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Dear Guruprasad,

The following is my prediction.


Name : Guruprasad

Address :

Question : Reinstatement when?

History :

Horary No. : 167

Time of judgment : 11:17 AM Date of judgment:28-06-2008











Mon 5:28:59

V 8:51:43



VI 5:27:19


Mer 22-00-02


VII 00:00:00

Sun 13:01:37

Ven 18:15:08







III 4:33:02






Horary No. 167





VIII 1:00:10



Ket 26:58:21




Rah 26:58:21



II 1:00:10


Mar 4:04:47

IX 4:33:02

Sat 10:23:29



<Jup 24:59-48




Asc 00:00:00






XII 5:27:19





XI 8:51:43



X 8:18:55

Place of judgment :

Ayanamsa : KPSTLA-23:58:24 + 00-00-04 = 23-58-28





















Position of Cusps Position of Planets









Sgn lord


Str lord


Sub lord






Sgn Lord


Str. Lord


Sub lord.

























































































































































































Whether your desire will be fulfilled?

XI cusp sub-lord is Jupiter (Retrograde). Desire cannot be fulfilled until it becomes direct. Jupiter is in the star of Venus. Venus is direct. It is favorable for fulfillment.

Jupiter is lord of Ascendant and it occupies the Ascendant. So your ascendant is strong. Jupiter is n the star of Venus lord of VI and XI. It is n the sub of Mercury owner of VII and X. So it is favorable for your job. Your desire will definitely be fulfills. Sun, occupant of VII, your employer is in the sub of Mercury owner of X. So Sun is favorable to you for reinstatement.


Now you are running Kethu dasa. Kethu is agent of Mercury lord of X and occupant of Mercury. So in Kethu dasa you will be reinstated in favorable bhukti.

Now you are running Mars bhukti. Mars is in the star of Kethu.

XI house lord is Venus and it is in star of Rahu occupant of II.

Jupiter changes its course in first week of September.

Moon enters in Mars sign Aries on 18th September. By that time you will be reinstated.


Dr. Luther

--- On Thu, 6/19/08, guruprasad pavagada <psg_psgp wrote:

guruprasad pavagada <psg_psgp (unknown) Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008, 8:08 AM





can anyone give me the date of my reinstatemnet in service (presently in suspension)

The number is 167



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dear Adarsh

U can learn astrology & will start from oct/nov 08. The next 2 yrs are good for

u for learnung astrology



With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer & Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103






adarsh_l palimar <palimaradarshrao

vedic astrology

Sunday, 27 July, 2008 10:26:46 PM

[vedic astrology] (unknown)





I am interested in learning astrology but i am not getting oppurtunity time

My DOB is 18/08/1974 time 22.26 pm born in chennai , name P Adarsh

will i be able to lean, when the time will come


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BTR is cent percent correct if we do the job properly.


Glance the aspects on RP we will get the correct BTR. It is my exoerience in so many cases .

some articles appeared in KP and Astrology in 1992/93.

Sahhasra Saagara--- On Wed, 30/7/08, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan wrote:

Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan (unknown)"kpsystem groups" Wednesday, 30 July, 2008, 7:49 PM








Dear members

1) Mr.K.S.Krishnamoort hy has discussed the birth time rectification with pre-natal-epoch method and rejected this method as not correct in pages 403 to 408 of volume II. But in the Reader V page ix of 2004 edition, it is stated that the success rate of this method is 50%.


2) With reference to page 408 of volume II, Mr.KSK recommended the birth time rectification method in Uttarakalamrita. I reproduce the same,

“According to Krishnamoorthy Paddhati and the simplest method of multiplying the number of vigatis from sunrise to the time of birth(LMT) by 4, dividing the product by 9 and counting the star from Aswni trine will give the exact vigati. This method gives confidence, convinces one and proves to be correct.â€


3) Ranjan publications, Delhi has published a book “Rectification of birth time(Analytical aaproach)†by Prof.P.S.Sastri, Ph.D..,D.Litt, well known author. The cost of the book is Rs.80/-. This book is mainly based on Uttarakalamrita, Mr.KSK recommended. It is a very good book.. He gave many tables, which can be used as ready reckoner. He discussed many methods and gave his frank opinion about each method.


4) One of our member has already brought this method to the knowledge of this group, nicely explained but there was no response from the members. Many leading astrologers accepted this method as correct.


5) I like to reproduce once again the rectification method using Uttarakalamrita.


Now I am furnishing below a time tested method for finding out whether the chart belongs to a Male or Female. This is apart from the recent CKV Rule about which you have written to me. THIS HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM 'UTTAR KALAMRITA'.


Convert the Ghatis and Vigatis that have elapsed since Sun Rise LMT at the time of birth LMT into Vighatis and then divide this Vighatis by 225. Divide the reminder into the following groups of Vighatis as may be found possible viz., 15, 30, 45, 60,.....75"


In other wards the remainder should be divided in the following groups of Vighatis:-



0-15.9 16-30.9 31-45.9 46-60.9 61-75.9 76-90.9 91-105

106-120 121-135 136-150 151-165 166-180 181-195 196-210 211-225


I have given the above only for you to have this also as one of the methods to check the correctness of the given chart so far gender is concerned. But actually the correctness or otherwise of a given birth time can be checked only through the Ruling Planets about which I have already given a detailed procedure. From my view and from what I have learnt through my GREAT GURUJI, there is no second method other than RPs for this purpose.



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Dear sagar

Regarding BTR, lot of discussions already held in this group. What is the final outcome. The BTR is still open for discussion. The RP method of BTR was commented as not reliable and inconsistant, which is correct. Everyone will rectify the birth time for their time of RP and it may not be same for all.


I like to say that most of the astrologers are saying that they are giving 100% correct predictions which is not true. It is a trade secret. On my observation, there was no frank opinion from the members for this group to evolve a correct method for BTR. Every astrologer is telling that the system they follow for BTR gives 100% correct result. It is also trade secret. If it is so, how to do the research to arrive for a better system for BTR.


R.Dhanabalan--- On Wed, 7/30/08, Sagar S <ssagar86 wrote:

Sagar S <ssagar86Re: (unknown) Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 6:09 PM









BTR is cent percent correct if we do the job properly.


Glance the aspects on RP we will get the correct BTR. It is my exoerience in so many cases .

some articles appeared in KP and Astrology in 1992/93.

Sahhasra Saagara--- On Wed, 30/7/08, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote:

Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > (unknown)"kpsystem groups" <@gro ups.com>Wednesday, 30 July, 2008, 7:49 PM








Dear members

1) Mr.K.S.Krishnamoort hy has discussed the birth time rectification with pre-natal-epoch method and rejected this method as not correct in pages 403 to 408 of volume II. But in the Reader V page ix of 2004 edition, it is stated that the success rate of this method is 50%.

2) With reference to page 408 of volume II, Mr.KSK recommended the birth time rectification method in Uttarakalamrita. I reproduce the same,

“According to Krishnamoorthy Paddhati and the simplest method of multiplying the number of vigatis from sunrise to the time of birth(LMT) by 4, dividing the product by 9 and counting the star from Aswni trine will give the exact vigati. This method gives confidence, convinces one and proves to be correct.” 3) Ranjan publications, Delhi has published a book “Rectification of birth time(Analytical aaproach)” by Prof.P.S.Sastri, Ph.D..,D.Litt, well known author. The cost of the book is Rs.80/-. This book is mainly based on Uttarakalamrita, Mr.KSK recommended. It is a very good book.. He gave many tables, which can be used as ready reckoner. He discussed many methods and gave his frank opinion about each method. 4) One of our member has already brought this method to the knowledge of this group, nicely explained but there was no response from the members. Many leading astrologers accepted this method as correct.

5) I like to reproduce once again the rectification method using Uttarakalamrita. Now I am furnishing below a time tested method for finding out whether the chart belongs to a Male or Female. This is apart from the recent CKV Rule about which you have written to me. THIS HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM 'UTTAR KALAMRITA'. Convert the Ghatis and Vigatis that have elapsed since Sun Rise LMT at the time of birth LMT into Vighatis and then divide this Vighatis by 225. Divide the reminder into the following groups of Vighatis as may be found possible viz., 15, 30, 45, 60,.....75" In other wards the remainder should be divided in the following groups of Vighatis:- MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE 0-15.9 16-30.9 31-45.9 46-60.9 61-75.9 76-90.9 91-105

106-120 121-135 136-150 151-165 166-180 181-195 196-210 211-225 I have given the above only for you to have this also as one of the methods to check the correctness of the given chart so far gender is concerned. But actually the correctness or otherwise of a given birth time can be checked only through the Ruling Planets about which I have already given a detailed procedure.. From my view and from what I have learnt through my GREAT GURUJI, there is no second method other than RPs for this purpose. R.Dhanabalan


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 You will get a good job after 20 th october 2008.  If you want more details you

have to contact my opffice in the alternate e-mail given below.


103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID







aswal.rashmi <aswal.rashmi

vedic astrology

Monday, August 4, 2008 4:40:00 AM

[vedic astrology] (unknown)



Dear Guruji




My name is Rashmi Aswal

DOB:- 18 Sep 1988

Time of Birth :- 11:45PM

Place of birth :- New Delhi


Please tell me when will I get a good job. and when will i get marry.

Is it love or arrange. Please tell.



Rashmi Aswal








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you are from? send me your details and brothers qualifiction details 








--- On Tue, 12/8/08, vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004 wrote:


vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:13 PM








I have just joined this group. I would like to know about my brother-

in-law. His date of birth is 7.9.1983. He misbehaves very badly

with his parents. he is well educated. but he is not satisfied with

his qualifications he wants to do MBA and that too from a very

expensive isntitue. which is out of our reach. could you please

suggest us some advise.





















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I am from Delhi.

Mybrother-in-law's details are as follows:


qualifications: B.Pharma

His Date of Birth is 9.9.1983

Time of Birth is 1310

Place of Birth is Delhi






--- On Wed, 13/8/08, vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ptl wrote:


vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ptl

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008, 6:01 PM







you are from? send me your details and brothers qualifiction details 





--- On Tue, 12/8/08, vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:13 PM



I have just joined this group. I would like to know about my brother-

in-law. His date of birth is 7.9.1983. He misbehaves very badly

with his parents. he is well educated. but he is not satisfied with

his qualifications he wants to do MBA and that too from a very

expensive isntitue. which is out of our reach. could you please

suggest us some advise.






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Dear Dr Luther


It was the query solved by Mr Sujatkarmji for his son's horary no 47. I have tried it by 4steps with data given by him. It was tallied with

his birth chart also.

1. Shukra is in star of Ketu. Ketu in 3 in own star and its rashi lord Sun in 4.(strong at 3rd & 4th step)

2. Sun in sub of Rahu which is in own star. Rahu in 9, Rahu's rashi lord shani in 3 owns 8, 10 (at 3rd step)

3.Guru's sub Shukra in ketu star (4th step), Ketu in 3 and its rashi lord is Sun in 4 ( as above in 1)

4.Did I write about Sun as a strong planet? It is dasha lord!!

5.Moon is taken as a strong planet because it is at 12th cusp within 3.20* so it is strong significator of 12th at 1step.I wrote its signification as 3,4,8,9,10 4( repeat 4 was wrongly written, it should be 12). We don't consider exaltation of planets in kp.





Hope I have answered your queries up to your satisfaction.



Dr Sheetal




On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Luther Rath <rath


Dear Dr Sheetal,I have gone throgh yor prediction rgarding the query put by Mr. Sujatkaram. I have some queries on the analysis. Will you kindly clerify the folowing. It's to learn only.1. How does Sukra signify 4?

2. How does Sun signify 8, 9 and 10?3. How does Guru signify 3 and 4?4. Why Sun is taken to be a strong planet?5. Why Moon is taken to be a strong planet? Is it because it is exalted in Taurus or what else?

6. Mars is strong because there is no planet in its constellation. Is that so? 7..Jupiter is strong because of the same reason. Right? 8. Saturn is strong again for the same reason? Right? 9. Rahu is strong since it is in own star in spite of Mercury and Mars occupy its other constellations. Am I right?

Thanking you.Dr. Luther

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Good evening Madam,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply.


Dr. Luther


Sheetal <ratnamalag Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 5:46:53 AMRe: (unknown)




Dear Dr Luther


It was the query solved by Mr Sujatkarmji for his son's horary no 47. I have tried it by 4steps with data given by him. It was tallied with

his birth chart also.

1. Shukra is in star of Ketu. Ketu in 3 in own star and its rashi lord Sun in 4.(strong at 3rd & 4th step)

2. Sun in sub of Rahu which is in own star. Rahu in 9, Rahu's rashi lord shani in 3 owns 8, 10 (at 3rd step)

3.Guru's sub Shukra in ketu star (4th step), Ketu in 3 and its rashi lord is Sun in 4 ( as above in 1)

4.Did I write about Sun as a strong planet? It is dasha lord!!

5.Moon is taken as a strong planet because it is at 12th cusp within 3.20* so it is strong significator of 12th at 1step.I wrote its signification as 3,4,8,9,10 4( repeat 4 was wrongly written, it should be 12). We don't consider exaltation of planets in kp.





Hope I have answered your queries up to your satisfaction.



Dr Sheetal




On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Luther Rath <rath


Dear Dr Sheetal,I have gone throgh yor prediction rgarding the query put by Mr. Sujatkaram. I have some queries on the analysis. Will you kindly clerify the folowing. It's to learn only.1. How does Sukra signify 4?2. How does Sun signify 8, 9 and 10?3. How does Guru signify 3 and 4?4. Why Sun is taken to be a strong planet?5. Why Moon is taken to be a strong planet? Is it because it is exalted in Taurus or what else? 6. Mars is strong because there is no planet in its constellation. Is that so? 7..Jupiter is strong because of the same reason. Right? 8. Saturn is strong again for the same reason? Right? 9. Rahu is strong since it is in own star in spite of Mercury and Mars occupy its other constellations. Am I right?Thanking you.Dr.


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20th Aug 2008



Dear Dr Sheetal and Dr Luther


Could you please email me the Natal or Horary details for the

question you are working on. I will like to have a look into that.




Ravinder Grover







On Behalf Of Luther


Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:45 PM









Dear Dr Sheetal,

I have gone throgh yor prediction rgarding the query put by Mr. Sujatkaram. I

have some queries on the analysis. Will you kindly clerify the folowing. It's

to learn only.

1. How does Sukra signify 4?

2. How does Sun signify 8, 9 and 10?

3. How does Guru signify 3 and 4?

4. Why Sun is taken to be a strong planet?

5. Why Moon is taken to be a strong planet? Is it because it is exalted in

Taurus or what else?

6. Mars is strong because there is no planet in its constellation. Is that so?

7..Jupiter is strong because of the same reason.


8. Saturn is strong again for the same

reason? Right?

9. Rahu is strong since it is in own star in

spite of Mercury and Mars occupy its other

constellations. Am I right?


Thanking you.

Dr. Luther

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Dear Ravinder Grover ji

This is the msg # 16338


Dr Sheetal

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 2:30 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote:








20th Aug 2008



Dear Dr Sheetal and Dr Luther


Could you please email me the Natal or Horary details for the question you are working on. I will like to have a look into that.




Ravinder Grover






On Behalf Of Luther Rath

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:45 PM Subject: (unknown)






Dear Dr Sheetal,I have gone throgh yor prediction rgarding the query put by Mr. Sujatkaram. I have some queries on the analysis. Will you kindly clerify the folowing. It's to learn only.1. How does Sukra signify 4?

2. How does Sun signify 8, 9 and 10?3. How does Guru signify 3 and 4?4. Why Sun is taken to be a strong planet?5. Why Moon is taken to be a strong planet? Is it because it is exalted in Taurus or what else?

6. Mars is strong because there is no planet in its constellation. Is that so? 7..Jupiter is strong because of the same reason. Right? 8. Saturn is strong again for the same reason? Right? 9. Rahu is strong since it is in own star in spite of Mercury and Mars occupy its other constellations. Am I right?

Thanking you.Dr. Luther

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namshkar guru ji

i am pawan kumar tiwari

living in allahabad utter prdesh

place of birth allahabad

d/o/b/ 17/10/1972

time 3.05 pm

my doughter place of birth


d/o/b 26/07/2003

time 5.05 a.m

my new bron son place of birth


d/o/b 11/08/2008

time 2.10 pm


guru ji what is the futher all members




Check out the all-new face of India.

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Namskar Sir

with out considering the (consider Axix while calculating result}..when ever all planets are in between rahu and ketu this is called kala sarpa yoga ....Second thing need to consider is ..!) when rahu eating all the planets this is kala sarpa yoga ..........2) when ketu then it is kala amrityoga .. and it work till the age of 45 and 42 ......


2008/8/26 subrahmanya narayana <narayana_chirravuri






Pujya gurujis, Can any one tell me about Kalasarpa yoga?If in any chart if all the planets are hemmed between rahu and ketu, then it is called Kalasarpa yoga.Shall we have to include lagna in this?Actually rahu and ketu will rotate in reverse direction when compared to other planets,So in a clock wise direction chart if rahu in lagna and ketu in 7th position and all planets are between rahu and ketu then is Kalasarpa yoga? or ketu in lagna and rahu in 7th position is Kalasarpa yoga? Please Clarify this doubt.

Thanks in advance,Narayana

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Dear Amit,I am not clear about working till 45 and 42 years part. Are you implying that KSY does not have any effect after 45 years of age? Kindly reply.RegardsSunil--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Amit Puri <amitpuri20 wrote:

Amit Puri <amitpuri20Re: [Om Krishna Guru] (unknown) Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 2:14 AM


Namskar Sir with out considering the (consider Axix while calculating result}..when ever all planets are in between rahu and ketu this is called kala sarpa yoga ....Second thing need to consider is ..!) when rahu eating all the planets this is kala sarpa yoga ..........2) when ketu then it is kala amrityoga .. and it work till the age of 45 and 42 ......regard

2008/8/26 subrahmanya narayana <narayana_chirravuri










Pujya gurujis, Can any one tell me about Kalasarpa yoga?If in any chart if all the planets are hemmed between rahu and ketu, then it is called Kalasarpa yoga.Shall we have to include lagna in this?Actually rahu and ketu will rotate in reverse direction when compared to other planets,So in a clock wise direction chart if rahu in lagna and ketu in 7th position and all planets are between rahu and ketu then is Kalasarpa yoga? or ketu in lagna and rahu in 7th position is Kalasarpa yoga? Please Clarify this doubt.Thanks in advance,Narayana


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Dear suni..yes like mars till 28 it is Nasrgika calculation ... Rahu or ketu as an individual planet will effect till end of life.. regard2008/8/26 Sunil Sharma <sunilsharma21







Dear Amit,I am not clear about working till 45 and 42 years part. Are you implying that KSY does not have any effect after 45 years of age? Kindly reply.RegardsSunil--- On Tue, 8/26/08, Amit Puri <amitpuri20 wrote:

Amit Puri <amitpuri20Re: [Om Krishna Guru] (unknown)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 2:14 AM


Namskar Sir

with out considering the (consider Axix while calculating result}..when ever all planets are in between rahu and ketu this is called kala sarpa yoga ....Second thing need to consider is ..!) when rahu eating all the planets this is kala sarpa yoga ..........2) when ketu then it is kala amrityoga .. and it work till the age of 45 and 42 ......



2008/8/26 subrahmanya narayana <narayana_chirravuri










Pujya gurujis, Can any one tell me about Kalasarpa yoga?If in any chart if all the planets are hemmed between rahu and ketu, then it is called Kalasarpa yoga.Shall we have to include lagna in this?Actually rahu and ketu will rotate in reverse direction when compared to other planets,So in a clock wise direction chart if rahu in lagna and ketu in 7th position and all planets are between rahu and ketu then is Kalasarpa yoga? or ketu in lagna and rahu in 7th position is Kalasarpa yoga? Please Clarify this doubt.

Thanks in advance,Narayana


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Amit ji, Thankyou for your kind Reply.Thanks7Regards,narayana--- On Tue, 26/8/08, Amit Puri <amitpuri20 wrote:Amit Puri <amitpuri20Re: [Om Krishna Guru] (unknown) Date: Tuesday, 26 August, 2008, 2:44 PM


Namskar Sir

with out considering the (consider Axix while calculating result}..when ever all planets are in between rahu and ketu this is called kala sarpa yoga ....Second thing need to consider is ..!) when rahu eating all the planets this is kala sarpa yoga ..........2) when ketu then it is kala amrityoga .. and it work till the age of 45 and 42 ......


2008/8/26 subrahmanya narayana <narayana_chirravuri @.co. in>






Pujya gurujis, Can any one tell me about Kalasarpa yoga?If in any chart if all the planets are hemmed between rahu and ketu, then it is called Kalasarpa yoga.Shall we have to include lagna in this?Actually rahu and ketu will rotate in reverse direction when compared to other planets,So in a clock wise direction chart if rahu in lagna and ketu in 7th position and all planets are between rahu and ketu then is Kalasarpa yoga? or ketu in lagna and rahu in 7th position is Kalasarpa yoga? Please Clarify this doubt.

Thanks in advance,Narayana

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i had send the details of my brother-in-law earlier also.  i was told that his

shani ki sade sati is on.  actually now a days the situation is becoming

worse.  we apporach the doctors also.  they didn't find anything serioius and

start the treatment for concentration power which is lacking in him..  but he

refused to take medicines.  There is no peace at home.  All of us have really

got depressed.  Sometimes he becomes violent also towards his parents. 


please please help me with some solution




vinita bisht 





--- On Thu, 14/8/08, Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004 wrote:


Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

" vinu viswanath " <viswanathan_ptl

Thursday, 14 August, 2008, 12:07 PM









I am from Delhi.

Mybrother-in-law's details are as follows:


qualifications: B.Pharma

His Date of Birth is 9.9.1983

Time of Birth is 1310

Place of Birth is Delhi






--- On Wed, 13/8/08, vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ptl wrote:


vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ptl

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008, 6:01 PM







you are from? send me your details and brothers qualifiction details 





--- On Tue, 12/8/08, vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:13 PM



I have just joined this group. I would like to know about my brother-

in-law. His date of birth is 7.9.1983. He misbehaves very badly

with his parents. he is well educated. but he is not satisfied with

his qualifications he wants to do MBA and that too from a very

expensive isntitue. which is out of our reach. could you please

suggest us some advise.






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Dear Vinita

Ur brother in law is suffering from bi polar mental ailment. His behaviour is

very very erratic at times & at times he behaves like a exceptionally normal

person. Their is a remedy for the same which i cannot share on the mail. If u do

call me on my cell I will explain the same.



With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103






Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 4:28:32 PM

Fw: Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)






i had send the details of my brother-in-law earlier also.  i was told that his

shani ki sade sati is on.  actually now a days the situation is becoming

worse.  we apporach the doctors also.  they didn't find anything serioius and

start the treatment for concentration power which is lacking in him..  but he

refused to take medicines.  There is no peace at home.  All of us have really

got depressed.  Sometimes he becomes violent also towards his parents. 


please please help me with some solution




vinita bisht 





--- On Thu, 14/8/08, Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

" vinu viswanath " <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Thursday, 14 August, 2008, 12:07 PM



I am from Delhi.

Mybrother-in- law's details are as follows:


qualifications: B.Pharma

His Date of Birth is 9.9.1983

Time of Birth is 1310

Place of Birth is Delhi






--- On Wed, 13/8/08, vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008, 6:01 PM


you are from? send me your details and brothers qualifiction details 





--- On Tue, 12/8/08, vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:13 PM



I have just joined this group. I would like to know about my brother-

in-law. His date of birth is 7.9.1983. He misbehaves very badly

with his parents. he is well educated. but he is not satisfied with

his qualifications he wants to do MBA and that too from a very

expensive isntitue. which is out of our reach. could you please

suggest us some advise.






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thanks for ur reply sir.  could u tell me at what time should i call u..


one more thing i would like to tell u that he is good with outsiders.  if u

talk to him you won't beleive he can be so rude to his family.


once u give the time my mother-in-law will talk to u as a mother can better

describe his child.






--- On Wed, 3/9/08, Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 wrote:


Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405

Re: Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 3 September, 2008, 7:04 PM







Dear Vinita

Ur brother in law is suffering from bi polar mental ailment. His behaviour is

very very erratic at times & at times he behaves like a exceptionally normal

person. Their is a remedy for the same which i cannot share on the mail. If u do

call me on my cell I will explain the same.



With Warm Regards

Haresh(Harry) Nathani

Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 4:28:32 PM

Fw: Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)




i had send the details of my brother-in-law earlier also.  i was told that his

shani ki sade sati is on.  actually now a days the situation is becoming

worse.  we apporach the doctors also.  they didn't find anything serioius and

start the treatment for concentration power which is lacking in him..  but he

refused to take medicines.  There is no peace at home.  All of us have really

got depressed.  Sometimes he becomes violent also towards his parents. 


please please help me with some solution




vinita bisht 





--- On Thu, 14/8/08, Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

" vinu viswanath " <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Thursday, 14 August, 2008, 12:07 PM



I am from Delhi.

Mybrother-in- law's details are as follows:


qualifications: B.Pharma

His Date of Birth is 9.9.1983

Time of Birth is 1310

Place of Birth is Delhi






--- On Wed, 13/8/08, vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008, 6:01 PM


you are from? send me your details and brothers qualifiction details 





--- On Tue, 12/8/08, vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:13 PM



I have just joined this group. I would like to know about my brother-

in-law. His date of birth is 7.9.1983. He misbehaves very badly

with his parents. he is well educated. but he is not satisfied with

his qualifications he wants to do MBA and that too from a very

expensive isntitue. which is out of our reach. could you please

suggest us some advise.






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Dear Vinita

U can call me after 7.00pm on any day


Do not worry about it as I hv already this case in my own family


With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103






Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004

vedic astrology ; Haresh (Harry) Nathani


Monday, 8 September, 2008 12:10:20 PM

Re: Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)



thanks for ur reply sir.  could u tell me at what time should i call u..


one more thing i would like to tell u that he is good with outsiders.  if u

talk to him you won't beleive he can be so rude to his family.


once u give the time my mother-in-law will talk to u as a mother can better

describe his child..






--- On Wed, 3/9/08, Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 > wrote:


Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 >

Re: Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 3 September, 2008, 7:04 PM


Dear Vinita

Ur brother in law is suffering from bi polar mental ailment. His behaviour is

very very erratic at times & at times he behaves like a exceptionally normal

person. Their is a remedy for the same which i cannot share on the mail. If u do

call me on my cell I will explain the same.



With Warm Regards

Haresh(Harry) Nathani

Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 4:28:32 PM

Fw: Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)




i had send the details of my brother-in-law earlier also.  i was told that his

shani ki sade sati is on.  actually now a days the situation is becoming

worse.  we apporach the doctors also.  they didn't find anything serioius and

start the treatment for concentration power which is lacking in him..  but he

refused to take medicines.  There is no peace at home.  All of us have really

got depressed.  Sometimes he becomes violent also towards his parents. 


please please help me with some solution




vinita bisht 





--- On Thu, 14/8/08, Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


Vinita Bisht <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

" vinu viswanath " <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co..in>

Thursday, 14 August, 2008, 12:07 PM



I am from Delhi..

Mybrother-in- law's details are as follows:


qualifications: B.Pharma

His Date of Birth is 9.9.1983

Time of Birth is 1310

Place of Birth is Delhi






--- On Wed, 13/8/08, vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


vinu viswanath <viswanathan_ ptl (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 13 August, 2008, 6:01 PM


you are from? send me your details and brothers qualifiction details 





--- On Tue, 12/8/08, vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in> wrote:


vinitabisht2004 <vinitabisht2004@ .co. in>

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 3:13 PM



I have just joined this group. I would like to know about my brother-

in-law. His date of birth is 7.9.1983. He misbehaves very badly

with his parents. he is well educated. but he is not satisfied with

his qualifications he wants to do MBA and that too from a very

expensive isntitue. which is out of our reach. could you please

suggest us some advise.






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Dear Mano

If u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to wait for 2

more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be intelligent, dutiful, very

aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will be through one of ur relatives.



With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103






Mano Makan <manomakan

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM

[vedic astrology] (unknown)



Dear sir,


Pls tell me about my marriage when it will get complete 

My dob;-26.nov. 1984

day    :-friday

Place :-Delhi




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Dear Mano,


You must go for a marriage in 2011, thats when you will stop roaming(end of

changes of jobs and places - the unstability period thats on from 2005) and get






Barenya Mishra - www.askyourastroquery.com


--- On Wed, 10/9/08, Mano Makan <manomakan wrote:


Mano Makan <manomakan

[vedic astrology] (unknown)

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 10 September, 2008, 12:26 PM







Dear sir,


Pls tell me about my marriage when it will get complete 

My dob;-26.nov. 1984

day    :-friday

Place :-Delhi




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Dear Mr.Haresh Nathani,


Please don't mistake me.


This is how most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers on Marriage or other

matters too.

" If you are not able to get married with the next few months or so  then it will

be delayed for another few years or so.... " .

I have experienced it myself.


Can we not ascertain whether the native will get married or NOT within that

favourable period as foreseen by us?


Now suppose a native is not destined for marriage at all, he may pass over many

such favourable time in various Dasa Bhukthi periods. But marriage may not

materialise at all.


So, when he will get married or when he cannot not get married, the

timing,should be ascertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the

native's choice or efforts in that sense.


Am I right? Let us probe deep into the Timing of Events, so that astrology

becomes a real science someday.  As astrologers, it is our duty to try at least,

even if we cannot attain it.

With thanks and warm regards,


MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)

Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)

219/84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006

Cell: 99443-07025





Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405

vedic astrology

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)



Dear Mano

If u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to wait for 2

more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be intelligent, dutiful, very

aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will be through one of ur relatives..



With Warm Regards

Haresh(Harry) Nathani

Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




Mano Makan <manomakan >

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM

[vedic astrology] (unknown)


Dear sir,


Pls tell me about my marriage when it will get complete 

My dob;-26.nov. 1984

day    :-friday

Place :-Delhi




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Dear Mohan Kumar

Can u pls tell me how u come to a conclusion that their is no marraige yog in

any horocope. From the horoscope we can ascertsin the favourable time period &

also the reasons for the delay.



With Warm Regards


Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103






Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology

vedic astrology

Thursday, 11 September, 2008 2:12:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)



Dear Mr.Haresh Nathani,


Please don't mistake me.


This is how most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers on Marriage or other

matters too.

" If you are not able to get married with the next few months or so  then it

will be delayed for another few years or so.... " .

I have experienced it myself.


Can we not ascertain whether the native will get married or NOT within that

favourable period as foreseen by us?


Now suppose a native is not destined for marriage at all, he may pass over many

such favourable time in various Dasa Bhukthi periods. But marriage may not

materialise at all.


So, when he will get married or when he cannot not get married, the

timing,should be ascertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the

native's choice or efforts in that sense.


Am I right? Let us probe deep into the Timing of Events, so that astrology

becomes a real science someday.  As astrologers, it is our duty to try at

least, even if we cannot attain it.

With thanks and warm regards,


MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)

Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)

219/84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006

Cell: 99443-07025



Haresh (Harry) Nathani <haresh1405 >

vedic astrology

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)


Dear Mano

If u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to wait for 2

more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be intelligent, dutiful, very

aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will be through one of ur relatives..



With Warm Regards

Haresh(Harry) Nathani

Vedic Astologer, Vaastu Consultant

Insurance Advisor

Cell +91 98672 14103




Mano Makan <manomakan >

vedic astrology

Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM

[vedic astrology] (unknown)


Dear sir,


Pls tell me about my marriage when it will get complete 

My dob;-26.nov. 1984

day    :-friday

Place :-Delhi




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