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Mr Shibu,

Though your case is worth for 9th and 10th house and analyse,this group does not take up individual studies.may be we just find how prashna analysis comes up and coincide with the problems briefed by you:Rohini ist is raising in lagna with moon as lord.In prashna chart moon posited in 10th in satabhisha of rahu.Kumbha rasi with saturn as sign lord is in 7th from moon.

First and foremost,any investmade by you of your earnings will not give return.it is better you do business in the name of your spouse to avoid loss.

From Prashan lagna lord 7th and 12h in 2nd in rahu nakshtra.this is your vak sthan also known to be kutumba sthan.For meaningful and successful relationship you need to be cordial and be logical to promote your interest in any field.

Mars in 2nd may help in trading business like technicla goods and some aerated waters/beverages.

Since your 5th from lagna is also 8th from moon,you may take business if any of your parental interest.That will help in retaining your profits.

Debilitated jupiter in prashna chart is with rahu.It is necessary that daily prayers at home and regular reading of bible and seek blessings for the next day helps you in over coming your problems.

Exalted mars and mercury in navamsa can help you for business.Avoid big investment in your name.what ever you earn by hard work will give you peace and happiness.Avoid too much of ambitions and keep also away from frustations.Consult and share your feelings regulalry with family members.Avoid alcohols and share others oncern for you to come up well in life.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Fri, 9/4/09, shibu skariah <shibugm wrote:

shibu skariah <shibugm (unknown)jyotish-vidya Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 1:08 PM






How are you. I am facing a serious problem. Pls help me get the completed birth horoscope and what’s happening with me Name: Shibu Skariah

Dob: 11/12/1968 Time of Birth – IT is Between 5.30 – 7.30 am Place of Birth – Haripad, Kerela Father Name – Joseph Skariah. Dob - 1st July

Important events happens in the Life: 1. Premature Born 2. At the 8yrs uncle sold papa Shop 3. At 9yrs suffered with dubetaria 4. 1989 – Papa started Electronic Shop in Bhilai (M.P) Now in Chattisgarh 5. 1991 – Expanded the shop 6. 1992 – 3rd shop opened 7. 1996 - I travelled from India to Gambia 8. 1996 – New Job - @ Atson Supermarket 9. 1998 – Travelled to India 10. 1998 – Marriage 1st Wife from Kerela, Name Bindu Varghese 11. 1998 – Change of job after marriage – Start working @ T.K Motors Ltd 12. 2000 – Started shop in the S4 Enterprises in the Gambia – and changed the name to Jas4 enterprises on 2006. 13. 2002 – Travelled to India 14.. 2002 – 07/10/2002 – Mother Expired – Name: Annama Skariah 15. 2002- Divorce with 1st wife 16. 2003 – 24/10/03 – 2 Marriage with Aziza Bechari ( Morrocon National) – DOB – 24/10/1972 17. 2004 – Change of Job Start working with Coconut Residence 18. 2004 – Change of Job August start working with Multitrade Gambia Ltd 19. 2006 – 19/06/06 – Daughter born through Operation . Name – Dasha Anna Skariah 20. 2007 – Travelled to India 21. 2007- Lost the Job with Multitrade 22. 2008 – Rejoined at Multitrade.. 23. 2009 – July 2 Cars were Stolen 24. Now i am facing the accutation of stealing and i am about to lose the job. I am looking for the assistance yours truly


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Swetang,Please tell me in which State and District Jahanabad falls.It is not

found in Lahiri Ephemeris.You have not Disclosed State also.



Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 wrote:



swet12359 <swet12359



Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:00 PM








I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?


30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.
























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hello sweta,

You need to be understanding the person with whom you are going seteady in case

you want to have lonag lasting relationship and marriage.

Ascertain whether he is interested in marraige or it is another friendhip?Moon

in 12th and in with venus indicates vulenrability for emotions

Mars aspect on lagna leads to career pressures as well family problems.

2.your going abroad for phd.to USis an option that will be good.Please initiate

for applying to US universities in south and south east directions to fulfil




Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 wrote:



swet12359 <swet12359



Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 8:00 AM








I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?


30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.
























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Jahanabad is in Bihar.District is Jahanabad and town is jahanabad town


--- On Wed, 9/16/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:


Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Re: (unknown)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 2:01 PM













Swetang,Please tell me in which State and District Jahanabad

falls.It is not found in Lahiri Ephemeris.You have not Disclosed State also.




Dhirendra Nath Misra






--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 > wrote:




swet12359 <swet12359 >






Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:00 PM










I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?




30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.











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Dear swetang,The sub lord of 6th cusp is Venus posited in uttaraphalguni

Nakshatra and lord of which is Sun which is significator of 2,3,4, and 10th

cusp.It is not significator of 9 and 12 th cusp.Hence no Ph.d from U.S.A is

possible.You marriage should be unsuccessful love marriage during 11.05.2010 to

5.06.20010.With good wishes,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 wrote:



swet12359 <swet12359



Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:00 PM








I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?


30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.
























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Dear Dhirendraji,

                       Is it certain that if I get married my marriage will be

unsuccessful?Are there any marital problems seen from my chart?Will I have any


Please reply I am worried.





--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Re: (unknown)


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 2:57 PM







Dear swetang,The sub lord of 6th cusp is Venus posited in uttaraphalguni

Nakshatra and lord of which is Sun which is significator of 2,3,4, and 10th

cusp.It is not significator of 9 and 12 th cusp.Hence no Ph.d from U.S.A is

possible.You marriage should be unsuccessful love marriage during 11.05.2010 to

5.06.20010.With good wishes,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 > wrote:


swet12359 <swet12359 >



Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:00 PM





I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?


30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.






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Dear Swetang Parekh,Your 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde,Venus is debiliated and

cumbust with sun.So I don't see successful love marriage.But no body is born to

change the destiny of any one.Astrology is informative tools.You may chant daily

OHM DRANG DREENG DROUNG SAH: SUKRAY NAMAH: early in the morning on Rudrksh bead

to minimise the evil effect of malefic planet.With good wishes,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Swetang Parekh <swet12359 wrote:



Swetang Parekh <swet12359

Re: (unknown)


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:45 PM







Dear Dhirendraji,

                       Is it certain that if I get married my marriage will be

unsuccessful? Are there any marital problems seen from my chart?Will I have any


Please reply I am worried.





--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com> wrote:


Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com>

Re: (unknown)


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 2:57 PM




Dear swetang,The sub lord of 6th cusp is Venus posited in uttaraphalguni

Nakshatra and lord of which is Sun which is significator of 2,3,4, and 10th

cusp.It is not significator of 9 and 12 th cusp.Hence no Ph.d from U.S.A is

possible.You marriage should be unsuccessful love marriage during 11.05.2010 to

5.06.20010.With good wishes,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 > wrote:


swet12359 <swet12359 >



Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:00 PM





I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?


30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.






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Dear Dhirendraji,

                         Will arranged marriage also be in ruins?How abt

career?Now I am having a very slow career,will it be the slow life long?





--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Re: (unknown)


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 5:31 PM







Dear Swetang Parekh,Your 7th lord Jupiter is retrograde,Venus is debiliated and

cumbust with sun.So I don't see successful love marriage.But no body is born to

change the destiny of any one.Astrology is informative tools.You may chant daily

OHM DRANG DREENG DROUNG SAH: SUKRAY NAMAH: early in the morning on Rudrksh bead

to minimise the evil effect of malefic planet.With good wishes,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Swetang Parekh <swet12359 > wrote:


Swetang Parekh <swet12359 >

Re: (unknown)


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 4:45 PM




Dear Dhirendraji,

                       Is it certain that if I get married my marriage will be

unsuccessful? Are there any marital problems seen from my chart?Will I have any


Please reply I am worried.





--- On Thu, 9/17/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>

Re: (unknown)


Thursday, September 17, 2009, 2:57 PM




Dear swetang,The sub lord of 6th cusp is Venus posited in uttaraphalguni

Nakshatra and lord of which is Sun which is significator of 2,3,4, and 10th

cusp.It is not significator of 9 and 12 th cusp.Hence no Ph.d from U.S.A is

possible.You marriage should be unsuccessful love marriage during 11.05.2010 to

5.06.20010.With good wishes,


Dhirendra Nath Misra



--- On Wed, 9/16/09, swet12359 <swet12359 > wrote:


swet12359 <swet12359 >



Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:00 PM





I got a job in education field right now.I want to pursue Phd in USA.What are my

chances of going abroad?I am still unmarried.When will I get married.I am in

love with someone.Will my marriage be arranged or love?


30th Sept 1974,10:56 PM,Jahanabad, India.






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Hi Dhinkar,This i believe is ridiculous. I do believe in Naadi but going to an extent of changing house or buying a specific car may be too far fetched. As far as i understand Naadi basically talks about improving your life by doing some Pariharams for sins committed in previous lives How does changing your house or buying a specific car helps in this. This is truly beyond me. I feel very sorry that some people in the name of Astrology/Naadi/etc take innocent people for a ride. Personally i would not go by such beliefs rest is upto you. --- On Mon, 9/28/09, Dhinakar <rdhinakar4477 wrote:Dhinakar <rdhinakar4477 (unknown)To:

Date: Monday, September 28, 2009, 6:56 PM



will the naadi say to shift the house and also, which car to buy? The reason behind this question is, Mr. Wahab sait, said these. He asked me to shift my house, told me to go for a santro etc.



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hello prabhuGaruda Mantra: Om PaKshi Svaaha

Garuda Gaayatri: Om TatPurushaaya Vidmahe, SuvarnaPakshaaya Dheemahi, Tannoh Garudah Prachodayaat.



2009/10/11 Prabhu Ganesh <pilsnerandco







Dear Gurus,

Hope that everyone is well, i wish to do a Garuda Mantra,i could not find any on the web or anyone i can learn from in Malaysia, hope that someone can guide me.


I have virgo lagna and pisces navamsa lagna (with 4 kendras occupied by malefics

in navamsa)



Thank you!


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Dear Rohini,On the Makar Sankranti day Lord Surya (Sun) comes to the house "Makara", the owner of which is his hostile son "Shani (Saturn)" but he (Lord Surya) loves his son. It is a great occasion. No ancient lawmaker whether Manu or any other rishi had ever told that Makar Sankranti is to be observed on the Winter solstice day. In matters of eligious festivals we have to look the religious texts, which as Manu says are in line with the Vedas (and not on the Siddhantic texts). Due to Precession there was a time when the Makar Sankranti did coincide with the Winter Solstice and it does not coincide every year.The people who want it to be changed has failed to give any reference to the original dharmashastras so far. That shows that they have some ulterior motives.Now coming to Lord Rama's birth date there has been some confusion but

there was no dispute regarding when His birthday is to be observed every year. One can clearly see from the Balakanda data that Lord Rama was born in the Shukla Navami of the Chaitra month and why should anybody complain. When Lord Rama was born the Sun was in arond 27 degrees in the Mina Rashi and that was a Shukla Navami day. That means the Purnima occurred when the Sun went to around 3 degrees of the Mesha Rashi. For the Purnima to occur the Moon has to be away from the Sun by 180 degrees and was in the Chitra Nakshatra. Thus the month was Purnimanta Chaitra month. Some peoplewant to confuse the issue by talking about ayanamsha corrections etc. which are not applicable in the times of Lord Rama as people directly observed the true locations of the grahas in the sky. Taking Ramanam on one hand and on the other hand trying to create confusion regarding his birth celebrations.Sime people say Mangal, Shani etc, are not there in the Veda but

did they tell you that the Surya, Chandra, Rahu / Kertu , the Brihspati etc. grahas are there in Veda. Just because they could not locate the other grahas they just bluff. Do they know what purana says regarding the Vedic name of Shukra? These ignorant people are viciating the atmosphere and want to create trouble for the astrologers. They are lucky as the Hindus are tolerant. I shudder to thonk what would have been their fate if they would have dared to create such issues anywhere else.He calls astrology is bunkum and that the astrologers are cheaters at the same time he boasts about his maternal grandfather. He says his maternal grandfather was a highly reputed amateur jyotishi in Kashmir, who had cleared Shastri in Jyotisha from BHU in nineteenth century and that he used to prepare horoscopes from the only jantri/panchanga in Kashmir and that panchanga was based on Grahalaghava! and that to the best of his knowledge, none of his

predictions ever failed! Is Astrology is bunkum and the astrologers are cheaters does it not make his grandfather also a cheater. He also says that according to Manu the astrologer are low class people and then that applies to his grandfather as well.In Hindi there is a saying "Jis thalime------" and I hope yoi have heard this. He became a member of the astrology forum to criticise astrology and that too without any real basis in stead of helping the cause of astrology.. Ask him to show proof of all that he says and he will ask for time and will never come back. Three years ago I asked him a few questions when wewere in the "Hinducivilization"group and he wanted time, but in these three years he could not reply. In other forums also he did that. I have seen destructive people a few in number and Shri Kaul definitely heads the list. He has no respect for facts. By hook or crook he wants to win but will tell you that he is open to

correction. Ask him if in these few decades any of his views changed. None. He is replaying the same old record every now and then and never gave any proof of what he says. There was a scientist (I am not getting his name at this time) in Germany who used to criticise all top notch scientists and at the end he committed suicide because he realised that he had not contribute anything. He spent his life criticizing others. I feel pity for him but still admire him as at least he realised his folly.Best wishes,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Fri, 10/16/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani (unknown) Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 6:37 PM





Dear Mr. Kaul,


I posted a response to your post regarding my agreement and one disagreement with your long post, but it was blocked. We must respect the wisdom etc of the moderation process. Just wanted you to know that I was not being rude towards you by seemingly remaining non-responsive! Apparent vs Real is a beautiful consideration in Jyotish (the padas etc.)




, "jyotirved" <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:


> Dear Shri Rohini Ranjan,

> Jai Shri Ram!


> < Assuming that your penname is jyotirved ... and that I am not writing to

> someone else who is using your identity and name ...>


> "jyotirved" is my email id. My full name is Avtar krishen Kaul. I was born

> in Srinagar, Kashmir, and have been living in Delhi for quite some time

> now.


> <It is sad that you are referring to 'other' astrologers and what they do or

> do not manage to do!>


> As you must have observed from some of my posts, my main, rather the only,

> grouse against "Vedic astrology" is that it has rent us asunder from the

> real Vedic culture/ethos by "advising us" either directly or indirectly, to

> believe in Stars and non-existent rashi divisions or Mangal, Shani etc.

> inanimate planets. On top of it, it has made us forget Udagayana etc. four

> cardinal points of the phenomenon of seasons and Madhu, Madhava etc. twelve

> Vedic months, with the result that we celebrate a non-existent Makar

> Sankranti--- some "Vedic astrologers" want us to celebrate Lahiri Makar

> Sankranti, others want us to celebrate Ramana Makar Sankranti, still others

> a Muladhara Makara Sankranti, and still others Fagan Makar Sankranti and

> till others Raivatapaksha Makar Sankranti and so on. Same is the case with

> all the other Sankrantis! As on date, our "sankrantis" have been advanced

> by 24 days. After a few centuries, they will get advanced by at least one

> month and a time may come, when we will celebrate thess so called nirayana

> Makar Sankrantis on the day of Dakshinayana!


> This has resulted in all the festivals like navaratras, dipavali, holi,

> dashahra etc. etc. and the muhurtas also having become topsy-turvy! These

> days we are celebrating Rama-Navmi (the janma tithi of Bhagwan Ram) not in

> the month of Madhu, but Madhava! Vasanti Navratras start when the first

> month of Vasanta Ritu i.e. Madhu is already over. There are several other

> similar anachronisms!


> It may appear from the above para that I am advocating a so called Sayana

> Rashichakra for our festivals and fairs. Initially, I had gained an

> impression that the Vedas are talking of a so called Sayana zodiac, but in

> spite of my best efforts and in spite of my going through all the four

> Vedas and the Vedangas assiduously with a tooth comb, I could not find Any

> Mesha,Vrisha etc. rashis nor Mangal, Shani etc. planets there!


> Even if we concede the point for the sake of argument that some people have

> "visualized" Mesha etc. Rashis through their tapasya or parokshya knowledge

> in some of the Vedas, it is common knowledge that festivals and fairs and

> muhurtas being down to earth geographical phenomena are not calculated

> through parokshya knowledge, least of all are horoscopes prepared from any

> parokshya knowledge! For that purpose we need data from JPL/NASA, and not

> parokshya-walas. Then about parokshya knowledge, nobody is sure whether

> he/she visualized the so called Sayana Rashis or the so called nirayana

> rashis through their tapasya etc. in the Vedas, because different people

> make different types of claims!


> Then again, if the parokshyawalas visualized nirayana rashis, it is again a

> moot point as to what their ayanamsha is---Lahiri or Raman or Muladhara etc.

> etc.---- and why!


> If we go by the Puranas, it will be clear from a document "BVB6", which I am

> posting separately that all of them have advocated a so called Sayana

> Rashichakra for our festivals and muhurtas and not any Lahiri or Ramana etc.

> rashichakra, which means that we are celebrating all the festivals not only

> against the Vedic canons but even against the Pauranic lore! All in the

> name of "Vedic astrology"!


> < I am assuming from your posting that you have yourself tried to learn

> jyotish and then other forms of astrology and found them all to not work at

> all during your testing.

> Am I correctly interpreting your position and personal experience?>

> Regarding my personal experiences about jyotisha, my maternal grandfather

> was a highly reputed amateur jyotishi in Kashmir, who had cleared Shastri

> in Jyotisha from BHU in nineteenth century. He used to prepare horoscopes

> from the only jantri/panchanga in Kashmir and that panchanga was based on

> Grahalaghava! To the best of my knowledge, none of his predictions ever

> failed!


> But that does not mean that Grahalaghava is one of the most accurate

> karana-granthas! It is actually the most inaccurate --- as inaccurate as

> the Surya Sidhanta---astronom ical work and is the main culprit for spreading

> the so called nirayana mayhem in India!


> I have been personally to Brighu Samhita walas in Jullundur and Dasuva in

> Punjab; Aruna Samhita-wala in Delhi and have attended quite a few jyotisha

> sammelans. The predictions of Brighu and Aruna etc. Samhitas were anything

> but correct! It was all a guess work in the name of Maharshi Brighu and

> Aruna the charioteer of Surya Bhagwan! So the less said about them the

> better! Same was the case about bhavishyavanis of other jyotishis--- to whom

> I had been "incognito" Their predictions were fifty-fifty! !


> I had been publishing "Shri Krishen Universal Ephemeris & Panchang" for

> several years, and did make some astoundingly correct predictions. For one

> of those predictions I was awarded NOSTRADAMUS award by Express Star Teller,

> and that award was given to me by none other than H H Swami Jayendra

> Saraswati himself!


> But my predictions having proved correct in no way means that phalita

> jyotisha is a science or it is approved by shastras!


> <Most of us have limited attention span, so you may wish to use not give too

> many details in your first post to us.>


> I admire the courage of the moderator/owner of this () forum,

> who is allowing such "blasphemous" posts to appear in a "jyotihsgroup" . If

> you want a complete picture I would suggest you to join


> http://groups. / group/hinducalen dar


> I may mention here that I am just a learner---a student---and do keep on

> changing my views, if they are proved to be incongruent with astronomical or

> shastraic facts. Posts to that forum are not moderated and whatever

> contrarian views are posted there, they are thoroughly evaluated and all

> the pros and cons taken into consideration by several members. Till date

> nobody has been removed from that forum because his/her views were contrary

> to mine or some other member's. On the other hand, very often an additional

> point of view was added to the gamut of calendar making because of

> contrarian views.


> Jai Shri Ram.


> A K Kaul


> , "rohinicrystal" <jyotish_vani@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Kaul,

> >

> > Assuming that your penname is jyotirved ... and that I am not writing to

> someone else who is using your identity and name ...

> >

> > It is sad that you are referring to 'other' astrologers and what they do

> or do not manage to do!

> >

> > I am assuming from your posting that you have yourself tried to learn

> jyotish and then other forms of astrology and found them all to not work at

> all during your testing.

> >

> > Am I correctly interpreting your position and personal experience?

> >

> > If, yes, then I would love to hear your personal experiences and perhaps

> you can summarize your experience in a post for my and other interested

> people's benefit, if you wish.

> >

> > Most of us have limited attention span, so you may wish to use not give

> too many details in your first post to us.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > , "jyotirved" jyotirved@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Sheri G. Balasumbamanianji,

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > >

> > > < Why could not even a single astrologer predict the correct timing of

> > > marriage or declare that there is no marriage for her in this birth. I

> > > want an answer from those who run after astrologers. >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Though I have stopped running after astrologers since long, but I can

> > > venture to answer your question: NO ASTROLOGER HAS BEEN ABLE TO MAKE




> > >

> > > It may be news to you, but astrologers, whether "Vedic" or "non-Vedic"

> or

> > > "anti-Vedic" , can make correct predictions only and only from incorrect

> > > data! Just see the prowess of the "greatest astrologer of the last two

> > > thousand years" viz. Varahamihira! He could write "masterpieces" of

> > > astrology like Brihat Jatakam and Brihat Samhita etc. etc. after having

> made

> > > correct predictions from the most monstrous astronomical work, viz. the

> > > Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha!

> > >

> > > Similarly, you can go through "Notable Horoscopes" by the "greatest

> > > astrologer of the twentieth century" viz. Dr. B. V. Raman! All the

> hundred

> > > or so charts, including that of his own and his "better half" in that

> work,

> > > are absolutely wrong! But even then he is supposed to have made correct

> > > predictions from those very incorrect charts not only for himself and

> his

> > > spouse, but also for Bhagwan Krishna, Gautama the Budha, Jagadguru

> (Aadi)

> > > Shankaracharya, Guru Nanak etc. etc.

> > >

> > > Thus in future, if you want really any correct predictions from "Vedic

> > > astrologers" just given them some imaginary data, and they will erect an

> > > imaginary horoscope with imaginary rashichakra and imaginary ayanamsha

> and

> > > imaginary dasha-bhukti etc. etc. and lo and behold, you will get correct

> > > predictions! The only condition is that they will not tell you as to

> when

> > > those predictions will materialize!

> > >

> > > The net result of all these "correct predictions" has been that we are

> > > celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on wrong days! As such, we

> > > really do not need enemies to ruin our dharma since our friendly "Vedic

> > > astrologers" are doing that job in a magnificent manner!

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > >

> > > A K Kaul

> > >

> > > USBrahmins@gro ups.com, G Balasubramanian <gbsub@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > > I want to share my personal experience with Astrological predictions. I

> > > have consulted more than 150 Astrologers located between Kanyakumari to

> > > Kashmir over a period of 12-15 years. Almost all of them predicted the

> > > time of marriage of my daughter. The time of marriage was different and

> > > widely varying from Astrologer. As per the predictions of majority of

> > > Astrologers, my daughter should have got married some 11 years back. The

> > > dates indicated by the remaining astrologers have also not materialised

> and

> > > till this date she remains unmarried. Why could not even a single

> astrologer

> > > predict the correct timing of marriage or declare that there is no

> marriage

> > > for her in this birth. I want an answer from those who run after

> > > astrologers.

> > > G.Balasubramanian

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > Gmail-Jayashree <ramajaya1@>

> > > USBrahmins@gro ups.com

> > > Sat, October 3, 2009 1:58:00 AM

> > > [uSBrahmins] Answer for the Horoscope queerry

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Sunil ji,


Woh avval darje ka ghatiya aadmi hai. Kyon Diwali ke shubh din par uska

naam lete ho ? Chodo usko. Joh aadmi apne hi baap dadaon ke baare mein

hamesha bura kahta hai, uski aukat kya hai, yeh hame bataane ki jaroorat

nahin . Uske liye toh shaayad aaj Diwali nahin hogi, pata nahin uske

gharwale aaj kya celebrate karte honge, but we have Diwali today.





, Sunil Bhattacharjya

<sunil_bhattacharjya wrote:


> Dear Rohini,


> On the Makar Sankranti day Lord Surya (Sun) comes to the house

" Makara " , the owner of which is his hostile son " Shani (Saturn) " but he

(Lord Surya) loves his son. It is a great occasion. No ancient lawmaker

whether Manu or any other rishi had ever told that Makar Sankranti is to

be observed on the Winter solstice day. In matters of eligious festivals

we have to look the religious texts, which as Manu says are in line with

the Vedas (and not on the Siddhantic texts). Due to Precession there

was a time when the Makar Sankranti did coincide with the Winter

Solstice and it does not coincide every year.The people who want it to

be changed has failed to give any reference to the original

dharmashastras so far. That shows that they have some ulterior motives.


> Now coming to Lord Rama's birth date there has been some confusion but

there was no dispute regarding when His birthday is to be observed every

year. One can clearly see from the Balakanda data that Lord Rama was

born in the Shukla Navami of the Chaitra month and why should anybody

complain. When Lord Rama was born the Sun was in arond 27 degrees in the

Mina Rashi and that was a Shukla Navami day. That means the Purnima

occurred when the Sun went to around 3 degrees of the Mesha Rashi. For

the Purnima to occur the Moon has to be away from the Sun by 180 degrees

and was in the Chitra Nakshatra. Thus the month was Purnimanta Chaitra

month. Some peoplewant to confuse the issue by talking about ayanamsha

corrections etc. which are not applicable in the times of Lord Rama as

people directly observed the true locations of the grahas in the sky.

Taking Ramanam on one hand and on the other hand trying to create

confusion regarding his birth celebrations.


> Sime people say Mangal, Shani etc, are not there in the Veda but did

they tell you that the Surya, Chandra, Rahu / Kertu , the Brihspati

etc. grahas are there in Veda. Just because they could not locate the

other grahas they just bluff. Do they know what purana says regarding

the Vedic name of Shukra? These ignorant people are viciating the

atmosphere and want to create trouble for the astrologers. They are

lucky as the Hindus are tolerant. I shudder to thonk what would have

been their fate if they would have dared to create such issues anywhere



> He calls astrology is bunkum and that the astrologers are cheaters at

the same time he boasts about his maternal grandfather. He says his

maternal grandfather was a highly reputed amateur jyotishi in Kashmir,

who had cleared Shastri in Jyotisha from BHU in nineteenth century and

that he used to prepare horoscopes from the only jantri/panchanga in

Kashmir and that panchanga was based on Grahalaghava! and that to the

best of his knowledge, none of his predictions ever failed! Is

Astrology is bunkum and the astrologers are cheaters does it not make

his grandfather also a cheater. He also says that according to Manu the

astrologer are low class people and then that applies to his grandfather

as well.


> In Hindi there is a saying " Jis thalime------ " and I hope yoi have

heard this. He became a member of the astrology forum to criticise

astrology and that too without any real basis in stead of helping the

cause of astrology.. Ask him to show proof of all that he says and he

will ask for time and will never come back. Three years ago I asked him

a few questions when wewere in the " Hinducivilization " group and he

wanted time, but in these three years he could not reply. In other

forums also he did that. I have seen destructive people a few in number

and Shri Kaul definitely heads the list. He has no respect for facts. By

hook or crook he wants to win but will tell you that he is open to

correction. Ask him if in these few decades any of his views changed.

None. He is replaying the same old record every now and then and never

gave any proof of what he says. There was a scientist (I am not getting

his name at this time) in Germany who used to criticise all top

> notch scientists and at the end he committed suicide because he

realised that he had not contribute anything. He spent his life

criticizing others. I feel pity for him but still admire him as at least

he realised his folly.


> Best wishes,


> Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



> --- On Fri, 10/16/09, rohinicrystal jyotish_vani wrote:


> rohinicrystal jyotish_vani

> (unknown)


> Friday, October 16, 2009, 6:37 PM











Dear Mr. Kaul,




> I posted a response to your post regarding my agreement and one

disagreement with your long post, but it was blocked. We must respect

the wisdom etc of the moderation process. Just wanted you to know that I

was not being rude towards you by seemingly remaining non-responsive!

Apparent vs Real is a beautiful consideration in Jyotish (the padas





> RR_




> , " jyotirved " jyotirved@ ..>



> >


> > Dear Shri Rohini Ranjan,


> > Jai Shri Ram!


> >


> > < Assuming that your penname is jyotirved ... and that I am not

writing to


> > someone else who is using your identity and name ...>


> >


> > " jyotirved " is my email id. My full name is Avtar krishen Kaul. I

was born


> > in Srinagar, Kashmir, and have been living in Delhi for quite some



> > now.


> >


> > <It is sad that you are referring to 'other' astrologers and what

they do or


> > do not manage to do!>


> >


> > As you must have observed from some of my posts, my main, rather the



> > grouse against " Vedic astrology " is that it has rent us asunder from



> > real Vedic culture/ethos by " advising us " either directly or

indirectly, to


> > believe in Stars and non-existent rashi divisions or Mangal, Shani



> > inanimate planets. On top of it, it has made us forget Udagayana

etc. four


> > cardinal points of the phenomenon of seasons and Madhu, Madhava etc.



> > Vedic months, with the result that we celebrate a non-existent Makar


> > Sankranti--- some " Vedic astrologers " want us to celebrate Lahiri



> > Sankranti, others want us to celebrate Ramana Makar Sankranti, still



> > a Muladhara Makara Sankranti, and still others Fagan Makar Sankranti



> > till others Raivatapaksha Makar Sankranti and so on. Same is the

case with


> > all the other Sankrantis! As on date, our " sankrantis " have been



> > by 24 days. After a few centuries, they will get advanced by at

least one


> > month and a time may come, when we will celebrate thess so called



> > Makar Sankrantis on the day of Dakshinayana!


> >


> > This has resulted in all the festivals like navaratras, dipavali,



> > dashahra etc. etc. and the muhurtas also having become topsy-turvy!



> > days we are celebrating Rama-Navmi (the janma tithi of Bhagwan Ram)

not in


> > the month of Madhu, but Madhava! Vasanti Navratras start when the



> > month of Vasanta Ritu i.e. Madhu is already over. There are several



> > similar anachronisms!


> >


> > It may appear from the above para that I am advocating a so called



> > Rashichakra for our festivals and fairs. Initially, I had gained an


> > impression that the Vedas are talking of a so called Sayana zodiac,

but in


> > spite of my best efforts and in spite of my going through all the



> > Vedas and the Vedangas assiduously with a tooth comb, I could not

find Any


> > Mesha,Vrisha etc. rashis nor Mangal, Shani etc. planets there!


> >


> > Even if we concede the point for the sake of argument that some

people have


> > " visualized " Mesha etc. Rashis through their tapasya or parokshya



> > in some of the Vedas, it is common knowledge that festivals and

fairs and


> > muhurtas being down to earth geographical phenomena are not



> > through parokshya knowledge, least of all are horoscopes prepared

from any


> > parokshya knowledge! For that purpose we need data from JPL/NASA,

and not


> > parokshya-walas. Then about parokshya knowledge, nobody is sure



> > he/she visualized the so called Sayana Rashis or the so called



> > rashis through their tapasya etc. in the Vedas, because different



> > make different types of claims!


> >


> > Then again, if the parokshyawalas visualized nirayana rashis, it is

again a


> > moot point as to what their ayanamsha is---Lahiri or Raman or

Muladhara etc.


> > etc.---- and why!


> >


> > If we go by the Puranas, it will be clear from a document " BVB6 " ,

which I am


> > posting separately that all of them have advocated a so called



> > Rashichakra for our festivals and muhurtas and not any Lahiri or

Ramana etc.


> > rashichakra, which means that we are celebrating all the festivals

not only


> > against the Vedic canons but even against the Pauranic lore! All in



> > name of " Vedic astrology " !


> >


> > < I am assuming from your posting that you have yourself tried to



> > jyotish and then other forms of astrology and found them all to not

work at


> > all during your testing.


> > Am I correctly interpreting your position and personal experience?>


> > Regarding my personal experiences about jyotisha, my maternal



> > was a highly reputed amateur jyotishi in Kashmir, who had cleared



> > in Jyotisha from BHU in nineteenth century. He used to prepare



> > from the only jantri/panchanga in Kashmir and that panchanga was

based on


> > Grahalaghava! To the best of my knowledge, none of his predictions



> > failed!


> >


> > But that does not mean that Grahalaghava is one of the most accurate


> > karana-granthas! It is actually the most inaccurate --- as

inaccurate as


> > the Surya Sidhanta---astronom ical work and is the main culprit for



> > the so called nirayana mayhem in India!


> >


> > I have been personally to Brighu Samhita walas in Jullundur and

Dasuva in


> > Punjab; Aruna Samhita-wala in Delhi and have attended quite a few



> > sammelans. The predictions of Brighu and Aruna etc. Samhitas were



> > but correct! It was all a guess work in the name of Maharshi Brighu



> > Aruna the charioteer of Surya Bhagwan! So the less said about them



> > better! Same was the case about bhavishyavanis of other jyotishis---

to whom


> > I had been " incognito " Their predictions were fifty-fifty! !


> >


> > I had been publishing " Shri Krishen Universal Ephemeris & Panchang "



> > several years, and did make some astoundingly correct predictions.

For one


> > of those predictions I was awarded NOSTRADAMUS award by Express Star



> > and that award was given to me by none other than H H Swami Jayendra


> > Saraswati himself!


> >


> > But my predictions having proved correct in no way means that



> > jyotisha is a science or it is approved by shastras!


> >


> > <Most of us have limited attention span, so you may wish to use not

give too


> > many details in your first post to us.>


> >


> > I admire the courage of the moderator/owner of this ()



> > who is allowing such " blasphemous " posts to appear in a

" jyotihsgroup " . If


> > you want a complete picture I would suggest you to join


> >


> > http://groups. / group/hinducalen dar


> >


> > I may mention here that I am just a learner---a student---and do

keep on


> > changing my views, if they are proved to be incongruent with

astronomical or


> > shastraic facts. Posts to that forum are not moderated and whatever


> > contrarian views are posted there, they are thoroughly evaluated and



> > the pros and cons taken into consideration by several members. Till



> > nobody has been removed from that forum because his/her views were



> > to mine or some other member's. On the other hand, very often an



> > point of view was added to the gamut of calendar making because of


> > contrarian views.


> >


> > Jai Shri Ram.


> >


> > A K Kaul


> >


> > , " rohinicrystal "

<jyotish_vani@ >


> > wrote:


> > >


> > > Dear Shri Kaul,


> > >


> > > Assuming that your penname is jyotirved ... and that I am not

writing to


> > someone else who is using your identity and name ...


> > >


> > > It is sad that you are referring to 'other' astrologers and what

they do


> > or do not manage to do!


> > >


> > > I am assuming from your posting that you have yourself tried to



> > jyotish and then other forms of astrology and found them all to not

work at


> > all during your testing.


> > >


> > > Am I correctly interpreting your position and personal experience?


> > >


> > > If, yes, then I would love to hear your personal experiences and



> > you can summarize your experience in a post for my and other



> > people's benefit, if you wish.


> > >


> > > Most of us have limited attention span, so you may wish to use not



> > too many details in your first post to us.


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > >


> > > Rohiniranjan


> > >


> > > , " jyotirved " jyotirved@



> > > >


> > > > Sheri G. Balasumbamanianji,


> > > >


> > > > Jai Shri Ram!


> > > >


> > > > < Why could not even a single astrologer predict the correct

timing of


> > > > marriage or declare that there is no marriage for her in this

birth. I


> > > > want an answer from those who run after astrologers. >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > Though I have stopped running after astrologers since long, but

I can


> > > > venture to answer your question: NO ASTROLOGER HAS BEEN ABLE TO











> > > >


> > > > It may be news to you, but astrologers, whether " Vedic " or

" non-Vedic "


> > or


> > > > " anti-Vedic " , can make correct predictions only and only from



> > > > data! Just see the prowess of the " greatest astrologer of the

last two


> > > > thousand years " viz. Varahamihira! He could write " masterpieces "



> > > > astrology like Brihat Jatakam and Brihat Samhita etc. etc. after



> > made


> > > > correct predictions from the most monstrous astronomical work,

viz. the


> > > > Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha!


> > > >


> > > > Similarly, you can go through " Notable Horoscopes " by the

" greatest


> > > > astrologer of the twentieth century " viz. Dr. B. V. Raman! All



> > hundred


> > > > or so charts, including that of his own and his " better half " in



> > work,


> > > > are absolutely wrong! But even then he is supposed to have made



> > > > predictions from those very incorrect charts not only for

himself and


> > his


> > > > spouse, but also for Bhagwan Krishna, Gautama the Budha,



> > (Aadi)


> > > > Shankaracharya, Guru Nanak etc. etc.


> > > >


> > > > Thus in future, if you want really any correct predictions from

" Vedic


> > > > astrologers " just given them some imaginary data, and they will

erect an


> > > > imaginary horoscope with imaginary rashichakra and imaginary



> > and


> > > > imaginary dasha-bhukti etc. etc. and lo and behold, you will get



> > > > predictions! The only condition is that they will not tell you

as to


> > when


> > > > those predictions will materialize!


> > > >


> > > > The net result of all these " correct predictions " has been that

we are


> > > > celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on wrong days! As

such, we


> > > > really do not need enemies to ruin our dharma since our friendly

" Vedic


> > > > astrologers " are doing that job in a magnificent manner!


> > > >


> > > > Jai Shri Ram!


> > > >


> > > > A K Kaul


> > > >


> > > > USBrahmins@gro ups.com, G Balasubramanian <gbsub@>



> > > >


> > > > Dear all,


> > > > I want to share my personal experience with Astrological

predictions. I


> > > > have consulted more than 150 Astrologers located between

Kanyakumari to


> > > > Kashmir over a period of 12-15 years. Almost all of them

predicted the


> > > > time of marriage of my daughter. The time of marriage was

different and


> > > > widely varying from Astrologer. As per the predictions of

majority of


> > > > Astrologers, my daughter should have got married some 11 years

back. The


> > > > dates indicated by the remaining astrologers have also not



> > and


> > > > till this date she remains unmarried. Why could not even a



> > astrologer


> > > > predict the correct timing of marriage or declare that there is



> > marriage


> > > > for her in this birth. I want an answer from those who run after


> > > > astrologers.


> > > > G.Balasubramanian


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > _____


> > > >


> > > > Gmail-Jayashree <ramajaya1@>


> > > > USBrahmins@gro ups.com


> > > > Sat, October 3, 2009 1:58:00 AM


> > > > [uSBrahmins] Answer for the Horoscope queerry


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >

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Dear Sunil ji,On the subject matter of this mail ,I have posted following mail toM/S Kaul and Malla ji:Dear Hari malla ji.Happy Dipawalli and wish you all the best.We are celebrating Dipawali in Pradosa Kala on Oct17, 2009 Sat. based on 4000 years old tradition (our present Samvat Sar is running 2066)Your statement :<-ritu viz. winter and the month of Tapah start

simultaneously with Uttarayana viz.Winter SoShishiralstice i.e. the shortest

day of the year. That very month is also known as Magha.>First part of the statement is correct.We observe festivals on following main three basis:1. According to ayan chalan. The main days of festivals are the days of occurrence of Equinoxes ans Solstice. Six ritus and 12 seasonal months are linked with them. This year shishara ritu and its first month Tapas will commence on dec21,2009at 23h17m IST.,when Sun willbecome Uttrayana.This is nothing to do with the month of Either solar or Lunar month of Magha.2. According to sidereal ingress of Sun in zodiac signs: Solar Month of Magha will commence on Jan14,2010. at 12.38 noon IST. This should not be equated with seasonal month Tapas. I do not understand why some persons are trying to create unnecessary confusion.3, Solar Months- They are always linked with

Nakshatras, Lunar month Magha will start -Krishna paksha Jan 1, and Shukla paksha 0n Jan 16.Our first lunar month commences from Chaitra and linked with star citra.As all the above three basic methods have different purpose and basis , they can not be mergedtogether.Thus the statement -"That very month is also known as Magha."is misleading and uncalled for in present situation,All Indian Panchang clearly show the coordinates on all the three basis's. As they can not and should not be integrated , these are shown separately.Regards,

G.K.GOEL From: sunil_bhattacharjyaDate: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 03:58:47 -0700 Re: (unknown)





Dear Rohini,On the Makar Sankranti day Lord Surya (Sun) comes to the house "Makara", the owner of which is his hostile son "Shani (Saturn)" but he (Lord Surya) loves his son. It is a great occasion. No ancient lawmaker whether Manu or any other rishi had ever told that Makar Sankranti is to be observed on the Winter solstice day. In matters of eligious festivals we have to look the religious texts, which as Manu says are in line with the Vedas (and not on the Siddhantic texts). Due to Precession there was a time when the Makar Sankranti did coincide with the Winter Solstice and it does not coincide every year.The people who want it to be changed has failed to give any reference to the original dharmashastras so far. That shows that they have some ulterior motives.Now coming to Lord Rama's birth date there has been some confusion but

there was no dispute regarding when His birthday is to be observed every year. One can clearly see from the Balakanda data that Lord Rama was born in the Shukla Navami of the Chaitra month and why should anybody complain. When Lord Rama was born the Sun was in arond 27 degrees in the Mina Rashi and that was a Shukla Navami day. That means the Purnima occurred when the Sun went to around 3 degrees of the Mesha Rashi. For the Purnima to occur the Moon has to be away from the Sun by 180 degrees and was in the Chitra Nakshatra. Thus the month was Purnimanta Chaitra month. Some peoplewant to confuse the issue by talking about ayanamsha corrections etc. which are not applicable in the times of Lord Rama as people directly observed the true locations of the grahas in the sky. Taking Ramanam on one hand and on the other hand trying to create confusion regarding his birth celebrations.Sime people say Mangal, Shani etc, are not there in the Veda but

did they tell you that the Surya, Chandra, Rahu / Kertu , the Brihspati etc. grahas are there in Veda. Just because they could not locate the other grahas they just bluff. Do they know what purana says regarding the Vedic name of Shukra? These ignorant people are viciating the atmosphere and want to create trouble for the astrologers. They are lucky as the Hindus are tolerant. I shudder to thonk what would have been their fate if they would have dared to create such issues anywhere else.He calls astrology is bunkum and that the astrologers are cheaters at the same time he boasts about his maternal grandfather. He says his maternal grandfather was a highly reputed amateur jyotishi in Kashmir, who had cleared Shastri in Jyotisha from BHU in nineteenth century and that he used to prepare horoscopes from the only jantri/panchanga in Kashmir and that panchanga was based on Grahalaghava! and that to the best of his knowledge, none of his

predictions ever failed! Is Astrology is bunkum and the astrologers are cheaters does it not make his grandfather also a cheater. He also says that according to Manu the astrologer are low class people and then that applies to his grandfather as well.In Hindi there is a saying "Jis thalime------" and I hope yoi have heard this. He became a member of the astrology forum to criticise astrology and that too without any real basis in stead of helping the cause of astrology.. Ask him to show proof of all that he says and he will ask for time and will never come back. Three years ago I asked him a few questions when wewere in the "Hinducivilization"group and he wanted time, but in these three years he could not reply. In other forums also he did that. I have seen destructive people a few in number and Shri Kaul definitely heads the list. He has no respect for facts. By hook or crook he wants to win but will tell you that he is open to

correction. Ask him if in these few decades any of his views changed. None. He is replaying the same old record every now and then and never gave any proof of what he says. There was a scientist (I am not getting his name at this time) in Germany who used to criticise all top notch scientists and at the end he committed suicide because he realised that he had not contribute anything. He spent his life criticizing others. I feel pity for him but still admire him as at least he realised his folly.Best wishes,Sunil K. Bhattacharjya--- On Fri, 10/16/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> (unknown) Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 6:37 PM





Dear Mr. Kaul,


I posted a response to your post regarding my agreement and one disagreement with your long post, but it was blocked. We must respect the wisdom etc of the moderation process. Just wanted you to know that I was not being rude towards you by seemingly remaining non-responsive! Apparent vs Real is a beautiful consideration in Jyotish (the padas etc.)




, "jyotirved" <jyotirved@. ..> wrote:


> Dear Shri Rohini Ranjan,

> Jai Shri Ram!


> < Assuming that your penname is jyotirved ... and that I am not writing to

> someone else who is using your identity and name ...>


> "jyotirved" is my email id. My full name is Avtar krishen Kaul. I was born

> in Srinagar, Kashmir, and have been living in Delhi for quite some time

> now.


> <It is sad that you are referring to 'other' astrologers and what they do or

> do not manage to do!>


> As you must have observed from some of my posts, my main, rather the only,

> grouse against "Vedic astrology" is that it has rent us asunder from the

> real Vedic culture/ethos by "advising us" either directly or indirectly, to

> believe in Stars and non-existent rashi divisions or Mangal, Shani etc.

> inanimate planets. On top of it, it has made us forget Udagayana etc. four

> cardinal points of the phenomenon of seasons and Madhu, Madhava etc. twelve

> Vedic months, with the result that we celebrate a non-existent Makar

> Sankranti--- some "Vedic astrologers" want us to celebrate Lahiri Makar

> Sankranti, others want us to celebrate Ramana Makar Sankranti, still others

> a Muladhara Makara Sankranti, and still others Fagan Makar Sankranti and

> till others Raivatapaksha Makar Sankranti and so on. Same is the case with

> all the other Sankrantis! As on date, our "sankrantis" have been advanced

> by 24 days. After a few centuries, they will get advanced by at least one

> month and a time may come, when we will celebrate thess so called nirayana

> Makar Sankrantis on the day of Dakshinayana!


> This has resulted in all the festivals like navaratras, dipavali, holi,

> dashahra etc. etc. and the muhurtas also having become topsy-turvy! These

> days we are celebrating Rama-Navmi (the janma tithi of Bhagwan Ram) not in

> the month of Madhu, but Madhava! Vasanti Navratras start when the first

> month of Vasanta Ritu i.e. Madhu is already over. There are several other

> similar anachronisms!


> It may appear from the above para that I am advocating a so called Sayana

> Rashichakra for our festivals and fairs. Initially, I had gained an

> impression that the Vedas are talking of a so called Sayana zodiac, but in

> spite of my best efforts and in spite of my going through all the four

> Vedas and the Vedangas assiduously with a tooth comb, I could not find Any

> Mesha,Vrisha etc. rashis nor Mangal, Shani etc. planets there!


> Even if we concede the point for the sake of argument that some people have

> "visualized" Mesha etc. Rashis through their tapasya or parokshya knowledge

> in some of the Vedas, it is common knowledge that festivals and fairs and

> muhurtas being down to earth geographical phenomena are not calculated

> through parokshya knowledge, least of all are horoscopes prepared from any

> parokshya knowledge! For that purpose we need data from JPL/NASA, and not

> parokshya-walas. Then about parokshya knowledge, nobody is sure whether

> he/she visualized the so called Sayana Rashis or the so called nirayana

> rashis through their tapasya etc. in the Vedas, because different people

> make different types of claims!


> Then again, if the parokshyawalas visualized nirayana rashis, it is again a

> moot point as to what their ayanamsha is---Lahiri or Raman or Muladhara etc.

> etc.---- and why!


> If we go by the Puranas, it will be clear from a document "BVB6", which I am

> posting separately that all of them have advocated a so called Sayana

> Rashichakra for our festivals and muhurtas and not any Lahiri or Ramana etc.

> rashichakra, which means that we are celebrating all the festivals not only

> against the Vedic canons but even against the Pauranic lore! All in the

> name of "Vedic astrology"!


> < I am assuming from your posting that you have yourself tried to learn

> jyotish and then other forms of astrology and found them all to not work at

> all during your testing.

> Am I correctly interpreting your position and personal experience?>

> Regarding my personal experiences about jyotisha, my maternal grandfather

> was a highly reputed amateur jyotishi in Kashmir, who had cleared Shastri

> in Jyotisha from BHU in nineteenth century. He used to prepare horoscopes

> from the only jantri/panchanga in Kashmir and that panchanga was based on

> Grahalaghava! To the best of my knowledge, none of his predictions ever

> failed!


> But that does not mean that Grahalaghava is one of the most accurate

> karana-granthas! It is actually the most inaccurate --- as inaccurate as

> the Surya Sidhanta---astronom ical work and is the main culprit for spreading

> the so called nirayana mayhem in India!


> I have been personally to Brighu Samhita walas in Jullundur and Dasuva in

> Punjab; Aruna Samhita-wala in Delhi and have attended quite a few jyotisha

> sammelans. The predictions of Brighu and Aruna etc. Samhitas were anything

> but correct! It was all a guess work in the name of Maharshi Brighu and

> Aruna the charioteer of Surya Bhagwan! So the less said about them the

> better! Same was the case about bhavishyavanis of other jyotishis--- to whom

> I had been "incognito" Their predictions were fifty-fifty! !


> I had been publishing "Shri Krishen Universal Ephemeris & Panchang" for

> several years, and did make some astoundingly correct predictions. For one

> of those predictions I was awarded NOSTRADAMUS award by Express Star Teller,

> and that award was given to me by none other than H H Swami Jayendra

> Saraswati himself!


> But my predictions having proved correct in no way means that phalita

> jyotisha is a science or it is approved by shastras!


> <Most of us have limited attention span, so you may wish to use not give too

> many details in your first post to us.>


> I admire the courage of the moderator/owner of this () forum,

> who is allowing such "blasphemous" posts to appear in a "jyotihsgroup" . If

> you want a complete picture I would suggest you to join


> http://groups. / group/hinducalen dar


> I may mention here that I am just a learner---a student---and do keep on

> changing my views, if they are proved to be incongruent with astronomical or

> shastraic facts. Posts to that forum are not moderated and whatever

> contrarian views are posted there, they are thoroughly evaluated and all

> the pros and cons taken into consideration by several members. Till date

> nobody has been removed from that forum because his/her views were contrary

> to mine or some other member's. On the other hand, very often an additional

> point of view was added to the gamut of calendar making because of

> contrarian views.


> Jai Shri Ram.


> A K Kaul


> , "rohinicrystal" <jyotish_vani@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Kaul,

> >

> > Assuming that your penname is jyotirved ... and that I am not writing to

> someone else who is using your identity and name ...

> >

> > It is sad that you are referring to 'other' astrologers and what they do

> or do not manage to do!

> >

> > I am assuming from your posting that you have yourself tried to learn

> jyotish and then other forms of astrology and found them all to not work at

> all during your testing.

> >

> > Am I correctly interpreting your position and personal experience?

> >

> > If, yes, then I would love to hear your personal experiences and perhaps

> you can summarize your experience in a post for my and other interested

> people's benefit, if you wish.

> >

> > Most of us have limited attention span, so you may wish to use not give

> too many details in your first post to us.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > , "jyotirved" jyotirved@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Sheri G. Balasumbamanianji,

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > >

> > > < Why could not even a single astrologer predict the correct timing of

> > > marriage or declare that there is no marriage for her in this birth. I

> > > want an answer from those who run after astrologers. >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Though I have stopped running after astrologers since long, but I can

> > > venture to answer your question: NO ASTROLOGER HAS BEEN ABLE TO MAKE




> > >

> > > It may be news to you, but astrologers, whether "Vedic" or "non-Vedic"

> or

> > > "anti-Vedic" , can make correct predictions only and only from incorrect

> > > data! Just see the prowess of the "greatest astrologer of the last two

> > > thousand years" viz. Varahamihira! He could write "masterpieces" of

> > > astrology like Brihat Jatakam and Brihat Samhita etc. etc. after having

> made

> > > correct predictions from the most monstrous astronomical work, viz. the

> > > Surya Sidhanta by Maya the mlechha!

> > >

> > > Similarly, you can go through "Notable Horoscopes" by the "greatest

> > > astrologer of the twentieth century" viz. Dr. B. V. Raman! All the

> hundred

> > > or so charts, including that of his own and his "better half" in that

> work,

> > > are absolutely wrong! But even then he is supposed to have made correct

> > > predictions from those very incorrect charts not only for himself and

> his

> > > spouse, but also for Bhagwan Krishna, Gautama the Budha, Jagadguru

> (Aadi)

> > > Shankaracharya, Guru Nanak etc. etc.

> > >

> > > Thus in future, if you want really any correct predictions from "Vedic

> > > astrologers" just given them some imaginary data, and they will erect an

> > > imaginary horoscope with imaginary rashichakra and imaginary ayanamsha

> and

> > > imaginary dasha-bhukti etc. etc. and lo and behold, you will get correct

> > > predictions! The only condition is that they will not tell you as to

> when

> > > those predictions will materialize!

> > >

> > > The net result of all these "correct predictions" has been that we are

> > > celebrating all our festivals and muhurtas on wrong days! As such, we

> > > really do not need enemies to ruin our dharma since our friendly "Vedic

> > > astrologers" are doing that job in a magnificent manner!

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ram!

> > >

> > > A K Kaul

> > >

> > > USBrahmins@gro ups.com, G Balasubramanian <gbsub@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > > I want to share my personal experience with Astrological predictions. I

> > > have consulted more than 150 Astrologers located between Kanyakumari to

> > > Kashmir over a period of 12-15 years. Almost all of them predicted the

> > > time of marriage of my daughter. The time of marriage was different and

> > > widely varying from Astrologer. As per the predictions of majority of

> > > Astrologers, my daughter should have got married some 11 years back. The

> > > dates indicated by the remaining astrologers have also not materialised

> and

> > > till this date she remains unmarried. Why could not even a single

> astrologer

> > > predict the correct timing of marriage or declare that there is no

> marriage

> > > for her in this birth. I want an answer from those who run after

> > > astrologers.

> > > G.Balasubramanian

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > Gmail-Jayashree <ramajaya1@>

> > > USBrahmins@gro ups.com

> > > Sat, October 3, 2009 1:58:00 AM

> > > [uSBrahmins] Answer for the Horoscope queerry

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Mr BNGS,

what about time of birth?The data has to be complete,if you intend to put others

in difficult situations(challenges).

Particulars given are considered as factual and relevent so that other can

venture and make out astrologically significant.

It is necessary to study chart of your spouse also along with your chart.



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Thu, 10/15/09, NITHYANANDA <bnguna wrote:






Thursday, October 15, 2009, 8:11 AM







Dear Sir

One changes in given detail

My wife date of Birth is 30-04-1976

i am waiting for your valuavle feedback


Best reagrds






















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Dear Dubey ji

Kp Krishna Murti Padhati By Subhas Sahasane, he tried as his best , but somes times hindi is very confusing, but still I will say thanks to writer.


Dr Mishra--- On Thu, 10/22/09, Rajesh Dubey <rajeshdubey46 wrote:

Rajesh Dubey <rajeshdubey46 (unknown) Received: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 5:37 AM







please tell me kp books in hindi .name & publication.


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Dear Suna Ji

Best Wishes for eye surgery & take rest

Thanks & regards

suresh awasthi--- On Fri, 10/23/09, Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha wrote:

Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha (unknown) Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 3:58 PM



PranamDear Friends,I'll be out of the group and Nets for some days from tomorrow, as my third Eye surgery is due for tomorrow 24.10.2009 evening.Wish you all the best and Aayurarogaya Sampaththi for ever.Sunaparantha Kalyan

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Best of luck, SunaLuvSujataSunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha Sent: Fri, 23 October, 2009 9:28:51 PM (unknown)



PranamDear Friends,I'll be out of the group and Nets for some days from tomorrow, as my third Eye surgery is due for tomorrow 24.10.2009 evening.Wish you all the best and Aayurarogaya Sampaththi for ever.Sunaparantha Kalyan


Try the new India Homepage.

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Dear Kalyan,




D.Senthil--- On Sat, 10/24/09, sujata das <sujatadash1 wrote:

sujata das <sujatadash1Re: (unknown) Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 2:26 AM



Best of luck, SunaLuvSujata




Sunaparantha Kalyan <sunaparantha@ >@gro ups.comFri, 23 October, 2009 9:28:51 PM (unknown)



PranamDear Friends,I'll be out of the group and Nets for some days from tomorrow, as my third Eye surgery is due for tomorrow 24.10.2009 evening.Wish you all the best and Aayurarogaya Sampaththi for ever.Sunaparantha Kalyan


Try the new India Homepage.

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Dear Gentleman,


Yes,in two ways, one through Horary chart other an invented astro-timing



With best wishes,

P K Tripathy







gkr <rbbgrgm


Fri, October 30, 2009 8:43:16 PM




Pranam Gurujans,


I became member recently and have been reading email conversation and very happy

to be part of this group. Would like to know if a person doesn't know is correct

date of birth can there be a possibilty to know about the future events in

his life based on the past events like marriage, job, family members, death etc.


Thanks & regards,



____________ _________ _________ __

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Fri, October 30, 2009 7:12:23 AM

Re: Please tell me in brief about my future



Dear Mistri,


You have to be more specific about your question.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




____________ _________ _________ __

ssmistri <ssmistri >


Fri, October 30, 2009 12:48:03 PM

Please tell me in brief about my future



I am female in Pune, India.


DOB - 24/03/1971

Time - 12:40:00 PM

Place - Pune


Please tell me in brief about my future.


S S Mistri



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I tried to learn a little about Horary chart. Is it based on question asked and

location based ? What is needed to provide. Forgive my ignorance I am new to

this. I tried to read Wikipedia about horary chart. It talks about Prasna

Sharstra, location of astrologer or querent.


Let me know how to proceed.








Pk Tripathy <pktripathy89


Sat, October 31, 2009 2:04:35 AM

Re: (unknown)



Dear Gentleman,


Yes,in two ways, one through Horary chart other an invented astro-timing



With best wishes,

P K Tripathy




____________ _________ _________ __

gkr <rbbgrgm >


Fri, October 30, 2009 8:43:16 PM




Pranam Gurujans,


I became member recently and have been reading email conversation and very happy

to be part of this group. Would like to know if a person doesn't know is correct

date of birth can there be a possibilty to know about the future events in

his life based on the past events like marriage, job, family members, death etc.


Thanks & regards,



____________ _________ _________ __

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Fri, October 30, 2009 7:12:23 AM

Re: Please tell me in brief about my future



Dear Mistri,


You have to be more specific about your question.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




____________ _________ _________ __

ssmistri <ssmistri >


Fri, October 30, 2009 12:48:03 PM

Please tell me in brief about my future



I am female in Pune, India.


DOB - 24/03/1971

Time - 12:40:00 PM

Place - Pune


Please tell me in brief about my future.


S S Mistri



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Dear gkr,Horary chart is erected when time of birth,POB,DOB is not known.Late

Prof.K.S.Krishnamurty Ji used to ask a number between 1to 249 to erect a Horary

chart for prediction and he could have told correctly as he has been a gifted

and well experienced astrologer.Other traditional astrologer also use Horary/

Prashna Kundali to make prediction today correctly.There are few in this group

also who predicts or make analysis correctly even today.Post your query and any

one may make reply to you if there is really urgent need and not to test

astrologer.For Horary / Prashna querist must request to astrologer with folded

hands and honesty then truth will come out.

With good wishes, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







gkr <rbbgrgm


Sat, October 31, 2009 11:55:20 PM

Re: (unknown)



I tried to learn a little about Horary chart. Is it based on question asked and

location based ? What is needed to provide. Forgive my ignorance I am new to

this. I tried to read Wikipedia about horary chart. It talks about Prasna

Sharstra, location of astrologer or querent.


Let me know how to proceed.




____________ _________ _________ __

Pk Tripathy <pktripathy89@ >


Sat, October 31, 2009 2:04:35 AM

Re: (unknown)



Dear Gentleman,


Yes,in two ways, one through Horary chart other an invented astro-timing



With best wishes,

P K Tripathy




____________ _________ _________ __

gkr <rbbgrgm >


Fri, October 30, 2009 8:43:16 PM




Pranam Gurujans,


I became member recently and have been reading email conversation and very happy

to be part of this group. Would like to know if a person doesn't know is correct

date of birth can there be a possibilty to know about the future events in

his life based on the past events like marriage, job, family members, death etc.


Thanks & regards,



____________ _________ _________ __

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Fri, October 30, 2009 7:12:23 AM

Re: Please tell me in brief about my future



Dear Mistri,


You have to be more specific about your question.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




____________ _________ _________ __

ssmistri <ssmistri >


Fri, October 30, 2009 12:48:03 PM

Please tell me in brief about my future



I am female in Pune, India.


DOB - 24/03/1971

Time - 12:40:00 PM

Place - Pune


Please tell me in brief about my future.


S S Mistri



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Sat Sat Naman,


My POB is Hazaribagh (Jharkhand). DOB is not sure (certificate has Jan 4th

1959). I lost my Job in March 1st 2008. Since then I went for many interviews.

After every interview, I was very positive to get the job but never got any yet.

My wife will also lose her Job. Her last date of work is 20th Nov 2008. We have

no kids. So far, we have got everything we wanted I beleive, would like to know

about getting new job and health. My wife was suffering from BP and illhealth

since March of 2008 and now she is recoving from it.

It is difficult to express everything in english. I will try in hindi. Kabhi

Kabhi sochta hoo, ki kya yeh sahi hai apna bhavisya janna, jo niyati hai wo to 

atal ha. Aplog jo uchi samjeh, batayega.








Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra


Sun, November 1, 2009 12:29:19 AM

Re: (unknown)



Dear gkr,Horary chart is erected when time of birth,POB,DOB is not known.Late

Prof.K.S.Krishnamur ty Ji used to ask a number between 1to 249 to erect a Horary

chart for prediction and he could have told correctly as he has been a gifted

and well experienced astrologer.Other traditional astrologer also use Horary/

Prashna Kundali to make prediction today correctly.There are few in this group

also who predicts or make analysis correctly even today.Post your query and any

one may make reply to you if there is really urgent need and not to test

astrologer.For Horary / Prashna querist must request to astrologer with folded

hands and honesty then truth will come out.

With good wishes, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

gkr <rbbgrgm >


Sat, October 31, 2009 11:55:20 PM

Re: (unknown)



I tried to learn a little about Horary chart. Is it based on question asked and

location based ? What is needed to provide. Forgive my ignorance I am new to

this. I tried to read Wikipedia about horary chart. It talks about Prasna

Sharstra, location of astrologer or querent.


Let me know how to proceed.




____________ _________ _________ __

Pk Tripathy <pktripathy89@ >


Sat, October 31, 2009 2:04:35 AM

Re: (unknown)



Dear Gentleman,


Yes,in two ways, one through Horary chart other an invented astro-timing



With best wishes,

P K Tripathy




____________ _________ _________ __

gkr <rbbgrgm >


Fri, October 30, 2009 8:43:16 PM




Pranam Gurujans,


I became member recently and have been reading email conversation and very happy

to be part of this group. Would like to know if a person doesn't know is correct

date of birth can there be a possibilty to know about the future events in

his life based on the past events like marriage, job, family members, death etc.


Thanks & regards,



____________ _________ _________ __

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Fri, October 30, 2009 7:12:23 AM

Re: Please tell me in brief about my future



Dear Mistri,


You have to be more specific about your question.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




____________ _________ _________ __

ssmistri <ssmistri >


Fri, October 30, 2009 12:48:03 PM

Please tell me in brief about my future



I am female in Pune, India.


DOB - 24/03/1971

Time - 12:40:00 PM

Place - Pune


Please tell me in brief about my future.


S S Mistri



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Vikas,


Work with due care. You may be in any job conflicts will always be there.


To improve continuously propitiate Rahu Ketu and Jupiter and strengthen your

weak planets - Sun, Saturn, Mercury and the Moon.





vikas sharma

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 4:09 PM

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] (unknown)




hi Sir


Mera Name Vikas Hai


Sir Main part time account Job Karta Hoon magar muje har waqt Dhat parti hai

App Bataye kaya main apne kam badal loon aur kon sa kam karu jo muje saflta mile


D.O.B 06.04.1984

D.O.T 08:53 am



pls waiting for your reply


thanks & regards








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Dear Leena


As per the Sripati kundali, he

has debilated surya which has made neech bang raj yog and with its maha dasha

also currently on the natives promotion due at any moment. He needs to push

hard for the same and the period feb/march 2010 will be very strongly favourable

for this natives promotion.


The only hitch is that rahu has

transited in his 12th house & with its aspect on 4th

house can cause hurdles by bringing in some enmity or politics within the

colleagues, thus ignoring or delaying the promotion.



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Consultancy mail request for charges to

haresh1405/hareshgnathani or call +91 9867214103






sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of leena14_bajaj

Friday, November 13, 2009 9:08 AM
















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