:42:53 PM

Re: (unknown)


Pankaj ji ,

jai sai ram

thanks for ur co-operaton and time.


I mentioned my husband Mohit Maheshwari detail

DOB 5th April 1972, 6.50AM

...PLace - Shivpuri (M.P.) ,

He is engg & do service for 7 years & now he started his business just before

4years. nd quite satisfied with it.Planning to invest in some other matter also.

is it a time to start a new business?or go some property purchasing or some

thing else, or consecrtate on only his business only. ?





Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos. / groups



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Verma ji,


Shri KS Krishnamurthi has given a list of combination helpful for astrologers in the IInd reader " Fundamental Principles of Astrology " . Please check that out and you will get the answer.


In case you don't have this book, please get this gem in your collection ASAP.


Thanks & Regards,


Punit Pandey

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Lovely Verma <love_1230010 wrote:











sir . i am learn in kp but sum time iam tottly confiused.so please any kp astro suggest how i do .can i learn kp my dob -04-july-1975.bop -ludhiana (punjab) tob -17-11-27 .so please guied me any one.



Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.

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Dear Verma ji,


You mentioned that you are learning KP and confused. For a beginner, my suggestion is to learn KP first and only after that you can learn quite a few different extensions available like interlinks.


Thanks & Regards,


Punit Pandey

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Lovely Verma <love_1230010 wrote:










dear puneet ji can yu suggest me sum books about cuspal interlink..i very thankful to you


Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello Abhishek,


The whole chart is to be seen. We can tell about the life expectancy. In

this case based on these two planets and there being no other close

affliction, the person will have middle life span which goes around sixty



Best wishes,





On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 11:19 AM, abhishekrao_5 rao <

abhishekrao_5 wrote:


> dear DR.choudary,reply to my questions have not been sent as of know so

> i am sending this mail again,(1)for scorpio asdt the most malefic planet

> venus occuping the 12th house & in infancy with the most benefic planet saturn

> at 17degrees is the native blessed with short life?(2)can we tell the life

> span of the native if he asks for it?please send reply as soon as possible.


> Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it on

> http://in.promos./groups/bestof/



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|| Om Gurave Namah || Hari Om,

Dear Raichur ji,

I have received your mail in my inbox.

I understand, It is addressed to me.

I have read your suggestions but not undestood How to implement them and where?

May i request you to forward the mail under reference / question,

where-in such change in default are called for,

Sorry for my poor undestanding

With regards.

OM TATSAT-------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who hascreated the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--




Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:57 PM




Dear SirPlease ccccgange the default reply lines to : 1. Receipant. CC: kpsytem <yoo.com>. This will avoid vague adressed letters.

raichur anant mumbai


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