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Words from God

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This is Part of a story

written by me, For full story visit

- http://sweetfriend737.mindsay.com/


God - Open your eyes

Gautam and I here to bless you. God shaped himself as very handsome man with a

powerful glow around him. Say your wish Gautam , I shall bless you with it .

Gautam – First of all I thank you for all the blessing and happiness you

have given me in this life and accepting my prayer.

God – With a sweet smile God said "I am here because you

have worked hard to call me "

Gautam – Is this how you look God.?

God- God smiled. He took the form of Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva,

Buddha and many other feminine and masculine God, some of it very beautiful and

some of it very ugly.

Dear Gautam I am God I have no form and no shape. Everything which has a

shape has a beginning and has an end but I never had a beginning and shall never

have an end.

Gautam – why do we have Gods in the form of Vishnu, Shiva, Buddha, Jesus

and many other such idols?

God- My dear son I have these shapes only to guide and focus

human to me in a proper manner. Human by worshiping these idols does reach me

because they all from me and by worshipping these idols, human know whom to worship and where to

worship. It's not the mantras, prayers, slokahs or the language is important

for my worship, but rather it's the

desire and passion to reach me is important to reach me.

If I would not have taken any such form it would be difficult for humans

to reach me , many would have lost their way in their search to reach me or

many would have left my path and all the world would have moved towards

darkness. So I have taken forms and idols for the humans to reach me easily and

worship me in any form they wish to and like to .

Gautam I know you were a good science student .we know oxygen is present

in the atmosphere and it is oxygen which is inhaled by humans and animals for

survival. But can you see it? No, but

you can find it through experiments ? Isn't it Gautam?

In the same way every religious book say of my presence. Some religion

see me in different idol and shape and some with no shape but still they speak of

my presence. It's each human being interest to believe in me or not and find out whether I am there or not and how

he want visualize me and accept me in his desired shape and idol.

Gautam – what is the correct path to reach you? Is it wrong to have

materialistic pleasure and what is right to think only about you?

God- I have given every human two forms of pleasure emotions

which are difficult to resist one is desires for materialism and the other the

desire for sex. This two desire are there to make them do wrong things.

I don't want humans to follow one path strictly i.e. either leading only

materialistic life or spirituality. I want all humans to follow the life with

both of them having equal space in their life. It not all wrong to lead a life

of materialistic life but it only should not be the path of life. Every human

should have a mixed feeling for both pleasure of materialism and spiritualism

in their life.

Many gurus or some times religious leader might say that materialistic

pleasure is truly wrong. .The meaning conveyed by most of these people is

wrong. I have asked every person to do his or her karma and lead a life saying

my name in their daily prayer and life for sometime.

Gautam – why do people in spite of worshipping you suffer in life while

sometimes who never worship you leads a very happy life?

God- Is it so Dear? Gautam when you were a very successful

person and leading a pleasure life, you had many people near by you praising

you, but when you had a tough time all such people moved away from you and

didn't come to help you. If you again go back and become the same rich life , would

you accept such people in your life again ? Would you Gautam

Gautam – No and never

God – why you liked them when they were with you and praised you .

Gautam – They cheated me, they pretended to be good, but all they did

was wrong

God- Gautam you got your answer didn't you. I have so many

followers they come to me and worship me praise me thank me, but few really

love me.

I have given tough times to such people for their own benefit. In such

tough times you get to know, who are your real friends and relatives, who

sincerely care for you and love you. Never always see only one side of the coin

see the other side of the coin. The darker the night the brighter the day would

be my dear son.


Many people worship me and love me but all for their own benefit, I love

such love but not materialistic love where people come to temple or church and

shouting to the whole world see I love god so much I am giving god this much

money. But whereas a poor man if he come and gives me even a small flower , with

a good and sincere heart I accept it more happily than millions of money by the

rich person in order to make him proud. If this rich man gives the money

sincerely I shall accept that also with love.

A true loving person will never leave me in spite of suffering I give

him. These sufferings are the tests that humans have to face to find me and

reach me in true way. I understand in every sense that bad becomes dominant in

such situation and good looks defeated. Gautam bad is very beautiful and pleasure

in the beginning but in the end it has nothing but sadness, pain and defeat,

whereas my path is difficult to follow and difficulties arises in reaching me, but in the end its only happiness, joy and


Gautam – why don't you punish people for their wrong doing?

God- I am very patience, I give every person a huge amount

of time to change and to follow my path but if they never follow in this time

they suffer the anger of mine and suffer their wrong deeds for many lives and

births to come.

Gautam if I could have punished you during the time you killed a girl

then today you might not have become what you are now and you would not have

spoken to me? I know what is right and what is wrong? Yes it's true I do my

work very slowly and people feel that I am not bothered about good people happiness,

but I wait for the correct time to be

punished to such wrong persons and no

one can escape from my punishment.


My followers should have patience in me because even though I test my

followers very rigidly but I never leave them, but I never test those who don't

follow but I never with them also.


Gautam – Why is that even after hard work sometimes we don't get the

true fruit of it?


God- Gautam you might have read about karma in many books.

Everyone here in this world has to do his or her duty and every person is born to

do some role. Some people are born to rule, some to help others and some to serve

others. This way every person born has some duty to be performed and some part

to be played in this world. Every role is important and no role is big or small

to me.


Gautam even after working hardly people complain to me that I have not

helped them and I have not given the result they have expected.

Gautam don't you feel sometimes even without working sometime you get good

result and benefits many times more than you expected. Why don't they come and

complain that why this time God you have given me more pleasure and result more

than I am really capable of? No body does this because everyone wants easy

things and they don't think about it also.


In life failure is as important as success, because failure teaches you

many things if you carefully observe it.


success is necessary to give human

confidence to more forward. If I give all the pleasure they want, they have

more success and they will have more stubborn and such people slowly move towards

bad and starts to ill treat other people

.. This way they will move away from me and go in wrong way. I just want people

to be strong and patience, so that they don't get too stubborn and care for

humanity, society and love .


God changes his form from handsome man to an ugly old lady.

God- How do I look Gautam?

Gautam – Ugly. I like your other idol form. Please change back.

God – why I am still the same God? Then why didn't you liked me this



Gautam – you looked more beautiful and more beautiful in that form.


God- with a heavy smile, I did this wantedly.

Dear Gautam, In this world there are many beautiful people and many ugly

people, as you human categories them. But inside all of them, it is the similar

soul which every one possesses and everyone is equal to me. Many people see

skin color difference and don't like the person who are dark colored even

though they have a very sweet and good heart, but like fair colored humans .

When you hurt a person you don't hurt his or her body , but you hurt his

or her soul.


If a person loves the other human irrespective of color, he or she in

turn is getting love from them. I have given love a very beautiful emotion to all human beings . only few uses them

properly, but most of them use it in a wrong and ugly way for their own self


God- Gautam have you seen the babies of all animals can

stand on its own feet after a few hours of it birth and most of them have the

capability of searching their own food , whereas the human baby cant do nothing

and needs help .

You know why I have not given these capabilities to human baby?

Most of the Childs, after birth for few years, are always under their

parents care. The main reason why I have made them handicapped from helping

themselves is because as parents help their child in every way from feeding to caring of their every necessity.The child when

becomes grown up has to help their parents in the same way, children serving

their parents in such way gets my blessing directly for a good prosperous life

even though they don't follow me.


Gautam – Why is it difficult to follow your path and why is it even more

difficult reaching you, God?


God- Gautam when you were a tycoon, can a common person meet you with

out an appointment .you meet only those people whom you need and who would

benefit you. In the same manner I God need love from my discipline true love so

it's difficult and time consuming to reach me because when I realize they love

me truly I show them my true love with every pleasure and joy they need.


Gautam- why do we face so many problems in our life? How does each

person's karma come into account?

God- Karma is about doing each person duty sincerely, most of them find some

excuses to escape from it which in turn leads them to problems.

Most of the problems are caused by ourselves because of our bad

thoughts, hatred and other bad features inside us. When a person become angry

he or she shouts at the other person and so not only do they hurts themselves

but also spoil the nearby environment and this spreading of evil continues as that person who got shouting,

shouts on other person to remove his or her hatred and the cycle moves.

If that person could have controlled himself and try not to show hidden

deep emotions to other person the evil will not spread and the person will have

more respect from their surroundings, family and society.


There were three friends in a restaurant and the waitress while serving

unknowingly split coffee on one of the friend .The restaurant manager saw it

and shouted at the girl but the kind person on whom the coffee fell asked the

manager not to shout and said it's a small mistake and convinced the manager to

leave the issue. The waitress went to get for him another cup of coffee. The

other two friends asked why you didn't get mad or shouted at her at least? She

has spoiled your dress and burnt your hand also. The kind friend smiled and

said my dress can be cleaned so problem solved, my hand will get cured within

3-4 days but if I could have hurt the lady who could have cured her hurted heart.

She in turn might get angry on me and might not serve me well or she

might show her bad emotion to other person and so my angriness invisibly spreads.

The waitress came back with a cup of coffee with a smiling face and said thank

you to him and apologized. The kind friend said to her you have a great smile.

Keep smiling. The waitress was also happy and served other person with more

happy face and confidence. The kind friend said to his other friend now your

understood what I meant by sharing sweet words and hiding wrong emotions. After

a few days those friend went back to the same restaurant the waitress served

them more cheerfully and was delighted to greet them, especially the kind



The reason I said this example is, Gautam that everyone makes a mistake

and everyone has his or her own troubles, but it is very important to keep

control of your senses and emotions. A smart person is one who can control his

or her senses in any conditions, this way he is not only helping others but he

is doing more good to himself.


God – Gautam you have heard enough from me and I was more

delighted than you to teach you and said you most of the things I felt

necessary to say .As you grow more in your life, I would teach you many other

things in different periods of your life . I want now that you teach the world

whatever I have said to you till now. I give you my blessings and power to

fight every bad thing in this world. Gautam knelt down on his knees for gods

blessing and god kept hand on his head and said I would always be there to help



" Life is more beautiful, when you understand yourself truly. "


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