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Dear Mr.somashekhar


If you reciveing a lot of unneccsary mails then Go to Gropu option & seting your

group mail seting!

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Chintan Joshi





somashekhar sarapure <somusara


Mon, 16 November, 2009 12:16:05 PM




sir, i am reciveing a lot of unneccsary mails daily regarding jyothis problems

of other people i am fed of this and it is become difficult to my email id so pl

tell how can i stop these unncessary mails to my email id please




somusara (AT) (DOT) co.in


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om gurave namah

Dear Haresh, Leena

Would it not be better to first consider some serious remedial

measures for chandra in gandanta and in Revati -

Wake up before sunrise at say 4-5 am and recite the shani mantra

108 x 5 mala every day before doing anything else

om hrim kliim shanischaraya namah (sadhu sankuli tantra is

source of mantra)

This mantra will protect both from gandanta, remove the dosha of

Revati janma and will also strengthen lagnesha thereby making the chart very

strong. One medicine, multiple effects

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India; +91 (011)

4504 8762

Readings: www.srath.com; Courses: www.sohamsa.com; Books:

www.sagittariuspublications.com; Community: www..org






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Haresh(Harry)Nathani

13 November 2009 19:59


RE: (unknown)








Dear Leena


As per the Sripati kundali, he has debilated surya which

has made neech bang raj yog and with its maha dasha also currently on the

natives promotion due at any moment. He needs to push hard for the same and the

period feb/march 2010 will be very strongly favourable for this natives



The only hitch is that rahu has transited in his 12th

house & with its aspect on 4th house can cause hurdles by

bringing in some enmity or politics within the colleagues, thus ignoring or

delaying the promotion.



HARESH(HARRY)NATHANI VEDIC ASTROLOGER CELL +91 9867214103Subscribe on this link http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies

For Professional Paid

Consultancy mail request for charges to

haresh1405/hareshgnathani or call +91 9867214103






sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of leena14_bajaj

Friday, November 13, 2009 9:08 AM


















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Dear guru Sanjay Rath ji


Thanx for appraising me and the

native on the remedy.



HARESH(HARRY)NATHANI VEDIC ASTROLOGER CELL +91 9867214103Subscribe on this link http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies

For Professional Paid

Consultancy mail request for charges to

haresh1405/hareshgnathani or call +91 9867214103






sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sanjay


Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:24 PM


RE: (unknown)











om gurave namah

Dear Haresh, Leena

Would it not be better to first consider

some serious remedial measures for chandra in gandanta and in Revati -

Wake up before sunrise at say 4-5 am and

recite the shani mantra 108 x 5 mala every day before doing anything else

om hrim kliim shanischaraya namah (sadhu

sankuli tantra is source of mantra)

This mantra will protect both from

gandanta, remove the dosha of Revati janma and will also strengthen lagnesha

thereby making the chart very strong. One medicine, multiple effects

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi

110060, India; +91 (011) 4504 8762

Readings: www.srath.com; Courses:

www.sohamsa.com; Books: www.sagittariuspublications.com; Community:







sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Haresh(Harry)Nathani

13 November 2009 19:59


RE: (unknown)










Dear Leena


As per the Sripati kundali, he has debilated surya which

has made neech bang raj yog and with its maha dasha also currently on the

natives promotion due at any moment. He needs to push hard for the same and the

period feb/march 2010 will be very strongly favourable for this natives



The only hitch is that rahu has transited in his 12th

house & with its aspect on 4th house can cause hurdles by

bringing in some enmity or politics within the colleagues, thus ignoring or

delaying the promotion.



HARESH(HARRY)NATHANI VEDIC ASTROLOGER CELL +91 9867214103Subscribe on this link http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies

For Professional Paid

Consultancy mail request for charges to

haresh1405/hareshgnathani or call +91 9867214103






sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of leena14_bajaj

Friday, November 13, 2009 9:08 AM


















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Hello dear Mr. Iyer,


You should strengthen your Sun, Mars, Mercury and the Moon and this will

brighten your chance of a job. Regularly propitiate Jupiter, Ketu, Rahu and






v raman

SystemsApproachToVedic Astrology

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 7:26 PM

[systemsApproachToVedic Astrology] (unknown)




Dear Guruji,


Namashkar. I was born on 19 july 1950 at 06-50-00 AM in south india and my

Janma Rasi is Simha , Lagnam Kataka .


I have been facing lots of difficulties throughout my life.


Since 10.08.2009 i am jobless. Whomever i approach they suggest that i go for

a business of my own for which i do not have funds.


Please guide me as to what should be done.



K.Venkatraman Iyer


The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.



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sohamsa , " Haresh\(Harry\)Nathani " <haresh1405 wrote:


> Dear guru Sanjay Rath ji




> Thanx for appraising me and the native on the remedy.




> HARESH(HARRY)NATHANI VEDIC ASTROLOGER CELL +91 9867214103Subscribe on this

link <http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies>


> For Professional Paid Consultancy mail request for charges to

> <haresh1405/hareshgnathani haresh1405/hareshgnathani

or call +91 9867214103




> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of

Sanjay Rath

> Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:24 PM

> sohamsa

> RE: (unknown)




om gurave namah


> Dear Haresh, Leena


> Would it not be better to first consider some serious remedial measures for

chandra in gandanta and in Revati -


> Wake up before sunrise at say 4-5 am and recite the shani mantra 108 x 5 mala

every day before doing anything else


> om hrim kliim shanischaraya namah (sadhu sankuli tantra is source of mantra)


> This mantra will protect both from gandanta, remove the dosha of Revati janma

and will also strengthen lagnesha thereby making the chart very strong. One

medicine, multiple effects


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India; +91 (011) 4504 8762


> Readings: www.srath.com; Courses: www.sohamsa.com; Books:

www.sagittariuspublications.com; Community: www..org




> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of


> 13 November 2009 19:59

> sohamsa

> RE: (unknown)






> Dear Leena




> As per the Sripati kundali, he has debilated surya which has made neech bang

raj yog and with its maha dasha also currently on the natives promotion due at

any moment. He needs to push hard for the same and the period feb/march 2010

will be very strongly favourable for this natives promotion.




> The only hitch is that rahu has transited in his 12th house & with its aspect

on 4th house can cause hurdles by bringing in some enmity or politics within the

colleagues, thus ignoring or delaying the promotion.




> HARESH(HARRY)NATHANI VEDIC ASTROLOGER CELL +91 9867214103Subscribe on this

link <http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies>


> For Professional Paid Consultancy mail request for charges to

> <haresh1405/hareshgnathani haresh1405/hareshgnathani

or call +91 9867214103




> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of


> Friday, November 13, 2009 9:08 AM

> sohamsa

> (unknown)







> 22.11.77

> 11.50AM






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Tyagiji, by the way, I was also born in Baraut although after my birth my connection with that place and region remained 'remote' to say the least...anyways, I wish you all the best...





Vikas Tyagi <vicky_luck Sent: Sun, November 22, 2009 11:32:48 PM (unknown)






Respected Sir

I am purchasing the plot in haridwar on my wife name. Her name is Sonia Tyagi. Her DOB is 23/09/73.

Birth Place . Baraut ( near meerut ) U. P.

But there is dispute with builder. We had been half amt. I want to know that will we get our plot . if yes then how much time it will take. or we will success to get refund our money. Pl. help us.


With Regards



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Dear Amit,

Is this KP? I do not remember to have read in 6 Readers. I just want to know its authenticity. Of course it appears to be Stellar Astrology. indly reply.

Dr. Rath




Amit Chauhan <amitchauhan05 Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 8:13:00 AM (unknown)





i think desire of not getting married totally depends on your mental inclination which is controlled by 3rd house. if sub lord of 3rd house is in any way connected to 6th or 10th house then the person will not have desire to get married. at the same time the sublord should be in the constellation of saturn or somehow connected to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mr Raman Ji,

2nd lord Mangal in own house with visionaries.Lagna lord venus in 3rd in own

nakshtra.Also parivartana in 8th and 3rd lord in volving beej karak venus and

putra karak jupiter.From the rasi of vrischika jupiter is 7th but retrograde

indicating health of your wife.From moom sign 5th is watery sign of jupiter in

whcih Venus gets exalted with the lord in 7th.After Nov 2010 you can hope for

daughter.Mother's help need to be taken care.with treatment for harmones you may

have premature baby girl.



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Tue, 12/15/09, rohit sood <rohit_sood76 wrote:



rohit sood <rohit_sood76



Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 5:59 AM







Dear Sir,

Thanks and please dont take me wrong in all positions.

But honestly I m telling , as I have one daughter and i love her a lot and I

want to be secure in every aspect.I am planning for onme more babay for last 2

years but i m not getting suucces in getting a baby .Moreover My wife also get

pressure from every side.She also having problem time to time ..migraine..

leuchorea ..and noiw stone ..for last two years ...I always give her  moral


Secondly my age is getting old day by day...an I need that their is one son who

stand by me and my daughter .Who stand by my daughter ..throughout whole

life....My finical conditioins are ok but I m not satisfied with my

life....Moreover I have so many troubles from my family...My real brother is

also decieve a lot ..may be my birth date tells u all wat i m trying to say

you..also whetehr i m false or true ...

Kher apne karam hai mere ..but if anything I get while for my daughter ...to

secure to get a brotehr for her ...who helps him throught out her life..pls dnt

takje othrwise..and help me support me if any troubles can be solved ..any

prfect remedies..

I shall be very much thankful to u ..

Raman Birth date 22-11-76 time 6.22 am pLACE LUDHIANA..PUNJAB .....mALE..




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Members,


Please give TOPIC/Subject for the message for easy understanding & future reference.




D.Senthil--- On Wed, 12/23/09, vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami wrote:

vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami (unknown) Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 7:35 PM

dear bhaskar ji-a four step based software has been prepared by shri rangrajan of chennai phone-04425580377. it is exactly according to mr. suneel gondhelkar'theory except when a planet conjoines with y house occuping x house,it includes only y house as the significator while suneelji takes both x and y houses as significators. regards.vasudhak arThe INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/

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Please check if there is any mistake in the phone number / name, as i was told repeatedly that it was a wrong number as there was no such person at this number.Tnx

lakhlani--- On Thu, 12/24/09, vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami wrote:

vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami (unknown) Date: Thursday, December 24, 2009, 9:05 AM

dear bhaskar ji-a four step based software has been prepared by shri rangrajan of chennai phone-04425580377. it is exactly according to mr. suneel gondhelkar'theory except when a planet conjoines with y house occuping x house,it includes only y house as the significator while suneelji takes both x and y houses as significators. regards.vasudhak arThe INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/

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Dear Punit,


Why are you approving the message without TOPIC this will give lot of pain at later stage. Kindly keep some check list showing minimum requirements to check the message before approving it. I know you may have more than 50 to 100 mails to review and approve it. I don't know how many groups you are the moderator. Please keep some minimum check and do the needful.


Recently i saw some posting without TOPIC including the below one request members please aviod this.





--- On Fri, 12/25/09, Pankaj Lakhlani <p_lakhlani2003 wrote:

Pankaj Lakhlani <p_lakhlani2003Re: (unknown) Date: Friday, December 25, 2009, 8:17 PM







Please check if there is any mistake in the phone number / name, as i was told repeatedly that it was a wrong number as there was no such person at this number.Tnx

lakhlani--- On Thu, 12/24/09, vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami@ .co. in> wrote:

vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami@ .co. in> (unknown)@gro ups.comThursday, December 24, 2009, 9:05 AM

dear bhaskar ji-a four step based software has been prepared by shri rangrajan of chennai phone-04425580377. it is exactly according to mr. suneel gondhelkar'theory except when a planet conjoines with y house occuping x house,it includes only y house as the significator while suneelji takes both x and y houses as significators. regards.vasudhak arThe INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/

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It's typo error. The correct one is:

Dr. Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy of Chennai phone-(044)22580377





, Pankaj Lakhlani <p_lakhlani2003 wrote:


> Sir;

> Please check if there is any mistake in the phone number / name, as i was told

repeatedly that it was a wrong number as there was no such person at this


> lakhlani


> --- On Thu, 12/24/09, vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami wrote:



> vasudhakar goswami <vasudhakargoswami

> (unknown)


> Thursday, December 24, 2009, 9:05 AM







> dear bhaskar ji-a four step based software has been prepared by shri rangrajan

of chennai phone-04425580377. it is exactly according to mr. suneel

gondhelkar'theory except when a planet conjoines with y house occuping x

house,it includes only y house as the significator while suneelji takes both x

and y houses as significators. regards.vasudhak ar


> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

http://in.. com/


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Regards...jai shri krishna...

karmesh mars is in the house of employment and is in the 9th from karmasthan,

debilitated duly aspected by rahu posited in dhansthan ......sani is posited in

10th...and 10 from 10 i.e 7th is also to be seen for employment..source of

income is governed by guru...worksatisfaction and ''karyasaflta'' is designated

to guru....sukra-budh for ''padprapti'' is good and favouring ....surya is in

rahu's nakshtra in the 5th...

guru-surya stone is good remedy...

with warm wishes...

y/f hemant bhatt


--- On Mon, 28/12/09, Prakash Rathod <prakashrat wrote:


Prakash Rathod <prakashrat



Monday, 28 December, 2009, 5:13 AM



























Hello Friends,




I need some help over here. I am of Aquarius Lagna. I am having a problem in

finding a suitable job for myself. I think Mars which is the Lord of the 10th

House (House of Profession) is in the 6th House which is in his debilitated

house (Cancer) which is creating a Duryoga. Even Rahu situated in the 2nd House

is aspecting the 6th, 8th & 10th House.


Now the problem is that Mars is a malefic planet for my horoscope so I cannot

wear a Red Coral. So please tell me which gemstone or other remedies should I do

to overcome this problem?


My birth data:-


Name Prakash Rathod


Place of Birth - Bombay, Maharashtra, India


Date of Birth - 04/07/1987


Time of Birth - 11.22.00 PM




Thanking You,


Prakash Rathod





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  • 2 weeks later...

Om Gurave NamahDear Chandan, namasteSo, why BPHS states that D1 is to be seen for physical body and D60 is to be seen for "everything"? Indeed, if "everything" is to be seen from D45 and D60 only, why adding other divisional charts to analysis (D1 among them also) or taking them in consideration at all? How do you define "everything" in this context? (Or "all indications" as it is written in translation of this shloka)Going back to elementary logic for a moment: Dividing sign in to 60 parts, do you know where this idea came from? Why dividing sign in to 60 parts in the first place? Why not 58 or 137?"D60 and D30 are to be used to determine neecha banga" (or you were saying something like this), please do tell me where did you find this in BPHS? Page or chapter, whatever, I would appreciate it. "I am following

BPHS", you were saying, right? Just BPHS or some other classics as well?Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Wed, 1/6/10, chandan s sabarwal <wavelogix wrote:chandan s sabarwal <wavelogix (unknown)sohamsa Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 7:11 AM





dear gopal ji,


im pretty much sure about my birth time and also using chitrapaksha ayanamsa which i believe is most accurate.


so lets consider we have the preliminaries sorted and saturn is indeed debilitated in my d-60 , but exalted in rasi and vice versa with sun.


now if some one can please clarify. i also understand that your tradition advises to use d-60 for past life , but the bphs does not state this anywhere , instead advises d-60 to be seen for everything and only physical body from d-1.


i would like to follow bphs , since its seems to be more authorative.


thanks and humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.


sohamsa@ .com, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Sabarbal ji,

> BPHS does not give undue emphasis

> to D-60 chart.D-1 is the main chart

> from which all other Varga chats originate.


> D-60 basically indicate actions performed and

> debts which one accumulate in past birth(s).

> D-1 indicate the actions in this birth to undo

> accumulated sins.As one can only wipe out

> past debts by right actions in this birth .

> Here lies the importance of this chart.

> As Shashtiamsa changes just in 2 minutes.

> one should use this chart only if sure about

> birth time and Ayanamsa.


> This is the reason , both BPHS and Sarvarthchintamani

> says;

> "The bhava whose lord is in a malefic Shashtiamsa will diminish ."

> D-60 charts should be used when one achieve considerable

> proficiency in Astrology.

> Please note , BPHS does not include D-60 chart in Shadvarga

> and Saptavarga grouping.

> In Dasavarga ,D-60 is included and D-1 is given weightage of 3

> and D-60 as 5 because our actions in past birth restricts our actions

> in in this birth.

> Regards,





> Ph: 09350311433

> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> NEW DELHI-110 076





> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/


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Goel Sir,

Thanks for your insight; let me check this out and will rever to you...

thanks again





Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937sohamsa Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 10:24:28 AM (unknown)


Dear Friend,In case of Taurus Lagna , Saturn can give yoga results , if it is with Sun Or Mercury.Regards,

G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA



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|| Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Narayanaya||




Will this be true even if Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are in Kendras.  Specifically, Saturn is in Kumbha, and the rest are in Vrischika for a Taurus Lagna native.


Thanks very much,


Best regards,



On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 wrote:






Dear Friend,In case of Taurus Lagna , Saturn can give yoga results , if  it is with Sun Or Mercury.Regards,

 G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA


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Daer kumudini;

there should be an honourable exit.

anybody can see edit membership written on home page of any group.

from there you can always leave any group in 2 steps flat.


getting banned is an honourable position than such silly ranting.


Kulbir bains.


On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 9:51 AM, <kumudini_w wrote:




> i dont want you r service more so kindly stop sending message on

> kumudini_w <kumudini_w%40.co.in>


> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

> http://in./






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Manasi Ji,

The question relating to career vascillates from one end of lack of job

satisfaction to chnage over to core IT sector and via enriching I.5/software


The last option enables better in the present scenario of software devlopment/IT

sector as it involves reliability aspects of IT tools.

This will be mostly like an executive development programme offered by

Institutions in private as well as Public sectors.

Currently your  moon(lagna lord also) is in 9th of pisces in whcih venus

excels in gochara/transit,aspected by saturn from 3rd.Also lord of 5th Mars

happned to be in lagna in the aslesha star.It is true 5th lord is retrograde and

debilitated.In prasna chart the dasa is of Me/Ju/ Ra.This is an indication that

you will shift from  DHL Express. 

From this background of transit to your janma/rasi chart indicates dasa of Moon

posited in 8th as lord of 7th,is in the nakshtra of Poorvaphalguni to enhance

the software skills and is aspected by jupiter from 12th,own sign.This shift to

furtherance of knowledge /skill will prove to be advantageous and may also

initiate travel abroad.In 5/11 axis both nodes present are in a state of

exaltion.where as ketu in 11th is with Mars in own sign in anuradha nakshtra of

saturn.For some time you may be opting to learn testing skills on your own.

Lagna lord saturn in 10H in exaltation but retrograde happened to be in lagna in

navamsa in debilitation.venus in 7th in navmasa in own sign is aspecting navamsa

lagna.and in natal chart in exaltation with sun,8th lord.

The situation certainly conveys that you better continue in the job till june

2010 as around feb/mar2010,you may be having a foreign travel opportunity and

also an offer/job opportunity may materialise.It is better that you plan for

software testing after April2010.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Tejaswini Choudhari <tejaswini1384 wrote:



Tejaswini Choudhari <tejaswini1384



Friday, January 22, 2010, 7:28 AM








Dear All,


I am working with DHL express as application analyst (IT department).

I have done B.E in Electronics and telecom .

My total work experiance is 4 yrs.,but not in core IT .

As the DHL is express service ,there is not much scope in IT department.

Now i wanted to shift with core IT company.

Is the software testing is suitable for me?

can i join the testing course or esle kindly suggest the field suitable for me

according to horoscope.


Name : Manasi A. Choudhari

DOB :13/04/1984 time : 2:15 AM

Place : Dombivali (Maharashtra)


Tejaswini C.

Throughout life people will make you mad,

 disrespect you and treat you bad.

 Let God deal with the things they do,

cause hate in your heart will consume you too.


Get your preferred Email name!

Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail. com.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much for your blessings. I had been to Bangalore but because of shortage of time I did not like to inform you. Although I remembered you then.

Thanking you.

Dr. Rath




G.S.MALHI <gsmtex Sent: Wed, February 3, 2010 9:47:03 AM (unknown)


Dear Dr.Rath, I also join our members in wishing for your speedy recovery and GOOD HEALTH. May God bless you!RegardsMALHI


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if you had spend half the time typing this message to check the group

facilities / membership etc, you could go out without making a grand

announcement - as silently as you came.

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Balbir Bains <balbir258


Thu, February 4, 2010 10:02:08 AM






Please stop sending all email. I am really fed up seeing all mails. Please help

me. I do not want to be the member of this grou.


Balbir singh


The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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Dear Balbir,

if you want to this group,just see mails very

carefully which you are getting form group,at bottom of those mail you will

get an link of .please follow this link and let me know you have

done this or not



Sunil Sharma


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuagwrote:




> if you had spend half the time typing this message to check the group

> facilities / membership etc, you could go out without making a grand

> announcement - as silently as you came.

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> ________________________________

> Balbir Bains <balbir258 <balbir258%40>>

> <%40>

> Thu, February 4, 2010 10:02:08 AM

> (unknown)




> hi


> Please stop sending all email. I am really fed up seeing all mails. Please

> help me. I do not want to be the member of this grou.


> Balbir singh


> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

> http://in.. com/



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Shri Sunil ji,

Good guidance always helps.Follow up promotes understanding and enables to know

how the group and members help each other.Hope if it benifits some time and some



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Thu, 2/4/10, ****its me**** <chandigarhastrologer wrote:


****its me**** <chandigarhastrologer

Re: (unknown)



Thursday, February 4, 2010, 6:43 AM


















Dear Balbir,


if you want to this group,just see mails very


carefully which you are getting form group,at bottom of those mail you will


get an link of . please follow this link and let me know you have


done this or not






Sunil Sharma




On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >wrote:








> if you had spend half the time typing this message to check the group


> facilities / membership etc, you could go out without making a grand


> announcement - as silently as you came.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> Balbir Bains <balbir258 <balbir258%40. com>>


> <% 40. com>


> Thu, February 4, 2010 10:02:08 AM


> (unknown)








> hi




> Please stop sending all email. I am really fed up seeing all mails. Please


> help me. I do not want to be the member of this grou.




> Balbir singh




> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.


> http://in.. com/





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  • 3 weeks later...

Manisha, you will have to wait till 2013, when it will definitely happen and it

will be a house rather than a plot.









manisha mahajan <maniqsha721


Tue, 23 February, 2010 2:13:15 PM




i want to purchase my own house or plot, plz tell me when this is going to



my details are


DOB=07 may1968

> TOB-1:32(am)

> POB-jalgaon




Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Surinder ji;Try to contact any person related to cooking, he will tell you and show you Tejpatra and Tejphal. it is used in masalas.RegardsKulbir Bains.On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Surinder Mohan <surindersangar wrote:







Res Gurujan


Pl clarify me regarding the upaya of tejpatta for sun as lk had mentioned TEJPHAL as plant for SUN , i tried at local nurseries but no one knows about TEJPHAL DURING NET SEARCHES i found the latin name of tejpatta is CINAMOMUN & for TEJPHAL is ZANTHOXYLUM ARMATUM pl clarify.

Thanking You

Surinder mohan

Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!.

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Guest guest

Dear Prashant Ji,The Original message sent through i.d ranger909

under this thread was the advertisement of Viagra Jyotish* which neither extol

Vedic nor K.P.There is no need of Viagra here.

with thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







ranger909 <ranger909

balac; bennychee; swee;

eeswaran.d; gajapati ; Gajapati ;

steed; stomp; jymtan;

; ;

kicker; m.kincaid; lalkitab;


Mon, March 15, 2010 7:32:41 PM




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